How would more height above the surface create MORE perspective?
Again, look at the formula, a=atan(h0/d + d/2r).
Notice the h term in there?
Get higher, it is going to have a more significant effect.
Even you implicitly appeal to this, with your magic perspective magically lasting longer before failing to produce a more distant horizon.
What surface does perspective act on? How does perspective act over a curving down surface?
We have been over this, perspective on everything. Not just surfaces.
Perspective is simple geometry.
Take a hypothetical straight line passing straight through your eye, level with your eye as it passes through, and going directly above some point in the distance.
Then take a line perpendicular to that original line straight down to that object in the distance. Let the length of that second line be h, the height of your eye above the object.
Let the distance along the first line, from your eye, to the second line, be d, the distance to the object.
Then by simple geometry, the angle of dip to that object is given by atan(h/d).
Notice that this is just your eye and an object.
No surface involved.
If you want to invoke a surface, than that just affects the value of h.
e.g. for a flat surface passing level some distance h0 beneath you, then h=h0, regardless of distance, and you get:
a = atan(h0/d)
For a flat surface, passing below you at a height of h0 beneath you, but at some gradient m going down, then h=h0+m*d, so you get:
a = atan(h0/d + m)
For a parabola, of the form h=h0+d^2/2r, e.g. an approximation to the round Earth, you instead get:
For any generic surface, you have h as a function of d:
Perspective works on all of them. it doesn't care about what the surface is.
The part which only holds true for flat surfaces is that the angle continually rises (or falls) approaching some fixed angle (the gradient).
Note: CONTINUALLY! i.e. it never stops.
For other surfaces, that is not necessarily true.
For example, a curved surface, like the surface of Earth, will initially have the angle rise, but eventually curvature wins and it goes back down, producing the horizon. You know, the very thing you can't explain.
You clearly don’t understand how perspective works, or where it works, or where it doesn’t work at all.
You mean I do and recognise that you are spouting pure BS.
If I didn't understand, you would be able to refute what I say instead of just saying I'm wrong.
When you said the surface appears to rise up about three miles out, due to perspective, you thought that perspective would have flattened out a curve,
No, I didn't. That is just your pathetic strawman you keep repeating because you cannot refute what I have actually said.
because it’s seen entirely flat over that three miles of surface
Again, HOW?
You keep asserting this BS, yet provide NOTHING to substantiate it at all.
You seem to think by continually repeating the same pathetic claim it will magically be true.
And when we go higher above your ball, and see more of the curving downward surface, you believe perspective acts out even more than before, by flattening out even more of your curving down surface than with a smaller curved surface!
No, I don't.
Again that is your strawman.
But you say it doesn’t flatten out curves, it only looks flat, due to perspective
No, I don't.
Try responding to what I have actually said.
Perspective doesn’t act over curved surfaces, slanted up or down surfaces, bumpy wavy surfaces, or any other surface but flat surfaces.
And if this delusional BS of yours was true, then it wouldn't act over Earth, because the surface of Earth is NOT perfectly flat, even in your delusional fantasy, it isn't.
The surface of water has ripples. You might even call it a bumpy wavy surface.
Again, what magic is magically preventing simple geometry from acting on these surfaces?
Can you present anything to justify your dishonest, delusional BS? Or are you only capable of repeating the same BS again and again in the hopes of conning people into believing it?
Look at any truly flat surface you know is flat. It always appears to rise up, due to perspective. Imagine that flat surface being slightly curving away from you outward. It would rise up but less than it does over the flat surface.
Just like we observe on Earth.
Again, the big difference?
The curved surface eventually reaches a point where it has curved too much, and it produces a horizon.
But if you then move away from it, the horizon moves further away.
Conversely, the flat surface just keeps on rising until the edge.
If the surface was 10 times larger, the flat surface would keep rising up, but the curved surface would curve even more downward. Not rise at all, but curve more diownward.
That would be if it curved 10 times as much, not simply if it was 10 times larger.
If you simply scaled the entire system, so the curve was 10 times longer, had 10 times the radius and your height above it was 10 times, then it would appear IDENTICAL, because all the geometry is the same.
Flat surfaces always rise up the same way
And that continues forever, never producing a horizon.
A curved surface is the opposite. It keeps curving down, and no perspective acts at all.
You keep contradicting yourself.
Just above you have said it does act. But now you are saying it doesn't.
But again, you are yet to present anything to justify that BS at all.
Why does perspective magically not act.
What they show us is not what we’d see above a real ball that size. It’s not even possible.
Because you say so?
You are yet to justify your BS at all. You are yet to even attempt to.
Compare both surfaces at any size. Only the flat surface keeps rising up
That's right, the flat surface keeps rising up, FOREVER (or until the edge).
The curved surface only initially appears to rise, until it eventually reaches a "peak" after which it drops down, producing the horizon.
Again, care to answer the questions that show you have been lying to everyone?
Why does the horizon form at 5 km?
Why does it vary with altitude?
What is this magical formula you claim you have?
Why does the angle of dip increase with increasing altitude?
Can you honestly answer any of these, or are you only capable of repeating the same pathetic lies again and again?