No, you don’t understand the whole problem here.
I do understand the problem quite well.
You are DESPERATE to pretend Earth is flat. So you need to group together everyone that shows it isn't, to pretend there is a massive conspiracy involving so many people it isn't funny, all to pretend your delusional BS is true.
But even the crap you are appealing to now doesn't help you, for reasons already explained.
Even if you show these astronomers lied, that still doesn't magically make Saturn close. The parallax to it still demonstrates it is incredibly far away and your flat fantasy doesn't work.
But you don't care about any of that, because you have deluded yourself into believing that if you can show a single lie, that means it all must be wrong; so if NASA says grass is green, then clearly it isn't.
It’s about claims made without being validated or confirmed as true by other sources, who are independent and not connected to those who made the claims, who can personally find out and witness what they have claimed to be seen, etc.
No, it is about you wilfully rejecting claims, and making no attempt to validate them, all to pretend space is fake.
Every claim, everyone who has ever made any claim about ‘space’, in any issue related to ‘space’, has never allowed others to validate or confirm their claims
No one is stopping you.
Plenty get validated on a day to day basis, with things like GPS, and observations.
No one is stopping you from making an observation of the ISS, right where it is meant to be.
No one is stopping from getting a group of people together to go make observations from multiple locations to try to determine where it actually is.
And there are plenty of groups which have gone into space or put things into space, and track objects in space.
Astronomers claimed and still make claims about seeing things in ‘space’, through their own telescopes
And no one was stopping people from getting their own.
You could make one yourself, or you can now pay people to make them for you.
No one is stopping you.
Stop appealing to your wilful ignorance.
They are under no obligation to give everyone a view through their telescope.
Like I said earlier, just a tiny bit of time for each person equates to years spent.
To one, that is given the chance to see Saturn up close through this telescope, they’d all want to film it, of course.
What is the point?
Only a complete idiot would waste the opportunity of seeing it through their own eyes to instead just get crappy footage of it.
Why haven’t any of them, or anyone at NASA, the Kings Of All Knowing Things of Space, ever shown Saturn on a video, or any other ‘planets’?
Because they are more interested in getting a high quality image.
Just consider how insane your position is.
The idea that this better footage will show Saturn as motionless. Yet instead of taking advantage of that to take a picture to get a nice high quality image, you want them to go and take a video.
That would be as stupid as going to a famous work of art, setting up a camera on a tripod, and then just taking a video.
What is the video going to show?
What scientific merit is there to obtaining it?
To those honest who will accept reality, there is already plenty of evidence regarding the motion of Saturn.
To dishonest conspiracy nuts like you, that video would not be enough. You will still just dismiss it as fake.
You want them to waste time collecting completely useless crap.
You have had that crap refuted countless times.
Give it up unless you want to go back and defend it.
This telescope showed the same thing as the others did
No, they have shown drastically different levels of distortion, indicating these poor quality telescopes or poor quality video, are suffering from significant distortion of the view, and that what you are seeing is NOT what Saturn would actually look like through their telescopes.
moving rapidly
You are yet to justify your claim of any actual motion of Saturn.
Again, the differences in the footage clearly indicate there is significant distortion affecting the view.
Your plane or that video with the truck are blurred out in every frame of the videos, which shows it’s an effect causing it.
Just like Saturn, and the stars.
The OBJECT is distorted and not clear to see, but the distortions can create illusory features which can appear sharp.
It shows details on it
Just like the plane.
The videos of Saturn and the stars and the planes are all quite alike.
The only part which is special is the black background.
when those loathsome liars
The lithesome liar here is you.
Still blatantly lying about what has been presented to you.
making up a bs ‘method’ of how to ‘magnify’ the stars
No, using the exact same method as used for other objects.
There is no magical special method.
You keep claiming this BS, yet provide nothing to justify it.
Every star is trillions of miles away, we cannot ever see them up close, cannot see anything of them, just as tiny points of light, but they know they’re all perfectly round in shape, somehow!
Not perfectly round. But it is by understanding what they are.
Now again, do you have any evidence to justify your insane cliams?