Stacking up more lies to support other lies.
That does seem to be what you are doing.
Claim the long dead astronomers are lying.
Then claim NASA is lying as well to dismiss the evidence which supports them.
Then lie about the footage you appeal to.
All you can do is lie and lie and lie.
You have NOTHING to justify your lies.
The lousy telescopes we have didn’t work out so well for you.
You mean they didn't help support your case at all.
You’re trying to defend your liars
No, I'm objecting to your entirely baseless claims.
You are yet to even come close to showing they are liars.
But you have demonstrated you are a liar repeatedly.
a magical coincidence it looks like one blotchy belt on the other videos too!
There is no magical coincidence there.
Cheap crap which can't resolve it wont resolve and instead will leave it blurry.
Stupid iPhone cameras! One day we’ll see those multiple belts they told us they saw!
You can already look at the pictures from NASA.
You know an independent body which has verified their claims?
Which you are so desperate to reject you pretend they aren't independent and can't be trusted.
But do you know what your claims lack?
Any evidence to support them.
Hundreds or more videos showing their claims are falsehoods are not evidence to you?
Because you say that’s not evidence, and make up crappy excuses for hundreds of videos that ARE valid and independent sources, hundreds of independent sources, all matching up to the others, accounting for their quality of footage, of course.
It’s not just that none of them show any multiple distinct belts at all, no distinct feature on a belts edge, nor anything else they claimed to see on Saturns orb, which specifically described Saturn as a slowly rotating ‘planet’, and ever since then!
The first indication their claims look sketchy is not because no videos or images existed yet.
The very first sign of deception was hiding away telescopes from us, never allowing anyone else to have or buy one, for any price at all, and never building or selling any telescopes the same as theirs, or any telescope period!
They finally had no choice but to sell the first telescope to the public, and it was complete garbage, the best binoculars we had at the time were far better instruments than that crappy so called telescope.
The next indication of being fishy, a big sign of it, was that they never looked at everything again, with ever better telescopes they developed over the last 200 years.
They never did one more study of Saturn again, check out and verify their reports and time of rotation, with far superior telescopes.
Another sign of bs is that NASA claimed to have sent a ‘space probe’ out to Saturn, and timed its rotation, and said the time was incredibly close to theirs 200 years ago!
Which means they never looked and validated and refined their reports and claims ever again, or maybe nasa forgot about the later reports, but none exist, it seems, so that’s not the case.
It’s not because there’s many other things to look and study above us, everything is repeatedly looked at again and again, through ever better telescopes….
Look at the telescope used for the video taken by an iPhone, that’s the first video of Saturn through the worlds greatest telescope a century ago?!?!
If they could see all this by eye 200 years ago with a far inferior telescope, it would’ve been seen many many more times, and they’d take lots of images and videos of it through telescopes just like THIS one!
We’d use the best cameras to take images and videos of Saturn, to further confirm and validate their first reports, refine them, with better instruments, this is how sciences always act, except for Saturn, so far at least.
There’s no need to look into others at this point, their claims about Saturn are proven as falsehoods.
Your drivel about having no evidence their claims were falsehoods, or lies, is complete nonsense.
Those who find someone’s claims have no valid evidence, will present their claims as having no evidence, or very little evidence, or so on…
We allow those who made these claims to show valid evidence, or those who support their claims as true.
Those who present others claims as having no evidence, do not have to look for evidence of OTHERS claims, and if none is ever found, and there is solid evidence against their claims as true….
They are regarded as lies, or most likely as lies, but when we look at their claims about Saturn, it is their detailed descriptions they claimed to see which make them lies beyond any doubt.
When a superior telescope shown their claims weren’t true, your saying that’s not evidence because it was taken by an iPhone camera is what YOU claim, and what YOU have no evidence of as true.
Your iPhone claim is complete bs, you haven’t a shred of evidence for it, why do you think your iPhone bs claim needs no evidence for it, you just say it’s true, and everyone must accept it as true? What an arrogant fool, you are.
You had to change your excuse after it was proven as bs, and no, it’s not up to me to prove your iPhone bs claim has no evidence, there is no evidence for it, and YOU are the one who CLAIMED it, which means YOU must prove your claim is true with valid evidence!!
All you do is make up excuses for their bs claims, and then say I have no evidence they lied!
Right, because your claim that an iPhone camera did it, and you want me to believe your crap as true?
Sure, you say it’s an iPhone causing it to blur out multiple distinct rings, or it’s caused by this or that, and then say I have no evidence their claims were lies!!
Anything you make up as an excuse is just endless bs.
Anyone who tries to say it’s due to an iPhone camera, is hopelessly delusional.
Is that all models of iPhones, or this model used here? Do you even know what the model of iPhone it is?
Show me other videos taken by iPhone cameras which do this…
Actually, it is all shown by the telescope that way, before we look through it at Saturn by eye or by camera, any type of camera.
I’d really like to see your evidence for what they claimed of seeing multiple distinct belts, that is the first claim made here, over 200 years ago, and has never had any evidence for it. You act like their claim of multiple distinct belts is true, unless I can prove it’s NOT true!
That’s not how it works. The one who claims something or those who support their claims must show evidence for it.
You claim it’s due to the iPhone camera, without a shred of valid evidence for your claim.
While I have shown their claims as falsehoods, with abundant evidence for it. And I have no need to show ANY evidence their claims were falsehoods, when it is their claims which must have evidence for them to begin with.
In a court of law, their claims would be prosecuted as having no evidence to support their claims as being true.
Those claims should have been put in a court of law, because they were very significant claims that if are true, have many further implications beyond that.
If you don’t think their claims were important and significant, they certainly show how they are now.
Their claims made Saturn into a planet, described by them seeing distinct features on Saturn, as multiple distinct belts, and seeing their edges, and seeing a very distinct feature on one edge of a belt, and seeing this distinct feature fixed in position on Saturn, on a belts edge, after seeing its entire edges which had half of its edges as parallel to one another, and the other half as not parallel, where they saw this unique and distinct feature on an edge of it, fixed in position on Saturn, and saw it had moved to other positions on Saturn hours or whatever time they saw Saturn later on that night.
You should already understand that they were the ones who made those claims about Saturn, thats very obvious to see.
Since you are defending their claims as not being lies, or no evidence they are lies, then you must first show evidence FOR their claims, because they had no evidence for their claims to begin with, and never did, and died without any evidence for their claims.
You cannot come into a courtroom, tell the judge you didn’t claim anything, they did, without any evidence for it, so you don’t need to show any evidence for their claims, but you can demand to see evidence of what they said about their claims being lies!!
Why would you ever think you can defend their claims in not being lies, but think you don’t need evidence for their claims at all to begin with?
You’re acting for their claims, defending their claims, and you must show evidence for these claims you are defending as if you made those claims yourself.
Not a half assed pick and choose for you to demand that others say or believe about their claims.
Your off your rocker.