Their claims have plenty of evidence to support them which you dismiss as fake because it comes from a completely body known as NASA which you hate.
It’s not about hate, or love, those are human emotions, opinions, they must have a basis for it, or they’re meaningless to say at all.
As I’ve already told you, NASA isn’t a valid source of evidence, being nobody else can ever confirm their claims or ‘evidence’ is true.
If everyone of us cannot go up into ‘space’ to first confirm that SPACE actually exists as they claim, an endless area beyond the Earth, without a made up unproven to exist ‘force’ called ‘gravity’….,
How many things they have claimed to be true, without even one of them having any valid, real proof at all?
Endless space beyond Earth has no proof of existing.
Earth as ball has no valid proof of being true, built upon ‘endless space’ first being claimed by them.
A ball Earth was claimed to be a shadow on the moon, yet cannot be true because not always a circle or arc in shape, so cannot be from a ball Earth being a circle if in shadow.
They later changed their ckam it was ball Earths shadow, it was also a reflection of sunlight hitting the ball Earth surface bouncing up to the moon 24000 miles away, or some other thing, or so forth.
A force called ‘gravity’ arrived after they claimed Earth as a ball.
Every one of their claims, from day one, and ever since then, to this very day, are built upon nothing but their unproven, unconfirmed by others, unseen at all by others, because all of their claims are about ‘space’ as existing, to start with.
Having no valid evidence that ‘endless space’ really exists at all, has no proof at all of existing, is the first, most crucial problem here.
Everything else is built on ‘endless space’ existing, but there’s never been any proof it exists at all.
It is just the very same skies in daylight, but without the light of the Sun, when it’s dark or blackened, which allows the smaller lights of things to be seen in darkness above Earth.
Which means we have to first prove, without any doubt at all, whether or not our skies are blue, and we can pass through them, beyond them, into the darkness of endless ‘space’, so we first have proof, of ‘space existing at all.
‘Space’ is claimed to be all black, colorless. Only objects like Earth, stars, etc are seen through the blackness of ‘space’
They first claimed this, before it could ever be seen as a ball, or any shape at all, they made up ‘space’, blackness works as an illusion, because distances of objects within darkness, without first knowing their true sizes, without having reference points of known distances to consider close or far from, because it’s not possible to know in darkness, without knowing actual sizes of the objects above Earth, being nobody had been high enough to see anything at all…
Claims made by ANYONE, ANY GROUP of people, any collective group of people, which may appear independent groups, but are one group in reality, would never be valid sources.
NASA isn’t a valid source, nor those connected to NASA are valid sources, they are not independent sources, they’re connected to NASA, work with NASA, and that’s why they’re not valid, independent sources.
Any sources must be independent parties, or people, and must be confirmed by other sources that are independent and valid sources.
Comparing your sources to my sources…
Your sources are all in the one group, connected as one group, wholly acting as one group.
NASA and those others may appear to be independent groups, by name, in other nations and governments. But they are the one same group.
They claim Earth is a ball, within endless space, support this is true, and real, based on NASA’s claims of being true, proven as true…
Let’s again consider their claim that it is our skies that are blue, because if the sky isn’t the blue we see above Earth in daylight, then they have lied about the skies being blue, or made up something to explain the blue.
Rayleigh scattering, that sounded like a scientific term, not connected to anything proven to exist.
It’s unbelievable that we’ve never understood that Rayleigh scattering was claimed to cause or create by some means, the air above Earth, which is clear and colorless in its normal state, to become a blue in colour, due to Rayleigh scattering, a phenomenon caused by sunlight scattering all its individual colour wavelengths through the air, which filters all out except for wavelengths of blue, thus making the sky appear to be blue..
Once again, I’ll ask you how can that be true, when over 85% of the air is not at all blue, it is actually all clear?
They’ve claimed a phenomenon is acting on air, that sunlight hits the air and filters out all the colours wavelength except those of blue wavelength.
Air is the key component here.
Showing some images of a blue tint down from a plane, is never seen from planes as a blue at all, and almost all images show it’s clear. We’ve seen it always as clear.
Any images with a blue colour or blue ‘tint’ shown in the skies below planes, aren’t valid images, anyone can edit in blue tints into images, and you claim they prove the sky is blue, just add in a blue tint to images, say the sky is blue tinted!
You think anyone would believe such bs?
Your so desperate to save this lie, you try to find any image with a blue sky, then try to convince people that have seen clear skies below planes many times before that their sense of sight is wrong?
Your side has tried to tell us our senses are wrong, that when we never feel ourselves being pulled down or held down to the surface by a made up force, our senses are not to be trusted, say that most people DO feel themselves being held down to Earth, pulled down from a force below them when skydiving through air.
That’s complete bs.
Falling through air from a plane, is called a free fall.
Only winds hitting them from some direction will be felt as a force acting on them during a fall through air. Because wind is a real force that acts on them and we feel it acting on us.
We feel forces acting on us, we feel a pulling or pushing force which acts on us.
Trying to make up a fake force was out of necessity, it was never going to fool people it was real, at first, and they couldn’t claim it was a proven force, without being able to prove a made up force.
So they first said it was a theoretical force. They can’t prove such a force actually exists.
It’s never been proven to exist.