They've lied to the world about the stars

  • 1551 Replies
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1410 on: November 09, 2024, 08:59:20 AM »
It’s not up to me to look everywhere for evidence because they claimed this bs without a shred of evidence, it’s their claims, their job to have evidence for their claims, not my job to see if I can find evidence they never had to begin with. You’re an imbecile and in denial of how claims and evidence work, because you support scumbags who lied and got caught lying. They’re your liars, don’t weasel out of it

Are you talking to Jack Black here, or are you talking to yourself yet again? It's difficult to tell! If the former, you are wrong that he's an imbevile, right that he's in denial, but wrong he's in denial about how claims and evidence work.

Ok, so let's say you are right about all these liars. Where do you go from here? But how does any of what you think about liars about stars and planets, point to our Earth being not a globe?

Does this mean you will be setting out to find Earth's edge? Maybe you could finally map the flat earth, which has never been done before, measure and determine it's exact shape, and finally be able to make a to-scale model of the flat earth for the whole world to see. Wouldn't that be something?

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1411 on: November 09, 2024, 09:36:39 AM »
You are quite content dishing out the insults to all and sundry, and playing the smartest guy in the room shtick, but can't seem to handle even the slightest insult, the weakest criticism, or the obvious irony of your own words.
You sure are like a FEer, just continually spouting crap without any concern for how false it is.

Your comeback everytime, is that you look around you and the world around you is not flat like standing in the middle of a pancake.
My "comeback" is the fact that my immediate environment is not flat.

Your dishonest BS is pretending that because people don't consciously think about the shape, that must magically mean they treat Earth as flat.

Nobody on this forum is going to race to my defence and agree with me,  but have you noticed you are the only person telling me
i.e. most people don't give a damn and don't engage with your pathetic trolling.
That doesn't mean they think you are right. That more likely means they think you are pathetic.
If they agreed with you, why aren't they coming to your defence?
And do you also notice how you directly insult me with your delusional BS?

e.g. when you lied to everyone by saying I am suffering from denial, because I don't accept your delusional BS.
Why don't you try spreading those lies about other people, and see how they respond.

And do you notice you are the only one spouting that BS?

One of us is deluded about this
Yes, YOU!

I haven't said anything false, and I'm not the one trolling. Your "comeback" has been neatly addressed by the flat earth crowd who agree with you. Your immediate environment is not flat like a pancake but is horizontal like one, with earth curvature imperceivable and undetectable. Horizontal and perpendicular to the earth's gravity wherever you are, and contains all the flat earther justifications for one being a flat earther. If people are not consciously thinking about earth curvature and living on a giant globe, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as flat. 

Does the builder of a new house factor in earth curvature? Does the local football team factor in earth curvature when playing a game of football on the football field? Are you thinking about earth curvature when filling up your car with fuel? No, no and no.

You are entitled to your opinions and I am entitled to mine. If I say you are living in denial about not treating your immediate environment as a flat earth, that isn't a lie, that is my honest opinion.

Do you understand the difference between expressing an honest opinion and telling a lie? I thought you would have after all these years of your endless pointless debate with Turbonium about Saturn, but apparently not.

I could say to you "Fee, fie, fo, fum", and your sensitive little feelings would be deeply insulted. Do you need to fill out a hurt feelings report because I think you are in denial? Do I care your opinion of me is a pathetic troll? Do you see me running around crying that you are lying about me?

Why don't you run a forum poll, if you are so sure you are correct? Let's see how many people on here agree with me or disagree.....unless you're too chicken?
« Last Edit: November 09, 2024, 10:10:24 AM by Smoke Machine »



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1412 on: November 09, 2024, 02:47:18 PM »
Demands the fool
The fool here is you.

I’m the only one who HAS evidence
Quite the opposite. You are the one with NO evidence for your claims, who instead demands others prove them wrong.
When you got upset at that with your BS claims about the stars, you then deflected to observations of long dead astronomers to try to shift the burden of proof.

scumbags from being proven liars.
The scumbag here who has been proven a liar is you.
You are yet to even come close to proving anyone other than yourself is a liar.

You get funnier and more desperate every day, it’s not going to get any better in future if that’s what you think.
A lot funnier, and more deranged, but your to blame for that, I warned you many times, you choose denial, so be it
You sure do love projecting a lot.

There’s not much left here..
Yes, you have been shown to be spouting pure BS.
Your last ditch attempt to try to save your delusional BS and avoid you having to provide the evidence which could possibly show you were right was to appeal to the fact that in your delusional fantasy we should be seeing celestial objects from different angles on Earth; yet we don't, clearly destroying your delusional fantasy.
So you now you throw a tantrum, still refusing to provide anything to justify your delusional BS, and instead making up excuses as to why you shouldn't.

We can see it by eye, ask what they saw by eye
Why don't you?
Again, you are the one with the burden of proof here.

Sure they claimed to see multiple distinct rings on Saturn without a shred of proof for it in over 200 years
You mean with plentiful proof you dismiss.
You can't even decide on if you want to stick to just focusing on real time video or other evidence.

We have sent space probes which got much closer and captured images of these multiple bands.
We have amateurs using the technique of stacking images to get a better quality image which also shows multiple bands.

So what you are really relying upon is your wilful ignorance of so much evidence which shows you are wrong.

their unproven claims
Again, the issue for this thread are YOUR unproven claims.
YOU claimed they lied, so the burden is on YOU to prove it.

You cannot appeal to your wilful ignorance to pretend they are liars, even though you are desperately trying to.

Thanks for being a scumbag who supports the same, but everyone knows what you are, you more than anyone else know that
Again, the scumbag here is you.
Just look at your desperation.
Look at you trying whatever you can to avoid having to prove your claims.
Look at you trying to demand everyone else has to prove you wrong.

Look at you, who after trying to claim something to save your delusional fantasy, which was still filled with easily refutable lies, you just entire flee from the logical consequences of it where it shows your delusional fantasy can never be true.
And look at you continually jumping between so many different topics, all because you can't justify your BS.
The desperate lying scumbag here is you.



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1413 on: November 09, 2024, 02:58:16 PM »
I haven't said anything false
You have said plentiful things which are false.

You continually claim that my immediate environment is flat.
That is pure BS.

You have repeatedly claimed I am in denial.
That is also pure BS.

Your immediate environment is not flat like a pancake but is horizontal like one
My immediate environment is not horizontal.
The ground has elevation changes.
It is not flat.

If you want to go to more obscure points than that, the changes in elevation I experience allow me to easily see to different distances, being able to see further the higher I am; something which relies upon Earth's curvature and makes no sense in a flat Earth.

If people are not consciously thinking about earth curvature and living on a giant globe, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as flat.
No, they aren't.
If that delusional BS was true, you could say pretty much the exact opposite:
"If people are not consciously thinking about earth's flatness and living on a giant disc, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as round."

It is pure BS.
People, in the moment, are typically not thinking about the shape of Earth at all.
That does not mean they are treating their environment as flat.

Not thinking about curvature does not mean they are treating it as flat.
Stop repeating this BS again and again.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, it will not magically make it true.

You are entitled to your opinions and I am entitled to mine.
You are entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts.
If you say something as a factual statement, rather than a subjective opinion based statement, you are wrong and are lying. You might be able to get away with ignorance if it is only the first time, but you continually repeating it showing no concern for the truth is lying.

If you make a claim that I am in denial, that is you making a statement of fact, not an opinion, so when it is wrong, and you continually make the same wrong claim, you are lying.

Do you understand the difference between expressing an honest opinion and telling a lie?
Yes, do you?
Expressing an honest opinion would either be something entirely subjective, like ice cream is the best; or where you make a claim about a statement of fact but clearly prefix it with it being only in your opinion.
In contrast, making a statement of fact (which does not need to be correct), which is false, and doing so intentionally, is lying.

You are not expressing an honest opinion.
You are repeatedly lying, because you are a pathetic troll who gets off on it.

Me calling you a troll is not a statement of opinion. It is a fact.

Do you see me running around crying that you are lying about me?
I'm not running around crying.
I am directly responding to your lies.
And if you claimed I was lying about you, you would be lying again.

Why don't you run a forum poll
Why don't you?

But why would I care what the results of a poll were? Truth is not decided by popular vote.
If your only defence is that people agree with you, then your position is pretty much worthless.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 11:15:59 AM by JackBlack »

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1414 on: November 09, 2024, 08:53:10 PM »
We have sent space probes which got much closer and captured images of these multiple bands.
We have amateurs using the technique of stacking images to get a better quality image which also shows multiple bands.

The fake ‘endless space’, and the fake ‘space probes’, neither having a shred of valid evidence, and never confirmed to even exist or ever will be, whether any or all were true or false, is not relevant to you, since all their claims and ‘evidence’ is immediately believed as true by you, never doubted true, without a shred of valid evidence for any of it.

Again, since you still have no clue what actually IS valid
evidence and what is not…

It is not evidence if there is no independent confirmation and/or multiple other sources for that same evidence, or similar evidence supporting it entirely.

It is not evidence when it comes from the ones in question, same way it would be if I claimed to take all images and videos of Saturn, wouldn’t be valid evidence unless confirmed by others with evidence supporting mine completely, as much as possible anyway.

When I point out their claims of Saturn had no evidence at all, it is the truth, no evidence exists for their claims.

When I told you, when you saw, that all of our videos, regardless of each one’s quality and value, which range from good to poor, same as any would.

The clearest and sharpest of our videos, and the video through a clearly superior telescope taken by an iPhone camera, ALL show much the same thing, despite with different instruments, different conditions, and different locations and times and dates.

That is taken from every video we have of Saturn, not one is different from the others, they all match up, accounting for there many variances, which makes it even more convincing evidence.

Excusing the lot in one sweep, as not valid evidence, not clear to see, all are too blurry, to see features on Saturn, which you don’t even know or have seen to exist as yet, which are not in any videos, which DO all show one large area in the middle of the orb, constantly changing its outer edges, indicating that Saturn itself is in constant motion.

But none show multiple distinct belts or that it appears motionless as the moon does, moving too slowly to see as motion.

Those are very important features seen in all our videos, the ones which are clear enough to see all these things, of course.

They are completely independent sources, each of them has no link or connection to the other ones, truly the best independent sources of evidence that can possibly exist, worldwide public evidence, all matching up.

That certainly makes it valid evidence, each one is independent source, and all match up and consistent with one another.

Your biased and tainted viewpoint denies all evidence which is against your argument, not from any valid reasoning, just a lousy excuse, that attempts to sweep all the evidence into one thing, and your same excuses for every video.

They are all showing one, only one, big and blotchy feature on Saturns orb, even using all sorts of different instruments, in different CONDITIONS of atmosphere, your excuse fails to work since they would all look different from the different conditions of the atmosphere, so it has nothing to do with the atmosphere or it’s effects or conditions at the time.

Enough of your crappy excuse, it is entirely illogical nonsense.

Saturn has one large area in the orbs middle section, nothing more is seen of it, although we will see it more clearly and closer in future, what is then shown of Saturn is yet to be seen, but we already see more of it than they did back then, and your last hope is that an iPhone camera caused Saturns multiple distinct belts to blur into the same one big blotchy area seen on all the other videos, which would be an amazing coincidence to have an iPhone create the same feature, and all the different conditions of every other video create the same feature too!



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1415 on: November 09, 2024, 09:43:25 PM »
The fake ‘endless space’, and the fake ‘space probes’
You mean the real space, and real space probes, which you have nothing to show is fake, and there is plenty of evidence to show is real.
But because it doesn't fit in your delusional fantasy, you reject it all as fake.

Again, since you still have no clue what actually IS valid
evidence and what is not…
And straight up to projecting yet again.
I do.
I understand that if you want to show something, the evidence you use needs to actually be able to show that, rather than it being something else.

You entirely ignore that.

It is not evidence if there is no independent confirmation and/or multiple other sources for that same evidence, or similar evidence supporting it entirely.
And there is that evidence.

I notice that you are just focusing on the space probe, while ignore the amateur photos.

When I point out their claims of Saturn had no evidence at all
It is your wilful ignorance.

That is taken from every video we have of Saturn, not one is different from the others, they all match up, accounting for there many variances, which makes it even more convincing evidence.
Pure BS.
They do change quite significantly. We can see the poorer ones are for more affected by atmospheric turbulence, demonstrating you are spouting pure BS.

Excusing the lot in one sweep, as not valid evidence
I'm not excusing it.
I have explained it.
I have also explained what you would need for valid evidence.
And you then do whatever you can to avoid having to provide it.

The best response so far has you been you effectively pointing out that the observations of the stars don't match what is expected for a FE at all, effectively refuting your own delusional fantasy.
Yet when that was pointed out, you just ignore it entirely.

indicating that Saturn itself is in constant motion.
No, it doesn't, as already explained.

Again, what you have entirely failed to provide is evidence that is the motion of parts of Saturn rather than atmospheric turbulence or the like.
You have entirely failed to demonstrate such a view is possible without atmospheric turbulence distorting it.
You are yet to provide simultaneous views from multiple locations at the same time showing the same features moving in the same way.

So no, that is NOT indicating Saturn is in constant motion.

And again, given how much worse this distortion is for the poorer quality videos (e.g. those shot with just a camera rather than a telescope) it is actually a strong indication that it is from atmospheric turbulence.

motionless as the moon does
You have had this dishonest, delusional BS of yours refuted countless times.
Why bother bringing it up again?

You even had videos of the moon provided where it clearly would count as moving according to your delusional BS.
Yet you ignore that.

That certainly makes it valid evidence
No, it doesn't, as explained. That "evidence" you appeal to cannot distinguish between an effect of the atmosphere and motion of Saturn.
If anything, the only way it does is by seeing it is worse in some, showing it is atmospheric turbulence.

Your biased and tainted viewpoint
You mean my honest, and rational viewpoint rejects your baseless claims, and instead considers what could cause the observation to see if your evidence is sufficient.
While your biased and tainted viewpoint will find whatever BS you can and present it as if it is rock solid proof, and then ignore any objections or just excuse them away. You will even resort to blatantly lying to everyone to pretend your delusional BS is true. All while dismissing evidence that shows you are wrong as fake.

not from any valid reasoning
If I didn't have valid reasoning, you would be able to show faults with it.
Instead you just ignore it and deflect.
All you have are lousy excuses for why you shouldn't need to prove your claim.

Enough of your crappy excuse, it is entirely illogical nonsense.
I'm not the one with the crappy excuses, but yours certainly are illogical garbage.
So yes, ENOUGH!
Provide evidence that it is the motion of Saturn.
Either provide a video of a view of a 1 m wide object through 10 km of sea level atmosphere, showing it perfectly still with no distortion at all; or show multiple views of Saturn from different observers, at different location, at the same time, showing the same features moving the same.
And before you bother with your illogical objection to that again, remember, claiming it should look different refutes the FE.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1416 on: November 09, 2024, 11:47:06 PM »
Thanks for making up a magical and omnipotent newly discovered ‘effect’ of our atmosphere.

It does all things and explains all problems you can’t excuse away, because this magical effect will be the only excuse you’ll ever need again!

The greatest problem solver since gravity came along, this magical effect is the perfect companion to gravity, each one solving every problem like a team, used at different places, and win over truth and reality, with lies and no evidence, because neither one exists, no proof is needed, just act like they do exist and are well proven to exist. That sounds good.

Two or three made up things can go a long way to save your fairy tale, just build excuses around them, and say that answers it.

You’re making up a nonsense story about a magical non-existing effect, and try to plug it in as another real effect of atmosphere.

No effects act eternally on an object, show me sources that mention this effect, what it does, where we can see it acting out, saying it is an eternally acting out effect that is visibly acting out on something for all eternity.

Because if you have no sources on this specific effect, then you’re lying, yet again.

Why would you still not get a clue that a ‘heat haze’ does not act out for eternity on objects, they form into existence, and die off from existence.

Perhaps you think there’s a heat haze acting out on Saturn and all the stars for eternity, with millions of sub- effects that go to each star, making them have details and motion and shapes, that are unique to each star.

Oh, and saying I have no proof it’s not from your made up super duper effect, is what has no proof at all, no sources that mention it exists, and is complete bs you just made up out of pure desperation.

No made up effects are going to save your bs story, just stay in denial forever, until you leave the Earth and see the truth before you.

Let’s think about how a star could show details on it, and show the same details in every subsequent frame or two, but in different positions and orientations on those same details. And continually change positions in all other frames, while are always the very same unique details throughout the time.

That does not need me to prove it is not caused by an effect of atmosphere, just because you say it’s caused by an effect, and think I need to prove your total bs claim is wrong. It’s insane, absolutely delusional.

A heat haze, that’s hilarious!



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1417 on: November 10, 2024, 02:41:06 AM »
Thanks for making up a magical and omnipotent newly discovered ‘effect’ of our atmosphere.
You mean thanks for pointing out an entirely non-magical, well established and well known effect of the atmosphere, that any decent photographer would know about?
It meaning your pathetic BS isn't evidence of your delusional BS doesn't make it magical.
That is just your pathetic excuse you keep bringing up to pretend you shouldn't need to prove your insane claims.

win over truth and reality, with lies and no evidence
Says the one repeatedly dismissing reality, lying about so many things it isn't funny, and making up whatever excuses you can for why you shouldn't need to provide evidence for your claims.

As a reminder, YOU are the one who has no evidence for their claims.
As a reminder, YOU are the one who came in with bold claims, which you have refused to justify.

Two or three made up things can go a long way to save your fairy tale
I'll stick to reality. You can cling to your pathetic fairy tales.

You’re making up a nonsense story about a magical non-existing effect
No, I'm pointing out an aspect of reality you need to continually flee from and lie about.
Remember how I provided footage of the moon, zoomed in quite a lot, where the moon according to your delusional BS would be moving, with features on the surface moving around?
Which you just ignored, and instead tried to appeal to the not so zoomed in one?

No effects act eternally on an object, show me sources that mention this effect, what it does, where we can see it acting out, saying it is an eternally acting out effect that is visibly acting out on something for all eternity.
Appealing to your wilful ignorance wont save you.

Because if you have no sources on this specific effect, then you’re lying, yet again.
As a reminder, you are yet to demonstrate any lie from me, but I have demonstrated plenty from you.

Why would you still not get a clue that a ‘heat haze’ does not act out for eternity on objects
Because that is just your delusional fantasy.
Back in reality, the atmosphere is never still.
In reality there is always a distortion from the atmosphere, the only question is how significant it is.

That is why I gave you a simple task which you could use as evidence, go film a 1 m wide object from a distance of 10 km, through sea level atmosphere, and show it perfectly motionless.
Go print out a nice big picture of Saturn, and view it from a distance of 10 km.

that are unique to each star.
You are yet to demonstrate anything that is unique to a star.

Oh, and saying I have no proof it’s not from your made up super duper effect
Is not what I have said at all.
Instead, I have said you need to demonstrate it is not from a well known effect of the atmosphere, an affect which can be shown to affect countless things, of which you have been provided several examples, and even your own footage shows it effecting at least the poorer quality ones.

This is not made up by me at all.
So yes, you do need to prove it isn't that.

Dismissing it as magical or made up, is just pathetic BS you are clinging to out of pure desperation.

No made up effects are going to save your bs story
Again, I don't have a BS story. That would be you.
And you are just clinging to more and more BS while continuing to deny reality.
You are so desperate you want to pretend the atmosphere is perfectly still, with no turbulence at all.
Truly pathetic, and truly despearate.

Let’s think about how a star could show details on it
I have already thought about it and explained it.
You have the same thing happening with the moon.

while are always the very same unique details throughout the time.
Except they aren't.
And the same is observed for all objects with a small enough angular size viewed through a large enough amount of atmosphere.

So yes, you DO need to prove it is not the atmosphere.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1418 on: November 10, 2024, 03:29:38 AM »

Which you then fled from?

That old line.  You are in a rut and predictable.

Deciding not to waste loads of time on jackasses, liars, and trolls that have no intention of honest debate is just simple prudence.  Not fleeing. 

While you bang your head against the FE wall, while trolls make you dance Jackblack.

Look at FE make Jackblack dance.  Look at Jetblack being the government shill and losing totally decorum over UAP’s or just right out government incompetence. 

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1419 on: November 10, 2024, 03:34:16 AM »
Thanks for making up a magical and omnipotent newly discovered ‘effect’ of our atmosphere.
You mean thanks for pointing out an entirely non-magical, well established and well known effect of the atmosphere, that any decent photographer would know about?
It meaning your pathetic BS isn't evidence of your delusional BS doesn't make it magical.
That is just your pathetic excuse you keep bringing up to pretend you shouldn't need to prove your insane claims.

win over truth and reality, with lies and no evidence
Says the one repeatedly dismissing reality, lying about so many things it isn't funny, and making up whatever excuses you can for why you shouldn't need to provide evidence for your claims.

As a reminder, YOU are the one who has no evidence for their claims.
As a reminder, YOU are the one who came in with bold claims, which you have refused to justify.

Two or three made up things can go a long way to save your fairy tale
I'll stick to reality. You can cling to your pathetic fairy tales.

You’re making up a nonsense story about a magical non-existing effect
No, I'm pointing out an aspect of reality you need to continually flee from and lie about.
Remember how I provided footage of the moon, zoomed in quite a lot, where the moon according to your delusional BS would be moving, with features on the surface moving around?
Which you just ignored, and instead tried to appeal to the not so zoomed in one?

No effects act eternally on an object, show me sources that mention this effect, what it does, where we can see it acting out, saying it is an eternally acting out effect that is visibly acting out on something for all eternity.
Appealing to your wilful ignorance wont save you.

Because if you have no sources on this specific effect, then you’re lying, yet again.
As a reminder, you are yet to demonstrate any lie from me, but I have demonstrated plenty from you.

Why would you still not get a clue that a ‘heat haze’ does not act out for eternity on objects
Because that is just your delusional fantasy.
Back in reality, the atmosphere is never still.
In reality there is always a distortion from the atmosphere, the only question is how significant it is.

That is why I gave you a simple task which you could use as evidence, go film a 1 m wide object from a distance of 10 km, through sea level atmosphere, and show it perfectly motionless.
Go print out a nice big picture of Saturn, and view it from a distance of 10 km.

that are unique to each star.
You are yet to demonstrate anything that is unique to a star.

Oh, and saying I have no proof it’s not from your made up super duper effect
Is not what I have said at all.
Instead, I have said you need to demonstrate it is not from a well known effect of the atmosphere, an affect which can be shown to affect countless things, of which you have been provided several examples, and even your own footage shows it effecting at least the poorer quality ones.

This is not made up by me at all.
So yes, you do need to prove it isn't that.

Dismissing it as magical or made up, is just pathetic BS you are clinging to out of pure desperation.

No made up effects are going to save your bs story
Again, I don't have a BS story. That would be you.
And you are just clinging to more and more BS while continuing to deny reality.
You are so desperate you want to pretend the atmosphere is perfectly still, with no turbulence at all.
Truly pathetic, and truly despearate.

Let’s think about how a star could show details on it
I have already thought about it and explained it.
You have the same thing happening with the moon.

while are always the very same unique details throughout the time.
Except they aren't.
And the same is observed for all objects with a small enough angular size viewed through a large enough amount of atmosphere.

So yes, you DO need to prove it is not the atmosphere.

Look how Turbs makes you dance after them Jackblack. 

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1420 on: November 10, 2024, 03:35:24 AM »
I haven't said anything false
You have said plentiful things which are false.

You continually claim that my immediate environment is flat.
That is pure BS.

You have repeatedly claimed I am in denial.
That is also pure BS.

Your immediate environment is not flat like a pancake but is horizontal like one
My immediate environment is not horizontal.
The ground has elevation changes.
It is not flat.

If you want to go to more obscure points than that, the changes in elevation I experience allow me to easily see to different distances, being able to see further the higher I am; something which relies upon Earth's curvature and makes no sense in a flat Earth.

If people are not consciously thinking about earth curvature and living on a giant globe, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as flat.
No, they aren't.
If that delusional BS was true, you could say pretty much the exact opposite:
"If people are not consciously thinking about earth's flatness and living on a giant disc, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as round."

It is pure BS.
People, in the moment, are typically not thinking about the shape of Earth at all.
That does not mean they are treating their environment as flat.

Not thinking about curvature does not mean they are treating it as flat.
Stop repeating this BS again and again.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, it will not magically make it true.

You are entitled to your opinions and I am entitled to mine.
You are entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts.
If you say something as a factual statement, rather than a subjective opinion based statement, you are wrong and are lying. You might be able to get away with ignorance if it is only the first time, but you continually repeating it showing no concern for the truth is lying.

If you make a claim that I am in denial, that is you making a statement of fact, not an opinion, so when it is wrong, and you continually make the same wrong claim, you are lying.

Do you understand the difference between expressing an honest opinion and telling a lie?
Yes, do you?
Expressing an honest opinion would either be something entirely subjective, like ice cream is the best; or where you make a claim about a statement of fact but clearly prefix it with it being only in your opinion.
In contrast, making a statement of fact (which does not need to be correct), which is false, and doing so intentionally, is lying.

You are not expressing an honest opinion.
You are repeatedly lying, because you are a pathetic troll who gets off on it.

Me calling you a troll is not a statement of opinion. It is a fact, and a fact supported by your own admission:
I'm not the one trolling.

Do you see me running around crying that you are lying about me?
I'm not running around crying.
I am directly responding to your lies.
And if you claimed I was lying about you, you would be lying again.

Why don't you run a forum poll
Why don't you?

But why would I care what the results of a poll were? Truth is not decided by popular vote.
If your only defence is that people agree with you, then your position is pretty much worthless.

Look at how Smoke Machine makes you dance after them JackBlack.


Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1421 on: November 10, 2024, 06:46:50 AM »
I haven't said anything false
You have said plentiful things which are false.

You continually claim that my immediate environment is flat.
That is pure BS.

You have repeatedly claimed I am in denial.
That is also pure BS.

Your immediate environment is not flat like a pancake but is horizontal like one
My immediate environment is not horizontal.
The ground has elevation changes.
It is not flat.

If you want to go to more obscure points than that, the changes in elevation I experience allow me to easily see to different distances, being able to see further the higher I am; something which relies upon Earth's curvature and makes no sense in a flat Earth.

If people are not consciously thinking about earth curvature and living on a giant globe, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as flat.
No, they aren't.
If that delusional BS was true, you could say pretty much the exact opposite:
"If people are not consciously thinking about earth's flatness and living on a giant disc, then yes, they are in those moments, treating their immediate environment as round."

It is pure BS.
People, in the moment, are typically not thinking about the shape of Earth at all.
That does not mean they are treating their environment as flat.

Not thinking about curvature does not mean they are treating it as flat.
Stop repeating this BS again and again.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, it will not magically make it true.

You are entitled to your opinions and I am entitled to mine.
You are entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts.
If you say something as a factual statement, rather than a subjective opinion based statement, you are wrong and are lying. You might be able to get away with ignorance if it is only the first time, but you continually repeating it showing no concern for the truth is lying.

If you make a claim that I am in denial, that is you making a statement of fact, not an opinion, so when it is wrong, and you continually make the same wrong claim, you are lying.

Do you understand the difference between expressing an honest opinion and telling a lie?
Yes, do you?
Expressing an honest opinion would either be something entirely subjective, like ice cream is the best; or where you make a claim about a statement of fact but clearly prefix it with it being only in your opinion.
In contrast, making a statement of fact (which does not need to be correct), which is false, and doing so intentionally, is lying.

You are not expressing an honest opinion.
You are repeatedly lying, because you are a pathetic troll who gets off on it.

Me calling you a troll is not a statement of opinion. It is a fact, and a fact supported by your own admission:
I'm not the one trolling.

Do you see me running around crying that you are lying about me?
I'm not running around crying.
I am directly responding to your lies.
And if you claimed I was lying about you, you would be lying again.

Why don't you run a forum poll
Why don't you?

But why would I care what the results of a poll were? Truth is not decided by popular vote.
If your only defence is that people agree with you, then your position is pretty much worthless.

Is literalism the only language you understand?

Yet, how the hell is me saying, "I'm not the one trolling", an admission by me, that I am trolling????? It is not and any sane person with sound English reading comprehension
 can see that.

I was alluding to you in fact being a troll, easily proven by the speed in which you respond to any flat earther's post on this site, and swiftly mete out your corrections and ridicule and insults, like the world depends on it. Your primary goal on this forum appears to be to cause disharmony and destabilisation amongst the flat earth community and destroy it. How can anybody say you are not trolling? I'm guessing you are in denial about being a troll as well, huh?

I can see why you love engaging with Turbonium. You two are like two peas in a pod. Turbonium loves to call everybody a liar, just as you do. Turbonium tries to tar all long dead astronomers as liars and you try to tar anybody with a differing opinion to you, as a liar. Is your favourite movie, "Liar Liar"?

My defence is literally any other person agreeing with me, which makes my position not worthless. It only takes one other person to shatter your toffee hard nosed stance.

I handed it to you on a golden platter to run the poll and prove me wrong, but you couldn't do it, could you? I thought you wanted to prove me wrong?

When are you going to come out of the closet and stop living in denial?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2024, 07:09:47 AM by Smoke Machine »



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1422 on: November 10, 2024, 11:14:19 AM »
That old line.  You are in a rut and predictable.
It is predictable that I will call out your BS.

Deciding not to waste loads of time on jackasses, liars, and trolls that have no intention of honest debate is just simple prudence.  Not fleeing.
Yet here you are, by your standard wasting loads of time.
If you really felt like that, you simply wouldn't respond at all.
You wouldn't be on this site at all.
Look at how many times you spam the same crap, often in different threads, against the same FEers with no intention of honest debate?

So yes, you fled. You had someone refute your BS, which you couldn't handle.



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1423 on: November 10, 2024, 11:21:50 AM »
Is literalism the only language you understand?
No, I understand English, and can call you out on your BS.

Yet, how the hell is me saying, "I'm not the one trolling", an admission by me, that I am trolling
My bad, I misread that as "I'm not the only one trolling."
I have edited the post to remove it now.

I was alluding to you in fact being a troll, easily proven by the speed in which you respond to any flat earther's post on this site, and swiftly mete out your corrections and ridicule and insults, like the world depends on it.
Yet you can't prove it at all, and instead, just like FEers and trolls, spout crap which doesn't support it.
Responding quickly and correcting people in no way makes someone a troll.
The closest you get is ridicule and insults.
And that can come from everyone.

Your primary goal on this forum appears to be to cause disharmony and destabilisation amongst the flat earth community and destroy it. How can anybody say you are not trolling? I'm guessing you are in denial about being a troll as well, huh?
No, I'm not in denial, as I'm not a troll, unlike you.

My primary goal here is objecting to BS. That does not make someone a troll.
And if objecting to BS causes the FE community to destabilise and be destroyed, then that is a good thing.

You on the other hand seem to just want to provoke people, saying pure BS and getting upset when people object.

you try to tar anybody with a differing opinion to you, as a liar.
No, I call people who repeat the same falsehoods again and again liars.

My defence is literally any other person agreeing with me
Someone else agreeing with you does not show you are correct, or give any value to your worthless position.
A rational defence a position would, but that is impossible as it requires rejecting reality.

When are you going to come out of the closet and stop living in denial?
Why don't you ask yourself, as the one in denial here is you.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1424 on: November 10, 2024, 01:14:52 PM »
Is literalism the only language you understand?
No, I understand English, and can call you out on your BS.

Yet, how the hell is me saying, "I'm not the one trolling", an admission by me, that I am trolling
My bad, I misread that as "I'm not the only one trolling."
I have edited the post to remove it now.

I was alluding to you in fact being a troll, easily proven by the speed in which you respond to any flat earther's post on this site, and swiftly mete out your corrections and ridicule and insults, like the world depends on it.
Yet you can't prove it at all, and instead, just like FEers and trolls, spout crap which doesn't support it.
Responding quickly and correcting people in no way makes someone a troll.
The closest you get is ridicule and insults.
And that can come from everyone.

Your primary goal on this forum appears to be to cause disharmony and destabilisation amongst the flat earth community and destroy it. How can anybody say you are not trolling? I'm guessing you are in denial about being a troll as well, huh?
No, I'm not in denial, as I'm not a troll, unlike you.

My primary goal here is objecting to BS. That does not make someone a troll.
And if objecting to BS causes the FE community to destabilise and be destroyed, then that is a good thing.

You on the other hand seem to just want to provoke people, saying pure BS and getting upset when people object.

you try to tar anybody with a differing opinion to you, as a liar.
No, I call people who repeat the same falsehoods again and again liars.

My defence is literally any other person agreeing with me
Someone else agreeing with you does not show you are correct, or give any value to your worthless position.
A rational defence a position would, but that is impossible as it requires rejecting reality.

When are you going to come out of the closet and stop living in denial?
Why don't you ask yourself, as the one in denial here is you.

It's nice to see you have the capacity to admit when you misread something.

In the meantime, I'm running that poll in the general section. We'll see soon enough what people on this forum think about this, or maybe nobody will bother participating in the poll.

We'll see if anybody else here is hampered by the same "falsehoods" as I......

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1425 on: November 10, 2024, 08:29:23 PM »
Again, what you have entirely failed to provide is evidence that is the motion of parts of Saturn rather than atmospheric turbulence or the like.

Saturn moves everything on its orb and rings together, there are no separate parts or features moving independently, only the orb and rings.

But since you mentioned that parts moving independently from the whole object aren’t shown on Saturn, look at parts of a star which DO move independently from the rest..

The star I’m referring to is first seen about 56 seconds into this clip..

It’s shown closer soon afterwards. At its closest, slow down the clip to another 50% or as slow as possible.

See how it is constantly rotating? See there are distinct features on it? It’s blurry around the top edges, from its fast movement spinning, we know that because the inner area of the star is much clearer and sharper. Your made up effect would blur the entire star, not only it’s edges while leaving the rest clear and sharp, or a lot sharper than the edges.

That shows it’s not an effect, even your magical effect wouldn’t blur one part, and leave the rest clear to see, I’m sure you know that much right?

But the best part is when we see those features or parts of the star in every frame of the clip, another indication it’s no effect, and that we see those parts change position in each frame or two, while the star rotates rapidly throughout.

It moves in radical shapes over and over again, expands and contracts within split seconds, returning to its usual shape, or similar shapes, as the features change shape on the star.

One more thing to notice, is how it shows depth, like a hollowed out Faberge egg with inner details in its center.

All of these things prove beyond any doubt the star itself looks and moves like this, there cannot be any external cause or causes that would remotely be capable of doing all this.

You just keep saying it’s caused by effects of atmosphere, or a lousy camera setting, or both. And then say ‘prove that it’s not an effect causing it’! No, there is nothing of any atmospheric effects that could cause this, and you know it.

The only way we could ever simulate this star’s rapid rotation, details on it which change position and shape within every split second, show depth where many of its details are located….

It would have to be a lot of cgi effects and lots of time and effort to achieve this. Look at all of it, every detail, changing shape and position, while the star spins at high speed.

If anyone thinks any effect or every effect combined could make this happen, where have you ever seen it before? Not a heat haze, it doesn’t have sharp details magically appear on things, make them appear to spin like a top, make each detail move position rapidly, constantly, yet still visible as the same details.

Tell me, specifically, how any effect could do all this. Make non-existent details on a star, make them each change shape and position on a star, and show the very SAME non-existent details remain on a star, distinct and clear to see, or somewhat clear at times.

I’m not going to put up with your bs claims about effects causing intricate cgi quality effects on stars, this isn’t cgi effects or any other effects causing this.

You’ll never ever believe that’s what the star looks and moves like, it is impossible to you, how could it really be true, they told us stars were trillions of miles away and always look like tiny points of light from Earth.

It must be an out of focus camera or wrong settings of the camera or an effect of atmosphere, or all of that combined, more or less in play..

None of them are answers, they are a pack of excuses.

Say it’s an effect, there’s many effects of atmosphere, just say it’s one of them, or two of them, show a heat haze as a similar example, which isn’t even close to it, but that’s ok, it’s sort of like it.

Say that it’s because stars and planets are seen through miles of atmosphere, and small from Earth, unlike any other object on Earth, so it’s different.

That makes your argument even worse than before, because if they’re far away, small from Earth, beyond miles of our atmosphere, how could we see ANYTHING on stars like this? Distinct details that always are the same the whole time, see them change position every frame, while your made up effect makes the star look like it’s rapidly rotating the whole time!!

Are you that delusional or just in a state of fear and denial?



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1426 on: November 11, 2024, 12:32:35 AM »
In the meantime, I'm running that poll in the general section. We'll see soon enough what people on this forum think about this, or maybe nobody will bother participating in the poll.
And how many of the responders do you think will be FEers, saying it is flat?

A more honest poll would have at least 4 options:
FEer who thinks it is.
FEer who thinks it isn't.
REer who thinks it is.
REer who thinks it isn't.

And yet, there are already 2 people saying no.



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1427 on: November 11, 2024, 12:38:50 AM »
Saturn moves everything on its orb and rings together, there are no separate parts or features moving independently, only the orb and rings.
Yes, slowly rotating once every 10 hours or so.
But that doesn't stop atmospheric turbulence distorting the view.

look at parts of a star which DO move independently from the rest..
Do I need to show you the footage of parts of the plane's skin moving independently of the rest due to a heat haze?
You can make the same claims for the plane in a heat haze. None of what you are saying actually supports it being a feature of the object rather than atmospheric turbulence.

Again, what would would be is either demonstrating you can see an object of a comparable angular size through a comparable amount of atmosphere with no distortion; or far better, having multiple observers in multiple locations, filming it at the same time with the video showing the same features moving the same.

Continuing to appeal to the same videos where you cannot tell if it is the object itself moving or atmospheric turbulence, will not help you.

None of them are answers, they are a pack of excuses.
You mean none of them are excuses, it is reality that shows you are wrong.

Distinct details that always are the same the whole time
You mean for the brief period they are in a clip?
You don't' even try providing footage of the same star on different occasions.

Are you that delusional or just in a state of fear and denial?
I'm not the one desperately denying reality.
I'm not the one continually repeating the same refuted BS rather than even attempting to justify my claims.
I'm not the one continually ignoring that shows you are wrong.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1428 on: November 11, 2024, 01:45:17 AM »
A heat haze blurs out everything, not just a truck.

The heat haze is not creating any movements on the truck, which has a loosened tarp on top of it, flapping around in the wind. 

The entire region is blurred because a heat haze is within the air, not on a truck, that’s why we see a haze surrounding the area, and it blurs out everything within the blurred air.

This is a complete joke. That star in the video is clearly spinning around at high speed, the surrounding area is not blurred, nor is the star blurred out beyond any identification or details on it, and all effects of atmosphere make thinks blurry, hazy and hard to even see at all. Like your heat haze does.

If you’re so delusional to think a heat haze is making a star spin rapidly, create details on stars which are always the same, while changing position in each frame, clear to see, while a truck can barely be seen as a truck, and shows no details at all, you picked it out because a tarp is moving in the wind, but is so blurry it can’t be made out at all, so you claim the heat haze makes it appear to be moving around!

While completely ignoring that the heat haze blurs out everything and we can’t see anything clearly, but it also created details on stars that aren’t there, but clearly seen and changing positions all the time

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1429 on: November 11, 2024, 01:57:44 AM »
Imagine the star being in that heat haze. You’d see nothing like this in any way. You’d see a blurry star without any clarity or details. That’s certainly not what we can see of the star.

No heat haze is still blurring out that area, it was there for a few hours or a day and vanished from sight. The star looks like this all the time, effects don’t act for eternity on a truck, and they don’t for stars or Saturn either. That’s why we call them effects, they occur one day and gone the next day, or sooner. Effects are things not normally found, they arise somewhere and then are gone.

You really need me to explain that to you? A kid knows that, so what’s your problem here?



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1430 on: November 11, 2024, 02:08:34 AM »
A heat haze blurs out everything, not just a truck.
And what does a blurred black sky look like?
That excuse is pathetic, as already explained.

Can you show something of a comparable angular size not being blurred?
And no, what you are claiming are features does not count.

The heat haze is not creating any movements on the truck
It distorts the view, which according to your dishonest BS, is the truck moving.
Sane people recognise it isn't the truck moving, just like they recognise it isn't the stars moving.

This is a complete joke.
Yes, your argument certainly is.

That star in the video is clearly spinning around at high speed
Just like the little bits of the surface of the plane?

the surrounding area is not blurred
What surrounding area?

nor is the star blurred out beyond any identification or details on it
Yes, it is.

If you’re so delusional to think a heat haze is making a star spin rapidly
You mean honest and sane, as opposed to you that needs to repeatedly lie and appeal to a black background not appearing blurred?

while a truck can barely be seen as a truck
Start focusing on the smaller details, rather than trying to see it as the truck itself.

Or alternatively, start focusing on the star as a whole, which should appear as a point.

you picked it out because a tarp is moving in the wind
No, I picked the plane. Someone else picked the truck. I thought you did, but I could be mistaken.

While completely ignoring that the heat haze blurs out everything and we can’t see anything clearly, but it also created details on stars that aren’t there, but clearly seen and changing positions all the time
Again, try it honestly. It blurs the objects you know should be there, so you don't recognise it. But if you look you see those same "details" you are appealing to being on the stars.
Imagine the star being in that heat haze.
I don't have to. It already matches the footage you appeal to.

You really need me to explain that to you? A kid knows that, so what’s your problem here?
No, I need you to justify your BS, rather than repeating the same pathetic BS which has already been refuted.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1431 on: November 11, 2024, 02:48:09 AM »
It looks like a blur covering the black sky, as it blurs the clear air during the light of day.

And it doesn’t leave a star clear to see with details and rapid rotation, in day or night skies, either.

How does your magical effect create such details out of nothing, make them look like the same details while changing their positions every split second, while it always blurs out trucks barely seen as trucks on Earth?

That is a valid example to you?

It’s completely the opposite of any heat haze.

Have you ever seen a heat haze occur around a plane? Or near a plane even?

I could show you endless examples of atmospheric effects where they DO occur, while you can’t even find one occurring over 30000 feet, because none of them occur higher than a plane at cruising altitudes. They all occur near the surface and not at 30000 feet altitude. So they don’t occur in ‘space’ either. They only occur near the surface when seeing stars or Saturn, and make them blurry.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1432 on: November 11, 2024, 09:55:28 AM »
In the meantime, I'm running that poll in the general section. We'll see soon enough what people on this forum think about this, or maybe nobody will bother participating in the poll.
And how many of the responders do you think will be FEers, saying it is flat?

A more honest poll would have at least 4 options:
FEer who thinks it is.
FEer who thinks it isn't.
REer who thinks it is.
REer who thinks it isn't.

And yet, there are already 2 people saying no.

Yes, I knew you would be quick to submit your NO vote, but as to the other person living in denial, who could guess?

Yes, your suggested poll may be a more useful poll. Afterall, we do want to know specifically how many globe earthers disagree with you, don't we? 

Maybe I will do that for for the next poll or run a whole new one...........

Sometimes, you can be useful, Jack Black.

Oh, and keep chipping away at Turbonium there. I can see you are making some excellent head way. I estimate that at your current rate of swaying Turbonium, 90 to 100 years from now, Turbonium may be almost ready to concede none of those dead astronomers lied. Keep up the great work!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2024, 10:43:14 AM by Smoke Machine »



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1433 on: November 11, 2024, 11:41:02 AM »
Yes, I knew you would be quick to submit your NO vote, but as to the other person living in denial, who could guess?
You mean the other person living in reality?
Guess what, now there are 3 votes for no, yet still only your one vote for yes.

So are you sure you aren't living in denial?

Afterall, we do want to know specifically how many globe earthers disagree with you, don't we?
You mean YOU want to know, because you are desperate to pretend I'm wrong.

Oh, and keep chipping away at Turbonium there. I can see you are making some excellent head way. I estimate that at your current rate of swaying Turbonium, 90 to 100 years from now, Turbonium may be almost ready to concede none of those dead astronomers lied. Keep up the great work!
I'm objecting to his BS. He is clearly too far gone to be capable of displaying any rational thought.



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1434 on: November 11, 2024, 11:44:43 AM »
It looks like a blur covering the black sky, as it blurs the clear air during the light of day.
i.e. you can't tell if the area surrounding the star is blurred or not?

And it doesn’t leave a star clear to see with details and rapid rotation, in day or night skies, either.
Again, go look at the plane in the heat haze, with "details" created by the heat haze, including those in rapid rotation, with the position changing frame by frame?

How does your magical effect create such details out of nothing, make them look like the same details while changing their positions every split second, while it always blurs out trucks barely seen as trucks on Earth?
Again, it is the same for both.
The distinction is you are focusing on the entire truck while ignore the "details" produced by the heat haze, while for the star you focus on the "details" and ignore the star.

It is the same.

Have you ever seen a heat haze occur around a plane? Or near a plane even?
Yes. I even provided a video, where it appeared the skin had a bunch of ripples on it which were spinning around.
Producing similar results to that in your crappy videos of stars.

you can’t even find one occurring over 30000 feet
Are any of your videos from over 30000 feet?
If not, that is entirely pointless to bring up.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1435 on: November 11, 2024, 12:07:49 PM »
Yes, I knew you would be quick to submit your NO vote, but as to the other person living in denial, who could guess?
You mean the other person living in reality?
Guess what, now there are 3 votes for no, yet still only your one vote for yes.

So are you sure you aren't living in denial?

Afterall, we do want to know specifically how many globe earthers disagree with you, don't we?
You mean YOU want to know, because you are desperate to pretend I'm wrong.

Oh, and keep chipping away at Turbonium there. I can see you are making some excellent head way. I estimate that at your current rate of swaying Turbonium, 90 to 100 years from now, Turbonium may be almost ready to concede none of those dead astronomers lied. Keep up the great work!
I'm objecting to his BS. He is clearly too far gone to be capable of displaying any rational thought.

No, I want to know out of interest sake. Rubbing your nose in it would just be icing on the cake.

The question therefore has to be asked. If you already know that Turbonium is "clearly too far gone to be capable of displaying any rational thought", why do you keep correcting him? Who is benefitting from your corrections?



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1436 on: November 11, 2024, 12:25:08 PM »
No, I want to know out of interest sake. Rubbing your nose in it would just be icing on the cake.
And the main point there is that the poll is for you, not for me. You want to know, not we.

The question therefore has to be asked. If you already know that Turbonium is "clearly too far gone to be capable of displaying any rational thought", why do you keep correcting him? Who is benefitting from your corrections?
Anyone who might be reading who isn't too far gone.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43178
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1437 on: November 11, 2024, 04:53:12 PM »
Again, what you have entirely failed to provide is evidence that is the motion of parts of Saturn rather than atmospheric turbulence or the like.

Saturn moves everything on its orb and rings together, there are no separate parts or features moving independently, only the orb and rings.
Incorrect.  Shepard moons have been found within the rings of Saturn.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1438 on: November 11, 2024, 05:28:02 PM »
No, I want to know out of interest sake. Rubbing your nose in it would just be icing on the cake.
And the main point there is that the poll is for you, not for me. You want to know, not we.

The question therefore has to be asked. If you already know that Turbonium is "clearly too far gone to be capable of displaying any rational thought", why do you keep correcting him? Who is benefitting from your corrections?
Anyone who might be reading who isn't too far gone.

Good lord are you never not active on this forum? Seven minutes for your reply, to my message typed at like 2am.

The poll is for, because it concerns everybody here. It is for me, but is more for you.

Denial is something not just suffered by flat earthers as you are about to learn. You are not immune from denial.



  • 23785
Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Reply #1439 on: November 11, 2024, 11:33:43 PM »
Good lord are you never not active on this forum? Seven minutes for your reply, to my message typed at like 2am.
Welcome to the world of time zones.

The poll is for, because it concerns everybody here. It is for me, but is more for you.
It is not for me at all.

Again, truth is not decided by popular vote.
I can look at my environment, and see it clearly isn't flat.
No poll is going to change that.
If you want to change it, you need to go flatten my local environment, removing all the elevation changes.

Denial is something not just suffered by flat earthers as you are about to learn.
I already know that. Just look at you and how heavily you are in denial.