Have you honestly just created a thread saying technology which is informed by science, is now refuting science? So, the same camera technology which is used in super powerful telescopes which take us up close and personal to planets and other galaxies, is now disproving stars as suns?
Did you forget to take your pills this morning?
I haven't taken their pills, swallowed their bs, accepted their endless excuses for hiding rockets from us after the first 3-4 minutes, claiming they've seen millions of things in 'space' through their telescopes, and never once allowing us to see or confirm if it is actually TRUE or not!
When you tell me this is all about 'SCIENCE', it SHOULD BE about science, and not about HIDING things from us, preventing others from CONFIRMING the CLAIMS of scientists, with a pack of BS excuses for hiding things from us!
THAT is the pill YOU'VE been taking all this time, sadly.
Science IS, in it's true form, it's proper form, about the truth, seeking the truth, finding the truth, whenever possible, and - MOST IMPORTANT - it is about being OPEN, HONEST, and TRANSPARENT in all things, all claims made, all actions, findings, and conclusions...
Do you even REALIZE what those bunch of liars, known as 'astronomers', have always DONE, since day one?
They've always made claims, about seeing things, in 'outer space', to the whole world, and have NEVER, EVER, let others, let us, the public, SEE what THEY have claimed to see, through their telescopes, and never WILL let anyone else see through them, at any object, or 'distant, unknown galaxies', etc. which we have NEVER seen, nor CAN see, because those BS artists don't ever LET anyone else see through them, using BS excuses, which are NEVER, EVER allowed, with any ACTUAL sciences, which, as I've just said, are open, honest, and fully transparent, in all actions, all claims, all findings, results, tests, and conclusions.
When a so-called 'science', is about observations of something nobody can even SEE by eye, or by our OWN instruments, our OWN telescopes, or after we DO have such instruments, have made up a story about how stars cannot be seen properly using the same methods used for ALL things we see, through the same instruments!
After they made up a BS story, that claims only ONE object, must use this, um...unique method, which is absurd, and NEVER used, because it makes objects with light, in the distance, look like BLOBS of light, if it WAS done, by letting in all EXTERNAL light, from elsewhere, which does NOT come from the object itself!
How can anyone not UNDERSTAND that it does NOT work, in any way?
You can keep on arguing that it DOES work, and I'll keep on explaining to you why it can NEVER work, and say using that 'method' for objects with light, in the distance, ON EARTH, which ALSO appear to us as 'tiny points of light' in the distance, they ALSO would look like blobs of light, and then sharpen them, into a SHARP blob of light!
Even if stars WERE 'trillions of miles away from Earth', and even if there WERE an 'endless space or universe, and somehow, it is PITCH BLACK everywhere else, but stars, even though they've also told us there's COUNTLESS stars out there, in 'endless space', which would BLANKET our skies at night, with those countless stars out in 'space', but whatever, it's all TRUE, because they've TOLD US it is all true! And they've SEEN it! And TOLD us what they have seen, through their powerful telescopes, nobody else is allowed to see through!
That's NOT a science, it may be CALLED a 'science', and believed by the masses as a 'science', because all of us were TOLD, and TAUGHT, it was a 'science', so I ONCE DID believe it was a 'science', without any clue about it as the very OPPOSITE of a science, which I later found out.
So over 10000 years, or so, until the telescope was invented, we used many, many different instruments, for magnification of objects in the distance, land in the distance, while at sea, and it became standard to use these instruments on ships, and in surveying land, and so forth.
Those instruments were very, very important, and they made ever more advanced instruments, that saw things ever further out in the distance, saw things closer up, etc.
We had small scopes, and binoculars, among many others, as rival companies worked on developing ever better, more powerful instruments, and did so, and sold many, many of these instruments, around the world.
Everyone here has binoculars, or most of us do, for example. A lot of us have telescopes, or had one, or can get one, but never, ever, can get one as good as 'astronomers' have!
If we had all those instruments, before the telescope came along, it would make sense to build them, sell them, around the world, in the same way, right?
But what was done, with the telescope, was to PREVENT them from us, to build them for a great, newly created field of 'science', that will use those powerful instruments, which will make stars, and planets, seen very, very close up, as never before could be!
Because up to that point, we were told, and taught, over and over again, for absolutely NO reason, nor useful or worthwhile to know, no matter if it IS true, or is NOT true, because it's entirely irrelevant, and useless to bleat about to children, of any age, let alone a 7 year old, or 12 year old, clueless about basic geography, at that point! What a joke!
If you cannot understand, it is simply a ruse, a con, a trick to fool people about how to 'see stars', up close....you choose not to see it as a ruse, a trick.
Isn't it odd, that if all we could ever hope to see of all the stars, with any instrument, right now, or ever made in the future, will always show stars as nothing more than tiny points of light, from using them on Earth, anyway!
While they also claim to see unknown, much more distant stars, and galaxies, nobody else has ever seen, or allowed to see! This is a complete perversion of any sort of actual science.
This is how any science can be used two ways, one is for reality, and truth, and transparent, the other way is in hiding all of the truth, making up lies about truths, and so on.
See the distinction here?