we shall be playing werepenguin: snatcher edition... it is based on what is objectively the greatest video game of all time and where my moniker originates, and the story is essentially just a game of werepenguin. below is a link for some BACKSTORY. i would like to try to keep the roles somewhat minimal but am still giving it some thought just to keep things fun. in the game, metal gear mk ii is a robot to scan people to see if they are human or not, so that will be the psychic role. i will continue to update the roles over the next few days. i would like to start on TUESDAY the 30th (after the memorial day holiday) as long as we have enough players. this will be fun...
current roles:
junker (human)
snatcher (werepengiun)
metal gear mk ii (psychic)
random hajile (wildcard)
the setting will indeed be a futuristic japan in the year 2047 in the fine city of neo kobe. a lot of the narration and story will just be from game lore which i will do my best to keep fun and digestible whether you know anything about the game or not (but also just play it or watch a playthrough on youtube since it is amazing).