An actual quote from a man baby
And more pathetic insults.
Just what do you hope to achieve with them?
All you do is make yourself feel better and look pathetic.
His other contention that the overlap is a small one
No, it isn't.
And finally Jacky, we do, over and over and over say that women because of the differences in genetic physiology, would be in the lower divisions
Notice how that isn't what I said?
You are saying the women would be in the lower divisions and lose their spotlight. But really, the only reason they would lose that spotlight is the honest recognition that they are no where near as good as the elite men.
You want to pretend they can be world champions, when they are far below world champion status.
Not BS.
You have repeatedly made arguments against my proposal, when those arguments apply equally to the current system.
You are happy ignoring all the problems with the current system but want any alternative to be perfect.
As I have repeatedly said
You saying something doesn't make it true.
but do not lie about what I saying.
Follow your own advice and don't try to hide from what you have said.
I literally just said. You want to take the spotlight of having women’s events away and throw them in with men’s lower rankings, where there is no spotlight.
Why would there be no spotlight?
I want to remove the sexist divisions and instead have other divisions based upon ability/potential where they could all be in the spotlight.
So why does having women placed in a non-sexist division mean they lose their spotlight?
And if it does, why should that be a bad thing?
Why should removing a privilege from sexism be a bad thing?
ie no spotlight for Serina Williams.
They could still be in the spotlight, they just wouldn't be able to so openly lie about things and have people think it might be true.
You want one of (if not the) greatest female tennis players of all time to be regarded as just quite good, but nothing exceptional that anyone should care about.
Remove the sexist BS.
How does she compare to tennis players in general? I would say not that good.
How exactly do you square that with your claim that women still “get their day in the spotlight”?
The same way that featherweights can, and that women can now.
You are basically saying that you know that female divisions are vastly inferior to male divisions, yet you happily think they have a spotlight. If being so much lower was such a problem, why do they have a spotlight now?
Why would anyone give a damn about women's sports if being so low would mean no spotlight?
Do you honestly believe your ideas aren’t detrimental to women or do you just not care if they are?
I think it will remove sexist privilege, which may be seen as damaging by sexist pigs that want to keep sexist privilege.
But it will only really be that damaging if everyone shows that they were just caring about it due to blatant sexism, and once that sexism is removed they don't care.
I know how women would compare to men. For many a great many sports, the very best women would be beaten by men who aren’t close to being the best.
As they currently are.
So what is different?
Again, this means they shouldn't be in the spotlight now, yet they are. So clearly that is not a reason for them to not be in the spotlight.
Removing the “sexism” doesn’t redistribute those advantages to the men.
Then where is it going?
Nonsense. There is obviously overlap, but the differences are significant enough that the best men WILL beat the best women in major open competitions.
Not nonsense at all.
Again, with such significant overlap, if you care about people competing with other people of their ability you would expect that overlap to result in combined competitions.
I don't care that the best man would beat a person that is not as good.
The sex of that person they beat shouldn't matter.
Of course it matters how good they are
Not according to those who defend such blatant sexism.
To them, sex is what matters.
If a man is less good than the best females, they are still excluded from the sexist division because they are male, with the false justification given that they would be too good.
If you actually cared about how good they are you would want it to be divided based upon that, not upon their sex.
If how good they are is what mattered, then there sex shouldn't.
You pretend that people are saying that all men have more ability than all women. No one is. Strawman.
No, I am pointing out how people are saying men can't be allowed to compete with women because they are better than them.
Again, for that argument to hold, you need no overlap.
So no, it is NOT a strawman.
Continually misrepresenting what I am saying to falsely claim it is a strawman is just strawmanning yourself.
Divide by sex, compete on ability.
i.e. be sexist.
Simple to understand.
Ah, still clinging to this are we?
You mean something that shows your argument is BS, which you can't refute?
You’re still ignoring how desperately unfair this idea is for everyone who doesn’t qualify for the Olympics just for being BETTER than the man you want send in the woman’s place.
Which should really just mean the Olympics should only allow the best, with NO separate divisions.
This would allow either more events, or more of the higher ranking competitors to get in, rather than being excluded for the sex.
The only difference it makes is what person you are excluding based upon their sex.
Is it the person with similar performance to the woman, or one vastly better?
You’d completely upend how competitive sports works with a system where being too successful in an event gets people disqualified from top competitions, based on some arbitrary limit you set.
As opposed to the current system, were being too heavy can, or being too male can.
Again, this is an argument to just have no divisions at all.
It is NOT an argument to make a sexist division.
And then you expect people to care about watching mediocre men at the Olympic games, while those who beat them are sitting on the arses back home. Just a disaster.
As opposed to the current situation where you are watching mediocre people because those who could beat them were excluded based upon their sex?
So you agree it’s a disaster for women then?
No. Only if you think women need blatant sexism to prop themselves up and people are using that blatant sexism to lie to themselves and everyone else.
And fuck up sports for men as well. Great.
God forbid women should be allowed locations to play sports.
I never said there shouldn't be.
There should be facilities and competitions for everyone who wants to play sports at all levels.
Except the men with performance comparable to women? You don't want them to play at all levels.
As for sponsorship and time in the spotlight, take the recent FIFA women’s World Cup. Do you imagine that the existence of this event takes anything away from the men’s World Cup? Or maybe that you could replace it with some kind of low ability World Cup that anyone would give a crap about?
Yes. By definition, it is taking away.
Also, it isn't the Men's World Cup. It is just the World Cup. There is no need for the "men's" prefix.
The only reason to do so is to pretend the Women's World Cup is equivalent and at an equal level, i.e. the big reason why you want to keep sexism in sports, so you can pretend the women's league isn't far below that of the men.
No, because I’m not proposing we get rid of mens sporting events. Men can compete at any level, with the best men at each level progressing to next stage.
You mean what is becoming more and more to be open events? Where men and women can compete at any level, with the best at each level progressing to the next stage?
Again, the issue are the men that are comparable to the women. You are happy for that to be selected based upon sex. With the women allowed to play at that level based upon their sex while the men are excluded.
Genetic males are not female, not matter how feminine they appear.
And XY females are not genetic males.
They have a genetic defect, genes different to males, which results in them not developing as males.