28 pages of absolutely no one stepping forward and saying, hey Jacky’s got a point, why do you think that is?
And how long did it take for people to step forwards and say homosexuals shouldn't be murdered?
How long did it take for people to step forwards and say that black people shouldn't be treated as property?
When you are going against the status quo, most people will not support you, especially when they have been brought up in a society which normalises what is being opposed.
Modern society has been raised in a way where blatant sex based discrimination is perfectly acceptable, as long as it isn't perceived to disadvantage females.
When someone opposes such blatant discrimination, they are typically labelled sexist by actual sexists.
is everyone here a sexist pig, or is it obvious that your brand of “men’s rights” is just a thinly veiled attack on women and no one wants a part of that?
The fact you need to put men's rights in quote like that, as if men shouldn't have rights, just further demonstrates your sexism.
If it was actually due to my sexism, you would be able to present a rational argument, which didn't involve fleeing from the issues raised, and you wouldn't need to resort to your pathetic insults and continued attempts to vilify.
If you need to try to defend removing sex based discrimination by calling those who oppose such discrimination sexist, it shows who the real sexist is.
There are plenty of men.
Lets bell curve and compare.
Again, if you want to have the argument that men are better so can't compete with women, then you need negligible overlap. i.e. you need the vast majority or all men to be better than the vast majority or all women.
If instead, the men just poke out a tiny bit ahead, that is not grounds for discrimination.
Especially when you know about bell curves related to intelligence/scores and don't want that to have anything which could potentially negatively impact women.
Or answer why f1s dont compete against bascars
Cars are not people. They don't have rights.
Or why these meb dont compete at the junior level
Why men? Why not just leave it as people?
But this is primarily to give little kids a chance to compete with other little kids.
But age is an incredibly poor indicator because different children develop at different ages.
So an early developing child can be a quite poor fit among their peers.
Or why women should get mat leave
I assume you mean why men shouldn't?
Because other than the name, that is a very serious question.
Especially for all the feminists complaining about all the damage a woman does to her career by having a child, and when a couple have a child typically the woman's pay goes down while the man's goes up.
In a decent society both parents would get parental leave, so both parents could look after and spend time with their child.
In a still reasonable but decent society, then either parent would be able to have parental leave, with 1 of them being able to look after and spend time with their child, while the other continues to work; with at least a short period where both have leave.
In a complete sexist society, trying to keep this sexism in force, only the woman is allowed, and typically done under the excuse that they give birth. Noting that it isn't merely women can get it, instead it is that people who give birth can. So in a lesbian relationship, only the woman giving birth is entitled to it, while the other cannot.
But what this damaging sexism does is mean that the woman is vastly more likely to take time off than the man; with this leave of absence having follow on career impacts; while the man, who is basically required to keep working or take leave without pay, will likely try to earn more money to support the family. This also results in the child typically having a stronger bond with their mother, causing more sexist damage, including having the woman more likely to take time off to take care of the child, further damaging their career.
If instead, it was available to both parents, or to either parent, a lot of that sexist damage can disappear.
So why should only women get paid parental leave?
Why shouldn't it be equally available to men and women?
Or why womens washrooms exist
Already addressed. It wasn't that separate female washrooms existed for them to keep them special. It was that original only male ones existed, because why would women need them when they were at home?
Then some were made to appease them, but kept separated so they could be at a lower standard to discourage them.
But the real question is why should they be needed?
I don't want a random man watching me pee or taking a dump next to me any more than I want a random woman to.
And I wouldn't want a random [insert sex of child] adult watching a [insert sex of child] child in a bathroom anymore than I want a [insert opposite sex of child] adult watching them.
And it leads to things like trans people being bashed regardless of what they do.
You accept them because you have been conditioned to accept this blatant sexism.
But there really is no need, and plenty of places are going to unisex washrooms.
So why should bathrooms be segregated on the basis of sex?
Exclusivity doesn't mean discrimination.
By definition, it does.
As you are discriminating between the people/groups to determine who is eligible.
The question is if you can justify it.
For example, it is discriminatory to say paedophiles cannot be babysitters, but that is justified.
This is Jacky's "denpressure", except he hasn't got scepti's sense of humour.
Instead, he has rational arguments people can't refute; with others needing to resort to insults and avoiding simple questions.
So I would say it is more all of your denpressure.