the claim is that men are bigger than women and are of a different class (F1 vs nascar) so they require difierentiating leagues.
No, the claim was this:
They arent excluded
Theyre allpwed to play in their own lwague.
You are claiming men are not excluded because they are allowed to play in their own league.
So why weren't black people not excluded when they were allowed to go to their own schools and use their own bathrooms?
Why should that be exclusion when everyone is able to do it, just not together?
This is what you need to address to deal with the claim of exclusion.
Once you admit they are being excluded you can try justifying that exclusion.
like women's washrooms - a safe place for women to be free from the statistically overwelming one sided showing males are more prone to perverted and rapey shinangigans.
You mean horribly statistics which exclude female perpetrators and male victims?
And similar statistics exist for race. So should we segregate based upon race to stop those rapey races from raping others?
what is the point of segregating the washroom?
Yes what is the point?
Why segregate males and females?
Without being a sexist piece of shit that wants to act like all men are rapists?
And notice how you don't give that "safe space" option for segregating based upon race. Why?
But again, this is trying to go into why the exclusions is justified, not if it is exclusion.
Admit that it is exclusion and then we can move on to you trying to justify why such sexist exclusion should be allowed.
so is the segratation of the sports league to "keep women in their place"?
or was it done to "give them safe place to pee"?
if it's the latter, you have no arguement.
Good thing it was the former.
Initially they were just excluded. It didn't matter how good they were, they just weren't allowed.
Then, when there was pushback, they were allowed, in their own divisions, to keep them separate from the real athletes, while still maintaining control over female sports.
Just like segregation of bathrooms was not for safety. It was because women wouldn't need them as they would be at home looking after the house and children.
And then when they were more being in the public, it was again to keep them down.