Yes, exactly. Notice how density doesn't matter?
But if "outer space" means "no gravity"
It doesn't.
That is a pathetic strawman made up by dishonest FEers and other conspiracy nuts to pretend there is a problem.
In actuality, any ship attempting to go to outer space would be thwarted by the fact that propulsion is pushing against nothing, and the ship is heavier than nothing.
You have had this BS refuted before.
More pulling that tired meme out. Even though FE ppl have actually shown you the real Lake Pontchartrain, you insist on a badly doctored image
You mean even though FE people have blatantly lied about it and tried to use carefully cherry picked images to pretend there is no curve?
Where they intentionally use a different angle which obscures the curve, instead of trying for an honest view which would be able to see the curve?
And now you have even chosen one which dishonestly takes a fish eye lens to pretend there is no curve?
Just look at the crap you provided. They claim the image is 31 miles wide, but provide no justification for that at all.
That means the drop due to the curve from the middle to the side of the image (equal to the bulge), assuming it is a great circle, will be given by, as an approximation, 8*(31/2)^2 inches = 0.0303346 miles.
That is 0.000978 times the width of the image.
The image is 999 px wide. That means the bulge would amount to a massive 0.9776 px.
So basically just a single pixel.
And you are surprised you don't see that, when the horizon is blurred across a few pixels, with a red line that is 2 px wide at its most solid part, and extends for an additional 2 px on either side?
So any curve expected would be blocked by the line.
And to make it worse, that great circle that calculation was for, only touches the horizon at one point. For all the other points, the horizon obstructs the view to it.
The horizon is the same angle of dip all around. What you actually need is a straight reference, like viewing that bridge from the side, and then you could try to see if it goes up and down, and struggle with seeing that tiny drop in such a wide image.
So it entirely fails to demonstrate there is no curvature.
Compare that to the honest one, which looks in a manner to make seeing the curvature easy.
Actually, you just pile on ideas, and hope I'll give up. You think that this is a mountain of evidence, but it's a mountain of lies.
Maybe that is because of how you repeatedly ignore the issue and start spouting irrelevant BS?
Funny how you seem fine to do it yourself, but object when a REer does it?
If you don't like it, perhaps you can try explaining the sunrise?
For instance, you can sail around the world on a flat Earth too.
But not in all directions, and the time taken is vastly different.
You can't go around the South Pole though.
You can, and people have.
You can even easily observe a south celestial pole, located due south, and keep that to one side the entire time, clearly demonstrating you are circling a point south of you.
They "circumnavigate" the South Pole either by making a left or right turn (on an overhead map, you can see what they are rwally doing is skimming the coast) or doubling back. Never flying straight through.
You now appear to be appealing to try to go through the sole pole, rather than circumnavigate it, but people have done that as well.
Geodetic surveys & the other one I dunno about... surveys can be doctored if you have money.
And the typical FE BS, when you can't explain the evidence, just claim it is fake.
Talked about lunar and solar eclipses before. Ditto for sunset and the seasons.
And you entirely failed to explained them.
Satellites can be explained by land systems like towers and by "weather balloons". And some of these objects are holographic projections.
No, they can't.
A bridge in China, one of the longest, kinda doesn't.
They marked it, but it doesn't convince anyone but you. It doesn't matter that it's the wrong bridge. 102.4/22 = 4.6545.
That is whatever ft curvature it demands is 4 times what that actual bridge is. 1501.7578125 ft curve needed. No such curvature in 22 miles.
So you are now demonstrating dishonesty on the part of FEers? By showing how FEers are allegedly picking the wrong bridge.
And then you get the math entirely wrong?
If the bridge is 1/4 the distance, the drop due to curvature is 1/16. But in this case it is 1/4.65 times the distance which gives 1/21.7 times the drop.
Remember, it is 8 archaic units per archaic unit squared. Or more correctly, it is d^2/2R. If you double the distance, you quadruple the drop.
So for a 22 mile bridge, the "drop" expected is 323 ft.
And the bridge allegedly has a 62 m or ~200 ft clearance to allow boats underneath, so the photo is clearly from much higher and no part of the bridge would be expected to be hidden by this drop.
Once more, you have absolutely nothing to justify your claim that there is no such curvature.
You can make map projections. But a projection, by definition, is just an idea. You're making a projection based on concept.
Yes, and the question is how correctly do these projections match up to Earth, and why do we have so many projections?
There is a single globe, with the continents having the same size and shape on these different globes. But there are so many different flat projections of this globe it isn't funny.
If Earth truly was flat, it would be the other way around.
Increasing height gives broader range because air is thinner.
If this was the case, things would not appear to drop and be obscured by the horizon. Instead it would fade to a blur.
It would be like a foggy day.
However range in a complete vacuum is finite, when you run out of energy, there's no more,
Repeating the same delusional BS wont help you.
The energy doesn't just magically die. It needs somewhere to go.
So it needs to be either absorbed or reflected by something.
What actually happens most commonly (when you have an omnidirectional antenna) is that the energy spreads out.
Projectiles have parabolic motion when we toss them upward for a specific reason.
Yes, gravity.
Momentum is finite. As it decreases
If it was momentum magically dying for no reason at all, the object would not follow a parabolic trajectory. It would follow a straight line, slowing down as it moves, eventually reaching a point where it has all died out and the object stops and remains motionless.
The fact that it is a parabola demonstrates that there is a downwards force acting on it.
it falls as a reason of being heavier than the air.
This explains nothing.
Being heavier than the air provides no reason at all for things to fall.
Yes, it's easy to fool a bunch of rubes.
Yes, look at yourself and other FEers.
So easily fooled into thinking Earth is flat. So happy to buy into all the lies FEers spout.
You load and load your mountain of lies, but all of them can be picked apart.
You mean you can spout a bunch of lies to try to refute facts that you can't handle?
Again, care to explain the sunrise? How the sun is casting light upwards?