How would anyone of them possibly 'know', from this point, that the Earth has a 'core', when they can't even prove it's a 'ball', or that 'space' exists as they claim, an endless area all around Earth, or prove stars are all 'TRILLIONS OF MILES AWAY FROM EARTH', among so many other BS claims without any proof t all?
Except for THIS claim, unlike most others, which use 'space' as an excuse, this claim IS proven to be complete BS, as it's based on the Earth itself.
So far, we've gone down into the Earth's surface, to the depth of our oceans, or slightly more than that. About 7.5 miles down, that's it!
Your ball Earth's 'core' is supposedly 1800 miles down! How could anyone possible know what exists below Earth, another 1792 miles down, even if it WERE a ball?
Oh, right, from all their 'data', and 'studies', and 'reports', the same BS papers they've spewed out for ALL their claims, because if there are 'documents', it's GOT to be true, it's in a 'REPORT'!
Yet somehow, these 'reports' aren't even verified, or studied, to see what is IN them, whether anything in them IS true, or confirmed by others as true, or what those reports are BASED on, if they even ARE based on anything, which is usually based on their EARLIER 'reports', and so on, all the way back to some sort of ORIGINAL report, which says that Earth is a big ball, flying through endless space, which hasn't any proof to BEGIN with!
When you believe all this crap is the truth, I'm not surprised you believe they could ever 'know', or 'understand', what else is there, or even GUESS at it, from 7.5 miles down, because that's complete nonsense.
However, if you show me any other science, which IS valid, and proven to be real, like computer science, perhaps, which does exist, has been proven to exist, can be proven at any time to exist, confirmed by the whole WORLD to exist, same as ALL sciences are, when they are real and valid sciences.
It's strange to see how ALL of your ball Earth/endless space claims, from the first one, that Earth is a ball, to stars all being trillions of miles away from Earth, have never shown any evidence or proof, because those MAKING these claims, have never allowed anyone else to CONFIRM it is true or not, and never WILL allow it!
Why would anyone ever buy that BS, is beyond absurd, and utter ignorance, a blind faith, a religion, unshakeable, at all times.
Intelligence is for you to use, to understand, for reason and logical thought, but only when one DOES use it, instead of what others SAY is true, but never allow us to confirm as true!