So. I decided to go with a sealed lead battery instead of risking trashing one of my expensive lithium batteries used with my cordless tools.
The old setup.
The two 6 volt lantern batteries in series with an Estes igniter.
The old lantern battery setup with an Aerotech First Fire igniter.
New battery and the battery maintainer. Total cost was around 45 dollars.
It seems the peak amps with the new battery almost doubled?
After the test. I found one of the leads going to the igniter at the alligator clip was only attached with a few threads of copper wire. Redid the connections with new alligator clips.
I wanted to use the same rocket. But lost the retaining ring for the motor mount of the rocket, so used a Mad Cow Mozzie model rocket. And just used the rocket motor kits I had on hand.
If you think I have the fuels misnamed, please let me know. I can also take pictures of the motor kit documents and post them.
The white lighting fuel sputtered with the new setup.
View from camera taped to rocket.
Please ignore the time stamps on the videos. Been too lazy to set the date with the computer.
The black Jack fuel showed no sputtering
Yes. The rocket launch bent the three piece 1/4” aluminum thread rod at one of the threads. Bought a solid 1/4” aluminum rod to replace it.
View from camera taped on rocket.