Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?

  • 74 Replies
Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« on: February 03, 2023, 11:48:09 AM »
It’s time for FE’s to stop the word games.

For the northern hemisphere summer’s smallest circuit of the sun above the earth.  Where the sun is always above the earth. 

(But doesn’t block the views of starts for the dark side while up there circling??? Or evidently doesn’t emit detectable radiation???)

Anyway.   Draw or sketch how a sunset works on a flat earth.

No long rants about NASA supposedly lying, the NWO, or how spherical earth is “evil”. 

Show why the horizon physically blocks the sun from view, and the sun’s radiation.

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2023, 11:33:18 PM »
It cannot be properly sketched on a 2d paper, because it is a 3d phenomenon, both above and over Earth, that takes place during sunsets and sunrises.

If Earth was a ball, with the blackness of 'space' above it, the Sun would curve downward, at sunset, and would NOT light up the sky above us, it would curve down, and the sky would be black above us, not what happens, and it also proves that the Earth IS flat...

How could the Sun not be seen, past a horizon, yet light up the skies above us, if it is simply 'black space', above the Earth?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2023, 01:39:48 AM »
It cannot be properly sketched on a 2d paper, because it is a 3d phenomenon, both above and over Earth, that takes place during sunsets and sunrises.

If Earth was a ball, with the blackness of 'space' above it, the Sun would curve downward, at sunset, and would NOT light up the sky above us, it would curve down, and the sky would be black above us, not what happens, and it also proves that the Earth IS flat...

How could the Sun not be seen, past a horizon, yet light up the skies above us, if it is simply 'black space', above the Earth?

Lot’s of 3D things can be simplified on paper to draw the basic concept.  Such as the frequency of radio waves.  The dimensions of a building.

Right angle math and the corresponding right angle triangle.  What the distance of the sun should be able to be broken down to on a flat earth.  It should just be a matter of right angle math and a triangle. 

For your post.  In other words. Your post is an excuse why FE’s can’t draw out the lie the earth is flat. When in reality the earth is spherical. 

FE’s can’t model out by drawing or sketching how a sunset should work?  After centuries? 
« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 04:28:50 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2023, 01:45:53 AM »
It cannot be properly sketched on a 2d paper, because it is a 3d phenomenon, both above and over Earth, that takes place during sunsets and sunrises.

If Earth was a ball, with the blackness of 'space' above it, the Sun would curve downward, at sunset, and would NOT light up the sky above us, it would curve down, and the sky would be black above us, not what happens, and it also proves that the Earth IS flat...

How could the Sun not be seen, past a horizon, yet light up the skies above us, if it is simply 'black space', above the Earth?
Pretty much everything in that post is pure garbage.
Firstly, even if something is 3D, it can still be sketched in 2D.
A great example of that is how a sunset works.

Even though Earth is 3D, we can easily show a 2D cross section.

A ray of light from the sun is indicated in orange, showing the limit of the illuminated region.
The illuminated sky is shown in blue.
Notice how someone can be in a region where they can't see the sun, but can still look up and see the illuminated sky.
This just further supports the fact that Earth is round.

Your claims are once more pure garbage to pretend there is a problem when there is none.



  • Ethical Stash
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Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2023, 02:26:51 AM »
It cannot be properly sketched on a 2d paper, because it is a 3d phenomenon, both above and over Earth, that takes place during sunsets and sunrises.

Who said 3d can't be represented in 2d? Did you just make that up?

If Earth was a ball, with the blackness of 'space' above it, the Sun would curve downward, at sunset, and would NOT light up the sky above us, it would curve down, and the sky would be black above us, not what happens, and it also proves that the Earth IS flat...

How could the Sun not be seen, past a horizon, yet light up the skies above us, if it is simply 'black space', above the Earth?

What in the world are you talking about? You're making absolutely no sense.

What's amazing here is that you don't even know what you're arguing against. You don't even know how sunrises and sunsets work on a globe earth, let alone a flat earth.

So here's a pro-tip: Learn about what is that you disagree with. Arguing from ignorance is just lazy and pathetic. You basically just said the equivalent of me saying, "On a flat earth, boats would sail over and off the edge..."

My goodness, how long have you been at this and you still have no clue what it is you are fighting?

And btw, where's your flat earth map that we should all be using to navigate with?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2023, 07:43:44 AM »
It cannot be properly sketched on a 2d paper

Ha!  What can't properly be sketched on 2d paper is a fixed-scale map of a 2d flat earth with accurate distances and continent sizes. Why do you imagine that is?



  • 3528
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Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2023, 03:53:20 AM »
It’s time for FE’s to stop the word games.

For the northern hemisphere summer’s smallest circuit of the sun above the earth.  Where the sun is always above the earth. 

(But doesn’t block the views of starts for the dark side while up there circling??? Or evidently doesn’t emit detectable radiation???)

Anyway.   Draw or sketch how a sunset works on a flat earth.

No long rants about NASA supposedly lying, the NWO, or how spherical earth is “evil”. 

Show why the horizon physically blocks the sun from view, and the sun’s radiation.

Aaaagh. You know, I wouldn't have to keep drawing models if you actually looked at what I drew. I'm not drawing any more parabolas for you, because you don't get it. Our perspective is based on angles, from 0 to 180. Directly overhead, 90 degrees. Sunrise, starts at 0 degrees, goes over the next few hours to about 45 degrees. Heads up to 60 degrees, then 80, then 90, then degrees greater than 90 until it sets. This is all while the sun maintains altitude, meaning it's all perspective and focal points. The sun doesn't dip into a pool of water, it reaches a point where the height it appears from us is an angle that approaches 0/180.

Here, look at this sunset.

Do you see anything besides a flat horizon?

Not if you're honest.

There is no "dark side of the Earth."

Unlike your bad map, we can see all continents of the world.

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2023, 05:04:31 AM »

Aaaagh. You know, I wouldn't have to keep drawing models if you actually looked at what I drew.

Not my fault you can’t draw a lie.

I'm not drawing any more parabolas for you,

Why do you have to draw?  You don’t have your images saved?

Like this?

Why.  Because what’s your response to…

Hello.  There is no parabola.  It’s been debunked repeatedly.


Parabola theory says that objects only appear to curve,

How are these two different sets of towers parallel on the horizon?

With no sign /indication of these distortions:

In your parabola delusion where the “lensing” effect has to be powerful enough to hide the sun at sunset on the flat earth fantasy?

How would laser range finders be accurate in that your parabola delusion is actually distorting the media the laser travels through?

because you don't get it.

No.  Your parabola is a lie.  And has no proof of existing.  It’s a delusion created by you because you can’t handle reality.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 05:06:26 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »



  • Ethical Stash
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Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2023, 11:26:04 AM »
There is no "dark side of the Earth."

There is no night anymore?



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2023, 12:26:54 PM »
Aaaagh. You know, I wouldn't have to keep drawing models if you actually looked at what I drew.
You wouldn't have to keep drawing it if you would stop providing such dishonest garbage which has been refuted countless times.

Your parabola BS doesn't work. It isn't that we don't get it. It is that it is incapable of explaining what is observed.

Your parabola doesn't explain why the sun can be observed for hours and appear to set when it is above a point several thousand km away.

This is all while the sun maintains altitude, meaning it's all perspective and focal points.
Baselessly asserting your model works doesn't help.
You need to explain what magic causes a sun so high in the sky to appear to be going below Earth.

Do you see anything besides a flat horizon?
I see a horizon exactly as you would expect for a RE, the FE can't explain why the horizon exists at all.

There is no "dark side of the Earth."
So now you are claiming night doesn't exist?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2023, 06:44:33 AM »
The momentum of light creates an effect where the sun is obscured as the Earth appears to rise to meet it. Radiation is a form of light and subject to the same effect.
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2023, 12:12:24 PM »
The momentum of light creates an effect where the sun is obscured as the Earth appears to rise to meet it. Radiation is a form of light and subject to the same effect.

Can you provide more details?

Perhaps an example where you show the path of the light to an observer that can see the sun, and one that can't?
Explaining what is happening in the process.



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Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2023, 12:47:55 PM »
Go squish that sunset picture horizontally and have a gander and what you see, it's really neat.

Kinda hard to see the important part right away. If I zoom in on the horizon, it looks like this in your picture:

Weird, huh?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2023, 11:15:31 AM »
The momentum of light creates an effect where the sun is obscured as the Earth appears to rise to meet it. Radiation is a form of light and subject to the same effect.

Can you provide more details?

Perhaps an example where you show the path of the light to an observer that can see the sun, and one that can't?
Explaining what is happening in the process.
The sun is above you and the ground is below. The momentum of light then makes the ground appear higher while the sun appears lower.
That's why when you get lower to the ground, you can't see as far - there is less of a distance before light's momentum reaches your eyes.
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2023, 02:00:32 PM »
The sun is above you and the ground is below. The momentum of light then makes the ground appear higher while the sun appears lower.
That's why when you get lower to the ground, you can't see as far - there is less of a distance before light's momentum reaches your eyes.
Still don't understand.
What is making the ground appear higher?
What is making the sun appear lower?

i.e. how is the momentum resulting in these changes to the apparent location?
Is it that the light is travelling off with some momentum, and Earth is accelerating upwards, making the vertical component of the momentum of the light lesser?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2023, 02:25:47 PM »
The sun is above you and the ground is below. The momentum of light then makes the ground appear higher while the sun appears lower.
That's why when you get lower to the ground, you can't see as far - there is less of a distance before light's momentum reaches your eyes.
Still don't understand.
What is making the ground appear higher?
What is making the sun appear lower?

i.e. how is the momentum resulting in these changes to the apparent location?
Is it that the light is travelling off with some momentum, and Earth is accelerating upwards, making the vertical component of the momentum of the light lesser?
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.



  • Ethical Stash
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Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2023, 05:04:39 PM »
The sun is above you and the ground is below. The momentum of light then makes the ground appear higher while the sun appears lower.
That's why when you get lower to the ground, you can't see as far - there is less of a distance before light's momentum reaches your eyes.
Still don't understand.
What is making the ground appear higher?
What is making the sun appear lower?

i.e. how is the momentum resulting in these changes to the apparent location?
Is it that the light is travelling off with some momentum, and Earth is accelerating upwards, making the vertical component of the momentum of the light lesser?
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.

What about at sunset...



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2023, 11:34:41 PM »
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.
That isn't momentum.
Not without something else.
Momentum would be light from the sun travels down, so it appears to come from above; light from the ground travels up, so it appears to come from below.

What is making the direction change?
Why does light from the sun going down appear to be coming from lower?
Why isn't it just travelling in a straight line to my eye?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2023, 04:53:49 AM »
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.
That isn't momentum.
Not without something else.
Momentum would be light from the sun travels down, so it appears to come from above; light from the ground travels up, so it appears to come from below.

What is making the direction change?
Why does light from the sun going down appear to be coming from lower?
Why isn't it just travelling in a straight line to my eye?
Light is travelling in a straight line, but it must travel in a straight line from the object to your eye. An object that is above you travels in a straight line downwards, an object that is below you travels in a straight line upwards. This is why the higher you are, the less far down the Sun has to go, the longer a sunset can take. The lower you are, the more downwards momentum light has, the sooner it appears to happen.
This might help:
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2023, 07:19:09 AM »
It’s time for FE’s to stop the word games.

For the northern hemisphere summer’s smallest circuit of the sun above the earth.  Where the sun is always above the earth. 

(But doesn’t block the views of starts for the dark side while up there circling??? Or evidently doesn’t emit detectable radiation???)

Anyway.   Draw or sketch how a sunset works on a flat earth.

No long rants about NASA supposedly lying, the NWO, or how spherical earth is “evil”. 

Show why the horizon physically blocks the sun from view, and the sun’s radiation.

Aaaagh. You know, I wouldn't have to keep drawing models if you actually looked at what I drew. I'm not drawing any more parabolas for you, because you don't get it. Our perspective is based on angles, from 0 to 180. Directly overhead, 90 degrees. Sunrise, starts at 0 degrees, goes over the next few hours to about 45 degrees. Heads up to 60 degrees, then 80, then 90, then degrees greater than 90 until it sets. This is all while the sun maintains altitude, meaning it's all perspective and focal points. The sun doesn't dip into a pool of water, it reaches a point where the height it appears from us is an angle that approaches 0/180.

Here, look at this sunset.

Do you see anything besides a flat horizon?

Not if you're honest.

There is no "dark side of the Earth."

Unlike your bad map, we can see all continents of the world.

Bulma briefs, your squishy briefs are full of shit, just like your shitty ideas about the earth and the sun.

When you watch a setting sun, the entire Earth you are standing on, is rotating you away from the sun, into the dark side of the Earth. The sun isn't moving. It's stationary in relation to the moving Earth. You are the moving one.

There is a dark side of the Earth. Maybe you should empty your briefs every now and then?

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2023, 07:26:32 AM »
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.
That isn't momentum.
Not without something else.
Momentum would be light from the sun travels down, so it appears to come from above; light from the ground travels up, so it appears to come from below.

What is making the direction change?
Why does light from the sun going down appear to be coming from lower?
Why isn't it just travelling in a straight line to my eye?
Light is travelling in a straight line, but it must travel in a straight line from the object to your eye. An object that is above you travels in a straight line downwards, an object that is below you travels in a straight line upwards. This is why the higher you are, the less far down the Sun has to go, the longer a sunset can take. The lower you are, the more downwards momentum light has, the sooner it appears to happen.
This might help:

What the hell is this??

You're saying a setting sun is a hologram and the actual sun in the sky is invisible. Ridiculous.

Thanks for the tip but I'll rely on my eyes to inform me of the truth.



  • 188
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2023, 08:15:38 AM »

Unlike your bad map, we can see all continents of the world.

We know America is about 3000 miles from east to west.  We know Australia is about the same size.

Your very fuzzy "New Standard Map of the World" shows Australia twice the width of America.  Please explain.



  • 188
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2023, 08:24:22 AM »

The sun is above you and the ground is below. The momentum of light then makes the ground appear higher while the sun appears lower.
That's why when you get lower to the ground, you can't see as far - there is less of a distance before light's momentum reaches your eyes.

Same author...
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.
And more
Light is travelling in a straight line, but it must travel in a straight line from the object to your eye. An object that is above you travels in a straight line downwards, an object that is below you travels in a straight line upwards. This is why the higher you are, the less far down the Sun has to go, the longer a sunset can take. The lower you are, the more downwards momentum light has, the sooner it appears to happen.
Light from the Sun has to travel downwards to reach your eyes while light reflecting off the ground must travel upwards.
When light travels down, it appears more downward. When light travels up, it appears upwards. That's momentum.

Fun stuff.  Ya can't make this up.



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2023, 12:07:20 PM »
Light is travelling in a straight line, but it must travel in a straight line from the object to your eye. An object that is above you travels in a straight line downwards, an object that is below you travels in a straight line upwards. This is why the higher you are, the less far down the Sun has to go, the longer a sunset can take. The lower you are, the more downwards momentum light has, the sooner it appears to happen.
This might help:

If it is travelling in a straight line, it simply goes straight to my eye. This means the object will appear in the direction it is (or at least, the position it was when the light left it). This provides no reason for it to appear higher or lower.

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2023, 03:04:38 PM »

Here, look at this sunset.

Do you see anything besides a flat horizon?

Not if you're honest.

I am perfectly honest.

This horizon is clearly curved, and it is much more obvious if you compress the picture in the horizontal, as I did.

I will show you the result if someone explains how to upload pictures.

You have proved the earth is round.


Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2023, 03:51:17 PM »
Light is travelling in a straight line, but it must travel in a straight line from the object to your eye. An object that is above you travels in a straight line downwards, an object that is below you travels in a straight line upwards. This is why the higher you are, the less far down the Sun has to go, the longer a sunset can take. The lower you are, the more downwards momentum light has, the sooner it appears to happen.
This might help:

If it is travelling in a straight line, it simply goes straight to my eye. This means the object will appear in the direction it is (or at least, the position it was when the light left it). This provides no reason for it to appear higher or lower.
It travels straight to your eye with the momentum that it had. The principle is the same as refraction. When light hits a surface like your eye, its momentum causes its angle to shift and for you to perceive it at an altered angle. It will appear in the direction that the momentum induced angle makes it appear at.
That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.

Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2023, 07:19:10 PM »
Light is travelling in a straight line, but it must travel in a straight line from the object to your eye. An object that is above you travels in a straight line downwards, an object that is below you travels in a straight line upwards. This is why the higher you are, the less far down the Sun has to go, the longer a sunset can take. The lower you are, the more downwards momentum light has, the sooner it appears to happen.
This might help:

If it is travelling in a straight line, it simply goes straight to my eye. This means the object will appear in the direction it is (or at least, the position it was when the light left it). This provides no reason for it to appear higher or lower.
It travels straight to your eye with the momentum that it had. The principle is the same as refraction. When light hits a surface like your eye, its momentum causes its angle to shift and for you to perceive it at an altered angle. It will appear in the direction that the momentum induced angle makes it appear at.

I see that pseudoscience is your cup of tea. If you're going to spruke your fantasy science explanations, can you do a disclaimer first, so that people with anything higher than a pre-school level of education, can know to avoid you like the plague?

Your explanation for the momentum of light hitting your eyeball at an angle and causing you to perceive the sun at an altered angle, would relate to everything you see with that eyeball, not just the sun. Such a person with such an impaired eyeball would be at such a disadvantage visually in life. They wouldn't be able to walk, reach out an grab things, wouldn't be able to drive a car, or even walk through a doorway.  They would not be able to function without the aid of some sort of specially made spectacles being worn to correct their defective eyes.

Your explanation is bonkers mad.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2023, 10:02:47 PM »

Clearly not curved.



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2023, 10:46:18 PM »
I will show you the result if someone explains how to upload pictures.
You can't upload them directly here.
Instead, you can upload them to a site like imgur, and then embed them using bbcode (you can copy the bbcode embed code from imgur, it starts with [img ]



  • 23734
Re: Calling FE’s, draw out how a sunset works on a flat Earth?
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2023, 10:51:03 PM »
Clearly not curved.
You seem to have ignored the right edge:

Looks like there is a gap.

And as Boydster has already done, compressing the image just makes it more obvious.
It is not straight. It is quite clearly curved.