The Nasa spacecraft Orion imaged the earth and the moon together when they were no more than 250,000 away from the earth. Oh, great courage without math. Now that they will learned what they're going to learn, they can make more careful lies!
Links are
here: : image is here: can remove them later "because it's faulty". No problem. They are there now. Let's break this nonsense!
Orion, moon and earth together. Lol.
Here is the view from another angle. It looks like the other.
It is stated on the site that this is at most 270,000 miles from the earth. So we can think of it as 270,000 miles or less.
Let's start with the apparent sizes first:
Earth: 1, moon: 1.7 Okay.
The distance we are wondering here is X. I also measured the apparent distance between the earth and the moon above (as 2.7) but I realized while calculating that this is not necessary.
Let's write the data on a shape.
I've overlaid them here so you can see both distances. By a1 we mean the apparent size of the earth and by a2 we mean the apparent size of the moon.
Here we come across two arc tangent functions. Substituting the value in one for the other, we find the distance X: 145.000 kms.
The distance from the earth was calculated as 529,000 kms, since the earth should be further away according to the figure.
However, it is stated on the site that this distance is at most 270,000 miles = 434.000kms.
Sorry NASA. We have the wise parts you are missing. Fixing such problems will cost you up to $10,000 per month. But instead of hiring a skilled mathematician, you're wasting $100,000,000 a month on a useless troll army. And then you get ridiculous like this here.