Werepenguin is an elimination game played as a team. Here, the rules will be summarized and the story will be briefly summarized.
You can find detailed stories and narrations about the roles on the audience page.
MAIN ROLESUN TeamInspector : This is the general role of the players. Every day he votes to have someone lynched. She doesn't do anything at night, unless she's dead.
Bayraktar AUAV : At the end of any day or any night, he can kill any one he wants. However, this kill is a one-time only, after which he becomes an ordinary inspector.
UNIA: (namely Natalya Egorova) United Nation Intelligence Agent. Learns the role of a player per night. For this, she gives the narrator the name of the player whose role she wants to learn. Does it once for at nights.
Counter Counter Central Intelligence Agent (CCCIA): (namely Vincent Mckenzie) : Prevents the Counter Central Intelligence Agent from doing its job that night; whatever it's doing. She gives the narrator a name and prevents that name from doing its job that night.
Nikola Tesla He is an item manufacturer. Each night it produces an item and makes it available to a player. The narrator tells the Tesla what the item to be produced is. (it will be chosen randomly) and the player reports back to the narrator which player they want this item to be given. The probability that the item will go to the user as a manufactured item and the probability that the item will actually be produced is 50%, independently of each other. The player as Nicola Tesla will be notified if an item has been crafted that night.
Items Can be Discovered By Tesla, Puzzle Prizes List (use by both teams are possible): AUAV Drone: Nikola Tesla can produce the drone technology that the Turks have been working on for decades, overnight. This is still disposable. It can be awarded to players of both teams.
Extra life: The special potion discovered by Nikola Tesla can activate a stopped heart and restore destroyed cells. It is disposable and activates when the player dies.
Intelligence drone: With this drone, any inspector can learn about someone. It is disposable and works at following night.
Shield: This magnetic shield protects the inspector's room from all external influences during the night, like Intelligence, assassination, counterintelligence, etc. It is disposable. It only works for one night.
Armor: This powerful armor contains an ethereal high-tech outer shell, and no bullet can penetrate it. It is disposable and only works during the day.
Reincarnation: This unique ability is a special discovery that Tesla achieved thanks to his spiritual strength. Tesla meditates with a special ritual, contacting the soul of the deceased and calling it back. Spiritual affairs may not always go as expected. Tesla, who is successful in everything, knows that he can fail in this regard. The chance of success of the procedure is 50%. It works day and night.
SaboteursCCIA (Counter Central Intelligence Agent) (namely William Thompson) : Every night he does one of the following. He can either kill someone, or gather intelligence about someone (he can only learn his role), or prevent the intelligence agent from getting intelligence. For this, he sends a message to the narrator every night about what he wants to do. Necessary explanation is made by the narrator about the result at the end of the night to himself or to all the players on the game page. Of course, his identity will be kept confidential by the narrator.
UPA Soldier 1: (Lev Vasylovych Shevcenko) Each night he informs the narrator who he wants to kill. If there is a counter intelligent agent or other UPA soldiers other than himself, this right is used alternately.
UPA Soldier 2: (Yaroslav Leonidovych Slobodyan) Each night he informs the narrator who he wants to kill.
UPA Soldier 3: (Khrystyna Leonidivna Denysenko) Each night he informs the narrator who he wants to kill.
Isisman (neutral NPC,Mohammad Aboo Jack) It targets the player who has been inactive for a long time and makes a suicide attack. The player has a 50% chance of dying.
It can also be activated to apply a lynching result, in which case the chance of success is 100%.
Daily or random tasks:
There will be some puzzles every few days, sometimes two days in a row. Oh, simple stuff but as usual you can't find it. The first person to answer correctly will receive a random reward from Tesla's warehouse.
All players vote during the day, whether they are inspectors or not. Days and nights last 24 hours separately. In the event of a tie, There will a re-vote on whether two or none should die. The day will be extended by one day. The night will be delayed for one night.
In case of disagreement, a game of rock, paper, scissors is played.
United Nations Crimes Investigation Board Of Judicial, Administrative and Terrorism (Players On Ship)01 boydster (UPA2) lynched
02 Jura-Glenlivet II (inspector) by UPA 1
03 crouton (+1 Ekstra Life) Inspector
04 Space Cowgirl (UNIA) killed by UPA3 , Resurrected killed by UPA3 once again.
05 StashInspector
06 NotSoSkeptical killed by AUAV drone, Wolvaccine gift it to Crouton.
07 Colonel Gaydafi İnspector) has been murdered by UPA3
08 Wolvaccine (Inspector) has been terminated by AUAV drone
09 Unicorn Peptide Cake (Inspector) has been lynched
10 bullwinkle AUAV Master terminated by inactivity
11 JimmyTheLobster Inspector
12 Disputeone CCCIA
13 Gotham (+1 Armour) CCIA has been lynched
14 Junker (UPA 1) lynched
15 Alexey (inspector) lynched
16 Mundin aka Nikola Tesla has been murdered by UPA1
Day1 Eventsplayers are informed about their roles
Night 1 EventsUNIA Agent Natalya Egorova aka SCG has been terminated by UPA3
Crouton was rewarded with +1 extra life by Nikola Tesla.
Day 2 EventsWolvaccine has voted abstained.
Crouton to lynch Boydster.
Mundin to lynch crouton.
Colonel Gaydafi voted abstained.
Disputeone voted abstained.
Jura Glenlivet II to lynch Boydster.
boydster, aka UPA2 agent has been lycnhed.
Night 2 EventsJammer signals were detected around Crouton's room.
Tesla discovered an AUAV drone.
AUAV drone has been used to kill Wolvaccine.
Mundin aka Nikole Tesla has been murdered by UPA 1
Day 3 Eventsbullwinkle aka terminated due to inactivity.
Jura Glenlivet II to lynch Unicorn Peptide Cake
Deisputeone to lynch Unicorn Peptide Cake
Unicorn Peptide Cake has been lynched.
Night 3 EventsJura Glenlivet II, has gain a Shield.
Day 4 EventsNotSoSkeptical to lynch Alexei
Jura Glenlivet II to lynch Alexei
Alexey to lynch NotSoSkeptical
Crouton vote to lynch Alexey
Alexey is no more.
Night 4 EventsGotham has gain an Armour.
Shield is activated.
Gaydafi has been terminated by UPA3
Day 5 EventsJura lynch Gotham
Gotham lynch Jura
Crouton lynch Gotham
Disputeone lynch Gotham
Gotham has been lynched
Night 5 EventsJura Glenlivet II killed by UPA 1
Day 6 EventsSpace Cowgirl has been resurrected.
Notsoskeptical has vote to lynch Lobster
Junker votes to lynch Lobster
Lobster votes to not lycnh Lobster
Shifter gain an AUAV drone
Scg lynch Junker
Stash lycnh Junker
Disputeone lynch Junker
Junker has been lynched.
Night 6 EventsSpace cowgirl has been murdered by UPA 3
Wolvaccine has gave the AUAV drone gift to crouton
Crouton has use the drone to kill NSS. NSS has been murdered, aka UPA 3
Game over