If you don't understand the difference between appearance and reality, you're the one we should have been calling delusional all along.
Ignoring refraction, diffraction and gravitational lensing, light travels in straight lines.
Perspective is a logical result of this.
If you construct a straight line, passing level through your eyes (or measuring device), and continue it past the object, such that the object is a distance h above the line, measured perpendicular to the line, and the distance from your eyes (or measuring device) to the point on the line nearest the object is d, then the angle of elevation of the object will be given by arctan(h/d).
You can also look at the angular size of an object by looking at 2 points on it. The simplest way to do this is to instead construct your line directly from your eyes to the object, and h is the total height of the object.
This gives the angular size as 2*arctan(h/(2d).
It isn't that objects appear smaller, it is that the angular size of the object is smaller.
The construction worker knows that his bridge doesn't actually curve.
Prove it.
Curvature theory states that world has to be round because objects like water curve at the horizon.
The RE theory states that Earth is round, because this is what explains so many observations.
But more importantly we can go the other way.
For this, we observe the angular size of the boat shrink as the boat goes into the distance, until it reaches the horizon. After this point the angular size continues to shrink, but it also becomes quite apparent that the angular position is getting lower, with the lower portions of the boat being obstructed by the horizon.
Unless the boat is actually sinking into the water, this requires the water to be curved to allow the view of the bottom of the boat to be obstructed.
Parabola theory says that objects only appear to curve
And that is pretty much it.
It provides no explanation of what is actually happening.
As shown, your delusional parabola should result in the top of the object being cut off, not the bottom.
Likewise, it shouldn't just magically make it appear to sink into the water.
It has no explanatory power, it has no evidence to support it.
In short, it is just a pathetic excuse to pretend Earth is flat.
in fact water behaves exactly the same whether in a bath, and Olympic sized swimming pool, or the entire surface of the Earth.
Yes, following the curvature of Earth.
You can't accept the basic reality
No, that would be you. Still clinging to a flat Earth even though you cannot offer any proof of it, nor can you refute the RE, nor can you refute the evidence showing Earth is round.
Instead you just come up with pathetic excuses like your parabola, which explain nothing, and which you refuse to actually defend.
Again, this is an diagram of a boat crossing your parabola:
It is clear that the top and front are outside the parabola, and thus shouldn't be visible, while the bottom at the back is inside and should still be visible.
This directly contradicts what is observed in reality.
This shows your parabola is nonsense.
Yet you refuse to even discuss it.
What you instead need is something more like this:
Notice that the parabola is now upside down, to correctly show how the bottom disappears first.
But you also need that magic on the left to pull down things there to make them appear below.
This is simply the result of showing what should happen on a round Earth, and then making Earth flat for no reason at all other than you desperately wanting Earth to be flat.
Yet you proceed to tell me that I am only seeing the appearance of the sun orbiting the Earth, and it is really the other way around (hypocritical much).
Do you mean for its yearly cycle or daily cycle?
If the latter, no, that isn't an orbit. That would be magically circling a point.
If the daily cycle was the sun orbiting Earth it would be summer in England and Australia at the same time, and summer would slowly shift in latitude over the course of a year.
But there is a big difference.
What you are describing here is the visual observation of relative motion.
With this, you cannot tell if you are turning around or if the sun is circling a point on a axis passing through or close to you.
What allows you to distinguish them are more accurate observations, like that of a laser ring gyroscope that measures the rotation of Earth, or explanatory power, where a RE rotating on its axis while orbiting the sun due to gravity it quite simple and explains the observations, while there is no explanation for why the sun should magically circle a point (and no, gravity wont help as there is nothing there to be attracted to).
But I know the difference between someone circling around me and me circling around them.
Because you are desperate to want it to be?
Why don't I feel the motion of Earth?
Why don't I feel the motion of plane flying at almost 1000 km/hr?
Because you don't feel motion.
What you feel is a force being transferred through you.
You feel the wind when pushes against your face, because the part of your body under your face is pushing back to hold your face in place.
You feel acceleration in a car, because the seat is pushing into your back which then transfers the force through the rest of your body.
You feel weight when you are holding up a heavy object, because a force is being transferred through your arms and the rest of your body to hold it up.
You don't feel constant velocity, because there isn't a force being transferred through your body to maintain it.
You don't feel acceleration by a force like gravity because it acts on your entire body, not merely one part of it like the seat does, so it doesn't require the force to be transferred through your body. This is also what lead to it being labelled an inertial force, with the alternative understanding of curved spacetime, with you following a geodesic through it instead of accelerating, and instead seeing you standing on Earth's surface being Earth accelerating you upwards, which you do feel, in a manner identical to you being in a sealed box being accelerated upwards.
So before such ignorant questions of why don't you feel the motion of Earth you should start by explaining just what you should feel with a proper justification, starting with the basics of what is actually felt.
No, that question was rhetorical, you don't get to answer that. There isn't any!
You hating reality doesn't mean we don't get to answer your question.
There is quite simple answer.
You wanting to reject that answer means you want to be wilfully to cling to your fantasy.
We don't need to support your wilful rejection of reality.
I just answered this question with the obelisk.
Which is a clear demonstration that you are wrong.
You don't see the top of the obelisk when you are close because the side blocks the view.
There is no need to invoke your delusional garbage.
Your delusional garbage doesn't help explain it at all.
If we make a long hike (say 20 miles in a day), we do not have to adjust for the curve.
And this is just more ignorant garbage.
Just how do you think you would need to adjust for the curve?
So many FEers love to spout ignorant garbage like this, acting like a RE would require you to adjust for the curve for every step you take; while being completely incapable of describing just what adjustments would need to be made.
Those who try to make claims about what adjustments need to be made typically describe what would happen if their fantasy FE was magically made round, but still kept its magical universal down; instead of even attempting to describe what would happen on the real round Earth with gravity.
So tell us, just what adjustments do you think you need to make to adjust for the curve?
Explain them in clear detail, including a justification of why you need to do this.