How about some positivity?

  • 49 Replies


  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
How about some positivity?
« on: September 07, 2022, 12:09:47 AM »
Almost every argument flat earthers present stem from a negative reaction to some aspect of conventional science or a different interpretation of a known natural phenomenon. Their arguments  also involve refusal to acknowledge actual physical objects or events that are there for everyone to see!

For example some say there is a Dome! despite no one ever seeing one! Despite the physical reality of orbiting satellites and the ISS that can be seen. Despite the thousands of meteorites on display in the museums of the world and despite the physical evidence of all the impact sites on the face of the planet. All this actual physical evidence that one can see or even touch is rejected in favour of a belief for which no positive evidence can ever be offered.

In a nutshell their whole stance is based on negativity and refusal to believe what is accepted by mainstream science. No where can you find any robust worked out and validated concepts. For sure they have a Wiki with nothing more than a few vague notions that can’t  stand up to even the most modest scrutiny. None are supported by any hard positive evidence. All are based on negativity born from belief.

For example their whole notion of a small and near sun beggars any belief. Where does one  start to unpick that particular notion?  The fact that there are  probes currently in orbit around the sun each streaming back live data 24/7 is water off a ducks back to a flat earth believer. This is also despite the fact that relatively simple calculations can be done to calculate the actual distance.

The nub is at no time has any flat earther presented any positive concrete proof to support their belief about their small near sun. Nor have they ever offered a fully worked out credible explanation of how their small sun, 32 miles in diameter, could burn for billions of years!  Nor by what mechanism their small sun holds the solar system together.

The reality is they can’t offer any explanation for any of their beliefs as it would require a total rewrite of the known laws of nature. That’s why they will continue to debate only in the negative while NEVER offering any validated alternative that can stand up to any scrutiny.

"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!

Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2022, 01:39:16 AM »
They have memes?  The gospel of the internet.

The Best Collection of Flat Earth Memes



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2022, 04:13:43 AM »
They have memes?  The gospel of the internet.

The Best Collection of Flat Earth Memes

....but thats just the point all their 'memes' are just misunderstanding, misinterpretations and distortions of reality and in themselves offer no proof whatsoever  while at the same time ignoring all the hard proof that is all around them.

While putting a coin on a table may convince the gulliable and ignorant it in no way matches reality, nor does it address in any manner whatsoever the insurmountable problems of their claim of the sun being small.
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2022, 09:29:46 AM »
They have memes?  The gospel of the internet.

The Best Collection of Flat Earth Memes

Camera view is of the side of the table looking slightly upward.  So as he slides the dime across the top of the table, which you can't see, the dime disappears from the bottom up.  Dishonesty in action.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.

Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2022, 11:20:02 AM »
They have memes?  The gospel of the internet.

The Best Collection of Flat Earth Memes

Camera view is of the side of the table looking slightly upward.  So as he slides the dime across the top of the table, which you can't see, the dime disappears from the bottom up.  Dishonesty in action.

The photographer had to place the camera at a point / perspective below the plane.  Very dishonest.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2022, 11:33:42 PM »
They have memes?  The gospel of the internet.

The Best Collection of Flat Earth Memes

Camera view is of the side of the table looking slightly upward.  So as he slides the dime across the top of the table, which you can't see, the dime disappears from the bottom up.  Dishonesty in action.

The photographer had to place the camera at a point / perspective below the plane.  Very dishonest.

What the  photographer really has to do is take his head out his ass.

The issue is not how he is taking the photo but the fact he’s doing in the first place! Basing it all on the tired premise of ….”well it sure looks flat” is as lame as it gets. People who imagine they know something that has somehow escaped the rest of humanity is mind boggling. Then trying to prove a point with a coin and a kitchen table!

With a launch of a rocket that hopefully will take humanity back to the moon imminent, barring any more fuel leaks!, and the most amazing images being taken by the JWT, there is some dude wearing blinkers  on his kitchen table with nothing more than a warped sense of reality and a Stone Age mentality trying vainly to show the earth is flat. Talk about ignoring the herd of elephants in the room.

The fact of the matter is that’s about is good as it gets when it comes to flat earthers offering positive proof as there is nothing much else they can offer apart from resorting to….. well it sure looks flat which is why they seldom offer any alternative positive proof as there is none. In essence it’s the only club they have in the bag.

What you NEVER see is some dude offering a compelling explanation and mechanism of how the small flat earth sun has managed to keep burning for over 4 billion years and how it’s been able to hold the rest of the solar system together. Small points I know but rather crucial don’t you think and fairly central to any ‘world view’.

This insurmountable impossibility is why they will continue to latch on to single issues, prove they have a flat kitchen table, muddy the water and take misinformation to new levels all while ignoring the glaring truth that is all around them.

"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 23761
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2022, 01:05:34 AM »
The issue is not how he is taking the photo but the fact he’s doing in the first place!
Only if you want to promote religion rather than science.
With science, there is nothing wrong with taking photos and trying to obtain evidence yourself.
Instead the issue here is how the experiment is setup, where the camera is below the table.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2022, 11:21:55 PM »
The issue is not how he is taking the photo but the fact he’s doing in the first place!
Only if you want to promote religion rather than science.
With science, there is nothing wrong with taking photos and trying to obtain evidence yourself.
Instead the issue here is how the experiment is setup, where the camera is below the table.

The religion of the table! What the hell are you on about! You could start it, be the messiah. Make up rules about what the true table should be like, square and never round, and how chairs are an abomination!
How about you take a photo of your rear end!  You could then spin some elaborate lie, call other people liars and make up all sorts of crap. It is after all what you excel at. 
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 23761
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2022, 11:37:46 PM »
The religion of the table! What the hell are you on about!
The same thing you repeatedly fail to grasp.
You want to treat science like religion.
You want to have high prophets that say something and have everyone else just accept it as fact without questioning or performing experiments themselves.

There is nothing wrong with doing experiments like you want to pretend.
If you care about knowing how the world works, and the experiment is simple, cheap and safe, then you should do it.

There is nothing wrong with the person wanting to do the experiment. The issue is how it is setup. The camera is below the surface of the table so the table obstructs the view.



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2022, 08:46:01 AM »
Cult of the Table!

We have the gods of Oak, Pine, and Particle Board.

Revel in the greatness of the flat dime sun.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2022, 11:37:50 AM »
The religion of the table! What the hell are you on about!
The same thing you repeatedly fail to grasp.
You want to treat science like religion.
You want to have high prophets that say something and have everyone else just accept it as fact without questioning or performing experiments themselves.

There is nothing wrong with doing experiments like you want to pretend.
If you care about knowing how the world works, and the experiment is simple, cheap and safe, then you should do it.

There is nothing wrong with the person wanting to do the experiment. The issue is how it is setup. The camera is below the surface of the table so the table obstructs the view.

You really are delusional.

What is the point in doing pointless experiments?

Only a fool would do such an experiment.

You really are the most wrapped and twisted person around.

Do you imagine for one moment that all the blow you come out with you have personally verified?

I doubt that 0.001%  or even less, of what comes out your mouth/ass has been verified by your own experiments. So stop being a holier that thou pretentious lying dick wad.

"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • Ethical Stash
  • 13398
  • I am car!
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2022, 11:51:23 AM »
I presume that lots and lots of experiments over the ages regarding anything are flawed, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

And lots of times, as a result of said experiments, the flaws are teased out and corrected. That's one of the points of doing experiments; to see how things may turn out and whether the experiment needs to be adjusted or not.

The only issue is when an experiment is flawed yet the experimenter doesn't recognize it. And then touts it as viable, unwittingly or not.

So to say that people shouldn't do experiments because, in your eyes, it's "pointless", is flawed unto itself and you're not recognizing that. That's the problem.



  • 23761
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2022, 02:14:07 PM »
You really are delusional.
No, that would be you with your ridiculous religion of "science".

What is the point in doing pointless experiments?
Only a fool would do such an experiment.
So you are saying every single experiment people do going through science classes are pointless?
After all, the results are already well known.
So there must be no point in doing them, and all the students must be fools for doing them and the teachers must be fools for getting students to do them?

That all the people who have redone Cavendish's experiments or variants of it are fools because the results are already known?
If so, you might want to go tell basically every scientist that they are a fool.

So stop being a holier that thou pretentious lying dick wad.
Follow your own advice.
Just because you want to follow a religion doesn't mean everyone does.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2022, 02:46:52 PM »
You really are delusional.
No, that would be you with your ridiculous religion of "science".

What is the point in doing pointless experiments?
Only a fool would do such an experiment.
So you are saying every single experiment people do going through science classes are pointless?
After all, the results are already well known.
So there must be no point in doing them, and all the students must be fools for doing them and the teachers must be fools for getting students to do them?

That all the people who have redone Cavendish's experiments or variants of it are fools because the results are already known?
If so, you might want to go tell basically every scientist that they are a fool.

So stop being a holier that thou pretentious lying dick wad.
Follow your own advice.
Just because you want to follow a religion doesn't mean everyone does.

What’s with all this religious stuff Jack? You seen the light discovered a new god? Or do you see yourself as the new flat earth messiah?

Cavandish experiment! Give me a break who cares about that ancient pre space age irrelevant bollocks. Only flat earth idiots and yourself see any relevance in that!

If I want confirmation  the earth is a sphere I can look at some live feed or have a gander at the multitude of images from space. Who needs to conduct an experiment.

How  about proving you  have a brain? Have you actually seen it? Proved its there? You could be run by clockwork or an old ZX81! Only one way to be actually be sure Jack.

You really are a two faced clown ramming your unproven sanctimonious views down other people throats.

All the views and beliefs you rave on about there is not one you have either discovered or proved yourself. Your nothing but a fraud.
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 23761
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2022, 03:19:25 PM »
What’s with all this religious stuff Jack?
That has been explained to you repeatedly, you are trying to replace science with religion.
You want everyone to just accept what the priests say the prophets have discovered, without questioning or doing any experiments themselves.

That isn't science, that is religion.

And I think your religion is a load of crap.

Cavandish experiment! Give me a break who cares about that ancient pre space age irrelevant bollocks. Only flat earth idiots and yourself see any relevance in that!
So I guess you think all these people are flat Earth idiots?

Shall I continue?

And that is just 1 experiment. There are plenty of others.

Just because you see no value in it because you are happy to accept the word of your priests and don't want to do anything yourself or have to think yourself; doesn't mean that no one sees value in it.
There are plenty of reasons people may want to conduct an experiment.

You really are a two faced clown ramming your unproven sanctimonious views down other people throats.
Your nothing but a fraud.
You sure do love lashing out and projecting your inadequacies onto others.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2022, 02:03:41 AM »
What’s with all this religious stuff Jack?
That has been explained to you repeatedly, you are trying to replace science with religion.
You want everyone to just accept what the priests say the prophets have discovered, without questioning or doing any experiments themselves.

That isn't science, that is religion.

And I think your religion is a load of crap.

Cavandish experiment! Give me a break who cares about that ancient pre space age irrelevant bollocks. Only flat earth idiots and yourself see any relevance in that!
So I guess you think all these people are flat Earth idiots?

Shall I continue?

And that is just 1 experiment. There are plenty of others.

Just because you see no value in it because you are happy to accept the word of your priests and don't want to do anything yourself or have to think yourself; doesn't mean that no one sees value in it.
There are plenty of reasons people may want to conduct an experiment.

You really are a two faced clown ramming your unproven sanctimonious views down other people throats.
Your nothing but a fraud.
You sure do love lashing out and projecting your inadequacies onto others.

You really are a raving fool pretending that you personally have discovered things and verified all you know by experimentation rather than accepting knowledge that had been validated and become accepted.

Have you yourself confirmed and proved all the many scientific principals that you drone on endlessly about?

How on earth can you comment on any space related topic or sub atomic principle when  you yourself have no way of confirming or proving what you talk of? Despite your protests you like everyone else draw on this vast pool of accepted and proven knowledge that we all have access to.

I’ve never personally been to Brazil, but I know it exists. Using your distorted illogical logic I should doubt everything until I have personally verified it by personal experience or having conducted an experiment.

Your take on the world which you have apparently ‘told me about’ several times is just the opinion of a delusional madman that I choose to ignore.

The problem with these stupid opinions or experiments you get so worked up about is that they try to prove the ridiculous and unprovable and are akin to trying to prove wheels are square. What is the point? They carry exactly the same level of credibility. Wheels will never be square no matter how  many experiments you choose to carry out.

Your fixation with the  topic of gravity is plain ridiculous. What is the point in performing an experiment that was designed almost 200 years ago when the information it provides is readily available and far more accurate? In an age when experiments in space are being carried out to help build a more in-depth understanding of gravity you dribble on about an experiment from the 1700s as though it has some currency in todays age!

This ability of people like yourself to ignore reality and create a world of make believe where mountains  of proven and accepted knowledge can be ignored so that you can conduct pointless and meaningless discussions about topics you pretend to have discovered and verified! It’s a joke. You are a joke in believing it!

So tell me Jack what experiments have you recently carried out to prove:-

The existence of quarks in all their lovely colours and spin?

The existence of black holes?

The nature and composition of neutron stars?

The ins and out of relativity?

The Big Bang?

Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion?

Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion?

Universal Law of Gravitation?

Laws of Thermodynamics?

Evolution and Natural Selection?

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?

Just a few concepts that one should know about. So Jack please list all the many experiments you yourself have carried out to confirm the above or will they all like your alleged experiment to prove the world is a sphere be a big secret!

You are a fraud ignorer of the truth, reality  and a serial liar Jack.
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 23761
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2022, 02:44:19 AM »
You really are a raving fool pretending that you personally have discovered things and verified all you know by experimentation rather than accepting knowledge that had been validated and become accepted.
You really do love projecting your own inadequacies onto others and making up strawmen to attack, and then running from the topic at hand when your BS is called out.

Using your distorted illogical logic
You mean using your pathetic strawman which in no way represents my position?

How about we skip your little tantrum and go straight back to the issue.
I provided several examples of people interested in the Cavendish experiment.
Do you think they are all flat Earth idiots?

Your fixation with the  topic of gravity is plain ridiculous. What is the point in performing an experiment that was designed almost 200 years ago when the information it provides is readily available and far more accurate?
Again, if you want to go down this path, what is the point of any science student carrying out any experiment at all?
After all, the results of all these experiments can be found in a book. (excluding those students conducting new research)

Back in reality, gaining new information is not the sole reason to carry out experiments. There are plenty of other reasons.

One simple reason is understanding how to design and carry out experiments, especially if there is any critical examination of the experiment.
Another is to improve the learning experience, as it is typically more fun doing an experiment than reading about it, and it can allow people to understand it better.
Another is just for fun.

But I get it, you hate having people learning to think for themselves rather than just mindlessly accepting what they are told.
And doing experiments, for whatever reason, can lead to that.

Why should gaining information be the sole point of doing it?
Do you also go off at people for looking at the stars as they can easily see that in a book or online?

You are a fraud ignorer of the truth, reality  and a serial liar.
You sure do love describing yourself.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2022, 04:53:51 AM »
You really are a raving fool pretending that you personally have discovered things and verified all you know by experimentation rather than accepting knowledge that had been validated and become accepted.
You really do love projecting your own inadequacies onto others and making up strawmen to attack, and then running from the topic at hand when your BS is called out.

Using your distorted illogical logic
You mean using your pathetic strawman which in no way represents my position?

How about we skip your little tantrum and go straight back to the issue.
I provided several examples of people interested in the Cavendish experiment.
Do you think they are all flat Earth idiots?

Your fixation with the  topic of gravity is plain ridiculous. What is the point in performing an experiment that was designed almost 200 years ago when the information it provides is readily available and far more accurate?
Again, if you want to go down this path, what is the point of any science student carrying out any experiment at all?
After all, the results of all these experiments can be found in a book. (excluding those students conducting new research)

Back in reality, gaining new information is not the sole reason to carry out experiments. There are plenty of other reasons.

One simple reason is understanding how to design and carry out experiments, especially if there is any critical examination of the experiment.
Another is to improve the learning experience, as it is typically more fun doing an experiment than reading about it, and it can allow people to understand it better.
Another is just for fun.

But I get it, you hate having people learning to think for themselves rather than just mindlessly accepting what they are told.
And doing experiments, for whatever reason, can lead to that.

Why should gaining information be the sole point of doing it?
Do you also go off at people for looking at the stars as they can easily see that in a book or online?

You are a fraud ignorer of the truth, reality  and a serial liar.
You sure do love describing yourself.

Jack, Jack oh Jack. You do love ignoring the herds of elephants running around in you room all jumping all over your argument.

The only thing made from straw around here is your head Jack. Your ability to screen out reality while having some fixation on an experiment carried out in the late 1700s is testimony to the way in which you ignore and refuse to accept all that has happened since and is happening now.

You imagine all you know has come through your own experiment! fat chance. Let's remember the experiment you drone on about was devised by someone else. That knowledge is NOT yours. Simply repeating and trying to use an ancient experiment in a vain effort to proven a non point is rather pathetic.

Your gross inability to answer any real questions put to you speaks volumes of how you avoid reality at all costs preferring to live in you imagined world.

What do you know about the sun that you yourself have discovered Jack? What in fact do you know about anything that you yourself have discovered? Yet you drone on about priests to deflect in some vain effort to hide what is the truth.

There is nothing you can discover of scientific merit Jack that is not already known. The contents of your ass crack do not qualify.

You said:-

"Why should gaining information be the sole point of doing it?"

The point of doing what? Carrying out a 18th century experiment for fun is fine. Doing it then pretending you have discovered something of significance is delusional. It's already known. That experiment can not yield any new knowledge.

You then said:-

"Do you also go off at people for looking at the stars as they can easily see that in a book or online?"

What?  People look at stars for enjoyment any many other academic reasons. Its called science Jack. Even amateur astronomers do actually discover things unlike you! who just pretends.

The universe is BIG Jack or have you not been told that. No one can look everywhere at once especially when one very very small patch of sky when examined with the right equipment can be shown to reveal thousand and thousands of not just stars but distant galaxies.

Your argument is not only delusional but it is based on no more than lies that you keep repeating to yourself. You know nothing about science that has not been discovered by others. You have no original knowledge that is based on your own work. Prove me wrong Jack.

The people on this forum who imagine they have some knowledge only known to themselves and a select few like you are plain delusional. 

"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 23761
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2022, 04:59:37 AM »
You do love ignoring the herds of elephants running around in you room all jumping all over your argument.
Do you mean the pigeon, trying to knock over all the pieces and shit all over it?
Because if so, I recognise you quite well.

You continually make bold insane claims based upon your ridiculous religion and then just blatantly misrepresent those who dare challenge you.

The point of doing what? Carrying out a 18th century experiment for fun is fine.
And with this you admit you are wrong.
You admit that we can do an experiment even though we already know what the result will be.

That means your initial objection is garbage.
The problem is not that they decided to do the experiment.

Doing it then pretending you have discovered something of significance is delusional.
Then stop pretending.
Start trying to address what was actually said rather than the delusional fantasy you prop up just to knock down.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2022, 05:11:00 AM »
You do love ignoring the herds of elephants running around in you room all jumping all over your argument.
Do you mean the pigeon, trying to knock over all the pieces and shit all over it?
Because if so, I recognise you quite well.

You continually make bold insane claims based upon your ridiculous religion and then just blatantly misrepresent those who dare challenge you.

The point of doing what? Carrying out a 18th century experiment for fun is fine.
And with this you admit you are wrong.
You admit that we can do an experiment even though we already know what the result will be.

That means your initial objection is garbage.
The problem is not that they decided to do the experiment.

Doing it then pretending you have discovered something of significance is delusional.
Then stop pretending.
Start trying to address what was actually said rather than the delusional fantasy you prop up just to knock down.

Bold claims....fantasy....what bold claim. The fantasy is all your Jack. You are the one imagining that you discover stuff.  I just point out the obvious truth to which you are selectively blind to.

What challenge Jack. You have yet to mount one. Telling lies and ignoring reality don't count. All you constantly do is put up irrelevant smoke screens and avoid answering the questions I put to you.

So Jack what have you discovered?

PS...You said insane claims. Which claim have I made that is insane?  Methinks the insanity is all your Jack to go hand in hand with your fantasy.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2022, 05:14:44 AM by Timeisup »
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2022, 09:34:43 AM »
I'm positive that TimeisUp is still stuck on the you can only gain information from experts.

I'm positive that JackBlack will hound Timmie until he either stops posting or one of them gets banned.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



  • Ethical Stash
  • 13398
  • I am car!
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2022, 09:53:16 AM »
There is nothing you can discover of scientific merit Jack that is not already known.

The entirety of science is known already?


Mikey T.

  • 3545
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2022, 10:07:08 AM »
I'm positive that TimeisUp is still stuck on the you can only gain information from experts.

I'm positive that JackBlack will hound Timmie until he either stops posting or one of them gets banned.
Yay, everyone, the Timmy/Jack show is back.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2022, 10:53:38 AM »
It’s a strange situation. A man claiming to have worked everything out from first principles on his own free from any religious scientific interference! What ever that is!

The strange thing is the 18thC experiment Jack the Black hangs his hat on is not only way out of date but it’s not even his experiment. It was devised and designed by someone else, Cavendish who was a very famous scientist and I like Jack a great experimentalist.  The very kind of person who Jack claims is part of some scientific religion!

The thing is Jack likes to have things his own way by ignoring facts and the reality of the situation and just makes things up.

If he had one ounce of credibility he would have used as an example one of the many experiments he himself must have devised to prove all the things he claims to have proved. But did he ? No. I wonder why…..
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2022, 11:26:13 AM »
I'm positive that TimeisUp is still stuck on the you can only gain information from experts.

I'm positive that JackBlack will hound Timmie until he either stops posting or one of them gets banned.

Ok. Chump tell me. No tell the world how you find things out?

To imagine you spend your days carrying out a whole range of different scientific   endeavours is to ridiculous to contemplate.

To give you the benefit of the doubt please list all the meaningful research you have carried out and published this last month.

Or are you just a bag of wind like your pal Jack ?

People like you who imagine they make their own discoveries are just so pathetic.
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2022, 11:29:57 AM »
There is nothing you can discover of scientific merit Jack that is not already known.

The entirety of science is known already?

You think? Tell that to those that are still trying to make fusion work.

Tell that to those that are trying to work out what life is?

To say what you have said shows a complete  lack of understanding about  everything.
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2022, 12:12:34 PM »
I'm positive that TimeisUp is still stuck on the you can only gain information from experts.

I'm positive that JackBlack will hound Timmie until he either stops posting or one of them gets banned.

Ok. Chump tell me. No tell the world how you find things out?

To imagine you spend your days carrying out a whole range of different scientific   endeavours is to ridiculous to contemplate.

To give you the benefit of the doubt please list all the meaningful research you have carried out and published this last month.

Or are you just a bag of wind like your pal Jack ?

People like you who imagine they make their own discoveries are just so pathetic.

Well depends on the what I'm doing.

I've learned from others and have taken what I have learned and expanded on it via trial and error.

You must have never built anything without your own hands or created something new from something old.

Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



  • Ethical Stash
  • 13398
  • I am car!
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2022, 01:31:59 PM »
There is nothing you can discover of scientific merit Jack that is not already known.

The entirety of science is known already?

You think? Tell that to those that are still trying to make fusion work.

Tell that to those that are trying to work out what life is?

To say what you have said shows a complete  lack of understanding about  everything.

Oh, so people can discover something of scientific merit that is not already known?



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2022, 02:33:21 PM »
I'm positive that TimeisUp is still stuck on the you can only gain information from experts.

I'm positive that JackBlack will hound Timmie until he either stops posting or one of them gets banned.

Ok. Chump tell me. No tell the world how you find things out?

To imagine you spend your days carrying out a whole range of different scientific   endeavours is to ridiculous to contemplate.

To give you the benefit of the doubt please list all the meaningful research you have carried out and published this last month.

Or are you just a bag of wind like your pal Jack ?

People like you who imagine they make their own discoveries are just so pathetic.

Well depends on the what I'm doing.

I've learned from others and have taken what I have learned and expanded on it via trial and error.

You must have never built anything without your own hands or created something new from something old.

Wow… here we go again!

We are not talking about you learning new skills such as tying your shoelaces we are discussing the discovery of previously unknown knowledge. You developing skills that countless millions of others have whoopydoo give  the guy a gold star and a coconut. So what!

While you learning new skills is fine and dandy it’s hardly going to set the heather alight now is it?

Building something with your hands has nothing to do with this discussion. I can and do design and build things but I would never claim that me putting a new electrical supply into a garden office I built for example is some big achievement! It’s a semi-skill that millions of others have that like me me they have learned from others. It’s certainly no big deal and nothing to crow about.

Let’s remember all the armoured cable, glands, sockets etc I used were all pre-made for me, as were all the tools I used. Never mind all the lumber that was cut and milled to shape.

You guys along with Jack are a joke thinking you are doing something new,  original  and groundbreaking.

You know nothing you have not been told and you can do nothing that others have not done before you.

A ground
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: How about some positivity?
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2022, 02:44:16 PM »
There is nothing you can discover of scientific merit Jack that is not already known.

The entirety of science is known already?

You think? Tell that to those that are still trying to make fusion work.

Tell that to those that are trying to work out what life is?

To say what you have said shows a complete  lack of understanding about  everything.

Oh, so people can discover something of scientific merit that is not already known?

So what have you discovered?

Some few individuals do discover things such as the astronomer who discovered a new moon around Jupiter. Field biologists often discover new previously unknown creatures. It happens  all the time. Discovering things that exist like scorpions and moons are quite different from the discovery of some new scientific principle w was hitch seldom happens.

It’s also quite different from the fools on this site who appear to think that they can validate all scientific knowledge by themselves rather that just accept it.

There appears to be no end to how far people will delude themselves.

"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!