What’s with all this religious stuff Jack?
That has been explained to you repeatedly, you are trying to replace science with religion.
You want everyone to just accept what the priests say the prophets have discovered, without questioning or doing any experiments themselves.
That isn't science, that is religion.
And I think your religion is a load of crap.
Cavandish experiment! Give me a break who cares about that ancient pre space age irrelevant bollocks. Only flat earth idiots and yourself see any relevance in that!
So I guess you think all these people are flat Earth idiots?
Shall I continue?
And that is just 1 experiment. There are plenty of others.
Just because you see no value in it because you are happy to accept the word of your priests and don't want to do anything yourself or have to think yourself; doesn't mean that no one sees value in it.
There are plenty of reasons people may want to conduct an experiment.
You really are a two faced clown ramming your unproven sanctimonious views down other people throats.
Your nothing but a fraud.
You sure do love lashing out and projecting your inadequacies onto others.
You really are a raving fool pretending that you personally have discovered things and verified all you know by experimentation rather than accepting knowledge that had been validated and become accepted.
Have you yourself confirmed and proved all the many scientific principals that you drone on endlessly about?
How on earth can you comment on any space related topic or sub atomic principle when you yourself have no way of confirming or proving what you talk of? Despite your protests you like everyone else draw on this vast pool of accepted and proven knowledge that we all have access to.
I’ve never personally been to Brazil, but I know it exists. Using your distorted illogical logic I should doubt everything until I have personally verified it by personal experience or having conducted an experiment.
Your take on the world which you have apparently ‘told me about’ several times is just the opinion of a delusional madman that I choose to ignore.
The problem with these stupid opinions or experiments you get so worked up about is that they try to prove the ridiculous and unprovable and are akin to trying to prove wheels are square. What is the point? They carry exactly the same level of credibility. Wheels will never be square no matter how many experiments you choose to carry out.
Your fixation with the topic of gravity is plain ridiculous. What is the point in performing an experiment that was designed almost 200 years ago when the information it provides is readily available and far more accurate? In an age when experiments in space are being carried out to help build a more in-depth understanding of gravity you dribble on about an experiment from the 1700s as though it has some currency in todays age!
This ability of people like yourself to ignore reality and create a world of make believe where mountains of proven and accepted knowledge can be ignored so that you can conduct pointless and meaningless discussions about topics you pretend to have discovered and verified! It’s a joke. You are a joke in believing it!
So tell me Jack what experiments have you recently carried out to prove:-
The existence of quarks in all their lovely colours and spin?
The existence of black holes?
The nature and composition of neutron stars?
The ins and out of relativity?
The Big Bang?
Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion?
Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion?
Universal Law of Gravitation?
Laws of Thermodynamics?
Evolution and Natural Selection?
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?
Just a few concepts that one should know about. So Jack please list all the many experiments you yourself have carried out to confirm the above or will they all like your alleged experiment to prove the world is a sphere be a big secret!
You are a fraud ignorer of the truth, reality and a serial liar Jack.