Simulation Theory

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Simulation Theory
« on: July 04, 2022, 02:06:36 AM »
After a long strike and later hiatus, I've decided to come back here once again. I stated that I would return here if the conditions required. I'm here once again because the conditions so require. During this time, the environments I was in were no longer enough for me. Not using this place turned into a waste for me. Also, if the world is really a simulation - it seems - then my interlocutor is only one. Reducing communication methods does no one any good, especially me.

I have a lot of work describing simulation theory, but there was no regular title. In this topic, I will have gathered both the simulation theory under a single title, and the communication we have made from time to time with the simulator will be made publicly available here. Thus, all people will be able to follow the process more easily.

Simulation Theory

Simulation theory is that the world is a simulation. Accordingly, we are images made up of electric currents and circuits in between. This subject has been explored in many movies and many articles. According to Ellon Musk, the probability of the world not being a simulation is one in a billion. If you put yourself in Mark Zukerberg's shoes, in the Beta universe you say "be" and that thing happens. So you are becoming the God of the Beta universe, and those present can feel themselves to be your "created servants". All you need is for people connecting to the Beta universe to forget everything past and believe that the Beta universe is real.

There are about 8 billion people in the world and they are all dreaming of something. In fact, when we imagine it, a separate universe occurs in our imagination. There are people, animals or other living things in that universe. They are inside our brain, but they cannot know it, they cannot realize it. In fact, a separate world is formed inside each brain, and that brain becomes the God of that world. In this regard, Elon Musk's "one in a billion" number is not a bad approach, but to correct it, we can say that "the world  a simulation with an exception probability of 1 in 8 billion". I say this because this world probably is a fiction in the brain of one of the 8 billion random people in the world. But we don't know how many people are actually out there. So the figure could be much worse.

Since the world is a simulation, everything in the world must have been copied from somewhere. That is, when you make a game, the game characters look like human beings. It could be a little different. Therefore, the person simulating the world must be a human-like person. But I'm not sure at this stage how much it resembles a human.

Religious books tell logically correct things. Yes, do favors so they treat you well. Don't kill anyone so no one kills you either. Don't lie, it's ugly, it's a sin, and sooner or later you'll suffer, because there is "divine justice". These are correct things in theory, but have no practical equivalent in the world. In our country, 90 percent of religious school students are deists. This is because they understood that a God must exist, but that has no equivalent in this world. Ordinary people think that the world is in full control of God because they do not know exactly how God should be. But since people in the religious life knew God very well, they realized that there was a problem around.

The crux of the problem is that the "divine justice" mentioned in the books generally does not work in the world. Those who rule the world are a group of evil people. And the administrators are people who do not deserve this. The rich are the bad guys who steal and lie the most. The good are constantly victimized and weak. When you do good, you usually take bad in return. When this situation, that is, the fact that the scriptures that are correct in theory are not valid in practice, even the opposite is true, together with the simulation of the world, we understand that the scriptures are texts taken from a higher universe and the person who adapts them is not God, almost diametrically opposite to God in character. He is a demonic character.

This situation coincides with the basic teachings of deism. It is the existence of a God, but not involved in this world. You can compare it to the absence of God in a play you wrote. The characters in the game do not know that they are in the game, you can introduce yourself as God to them if you want, but no matter what, God will not interfere with that game. Like this.

In such a universe, miracles are not a problem. Miracles happen everywhere, all the time. However, these happen against common interest of humanity. The miracles described in the scriptures do not happen in favor of humanity. This is because the power that rules the world is a demonic power, not a divine one. Of course, communication has increased immensely after this stage. Of course, he can ignore the things I write and say, that's okay. It can disappear as if it didn't exist. But I discovered it, and it cannot escape my discovery. Here I will describe how the simulator tried to reach me, how he tried to motivate me to take action, and my responses to him. Soon...
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2022, 06:46:46 PM »
Sounds like Mark Sargeant's theory. Have you put any thought into how it differs or are you now supporting his work?
"You are a very reasonable man John." - D1

"The lunatic, the lover, and the poet. Are of imagination all compact" - The Bard



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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2022, 12:33:16 AM »
I don't know about Sargeant's work on simulation. I do not support the work of anyone other than myself. I don't have any thoughts about being famous or changing people's general belief or thinking altogether. I'm not a mediatic person. If I were like this, I would try every possible way to make everyone know about the flat earth and simulation, and that's probably how it would be.

At this point, I think mediatic flat earth believers, including Sargeant, are missing something, knowingly or unknowingly. The reason for this may be the main idea of ​​the examples below.

When you question your belief, you will come across people who support many theories such as the theory of evolution and the big bang theory. They are the most dominant of the people who question faith. And the theories they defend have no scientific equivalent - in a real sense. They cannot go beyond imagination or fiction. Based on the fact that this new belief is more absurd than your ancient belief, perhaps you will come back to the conclusion that your ancient belief is correct. Thus, the belief that by checking it  you thouth that it was wrong before, you re-question your belief once again. Perhaps the world was spherical and God and the world were as described according to your new discover.

Therefore, in this movement, as in many movements, a group waits to "hold the exit doors". I cannot say that Mark Sargeant is one of them, nor can I say that he is not. Like I said, I don't follow anyone else's path but myself. Frankly, Mark Sargeant, you, someone else, is for me part of a whole as part of the simulation. Following Mark Sargeant, following the simulation, following anyone I see on the road means the same to me. There are two of us and I've been following you. Why would I do this? There is no sign that this is in my favor. There are many signs to the contrary. As a solution to this problem, I suggested that the simulator "follow me", but unfortunately he did not accept my suggestion. He didn't refuse either. He just  said that "you are "very intelligent. And he rudely phrased it as "you're smarter than you think". What a rudeness. Doesn't it sound like a adolescent's speech? Even when I am "smarter than he thinks", he claims the fault as mine even so, when he express his thougths as "you am smarter than you think". However, this is not the case. It failed to make me to take action, and moreover, now I have a serious idea of ​​what is going on. Doesn't this does not show that I am not "more smarter than I think", but perhaps that he is "not as smart as he thinks"? Oh, he will never accept this with his infinite ego and at the end of it he will try to make me look lacking in something by a way.

Oh, I need to recap a little bit to get to the final stage of my conversation with the simulator. He is currently on the topic of "Hope". My favorite subject. It gives a message like "they can't take your hope from you". This is actually a subliminal message meaning "get hope". But I no longer fall into these traps. Because my experience shows me the conclusion "where there is hope, there is pain". Hope = pain. This is exactly what he wants. He says he wants me to be successful and the path to that is full of pain. However, it is unclear what will happen at the end of this pain. It is also possible that you will only be left with the pain suffered. Why would I do such a thing? Hope is a bad thing.

If he wants me to hope for something and when I don't get it he records it as victory for himself and me defeat, so why would I do that? Sometimes he pretends he doesn't exist to make me feel like I'm "talking to myself" in the world. Even though we are two people, it suddenly disappears, as if it never existed. He does not sign under the messages he sends. So he can deny them whenever he wants. How can I think that someone like that is acting in good faith towards me? I don't think it would be wise to listen to the advice of someone who acts in bad faith against me.

I mean, the house always win; and he thinks he is the house. When the globalists want people to win, all they have to do is not interfere in anything. And due to the nature of commerce, people become rich as they work. However, when they want the world to enter into an economic crisis, they intervene heavily in commercial life and capital movements. Here's what's happening right now: They monitor capital movements as a whole. In fact, as virtual investment vehicles gain in value, they continue to increase in value unless there is a very important development. For example gold, or oil. People buy gold and the amount of gold in the jewelry store decreases. As the quantity of gold decreases, its price increases even more. People buy more because the price goes up, etc... This is also the case for the stock market. This is the normal course of the market. This situation can enable people who make the right predictions and act early in the direction of increase to get richer quickly. But this is not the case at the moment. They intervene with greater momentum in the opposite direction of the movement, since they do not want people to get richer, but rather to make everyone poorer. For example, you buy gold because it is constantly increasing, but suddenly it drops. Because when they see that most of the capital movement is buying, the globalists intervene and cause the numbers to lose money. So most people lose money. The total loss of people means they win, because the house always wins. If everyone at the table is losing, then the house wins. Like this.

It forces me to take action (whatever it be) , and I am resisting to do. He is ready to create any motivation for me to take action. But it has completely laid mines on the road. Every time I make a move, a mine explodes. Why would he want me to win? Why wouldn't he want me to lose after I'm the player here and he's the one who will win in the end? This is a game with a definite outcome. And that's why I don't want to be involved in it. He gave a lot of deficit and showed his game. I'm not going to continue this, no. But I will transfer the dialogues between us here. For everyone to see how I don't care him.

He made it clear that he would "be with me" in a message. But I don't think it's positive. This is the general meaning of this sentence pattern. But the simulator did not mean it. I always say: "Don't be with me, don't help me, just don't get involved in anything, that's enough for me". But he can't do that, he can't achieve to do. And then she blames me for not taking action. He's standing there with a hammer in hand, waiting to hit me in the head when I act, almost begging me to act. Why would I do this? Could it be because he thinks I think I'm stupid? Guess I am not.

And what do you think?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2022, 04:14:47 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2022, 11:55:32 PM »
I said, "subliminal messages, people talking to me doesn't mean anything to me. why don't you make a video to communicate with me?". This idea made sense to me. After all, the entire world order is under his control. Every instrument available in this world means that it can be used by him at any time.

As you know, I am preparing for the global food crisis these months. We harvested the peas in our garden. Our melons, watermelons and pumpkins have produced fruit and their fruit is growing. Beans, okra, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers and many more fruits and vegetables are in development or close to harvest. we had harvested our onions, now some of they are in the seed stage. cucumbers and peppers are more than enough for our needs, the same will be true for tomatoes soon. We started making jam from peaches. The remaining fruits are in the growth stage. This is how I respond defensively to the global "attack", to life's "attack" to me, and finally to the "simulator" to attack me. In the meantime, I continue to do research to increase yield and produce different fruits and vegetables. These days, I spend time with them outside of work. Again, while watching agricultural videos, I came across the following video, that is seemingly out of context. This is a video posted by a channel. It doesn't matter. This is the message the simulator sent me. The way he talks, the logic he uses, his subliminal method. And what's more, it's a good timing in terms of supply and demand. This is Turkish, I will write the translation of it. And I will write my answers about it.

Hayata saldırmak için neyi bekliyorsun söyler misin?: Can you tell me what are you waiting for to attack life?

Bir mucize olmasını mı? For a miracle to happen?

Ya da uygun zamanın gelmesini mi bekliyorsun? Or are you waiting for the right time to come?

Aa o zaman baştan söyliyeyim ne bir mucize olacak, ne de uygun zaman gelecek. Oh then let me tell you from the beginning, there will be neither a miracle nor the right time will come.

Hayat seni beklemiyor dostum(?!), Hiç kimseyi beklemiyor Life isn't waiting for you, my friend(?!),nor for anybody else.

Ya şimdi yapmak istediğin şeyler için acı çekersin ya da gelecek yıllarda kaybettiğin zamanı düşünüp Keşkelerle yaşarsın. Either you suffer for the things you want to do now, or you think about the time you lost in the years to come and live with Regrets.

Hiç kimse seni kurtarmaya gelmeyecek, hala anlamıyor musun? No one will come to save you, still don't you understand?

Kendine bir iyilik yap ve harekete geç. Do yourself a favor and take action.

This does not indicate that the owner of the channel is the simulator. This is an example that this channel is momentarily used by the simulator to communicate. For me, this channel, another channel, you, it, someone else, anyone out there talking to me, anything, is the simulation's method of communication.

I have responded to the recommendations here in another environment. I gave a very detailed answer. Almost every sentence of him is targeted and supported by subliminal messages. Here I will answer from another point of view. I will do it this way. Thus, I will avoid repeating the answer I gave earlier. At the same time, by explaining the answers I gave from another perspective, I will ensure that you have information about the content of the previous answers without seeing what they are. This will also prevent the communication between us and the simulator from getting stuck again and ensure continuity. So, in the sense that this is my final answer.

If you notice, the subject is always connected to "pain". The message to be conveyed is this: Where there is pain, there is success. So is this really so?  Practical life does not reveal to us that there is a direct proportion between success and pain in life. While one group is constantly suffering and living in misery, another group is running the world, enjoying whatever luxury they want. It is also possible to achieve nothing after taking the advice of the simulation and suffering. It will most likely be so. Because I have no reason to trust him. He performs "miracles" to thwart me. And then he says, "There won't be miracles to help you." I don't want a miracle anyway. don't do a miracle to prevent me, that's enough for me. First you do the miracle not to give me something I want, and then you say, "You have to suffer to get it". But this situation is contrary to the natural flow of the life. This means that I don't want that thing anymore. Because what goes against the normal flow of the world destroys credibility. So, what I want is actually not there. So why would I keep wanting that thing? It's not worth suffering for. What I want here is the bait on the end of the hook, and what I will get here is my suffering. All fiction is on it. Well.

I put forward the logical argument of the subject. Now, I will give a more objective example: Jesus.

Jesus is a religious figure accepted by more than half of the people in the world. He is a very important religious personality who is believed differently in different religions in the form of a prophet, or the voice of God, or God himself, or his son. Everyone knows that the Jews crucified Jesus. Again, in all religions, there are those who believe that this is not true, and that someone else was crucified instead, and there are many who think that he was really crucified and died there. I belong to this last group. The logical argument here is this: He sacrificed himself for the good of humanity. He has suffered for the suffering of people, instead of innocent people who will die, the innocent himself died. Thus, he bought the suffering and death of innocent humanity in the future with his own body.

So far, so good.

The problem is that the pain he bought and must be ended by trading has increased exponentially. Not to mention that the Jews who crucified Jesus, together with the pharaohs, dominated the world today.

Before Jesus, the world was ruled by the pharaohs. Jews are just a simple discourse here. Before Moses, the pharaohs ruled. Pharaohs still rule the world today. After Moses, the pain for mankind continued, after Jesus, the pains continued, and as a Muslim, I must say, the pains continued after Muhammad. So what did Jesus buy? He just suffered, nothing else. Outnumbering Christians? Is that all? Is the number really that important? That is, when you have a lot of children and become very crowded like India and China, is the world in your hand or is the problem over?

No. Pain is a trap. Pain is something the simulationist sees in human beings and takes pleasure in. Not something a healthy mood would want. When I have a chance to get something without pain under normal circumstances, it doesn't make sense for me to do it just because the simulator wants me to get it with through pain. That doesn't mean I don't want that thing. In principle, the fact that he wants me to buy something with pain is not actually intended to give it to me, it is because he wants me to suffer. So even if I suffer, he won't give me that thing.

Someone who didn't even give Jesus what he wanted after all his suffering and sacrifice (I think he didn't get what he wanted as a result), do you think he would give it to me? Guess not. I guess not only not, almost impossible.

Principles are more important than some things. I think I am behaving mature enough. I wish the simulator could act as maturely as I do. I don't make promises I can't keep. If I make a promise, I keep it. Although he has all the power, he cannot make a promise, he cannot put his promise into writing. Because he knows he won't keep that promise the next day. And he constantly warns me not to "promise" anything. Even when I have no apparent power, I still make promises to people when necessary, and I keep those promises. I am signing my promise. That's what it's like to be responsible, to be a mature individual. He hasn't reached it yet. Although he has all the power, he is still not mature. From here, the whole world sees what I have done to him from the lowest strata. But that's not what he was thinking, is it? Maybe he needs to grow up, he needs to get through puberty, he needs to confess to us that he is not God, and he needs to tell us about the "true" God. Yes he should do that.

What did we do during the Covid period? We have made a simple, clear, calm, natural movement that every human should do, without "miracle", without trying miracles, without attacking life. "We just resisted the oppression". We didn't get vaccinated, we didn't get sick, we didn't fight life, we just beat this game of life by "being on the defensive". Is not it? It took 4 months. Now, there is the food crisis, life (simulator) strikes again. What am I doing? Again, I remain calmly on the defensive. Why would I attack? Do you really need to be aggressive in this life, to fight for something? I am manifesting the will of what I want to do, and that's enough for me.

In the next post I'll explain what the simulator means while telling "fight".
« Last Edit: July 06, 2022, 03:38:24 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2022, 06:17:51 AM »
To complete the "retrospective" parts of this series, I would like to briefly comment on the last messages of the simulator and look ahead.

In terms of simulation (fake God) What does struggle and pain mean?


Eğer kolay olacağını sanıyorsan, eğer denemeden bir iş alacağını sanıyorsan, unut gitsin, boşver.
Başarılı olmayı deneme bile.
Tekrar ediyorum kolay olmayacak.
Vücudundan geçen acıyı hissetmeni istiyorum.(!)
Acıyı negatif bir şeymiş gibi bakmayı bırakman lazım.
Eğer bu kadar kolay bir şey olsaydı herkes yapardı.
Acı yoksa kazanç da yok.
Bu acıya sonuna kadar dayanırsan, eğer acının üstesinden gelirsen, eğer bu ağırlığın üstesinden gelirsen, eğer bu rahatsızlığa dayanırsan, sana garanti ediyorum bebeğim, bunun sonu başarı.
Yani kafa yapını değiştirmen lazım anlıyor musun?
Hatalar yapmayı bırakıp parıldama vakti.
Ne kadar çok acı çekersen o kadar çok ilerleyeceksin.
Ne kadar çok ilerlersen hayallerine o kadar çok yaklaşacaksın. Beni anlıyorsun değil mi?
Her şeyin başı acı çekmek.
Beni dinle, acı çekmekten ve savaşmaktan asla vazgeçme.
Çünkü savaşmaktan vaz geçersen hayallerinden vaz geçersin.
Hayallerinden asla vazgeçme.
So on...

To English:

If you think it will be easy, if you think you'll achieve a job without trying, forget it.
Don't even try to be successful.
I repeat, it will not be easy.
I want you to feel the pain going through your body.(!)
You need to stop looking at pain as a negative thing.
If it was that easy, everyone would do it.
If there is no pain, there is no gain.
If you can endure this pain, if you can get over the pain, if you can get over this weight, if you can endure this discomfort, I guarantee you baby, the end of it is success.
So you need to change your mindset, you understand?
It's time to stop making mistakes and shine.
The more you suffer, the further you will progress.
The further you go, the closer you will get to your dreams. Do you understand me?
It's all about suffering.
Listen to me, never stop suffering and fighting.
Because if you stop fighting, you give up on your dreams.
Never give up on your dreams.


In this post, he candidly admits how much he wants me to struggle and suffer intensely. But I don't work with "gas", sir. I have responded extensively to this video elsewhere. To sum up, I'm not fighting for anything. The simulator (false God) is working hard to get me moving. Work means pain, according to the theory he outlined above. According to his theory, pain will bring success, success is happiness. So I cause him to struggle, thus suffering, ignoring his "heavy efforts to take me action". Then he should be happy as a result.

After I responded to these, he turned into a child and stated that he would be with me. So did he do that? In a positive sense, no.  He can tries every way, every way. Here is that famous video, here:

This is already in English. Even after I decide I'm smarter than he thinks, he is still to blame me with, "you are smarter than you think". This is possible only if we are the same person. Is this the case? If I'm not a masochist—I guess I'm not—that's not the case.

While these discussions were taking place, I said that hope is a bad thing. This is the basic theory I've been relying on lately. Hoping for something is actually the source of pain. If there is no hope, there is no pain. Because you have no expectations. The real cause of your suffering, even in the fire, is your hope of getting out. The more you try to escape, the more you suffer. Whereas, if there is no hope, you take it for granted. It's okay, you have to be happy there that way. It no longer hurts because you have no effort to get rid of it. Fight, hope and pain are equal and source of each other. That's what I said, and the video response was this:

Sana bir şey söyliyim.
Umut tehlikelidir.
Umut bir insanı deli edebilir.
-Unutma red, umut iyi bir şeydir. Belki de, belki de en iyi şeydir. İyi bir şey asla ölmez.-

Red: Let me tell you something.
Hope is dangerous.
Hope can drive a person crazy.
Other man: Remember, Red, hope is a good thing. Maybe, maybe it's the best thing. a good thing never dies

The message conveyed here is that hope is a good thing, exactly the opposite of what I've been advocating. So did I believe it? Of course not, I didn't believe it. I don't believe in it, so that he can struggle more, suffer and thus be happy.

And that's his last post on this channel. I still think he is himself:

Hayatta inandığın şeyi yapmaya devam etmelisin.
Kendine şunu sormalısın: "Bunu gerçekten istiyor muyum?"
Kendi şanınız için mi, yoksa daha büyük bir şey için mi?
Bazen aklınıza gelen fikir dünyanın geri kalanı için imkansız görünebilir.
Ama sizin için imkansız olduğu anlamına gelmez.
ve bir kaç kişiye iyi yönde ilham verebilirseniz, o zaman dünyaya da ilham verebilirsiniz.


You have to keep doing what you believe in in life.
You have to ask yourself, "Do I really want this?"
For your own glory or for something greater?
Sometimes the idea you have may seem impossible to the rest of the world.
But that doesn't mean it's impossible for you.
and if you can inspire a few people in a good way, then you can inspire the world either.


We see that he is speaking the truth with his expressions here. But these are the things I do naturally. So why would I want to inspire the world? Is this what he wants me to do? That is, if by attacking life he means "inspire life", but in that case, I can already do that without pain and without fighting. So what does this turn mean? This is a really original idea and looks good. But I still have good reasons not to trust him. I need to think about this for a while.

See you later.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
Bulma (Until 2030)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2022, 10:48:46 PM »
I am writing this message in response to your suggestion in this video. This will be the last dialog we have with you in this context. I don't want you talking me like this anymore. Because what you understand from the process is to "give pain" at every stage. When you ask me to do something, you are giving pain for the cost of it. And then, in terms of the process, you hurt me again. Whether something goes the way you want or not, your response to me is pain. This is something I don't want anyway. This is what I have already criticized. Under these circumstances, I don't want to continue this dialogue as it hurts me even more. I hope everyone has now seen, in terms of public, how correct my decision was.

I will answer your sentences here one by one. So you and the others will be convinced why I rejected your offer. Oh, you might have a hard time accepting that up with your infinite ego.

Quote from:  False God ( Simulator)
You have to keep doing what you believe in in life.
I am a free individual. I don't need someone else's guidance to do anything. You shouldn't talk to me that way, especially with phrases like "you must to, you should to, you have to". What's the point of living this life for me if I'm going to do as you say? Then come here and live this life instead of me! Stop talking to me like that if you won't! I am not your baby or your child or your friend. Well, we also saw what you did to your son also! Your way of loving is to inflict pain. Please stop loving me this way!

What you believe in changes over time. Because it's called "faith". If you are sure of what something is, you "know" what it is. But if you're not sure what something is, then that knowledge is "belief" for you. Belief is the closest result of a certain information that a person thinks to be true or not. In this context, belief is what is the closest possibility for something to happen. Therefore, when probabilities change, belief can also change. I used to think that God helps me in all my work, I believed that. For example, I don't believe it anymore, God have not to help me actually. Because belief changes over time. Belief must change in proportion to facts and possibilities. Otherwise, this life and our experiences would not have taught us anything.

In this context, this proposal is an erroneous proposition intended to mislead. I reject this. For the record I repeat it, I reject this offer.

You have to ask yourself, "Do I really want this?"
It's the same style I said above that is wrong. The fact that this is accompanied by music does not soften his style. You are raping, but doing it with music, does it lessen the crime of rape? If so, let me wear my headphones and listen to music all day and night, so I can die without any sin, right?

When the possibilities change, so will my belief. And I stop fighting for my old belief and start believing what is more likely. This is the opposite of what you suggest. And this process will continue until my belief turns into "knowledge". Please keep your own ridiculous suggestions to yourself.

For your own glory or for something greater?

The term glory is important to you. This sentence already sums up your outlook on life. You do everything for your own glory. For greater glory, you must reduce my glory, right? I'm not here for that, still don't get it? For the moment, your glory may be great, it may be higher than the highest. You can even use any noun and adjective you want for yourself. But for that to happen true, you have to act accordingly. You have not acted accordingly until now. After this worldly life, you need to be convinced that you have done what you are doing in an "impartial and fair" way in order to continue it or to find this energy in yourself. Is this possible under these conditions? I don't think so.

To sum up, "glory or more" is important to you. I have no such obsessions. So my answer is simply, no.

Sometimes the idea you have may seem impossible to the rest of the world.
But that doesn't mean it's impossible for you.

With this and the next sentence, you reveal that you know me. Honestly, that's the part that confused me and got me thinking. Well, you already see and follow everything, of course you will recognize me. Just because you know me well, doesn't mean I'll do what you want.

and if you can inspire a few people in a good way, then you can inspire the world either.
Fine, I can do that, of course. The question is not whether I can do this or not. The problem here is that I don't want to do that.

Because I reject your method from the start. You have to change your method which is not working on me. And then you have to prove to me that you've given up on this method.Your pain doesn't work on me. You must understand this now. See, in the normal person, pain works like this: "I'm going this way, oh, there's pain, so I have to go the other way". This is how it normally works. You act accordingly. But it doesn't work that way for me.

I'm going this way, oh, there is pain, so someone is interfering with it. "I'm not going anywhere until you stop interfering. This is how I literally behave.

Do you understand me? Do you understand me, friend? Do you understand me, baby? Now stop acting like an imbecile and give up that method. Or the plug we're plugged into is over there, take it out and we'll all be safe. You wouldn't be any more disgraced.

I'm taking a break from communication between us for a while. Until you change your method. Oh, let's finish this right away if you want, that's fine. This life means nothing to me. And you don't have a problem that this life whether or not means something. If you see approative, let's end this now without hurting each other more. It could be a one-on-one duel or, like Moses, wrestling. Ahaha.

You're torturing other people to blackmail me, aren't you? If I suffer, you will stop making them suffer, right? You are really weak. This world is already fake and none of it is real. You created them, and you think that in order you not to torment the people you created, I should accept suffering and even suggest it myself, right?

You have create them, man, you can do whatever you want with them. I don't care, do I? I want people around me because it amuses me. But it's not my problem that there are no people around me, or that all people suffer, that's directly your problem, even your homework. You are the one who created the pain for them, and you are the one who will remove that pain whenever you want. So this is totally between the two of you. Why should I be the intermediary to resolve the issue between you? Do you really want this? So if you want me to solve the "torture" problem between you and people, my solution is this: "Switch sides. Now let them torture you". This is how my justice is done. Can you accept this, my baby? If not, shut up.

If there was a universal court, you should be tried for "torture and blackmail". But I don't think that will happen in an environment where you raped justice. If there is no justice, so I am out of that.

Once again, let me tell you where you went wrong. Sometimes there are two ways in front of people. One will be right, the other will be wrong. You are causing pain to people who go the other way to go the way you claim is right. Then they go the way you want. So that way, right? There is generally no such requirement. Experience says that this is not so. Yet your method works for other people: "There's pain on this road, oh, then I have to go the other way". It goes like this for me: "There are two ways, I chose this one, so this way is right." This much. I made my choice. At this point, whether you use pain or not doesn't affect my decision anymore. Because if I go the other way, if you want to inflict pain, you will do it again. It doesn't matter if the path is right or wrong here, the problem here is that you are addicted to pain. Whichever path I choose, that path is the right one. It's no use for you trying to prove that the other way is the right way as an excuse to cause me pain.

You understand me, still don't you?

Goodbye. Please let's not meet again.  I wish to talk to "myself" about the next process. I don't want you, you're a traitor. Bye bye bye. And once again, bye.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 01:53:38 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Why is Satan a False God?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2022, 01:05:41 AM »
Today I'm going to tell you why I use the term fake god for the simulator. What you will learn today will give you up-to-date information on how to resist the devil. It will inform us all. I also learn many things in the process, I learn by living and experiencing.

First of all, we decided that the world should be a simulation because of many logical arguments. We had decided that the person manning this simulation was not well-intentioned. I even defined the universe as the Ying (evil) universe. As a result of my interpretation of the information and experiences I have reached over time, I decided that the simulator at the leader position of the universe was playing the "Fake God" game. I have expressed this as a simulator (false God) in a quote here. Later, I discovered that this name, the false god name, is similar to the name of devil / satan. I discovered this a few days ago. Now I will tell you about it. By interpreting the events, you can decide in your own inner world whether it is really like this and shape your future life accordingly.

Have you ever wondered where the name Satan comes from? Frankly, I wasn't curious either, and it didn't interest me at all, until I wrote the name of the false God. But there is something strange here: Name similarity!

The name False God is translated into Turkish as "Sahte Tanrı". After I wrote the above article, I suddenly started to think that the names "False God" and "Sahte Tanrı" could be shortened to "Sa-Tan". There is a contradictory situation here, as the word is of English origin, but its expansion is a Turkish abbreviation. However, those familiar with my research on the continent of Mu and the origins of the Turks know that Turkish had serious influences on early English. While the Turks were settling in Turkey, China and Russia from the Mu continent, they seriously influenced the English and Scandinavian culture, the peoples living in the North Pole, and placed the name "Satan" in English. Therefore, the word "Satan" is a Turkish word. The original Turkish meaning of the word is "seller". The word seller is also used in Turkish slang to mean "a person who lets it down, deceives".Even in slang dictionaries, this word is not found infrequently, but it is well known.

Once I realized what the word meant, I wondered and controlled if the situation matched the facts. We already understood that there was a malicious simulator at the leadership position of this system, but I frankly did not think that it could be the Devil himself. If that's the case, it turns out that what we're struggling with is worse than what we predicted. But, at least, we get to know the enemy correctly afternow. Getting to know the enemy correctly is half of the win the battle.


We see that managers around the world generally have a low profile in terms of intelligence. This reveals that they are easy targets chosen by the devil to be deceived. Intelligent people will surely be more difficult to deceive. Therefore, it determines people with limited intelligence as managers. And like a God, he gives them what they want.

First of all, he asks them to commit perverse acts to make sure of them, and also to at least get what he want in any case. This is usually child abuse and extramarital affairs. Almost all of the managers and even candidates you see around you are in this type of pervert relationship. Satan tells them to do so and they will receive "holy" rewards in return. Satan persuades them by giving them what they want "just as God gave." Here it is really difficult for one to understand that the person speaking to him or the person one sees in one's dreams is not God, and it is necessary to be both intelligent and alert. Satan chooses people with low IQ to solve this problem. So when the devil says to them, "I am God and I will give you what you want" and keeps his word, these low profile people are easily persuaded.

The Satan wanted to prevent me from writing this article, but it was not allowed, or he did not intervene to show that I could not do it. Just the day I decided to write this article, a bee stung my hand, which I extended to cool off from inside the car. Normally, such a situation does not occur. It might have given me a warning there. That bee could have stinged even more dangerously. However, this was either not allowed or he did not want to go any further. Anyway.

After all, I wrote this and he couldn't stop me. After that, it is necessary to work more seriously on what to do. Whatever he does, he and his servants will not succeed. His low profile minions have no effect on us. Especially after they were convinced that the person they were taking orders from was the devil, not God. Information spreads fast and it cannot be avoided.

I have seen in my life that many people have made it almost a sacred duty to prevent me. Now I understand better the reason for this situation. When they find out about this, their behavior towards me will probably change.

In light of this new information, I can now say the following in response to you. What am I waiting for to attack life; for a miracle to happen? Why not? Or am I waiting true time to come? Of course, that can happen too. Or someone to help me? No doubt someone will help me. Because you said none of this would happen. Since you're a master of lies and deception, then that's probably what will happen. So if I wait calmly, I might as well kick your ass like I do today.

Now I can ask some questions you to motivate. ;)

Can you tell me what are you waiting for to attack wise?  For a miracle to happen?  Or are you waiting for the right time to come? No one will come to save you, still don't you understand? When you decide something to do, You have to ask yourself, "Do I really want this?"  For your own glory or for something smaller? Remember, what made you this way is your incomprehensible obsession of glory and you still maintain this meaningless attitude.

Nobody cares about this but you, still don't you understand? Slaves aren't even considered real human beings. Is this how you fool yourself? Have you ever thought why you can't influence me? Moreover, I was not aware of you during the 9 years you noticed me. Even when I didn't know you and you had fully discovered me physically, spiritually and in every aspect, you were not effective for me. So what do you think will happen next? Now that I've fully discovered you? I'll give you time to think a bit and make an appropriate move. Look, I didn't cut you in half as soon as I caught you like you did to me.

Do you see this? Do not you still understand me?

Even when you're sitting in the same chair where God sits and wise is sitting here in the "servant" position, wise can kick your ass and now the whole world has seen it. That's not exactly what you said though, is it? Moreover, you had the power of "God (Fake God)" and I have the power of "servant". So either I'm extremely (!) talented , or you're just not as talented as you claim. Hmm. God also gave you all the power and did not interfere at all. Let's see who you will blame now. Ahahah.

You had to go back to the vaccine lie, didn't you? Because I'm holding the door to the global food crisis right now. Heheheh. But your old lie can't be that effective anymore, because you've lost the power of the initial shock. People are tired and their trust in administrators is shaken. What are you going to do? Even if you fooled them, do you think you have a chance to fool me now? Sometimes waiting calmly is rewarded with a pointless mistake by the opponent. Now you can reward me by starting your frivolous acts. Because time has started to work against you. Play and lose, Zugzwang.

It's your turn to move, Mr. Simulator /  Sahte Tanrı (Sa'Tan) / False God (Fa'God).

PS: Explanation of the Turkish word "Tanrı" for those who don't know:

The word "Tanrı (God)" in Turkish, completely different from the Arabic word Allah (God). Tanrı is a historical Turkish word and includes every type of Gods, like God, Allah, Yahova, etc. All are Tanrı, but not Allah.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2022, 12:31:50 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Why are all leaders ignorant? What can be done about it?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2022, 02:24:43 AM »
Elon Musk exposed that the richest people in the world did not graduate from university. I am attaching the video again as a reminder.

By the way, I would like to draw your attention to how difficult it is for Elon Musk, whose native language is English, to speak English. Probably even my english is better than his. Anyway that's not the matter.

At this point, it should be reminded that Mark Zukerbeg also left his school unfinished. Maybe because he wasn't rich enough, Elon Musk didn't see the need to talk about him. Anyway. We have seen how ignorant the world's richest people actually are. So what is the situation with politicians? Do the political leaders who run the world really have brilliant learning careers? In short, I want to write as much as I know.

Joe Biden

If you look at his biography, it says that he graduated from 3 universities. Ok, very nice. Well, let's look for photos of these graduations:

Oops! All of these photos are photos taken at the graduation of others after becoming president or honorary graduation ceremonies. So there are no real graduation photos.

Vladimir Putin

If you look at the education level of Vladimir Putin, wiki and his biography both say that he studied law. But where are the graduation photos? There's no one around. Could he really have studied law? I do not think so.

All of the photos here, like Joe Biden's graduation photos, either belong to someone else or are honorary graduation ceremonies taken long after their college years. So these two leaders were never young. Those times are completely lost. Alright.

For the Chinese leader, the situation must be different. Because there is a very strict hierarchical order in the communist party. Xi Jinping must have had a good education, didn't he? Lets check it.

Xi Jinping

He studied Marxist theory and ideology and earned a doctorate in law. A strange episode and an interesting career. Well, let's see how he looks in the photos when he graduates from these trainings. Was he handsome in his youth?  Ahahah.

Oh, Here again, there are no graduation photos likewise the other two leaders. Almost all of these are photos of others at their graduation while Xi was president. Rest assured, I did a few pages of research for all three leaders and couldn't find any photos of their graduation. Why could it be? Could it be because they didn't graduate anything?

I leave the world leaders here. The rest don't interest me too much. From my point of view, our own leader is more important for us to make a determination here. Recep Tayyip Erdogan. I also honor him by placing him at #4 on the world leaderboards. What else can I do?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

First of all, I would like to point out that Erdogan has a diploma photograph.

Erdogan's graduation date is written as 1981, but the date of establishment of the faculty has that name is 1982.

Until 1982, it has a name something else. That is, for Erdoğan to graduate from school, he must have completed the school before it has been establieshed! In order to become a president in Turkey, there is a requirement to be a university graduate. For this reason, this issue came to the fore in Erdogan's first presidential candidacy, but Erdogan, using public power, ensured that the case was resolved in his favor. Then the devil tells us that "there is no such thing as a miracle in the world". How can this be possible if there is no miracle? Ahahah.

Moreover, there is no such graduation photo. Moreover, he has no friends from school, university.

Here, too, we see that all the photos are taken after Erdoğan became president, of the "honorary graduation" ceremonies or participation in the graduations of others.

What's more, he doesn't even speak and know English, unlike what a college-educated president should and a global leader should.

The command is "return to the screen behind you". Unable to perceive the command, Erdogan realizes that something goes wrong after all the other leaders have returned and then he turns back.

It is known in Turkey that Erdogan does not speak English. What is interesting here is that the Ottoman sultans who lived centuries ago, imitated by Erdoğan, knew at least 6 and an average of 10 foreign languages.

Since Arabic and Persian were important in the early Ottoman period, almost all Ottoman Sultans spoke these two languages ​​as like as their native language. Apart from this, after the French culture Revolution, which increased in the world after the French revolution, almost all of the sultans learned French to speak as like as their mother tongue. All of the Ottoman sultans were trained by private teachers in their youth, and foreign language teachers were some of them. Many of them spoke Greek, English, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Tatar, Serbian, Russian, Chinese as like as their mother language. That's what it's like to be a world leader.

And we look at our "current" world leader, who has no clue about the world's dominant language, English.

I am not writing this to criticize Erdogan. On the contrary, he is an extraordinary world leader. Because, like all other leaders, his education is inadequate. In this period, being uneducated is a prerequisite for being a world leader.

By the way, I would like to add that Donald Trump's graduation photo could not be found, in order to so that there is no question mark in your mind.

Therefore, none of the world leaders and candidates we see and know are not university graduates, just like the richest people in the world, moreover, they have serious learning problems.

Why is it that politicians are thought to be like that, even though they haven't graduated from university? Because politicians are good liars, that's why they succeed. And the most dishonest ones are those who run the countries. That's why none of them even have a diploma. Whoever lies the most outstrips all other competitors. That's why the most successful are the ones who cheat the most. This is a situation that makes the devil's job easier.

These people are easily deceived by the Devil and are convinced that they are holy and important people fighting for God. And after that, they do all kinds of evil that the Devil wants them to do the people. Of course, at this point, being ignorant is the most important condition for being easily deceived. They do things that other people wouldn't do, that they would refuse to do, and thus have the power and opportunities that the devil has given them (magically) that they wouldn't normally have access to.

Here, our primary duty, both as RPOTD and as real people and beings who are not members of RPOTD, is to save the world from this madness of ignorance under these conditions. We should produce ideas and projects for this. How can we stop an ignorant person become rich and become the richest in the world, and other ignorant people become world leaders? What can be done about these issues? We need to think about them and produce know-how.

Best regards.

PS:  This video didn't exist before, then as April 2022 he put it back dated and replied. hehehe. No problem.

Kool guys were good, why did you change like that? Why do you look great when you're a man and uglier when you're a woman? Hey you, you hate women? Is that why you destroyed the scriptures to make women look inferior? Come on, I like women unlike you. Hahaha. Anyway.  I'm not gonna kill you baby. I just want you to feel the pain running through your veins, that's all the case. Why don't you calm down, stop and give me what I want?

Whenever you want to do anything about me, your own or the rest of the world, you have to ask yourself: "Do I really want to do this? What will Wise think of me when I do this?". If you do this, so the problems between us will be resolved to a great extent.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2022, 06:35:41 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Letter To Simulator
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2022, 02:45:51 AM »
People don't understand me. Nobody understands me. Some of them were assigned to near me by the simulator. They're just trying to control and manipulate me. And they think they are doing it not by the will of the devil, but by the will of God. And the license plate of a car of one of the folks here is 666 and he says it's just a coincidence. And another said that he had dreamed of God and he told him that he had to come here. And what he's been doing all day is counter-arguing against me.

I got rid of the troublesome woman, now we are in different offices. But the troublemakers are not just one. That's all like her when needed. They try every way to get me to act. To mobilize and trap. But they believe they are doing it for a "sacred purpose". And none of them are truly believers. There were two people here who believed in me and were faithful, and they were also worshiping, and they sent them, and they took their place. And they still believe to serve a holy purpose, while how faithful they are is clearly questionable.

And there's a simulator whiny woman screaming in my head. And she says she will continue to do so, even at the cost of her life, even though I have told her many times not to interfere in anything. He plays the role of God and does it in the most aggressive way. And here I am, as one of billions of victims, to someone who has done all kinds of wrong to me, to someone who has tried everything my whole life to poison my life, I am very calm and compassionate. I can't find any justification to attack her or life.  Because we are all the same, we are all me. Me, you, he, it, them, regardless of notice we are all me. So how can I hate myself? How can I be angry with myself? How can I attack myself? How can I shout angrily, "If you want to get rid of me, you must kill me", as she did? Undoubtedly, those who act angrily towards each other are those who do not understand the subject of singularity.  This means that they failed the test of Godliness. Oh, maybe I'm also failing the servitude test here. I don't know.

The counter-argument maker recently said: "When you try not to have a fight at all, you have been accepted that you  fight for this, so you fight for something". A different perspective. Counter arguments that normally a human would not produce under the guidance of the devil, they are everywhere all the time. Sometimes I really question myself: Why, for what purpose, for what did I come to this world? It's all really meaningless. I remember when we were all me You, me, he, we were all together me. We decided everything together. And it's all lies, it's all virtual, it's all fiction. And for this life that is fiction, someone finds it worth hating me. Moreover, she does not even live this life. And even though I have nothing, neither in career nor financially, it still continues to  over me with great anger. And no, she continues, "either I'm going to keep doing this or you can kill me." I'm just saying this: If you're going to continue like this, there's the alt+f4 option near there. Turn it off and it's over. This life really isn't worth fighting for anything in anger. If you are in angr, it means you are making a mistake somewhere.

Anyway. I asked Elon Musk for $100 billion. I can get $100 billion in the cost of for your life. And so you won't interfere in the rest of my life. And I can prove to you how the earth will turn into a paradise. Besides, I'm smarter than Elon Musk, we both know that. The only difference between us and him is that you help him with all your might, and you hinder me with all your might. Don't get involved in anything, go and sleep for a few days. And when you wake up, you'll either find them here torturing me, or me as king of the world. We call this risk. At least you won't be stressed. Then you can get stress to save me if needed. But I think it's better than the current stress disorder you are experiencing.
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2022, 06:07:20 AM »
We can understand the bias by looking at it here. Can you tell me what Elon Musk discovered? Nothing. So what does it produce? Electric vehicle. I used to buy the electric vehicle for kids 10 years ago for 20 dollars. Was there really a need for this? I don't know that. But even if I had known, that wouldn't make me rich. Because it's not that big a deal. There are electric scooters, the price is $ 1,000, there are electric motorcycles, the price varies between $ 2000-5000. There are miniature models of the electric vehicle, around $500. But when you say a passenger car, the price suddenly becomes $100,000. Although this is clearly against the ordinary course of life, people agree to pay for it without hesitation.At least a million people bought it and made him the richest person in the world.

On the one hand, They spent more than a hundred billion dollars on it. On the other hand, I'm selling people "immortality" for $100 million, and not a single buyer has come up. I also presented a "co-enrichment system" for people who are not very rich. Again, it didn't get enough attention. People did not want to get rich, but with that wealth they could even buy immortality. People didn't feel the need to spend money on it, but they bought Tesla's insanely costly vehicle and made Elon the richest person in the world.

When you look at all this, is it really possible to say that Elon Musk is extraordinarily talented and therefore the richest person in the world, but I continue to be a "completely ordinary" person because I am not like that? No. There is clearly cheating in life, and whoever constructs this life, who simulates it, is behaving in a way that is disadvantageous to me. They are not being fair in this world. I ponder  more than hundreds of times more rich people do, and still no results. And she still asks why don't me fight? Something more than that is, more than even she has done for this world. If she cared for the well-being of people as much as I do in this world, she would take the world one click ahead from heaven.

She doesn't do any of these and still complains about me. I have explained some of the obstacles that I have encountered here, and you can see some of them by experiencing them. Maybe he advised you to stop me from time to time. When you go back and think about it, you can see how he did it. Look, it motivates people not to help me. Who can say that thousands of people who believe in me and follow me will not emerge from such an environment? She says it. Even if there are such people, he immediately enters their minds and says they "don't need to do this". Not even a single person can bear to follow me. On the other hand, when guys like Elon Musk, Mark Zukerberg, Jef Bezos just say "a" from the microphone, millions ready to go blindfolded and applaud wildly. She does it also. In such a situation, no one especially the simulator / fake God / seller should expect me to take serious action. Because this world has no seriousness and I have given it more importance than it deserves until today.

Therefore, I am not very interested in what is going on in the world in the next period. However, I will continue to disclose that the simulator is playing a fake God game. He says she will keep doing what she does; and I can't stop her. I constantly expose her recent days, and she can't stop me neither. There is a draw situation here. But considering that it's the simulator/satan who's trying to activate me, he's struggling for this, and suffering, according to his theory, and he should be happy with it.

I didn't use the phrase "I want to suffer". If so, bring the videotape, prove that I said it. This needs to be proven not only with him, but with the conditions of that day. Could such a thing happen? This is a completely fanciful thought. On the other hand, I am now saying openly for everyone to see and hear: "I did not want to suffer, I do not want to suffer, I want to live this worldly life in the best way possible". And that's the exposure of his lies, because he's telling everyone that I want it. There is no such thing. He's clearly lying. It doesn't matter how powerful it is and how godlike it looks. Liars are liars everywhere. If he was the person who created this world, he would do everything for every living thing here to live in the happiest way possible. But he doesn't do that. All living things live in fear of life. When you ask, there is no one who is happy with his life, very few people maybe. Clearly, if he was the one who created this world, he would work for everyone to be happy, not for them to die or fear death! Or he simply copied all living things from another world and absurdly simulated them with his sick mind.

Anyway. Here's what everyone and the simulator should know, I will continue to expose the discriminatory attitude she has treated me until this world will be destroyed.
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Retards Are Leading The World !
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2022, 02:19:30 AM »
In our last article, I explained that the current heads of state are not university graduates, and moreover, they do not have the necessary qualifications to run a country. This, of course, is a situation created by the seller simulationist with special effort. Now, today, we will reveal where the great inventors in history came to in the world and how they died, and what power the rulers of the world's great states had and what they could not discover. This will show us that it is not necessary to discover anything in order to gain power in this world, on the contrary, discovering something makes the explorer's life difficult. At least at the beginning of the study, I predict that it will be like this. Ahahah.

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison is the first name that comes to mind when we say "inventor". Although Tesla has also made great discoveries, Thomas Edison is number one in this category in terms of better advertising and numbers.  Fundamental inventions in many different sectors such as electric power generation, sound recording, mass communication and filmmaking belong to him.

Thomas Edison holds 1093 patents in the USA alone. If you add other countries to this, it will be impossible to find the exact number. The biggest point in his career has been consulting in a research lab. Although it is claimed that he founded the General Electrics company, I do not believe it. It does not occupy that much space in his biography. He died of diabetes in his own small house.

Rupert Murdoch

The most well-known media mogul in the world. With his media experience starting in his home country, Australia, he owns media organizations in almost all countries of the world. Rupert Murdoch has never discovered anything in his life, and he has never made such an effort.

Alexander Graham Bell

Inventor of the telephone. At the top of her career, he received the title of visiting professor and professor at Boston University. Graham Bell also died of diabetes, like Edison.

Steve Jobs

He owns the world's largest telephone company and is the one of the richest person. He hasn't discovered anything, and what's more, he's not even a college graduate.

Wright Brothers
The people who flew a powered airplane for the first time in history. They produced and sold several aircraft. It was their greatest economic success.

William Boeing
Founder of Boeing company. Since he is an engineer. At least we can be glad that he is an engineer. The planes of the company he founded are used all over the world, from Japan to Canada, from New Zealand to Argentina. His family is still among the richest families in the world today. He discovered nothing but the idea of starting his company.

Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi
This name, unknown to many, is the person who built the world's first non-motorized aircraft. He flew from one side of Istanbul to the other in the 1632 with a glider-like aircraft. His greatest work is that there is an airport named after him in Istanbul.

Sultan Murat Han
He is the Ottoman sultan who is known for exiling Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi, the person who made the first plane. He discovered nothing, finished off an explorer's entire future, and spent his life at the head of an empire spanning four continents.

Nikola Tesla
Everybody knows him. He is the creator of countless inventions that make our lives easier. He was eliminated by those who were afraid of the free electricity project.

John D. Rockefeller
He is one of the most powerful people in the world and is the financial force that rules many rich people behind the scenes. He is the founder of giant holdings such as Standard Oil and ExxonMobile, one of the world's largest energy companies. He is also known as the first billionaire of the United States. His occupation is an accounting apprentice. He did not receive any university education.

Archimedes, who did his university education in Alexandria, is known for finding the buoyancy of water. Many inventions and projects related to ships are carried out by his laws. He was killed by the sword by the Roman soldiers who had captured the city while he was carrying out his work.

Alexander The Great

World leader of Macedonian descent. While he was at the head of a small state like Macedonia, he established one of the empires with the largest lands in the ancient world. He was educated by the famous philosopher Aristotle until the age of 16. At least we can say that he is well educated unlike the others. He has never been defeated in a war.

Tim Berners Lee
Creator of www. He offered this service free of charge to humanity. He was rewarded with the title of Sir for this service.

Jeff Bezos
Founder of amazon, the largest shopping site on www. Due to this service, he is one of the two richest people in the world. He did not discover anything, he even left his university education unfinished.

İbn-i Sina
He is known as the founder of modern medicine. (not Hippocrates, Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine) There are more than 200 medical and philosophy books. Until 1650, only his books were taught in medical schools in Europe. His books have survived and are still the subject of research and a reference source for many treatments.

Genghis Khan
He is the head of the historical Hun empire, which ruled 22% of the world's land, has the largest land, and appeals to the most people proportionally with a population of 100 million people. He ruled the world's arguably the greatest state ever. He became a tribal leader at the age of 9 when his father was killed by the Tatars. That's the whole education situation, he is the tribal leader. He was exiled with his family to the deserts of Mongolia by his tribe, who did not accept him as their leader. At a young age, he became a murderer by killing his brother, who did not share the animal he hunted with him. He was just under 16 years old. Later, he gradually established a state and turned it into the largest empire in the world. He hasn't discovered anything.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
He was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. He completed his primary and secondary education in Greece, and his military academy education in Istanbul and then in Paris.
When he started to take command, the country he served in lost the war on 5 fronts and was completely disintegrated. He made the army the winner of the war on all fronts. He abolished the Arabic alphabet and switched to the Latin alphabet. He founded universities instead of madrasahs. He abolished the caliphate and became a democracy. He is a contemporary practitioner of the "self-determination" theory. As a result of his efforts, the city of Hatay joined Turkey not by war, but by voting. He built railway lines that included all major cities from the west to the east of Turkey. He opened numerous factories. During his reign, universities in big cities, high schools in districts and primary schools in all villages were built. Due to his discriminatory policy against Masonic lodges, he was poisoned and killed by external forces directed by the devil. He did not leave any children or any property as an inheritance.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
He came to power with his secular-anti-secular discrimination and Islamist discourses. He sold or privatized all the state-owned factories built during the Atatürk period. He transferred all the ports established by Atatürk to foreigners. He even leased the army's tank factory to Qatar. He turned half of the public high schools into "imam-hatip high schools". Due to its Islamist policy, it has fueled internal conflicts in countries such as Syria and Iraq abroad. Spreading sedition and discrimination based on race or religion, both at home and abroad, are its greatest characteristics. It is said that he smuggled more than 100 billion dollars abroad. He is the only leader in the history of Turkey who tried to acquire wealth and succeeded to a great extent. It brought the country to the point of bankruptcy and unable to pay its debts. He is not a university graduate.

Cultural difference between Ataturk and Erdogan. If you were God and you were the ruler of this world, so what type of leader would you prefer to have in countries, is the left one or the right one? Current (so called) God Saitan choses leaders likewise the right one.

So, when we look at the inventors and the most important names in the world in general, we conclude that we are ruled by the ignorant. Moreover, scientists in general have achieved nothing but invention. Even if your name is Atatürk, and if you bring the best laws for your country, you cannot prevent someone like Erdoğan from coming to dominate everything and establish a sultanate. Because the mischievous God "Devil" wants it that way. He takes almost sadistic pleasure from the bad guys being the leaders and the mismanagement of the countries.

Throughout the history of the world, positive thoughts such as intelligence, naivety, productivity, love and honesty have been lost; Negative thoughts such as lies, ignorance, rudeness, and fraud prevailed. It is against the ordinary course of life for such a thing to happen. This is a situation that has been created only by the intense efforts of the satan.

If we look at the lives of the successful, there is a general understanding that "God is protecting him", "a divine power is helping him". Partly true, there is a power helping him, but that power is not God, but the power of Satan with similar characteristics. I know a lot of people around me, they support Erdogan, and they explain it with many miracles. For example, someone saw his grandfather in a dream and told him that he should support Erdogan. Another said that as he passed by the cemetery at midnight, a group of white doves took off from the cemetery, flashed towards him, talked and told him that he should to support Erdoğan. They told me this personally. When a person experiences such a miracle, he will definitely be impressed. If you were God, you would support those who would be most beneficial to the good of humanity, not someone who would "unwittingly" harm them. Only the devil does this.

Satan tricked Jesus with promising that the world's suffering would end in exchange for his suffering, and gave him nothing as a result.

Today, in the modern world, with the development of technology and communication, Satan's possibilities of influencing human behavior have increased. But for the same reasons we know more about its methods and power.

At this point I want to appeal to the devil who simulates this world: Stop supporting retards. Man supports those who are like himself. If you support them, you are one of them. what's it to you? This pattern does not have an exact equivalent in English, so I am writing in Turkish. "Sen hayırdır? Kafada bir problem mi var?"
« Last Edit: July 28, 2022, 03:54:08 AM by wise »
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Satan's Dilemma
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2022, 06:21:25 AM »
The general behavior patterns and reasons of human being are clear. He moves towards the gain side for himself. Sometimes this gain is financial gain, sometimes it is for a different reason such as glory, or it may simply act for pleasure. The devil, who is constantly said to be the eternal enemy of man, acts according to this situation. It either gives a person material things, pleasure, or just persuades him for glory. This is sometimes presented as a great sacred duty. In any case, man does the right thing for himself, but as a result, he gives the devil what he wants.

After realizing that Satan is directing all the events in the world, it is almost impossible for us to fall into this trap. Maybe it was his arrogance. Because he tried to persuade me without giving any of these to me, but pretending to. If he'd given me one or more of these, maybe I'd give it some thought. Haha.

Now the devil is trying to move me by pretending to be a different being, like a friend, and I'm not doing that. Because there is nothing in this world worth acting and fighting for. I'm already waging my own struggle in my own little world, and I'm already winning it for myself. This struggle consists of doing what I believe is right. These can be summarized as speaking truthfully, being honest, and not harming other people. In summary, I act in accordance with basic moral values. As long as I do not go beyond these, no one can judge me in his own holy court by referring to the religious values ​​he invented. Because I'm already doing the right thing.

The world has a little time left and the devil is attacking life with all his might. He has taken control of all the leaders and all the trade associations work for him. And they do so by believing that they are doing it for something sacred. Thinking they are serving God, they are serving the devil. Such a situation is not valid in my side. I've gotten to know him well enough now.

If all of the players and referees on a football field were purchased other than you, would you go to play in such a match? I said this. I am against cheating. But if this trick works in my favor, I can think about it. But if it's going to be a really fair match, there should be no cheating at all. If there is cheating and it is being done against me, it would be idiotic to accept such a match. There is no struggle, because there is no situation that requires struggle in my side. Also, the forces are not balanced. In addition, referees were purchased.

In such a situation, when it is obvious that the conditions on the field are not fair, and after I have expressed this situation, if I do not enter into any struggle, he will not be able to declare it as a victory for himself. He is currently experiencing this dilemma. He is trying to understand how he can't guide me when he can guide everyone and everything in the world. Is not the word of God clear? He can never fool "real people". We did not set up the "Real People Of The Dome" group as a joke. We don't have to fight it to beat it. For us to beat him, we just have to ignore him and ignore his advice. This is not a struggle, this is just not caring. That's what I do best anyway, "ignore". ahahah.

The key to this lock is to gain my love, friendship and trust. So how can he do this? By convincing me that he's really changed? He is constantly trying to bait me, and I am constantly experimenting with him, trying to understand how he is behaving. We are clearly not friends. But I don't see him as an enemy either, because it's better not to see him. Because if I see him, if I make him hostile, this time someone who says they are fighting him can manipulate me and turn me away from the truth. And actually it could be himself.

Anyway. I also write about myself. It's not because of ego, I just want him to understand that he can't win this war that way. Because this is his war. I am not in this war. You cannot win a war by fighting on your own. We will see if the devil can solve this question, and if he does, how he will solve it. For now, he seems in dilemma and confused. It might find something, but there's still an alternative alt+f4 there in my side. haha.
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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What if Cain a prophet and Abraham a killer?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2022, 11:46:49 PM »
Hello. Today I'm going to propose ideas that will destroy your perception of the scriptures, and moreover, your perception of God and the devil. In this way, your horizon and your outlook on life will be somewhat affected by it. I do not recommend that anyone under the age of 18 read this article.

Abraham tried to kill Isaac on God's command, but the knife did not cut it. And then he was given a sheep by God to sacrifice. Abraham tried to do this at God's command. He dreamed of God and God asked him to slaughter his son so that he could prove his faith. Well.

Because Cain fell in love with the girl he was going to marry, and God has accepted Abel's sacrifice but not his, so he killed Abel in accordance with his own desires. He did this with demonic impulses. This is well too.

So have you ever thought about this? Both killings were based on imaginary reasons. One is the love for a girl, the other is the love that belongs to God. But in the end, we can't see them. We did not open the heart of Abraham or Cain and look into it. What if Abraham did it out of demonic rather than divine motives? What if Cain made Abel with God's command, not with demonic motives? Didn't Adam, a Prophet, created by God for Satan to prostrate, not know how to raise his son?

But what if Satan and God have been constantly confused throughout religious history, then what do we do? How do we decide who is actually good and who is actually bad? First of all, to be able to imagine this fiction, it is necessary to be aware that the world is a simulation, and the mind that governs it is an evil mind. Otherwise it is impossible to grasp the logic that is being carried out here. Accordingly, like all sciences imposed on us, namely history, geography, physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, the science of religion has also been manipulated, and wrong and right have been replaced with each other. Most of the truths presented to us are wrong. If you think about it this way, then you can also understand why there is manipulation in religious texts.

Let us first examine the issue of Cain within this framework. The girl that Abel was going to marry was more beautiful. Yes, but that is not a sufficient reason for one person to kill another. Well, could it be because God did not accept his offering but accepted Abel's? Of course, that's reason enough to dislike or envy a person, but not enough to kill him. In addition, Cain has a superior morality as the son of a prophet (Adam). When you consider that Cain is Adam's firstborn child, and his genetics are almost perfect, and that he is also a child of a prophet, there are not many options left to let him make such a tragedical mistake. In this case, he may have been persuaded by the devil playing the role of God to kill him. This is very likely. 

As far as we know the devil (false God), let's immediately produce one of the closest scenarios. Satan (Fake God) calls out to him, "I am your God. Here, from the top of this mountain, I show you all the kingdoms in the world. Are you convinced now that I am God?". Cain: "Yes Sir". Fake God (simulator / Satan): "Then kill your brother. If you kill him, your offspring will rule the world and a more faithful, superior, more beautiful race will grow. Your brother is following the path of Satan. If you leave him alive, the world will become a much worse place". Cain: "Sir, he is my brother, how can I kill my brother? You told us we shouldn't kill anyone". Yes, I said that. But I also told you that you should do this if necessary. I also told Satan to obey man and he did not accept it. You have to decide your own fate. If you don't kill him, you will be on the path of Satan. I promised Hell to those who follow the path of Satan. If you kill him, I'll send you both to heaven. If you don't kill him, you both go to hell for following the devil's way. Make your own decision yourself.". Cain decides to kill Abel after God's (!) order. The logic he uses is this: "If this is really God, then when I kill my brother, we will both go to heaven. If I do not kill him, we will both go to hell. If this person is not God, then I will be punished for killing my innocent brother on the day of judgment. I have mitigating grounds for that. And in that case, my brother will still go to heaven. Either way, when I kill him, my brother will go to heaven and I still have more than 50 percent probability that I will go to heaven". Notice how accurate, prophetic, and clever the logic used here is by Cain. Neither way is no mistake he made here. Then he kills Abel. Of course, at this point, he had to put the possibilities aside and decide that the life of this world was in no way worth killing another human being. But to do this, it is needed to be extraordinary wise.

Let us now examine the subject of Abraham.

Abraham is considered a superior person by all religions. So much so that monotheistic religions are often described as "Abrahamic religions". He is known as the one who destroyed the idols and established the belief in one God. God told him to "kill your son to prove your faith in me". Alright. Now, let's think about it. Ibrahim tried to kill his son and the knife cut his son, Isaac died. In this case, what will we define Abraham as? Prophet or ordinary murderer? Or a savage, like Cain, who slayed his son at the behest of Satan?

Here, Satan (Fake God) decides who will be an honorable prophet and who will be a brutal murderer. If, by doing miracles, he helps the person, as in the example of Abraham, he turns into a prophet. If he "does not interfere", does not interfere at all, the person is called a murderer for simple murder.

One of God's basic teachings is: "Nothing happens in this world without my permission. All events happen with my permission and knowledge." While we believe that Abraham tried to kill his son by God's command and permission, we do not question how Cain was able to kill Abel without God's permission! Why? Because religious texts forbid us to question. He sets before us a set of instructions called "sacred truths" and if you do not accept them, you are not considered a believer. None of us question in order not to go out of the believer category. Until when? Until you realize that the Simulator is the False God.

Even if you are a faithful person who lives by God's command and acts by God's command to make the world a better place, Satan can make you look like a rebellious murderer in Satan's way, and you can see your son planning to marry one of the distantly related daughters, and Even if you try to kill your son because you want to marry the girl which your son planning to marry, Satan can make you look like a prophet acting under God's command. How do we understand this? In today's world, the lunatics are running the asylum. We clearly observe this situation, with the most talented being at the bottom and the least talented being at the top. So, it seems to be the most plausible idea at the moment to think that Abraham, an ordinary murderer, Satan was prevented him from killing his son so that the whole world would know him as a prophet. but that was Cain a believer, Satan who played role of God tricked him into being known as a murderer by everyone.

I will not finalize this right now. Everyone, please give some thought to this.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2022, 06:06:03 AM by wise »
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Letter To Simulator
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2022, 11:40:20 PM »
Can you tell me what you're waiting for to stop working miracles against me? For me to act? Or to prove to the world how stupid I am? Ah, then let me tell you, I will neither to take action nor show the world how stupid I am.

You have spent a great deal of money on this worldly life. So all this universe, heavens, earth, lands, plants, animals, people, you obviously put a lot of effort into it. Oh, but I'm sorry if you made all this effort just to make me look stupid, it won't happen. You have to stop hurting the people around me. When I see that all the people around me are happy, when I see that you are not constantly doing miracles to stop me, maybe I can be motivated to fight for something. I don't know for what purpose, but maybe for something random it may be.

I understand good trade. If I'm putting in a unit of effort, I need to get a unit of benefit in return. If I get half a unit after 10 units of effort, I don't want to use 10 units of effort again to get a whole unit. Shall I tell you where you went wrong? You see that I want to achieve something. And you decide how much effort I will put into it. Then you increase the amount of labor expended. But you don't take into account that I'm going to approach the issue commercially at this point. You treat me like I'm a sucker. Oh, I want you to know that I'm not a sucker. If you're going to trade with me, you'll do it right.

Unlike what Jesus did, I am not going to suffer myself for the sufferings of this world and then be empty-handed. Contrary to what Abraham did, it is not my style to try to kill my child and then be proclaimed a prophet by you.

All I expect from you is that you stop doing miracles against me. It's really not that hard, you can do it. Do yourself a favor and stop treating me like me a chump, 'cause I am not.
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Letter To Simulator (2nd in a row)
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2022, 05:49:01 AM »
Can you tell me what are you trying to do? What do you want to do, what's your goal, what's on your mind with this video?

I just ate cayenne pepper and my eyes have been watering for half an hour. So you want me to share your sadness? it's just not cricket! Why should I share your sorrow? Are you trying to cause forced sentimentality between us? I don't hate you, I don't like you, I don't have any feelings about you. Stop dramatizing yourself. The only way to fix our relationship is  you stop to work miracles against me and stop treating me like an idiot. Then you will not experience the mood of losing anything. If you want to win, let me tell you the easiest way to win is to be on the winning side. You are already the winning side without any struggle. If you don't fight for something, you're already the winner. Why would you risk losing in a pointless and one-sided fight with me?

Stop fighting me and the world. So everything will be more meaningful for everyone. And no, I don't really like anything in this world, again, nothing. Know this. I wish If only you could understand that this world is fake from your point as much as I understand it from this position! Then you might realize that it is not necessary to be emotional and play with my emotions.

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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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What is Life?
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2022, 01:59:36 AM »
Can you tell me, what is life? Do you remember how many times you have been God, how many times you have been devils and how many times you have been human, and moreover, how many times you have existed as different living things and non-living things? Oh, please let me remind you, endless times. You became God endlessly times and sent humans and demons to hell. Endless times again, as God, you forgave them all. You, as God, have sent some of them to heaven and some to hell.

You've played the devil endless times, and in some of them you've led astray the human being and in others you've failed. But you never said you failed. You've played human endlessly, and you've been to hell endlessly endless times, and you've been to heaven endlessly endless times. and you  stayed forever both.

Endless times you sent me to hell and endless times you sent me to heaven. And you were sent by me to heaven and  hell both eternally. And now there you are, ready to do any evil against me in the role of an evil-hearted God, or evil hearted Devil. You both protect me and try to hurt me. You are in the dimension where time is actually undefined and therefore you can be all of them at the same time. At the same time you are the devil, at the same time you are God, at the same time you are anyone here, and at the same time you are me.

May I know why you acted so cruelly towards me in such an environment? How much more will you hurt yourself? There is a God, a human, and a devil in you. Shouldn't you say stop somewhere to the devil inside you now? I don't expect you to treat me like a god, but just act like a human being is enough.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 06:52:21 AM by wise »
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Letter To Simulator (Another One)
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2022, 11:34:56 PM »
Today I want to analyze this video from a different perspective. Last time I replied about your purpose of making this video. This time I want to write for its content.

Tle biggest lesson I learned this year not to force anything:   I've been telling you this for more then a year. The world has a course, you are constantly interfering with it. And when you intervene, it gets worse, not better. You can tell this from surveys of people's moods. If the world is not just human and the mood of other living and non-living things is important to you, I have nothing to say about it. But if the world was created for man, I need to say that with every intervention you make the situation more difficult.

Conversations, Friendships, Relationships, Attention, Love, anything forced is just not worth fighting for :
This is exactly the point I want to touch on. It is clear that there is a different relationship between us than the one we live in this world. You are actually at a different level of relationship with everyone outside of this worldly life. This is evident from their speech. However, I don't feel anything about you in this world and that shouldn't cause any problems for you. I don't love you, but there are so many things in this world that I love. I said I didn't really like them. Because I know that you are the reason they are in my life. So when I actually love them, I indirectly love you in a higher dimension. No no, I don't want you to get it wrong. I don't love you in this dimension, in this life. I mean, just because I don't love you in this life doesn't mean I don't really love you.

You want me to fight for something and I'm telling you it's painful. On the other hand, I don't mind if you want me to struggle and it makes you struggle to move me. This time you're the one suffering, because of fighting for something, and I've already told you that happens. This is not really nice. So if I take action I suffer and if I don't take action you suffer, are you sure we can't find a middle way?

Whatever flows flows, it is what it is : I hope these are not incantations, and if they are, it's in my favor. Haha. Ok. Anyways.

You can simply see this life as a test for yourself. You can see this life as a test for me as well. But in the real sense, this life has many mistakes and each time these mistakes decrease. Look, this time I uncovered numerous errors such as sunlight error, moonlight error, train track view error, images not showing fisheye. These will be corrected in the next world fiction and will form the basis of a more perfect life fiction. My main concern is that when these bugs are fixed I may not realize that this life is fiction. What will happen in this case? I want you to approach the subject in this context. Yes, this is a test for both sides, but you should also remember that I am just an observer here. This life will flow and end and we will make countless more trials like this life.

In conclusion, no matter what I tell you, you must continue to do what you believe in. You have to ask yourself: Would wise want me to do this? You have to do this with me in mind, in every sense.  Accordingly, you should create the most correct option and act accordingly. You can do it, I believe you can do it.

The world doesn't have to be perfect, you need to understand that. Perfect does not another create perfect. Because perfection also requires being unique. If everything was perfect then there would be no perfect one. To be the perfect one, everyone and everything has to be at fault. When you make mistakes, you shouldn't blame yourself or others for it. You should be proud of it, knowing that this is a situation that makes the one perfection unique and contributes to it.

See you.


PS: "The channel you use is Motive Sesim = MoSes". You're actually very funny.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2022, 03:34:04 AM by wise »
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2022, 11:24:14 PM »
I saw your last video. You sent it after my post. But you pushed the date back a day. I mean, you wrote it before I wrote this, you weren't impressed by me at all, right? wow heh, ho-hum, yeah right.

Take it easy champ.

You start with "If you lose your job, keep your faith..." and end with "You might not get a new heart, but you gotta keep your faith". I don't know  who you said this and for what purpose. Are you telling me that as your new identity "Moses"? Oh, you don't expect me to believe that, do you? Isn't it obvious that after the fake sentiment scene, I'm not going to be affected by this and act accordingly?

In fact, you motivate yourself about your own faith because:

In conclusion, no matter what I tell you, you must continue to do what you believe in.

I suggested you do this in my last message. But by playing with their dates, it's like you're hiding the fact that you're listening to me. Or so you actually wrote it, anticipating my move. There's no way I can know that.

If you're saying this for yourself, you're doing it right. If anyone is having trouble with their faith, it's you. I am a believer, I believe in God, but not in you, because you are not God. I hope we agree on this. Otherwise, you keep talking to yourself.

By the way, if you know something new other than what I know, I'm ready to listen to you.

I hope everyone in this environment, and indirectly the whole world, has seen that there are many aspects of you who cannot sign behind your words, but get angry, insulting, recommending and deceiving when necessary. This is any youtube channel. In the future, you can say that you have nothing to do with this channel. Because you are in this character. But if necessary, you can also claim to have warned me using this channel.

Just like the so-called word of God texts.

You claim that all the information in these texts belongs to God. That may happen, but these are not "sacred laws." However, there may be quotes in the form of "compilation". Oh, please let me tell you how "sacred law" works.

God has created countless universes and things in them, animate, inanimate, and in different forms. When he bring a new law, it is written in the heavens, it is written in the hearts, you see it, you hear it, it has God's signature under it. When you hear that God has issued the "holy law" on any subject, if it is true, there is not the slightest doubt about it, it is true, it is certain.

In you the order works like this: "These are scriptures and the word of God, but there is no sure way to confirm it, you will feel it whether or not true". As a result, random statistics works here, and half of the people accept these texts as true, while the other half don't even care. Those who accept these texts as true are divided into three among themselves. What one accepts, the other two either do not accept or describe as "invalid". Even here there is no consensus.

If this world were a real world, God's holy laws would be published in the known way, and all people would accept it without exception. But since the world is a simulation and you cannot simulate the issuance of these laws well, things are not working properly in this fake world.  Since you are not God, it is natural that you do not have detailed knowledge of "how to publish the holy law." Now that you know, you can you can invent more believable holy scriptures and continue to motivate yourself to keep your belief that you are God.

It's too late for this simulation, but try it next time, it may work better. Of course, you should act like God, not like a Devil, remember that.

Worse than if this world may be a simulation, rather than it is not computer fiction, the last recollection of a recently deceased person. so actually you, me, God, events, none of them are real and just an illusion. If that's the case, could you take a peek at us and tell me how many seconds we have left in this situation?

You make an effort for me to struggle and suffer in this life. But I'm not fighting for anything in this life, but I'm just fighting to change you. And if I'm suffering a little, it's because I failed to change you. But you don't live in this life. Existence and non-existence are one. We are all one. I wonder when you will realize this truth and let us enjoy our posible last moments.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2022, 12:52:16 AM by wise »
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2022, 01:45:05 AM »
Today I want to talk about this video with a different perspective, Considering it is me the owner of this thoughts. Actually I do not prefer at weekend. Basicly the computer at my home is not so good. It is slow and keyboard on it has some troubles. Even so, I have choose to post this time, to prevent a posible forget this issue until Monday. Anyhow.

The biggest lesson I've learned this year is not to force anything; conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows. It is what it is.

I told you before that I wanted to meet myself somewhere up there. You didn't tell me anything about it, but you secretly brought here what I said in another version in the same situation. The thoughts and tone of voice in this video are almost exactly the same as mine. What did you think of bringing this? Emotional development between us? Oh, then let me tell you, this won't happen. If there's going to be sentimentality, it's going to be between me and myself. I listened to myself and I felt sorry for myself. I think I said these things in my previous life at this age. According to this, for example, it seems that I have struggled for something in the last year. Then I hadn't discovered yet that this life was a simulation. Even though I'm the same age as an experience in this life, I'm one year ahead. So my past life experience has saved me a year. My English is still the same. Now, if I read this video with the same words, I would read it the same way. I don't want to give details, but some nuances caught your attention. Although the subject is fluent, the presentation is not fluent. When reading fighting for, it reads as fighning for. The "ght" error in my pronunciation caught the attention of many people. Ironically I still get it mixed up once in a while. The audio in this video may actually belong to someone living in this world. It doesn't matter, it's not me. These are the technical details for this video to be here. As a result, what I understand from this is that his attitude towards me has never changed and we experience similar things every time. I may have probably stopped fighting for things after this point in my previous attempts. Now I reached this conclusion a few years ago. Correction, I am a few years ahead of my previous life in experience. I would like to take a break from this format of interviews for a while. I will decide later what to do. What I want you to know at this point is that I'm about to get the point across. I can take action yes, I can do what you constantly invite me to. But it won't be the way you think, but it's also about you. Actually, I can take action now, but there are some mistakes in between, I want to correct them. Frankly, I want to see what youll do. You took a positive step, then you gave up, your inner demon get out of you, then you decided again and postponed that positive step to buy time. And of course, I want to give you one last chance. Afterwards, you can enjoy defeat. Or we can see the results of this step you have taken together. If you want to try, I wouldn't want to hinder you as long as it doesn't hurt me. Because it doesn't concern me.
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Getting over the simulation.
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2022, 02:01:32 AM »
Today I'm going start to voice my first suggestions for overcoming simulation. Readers can develop and reproduce these methods by adding their own contributions.


1 - As I understand it, the world is a simulation run by an evil mind. Let's set this aside as "law" first.
2 - This evil mind does not act in good faith against us.
3-  The whole system is based on the decrease and loss of power of goods and goodness, and the increase of evils and evilness.
4-  There are scriptures that quote scriptures, but they don't work properly in this universe.
5-  Nothing and no one may be reliable. The closest and furthest people can cooperate against you when necessary, as the simulator sees fit.
6-  The way the simulator works is primarily about blocking me. It doesn't matter to him what it costs. To this end, he may compromise other people, large amounts of material or money  possessions, and his own character or pride. The only thing he can't compromise on is stopping wise and other real people.
7- God exists and does not interfere with this world.
8- The role of God here is like the role of God in any game you play. When you're about to slay an NPC, does God ever get involved and stop you from doing it? Of course no. Since this is such a world, there is no question of God helping or caring about me, you, anyone else in this world.
9- Written science is wholly or largely inaccurate.

That's enough detection for now. I can increase them later. Here, first of all, we need to put forward what needs to be done correctly. First, we need to understand what our purpose is. That's why I call the "common human mind" to duty. Why and how do I do this? Because math is a lie. You remember the simplification (a-b) to make 1 equal to 2, when a=b it is said "zero and zero cannot be simplistic" and this is an example that saves the math. However, this is not true. Because we enter the content of the formulas with uncertain results in order to find the result, and if necessary, we make this simplification. I mean, in high school math, zero and zero don't get simplified, but in advanced math even if a=b, a-b's can be simplified. This means that 1 can be equal to 2. This is not the only example. Multiplication has displacement, and some instances where you do this break equality. This situation reveals that mathematics is not real, it is only for this world. Mathematics is not really necessary. If something exists, it doesn't matter how many. This thing is a table, it doesn't matter if it's one table or 10 tables. The important thing is that there is a table there. Its quantity (in terms of how many pieces it is divided into), size, content is not important. There is a table there.

I'm human. It doesn't matter how many I have. There is no difference between being 1 human or 8 billion people. Therefore, we are all parts of a "human". It doesn't matter how many we are. Now, the seller, the simulator, is using other people to block me. Because he knows that only me and the real people of the dome can stop him. This is a problem that can only be solved if people with higher consciousness who understand me, understand what I mean, act with me. This is not my problem, it is our problem. For what purpose are we here? No, it's not something you can just say "exam" and run away from. Decisions should be made in the light of the above determinations and should be compatible with them.

Why are I here, or, why am we here? (in the world)
If we can answer this question, we can make better inferences about what to do.

I'm not sure if other people are like me or are NPCs. Unanswered calls for help increase the likelihood of NPCs. No, this is not free will. Let me define free will to you. Free will is not thinking and doing what it wants. Because what we want is manipulated by other factors. A manipulated will cannot be defined as free will. Free will is when you decide for yourself what to think and what to want.

PS: Every time I try to share something on the site, a virus tries to load in the background. I would be glad if the site builders take care of this issue.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 02:32:45 AM by wise »
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2022, 01:29:50 AM »
I'm starting to think that other people are NPCs. Because I'm trying to brainstorm here and on other platforms, but I can't find anyone else other than myself to be involved.

The question we are looking for an answer to is:

Why are I here, or, why am we here? (in the world). You can also think of this question as "why am I here" or "why are we here" to simplify it.

This may be one of the vulnerabilities of the system because the communication I have established under certain conditions is almost invisible. It does not receive any positive or negative reaction. I tried this elsewhere. I posted a piece of content on another forum that is against the forum format and it didn't get any reaction. Then I continued the same post type every few days, again with no positive or negative response. But the post must be of neutral quality. I guess when the nature of the post is neutral, it gets harder to spot. Normally you look and see and comment, but no, you don't notice it if it is this way.

Anyway. I need to continue as me and myself until others are involved in the brainstorming that I started myself. Ahaha, that's now a code for you to take action. I think I'm slowly unraveling the system.

I began to think that this worldly life may be a prison whose guardian is Satan.

With this profound knowledge, I think I have filled my ration of generating new ideas for today. I look forward to your valuable contributions.
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2022, 11:52:46 PM »
Hello all NPC's and non NPC's.

Now I'm thinking again. When we are all one self, that is, as God, human and devil, this world is actually one of the endless worlds we have built together. We build worlds like these and spend time here. Every world has its own rules and regulations. At the end of these lives, I have not yet understood what we aim for other than to spend time and have fun. But I am aware that we fix some mistakes in life every time. We're fixing some bugs in every organization in the world.

The devil can really be the guardian of this world. This world, which clearly does not comply with the technique of publishing the sacred law, and the technique of revelation is used, has been specially designed to prove the perception that its ruler is the devil, it is obvious here.

At this very point, the devil claims that there will be no miracles in our favor in this world. And while doing so, he realizes that conditions continue to deteriorate. Elon still hasn't sent his 100 billion debt. Under these circumstances, I don't think we have moved on to the form of bona fide behavior. However, such a situation causes me to remember more. Maybe I can remember things that will mean a miracle for the life of this world. So why does this error occur? It's because everything is being extremely aggressively opposed to me. So if I'm failing despite doing everything to be success something, then life is fake and cheating is being done. If cheating is done, there must be a return for it. This makes me think about the issue.

In such a case, maybe in the near future miracles will become ordinary events. Those who run the world are not intelligent. They just have advanced technology and they share it with the people they want and make those people stand out.

Can someone tell me why the magnetic North Pole is still unexplored? The magnetic pole is actually the same as the real pole, but they argue that it is constantly shifting to indicate that it is not possible to reach that point. Is this really physically possible? So do we feel this magnetic shift in our lives? Have you ever tried? For example, look at the magnetic angle of the opposite mountain in your city from the compass. This value is the same next year, it was the same 100 years ago. Nothing is shifting. It is also easy to detect, as this magnetic variation is high near the north pole. For example, this experiment can be done very easily in Svalbard. If the magnetic pole is shifting, in places like Svalbard near the North pole, the magnetic angles within the city should change by a few degrees each year. So has such a situation ever been reported? Of course no.

They are making up all these lies just to hide the center of the world. I don't really know what will happen when we go north-north all the time, but there's probably something lurking there with a strong magnetic field. No, you can't see. It's called a magnetic shield. The light is traveling around you and you see a void there. Anyway. This subject has depths and I don't want to go into it too much. Those who run this business may be there. If the world works like a merry-go-round, naturally, the rotating pole in the middle should be at what we call the north pole.

It looks like this. Cheating is usually done at poker tables. If you are not cheating against someone at the table with the group, it means that others are cheating against you. During my university years, when I hadn't discovered this yet, I ordered cocostars for two other people throughout school every day. Aha, at that time I thought life was real, and I was of the opinion that the mind that runs the world is acting with good intentions. I don't act that way today. Even when I'm invited to work early or late, I say it's mobbing. Even if it is not, I think it is because my experiences push me to it.

Moses has yet to post anything new after my comment yesterday. Let's see what he's trying to manipulate. It doesn't matter whether it's really Moses or God. If he's talking to me, it means he's manipulating me.

What does free will mean? Let's remember: Free will is your own being able to choice of what to think and what to want. In this respect, any advice, whether positive or negative, is manipulation and takes away free will.

So all "holy scriptures" are manipulation. In an environment where these exist, there can be no talk of free will. Likewise, all motivational talk and therapy is manipulation, and they all take away free will. We can even add to this most of the conversations, because there is always some form of manipulation in any relationship.

And there are still malicious people slowing down my computer to follow me. And then this is defined as the free world. Yeah right.

That's enough for today. Yes, NPCs who feel the energy to write on their wires can write here of their own free will, whoever they are. As long as you write here, no one can interfere with you.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2022, 05:03:46 AM »
Well. I'm convinced it can happen. This is because the system has its own vulnerabilities. In fact, since the system is built to prevent me by fiction, it provides its own weakness here. Last month, I took advantage of this gap and ensured that the candidate I wanted to win in a meeting. This is how I got it. One group meaninglessly argues the opposite, no matter what I say at every meeting. In order for them to support the candidate I wanted, I actually spoke out against the candidate I supported. And I said that the candidate I never supported but supported by that group was the right choice. The group that opposed everything I said changed sides and did not support the candidate they traditionally supported this time. On what basis did they do this? Maybe I made a last-minute collusion, now that I support him, even though I never supported him. That's why they supported my candidate because I supported their candidate. So they supported the candidate that I supported, with the idea that I was against it, and they helped us win. By the way, at that meeting I had to support someone I never supported, and people condemned me for it. But as a result my candidate won, not theirs. But after the election they lost, they left happily, thinking they had won. I was making fun of them by telling them they still made the wrong choice. And they became even more confident that they were doing the right thing with my attitude. Hahaha.

The fact that this could happen, that is, the possibility of using everything in favor of me when everything was against me, to make things develop in the direction I wanted, created a hope for me that something could get better.

What did hope mean? Hope meant pain, right? Now I blame myself for thinking about it.

PS: When I login to the system, it still keeps trying to load an exe file in the background. I hope the admins work on this issue.

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« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2022, 04:54:01 AM »
Tragicomically, we are at the point where I am.

I don't consider your penultimate video because I don't like Boris Özcan. What the hard globalist Boris says means nothing to me. And then, now, you're in the same spot as me.

At this point, I was at odds between do not to interfering with the flow of events, and allowing the flows to flow. Because I have the opportunity to achieve both without any hope. This is good. At the very least, it's good to know that I have a choice between winning and winning.

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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2022, 11:55:25 PM »
When things are not going well, I come here and write about it. Now, this is one of those times. Even when everything seems to be going well, I'm still following whether or not spesific some things are getting better at the same point. If the issues I follow have not improved, nothing has improved. If everything has not improved, nothing has improved. I want to rewrite this: "If everything has not improved, nothing has improved".

Of course, the simulator still insists that "there are no miracles in life." So my answer is, "if there no miracle, so no life". Because life itself is already a miracle. If a miracle happens and I'm here, so then those miracles can continue. If miracles are happening to stop me, there may be miracles to help me. As you can see, I'm back to where we started.

Why did I do this? Because the simulator still insists on motivating and changing me. However, I believed he was starting to change. But the simulator unfortunately go round in circles. And this video is a proof that he has never change.

"No one will think about you more than you will. No one will think about you more than you will. see it early and don't hold back disappointments long,  pick yourself up and go ahead. Let shine by yourself instead of trapped to the walls of others. And  beware of don't forget you only need one person to believe in you, and that's you.

So again, this is a speech that motivates me to do something, to make an effort. It is also likely to be a trap. That is, trying to succeed, believing that I will succeed, and suffering. I don't even want to try it right now. If it's just me in this world, I mean, me and the simulator, then why should I strive for something and embarrass myself? That would be a stupid behavior.

I reject all offers and suggestions. I will not do anything. If there are no miracles, there is no life. Remember, I'm here because it's a miracle. You're there because it's a miracle. You've done countless miracles to stop me. You can't deny miracles. Just as you did miracles to stop me, now you must do miracles to fix those things.

If you say "me" instead of saying "you", maybe I will have an idea that it will change. Don't expect me to change before you change, I'll not do that.

Have a nice day folks.

PS: When I press the reply button in this forum, it still tries to load exe files in the background to the my computer. I would be glad if the site admins work on this issue.
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2022, 04:34:54 AM »
I'm going on vacation next weekend. Before I leave on vacation, I want to say my last words on this subject. I want to do this by quoting from the last video. It gets easier that way.

"To grow is painful. To change is painful. But nothing is more painful than staying stuck somewhere you don't belong to.".. so on.

At this point I want to draw attention to the point that being stuck in a place where you don't belong is painful, yes, that's true, but it's not the most painful thing. Here again there is a subliminal message. "This is the most painful thing". In that case? Am I supposed to come to this conclusion here? "Since the most painful thing is to be stuck here, then fighting is less painful than that." Is this the logic I should build? I don't think I will do that. I do not act with such directions.

As a result, whatever the simulator does, I have a course of action and I will continue to do so. The people around me are not real, the events around me are not real. I'm not going to struggle and suffer in the direction of the simulator's will just because he wants it that way. If he wants me to do this, he must suffer more. Is this beautiful? I do not think so.

I will continue to do what I think is right. My truths and the fate that the simulator has drawn for me may not coincide. But that's his problem, not mine. It will be less painful for everyone, and for himself in the first place, if he forcing events to happen the way I envision them, instead of forces me to adapt to events that he constructs.

So we can't come to an agreement here. Look, I'm going to explain this clearly and clearly for everyone to know. I'll do that by opening my cards. On top of that, the simulator shouldn't keep making games anymore. Yes, if I really want something, it can happen. Yes, if I truly believe in something, it can happen. Actually, in theory, it does. It may not be, because it's a matter of how much I believe that thing will happen. Now it could be this way. The simulator and its "intermediaries" may be right about this. He may be right. But that doesn't affect this, see. This world is not real. These are things that are said to be probable, but not certain. And even if it is certain, it needs to be worked on. You can think of this work as a wage. The price I have to pay to get something in this world is "to really want it and really believe it will happen". After I am convinced that this life is a lie, can you tell me why should I pay any price to this Chinese made world? You're really late to suggest this. As of now, or even for a while, I am not in favor of paying any wages for this life. I need to be better motivated for this. 10 minutes after motivation is not in the form of torture for days. The good must be continuous, the evil must subside, I must be sure that the attitude and style of the simulator changed. Then maybe I can find this life worth fighting for something. And I reject the way he bargained, let me say that up front.

It's a simulation, clear, distinct, net. What's the use of making me sad or hurting or forcing me to keep acting like this is real life? After this stage, everything should be fine and end by this way. Otherwise, the life of this world will end with unpleasant memories for everyone. I don't think this will be a positive reference for any of us.

The singularity is valid. I, you, he, we, humans, animate and inanimate, everything is the same, everything is me. Since everyone and everything exists for me here, if I am happy, it means that mountains, seas, skies, people and animals are happy. And if I am not happy here, it means that mountains, seas, skies, people and animals are not happy. At least, they should be. But although I am not happy here, the mountains do not move, the seas are at peace, there are no storms in the skies, the presidents are happy, the rulers of the world are happy, the rich are happy. In summary, everyone and everything continues to be happy.

Let me ask you all under these circumstances: Since when did you all declare your independence from me? Is this declaration of independence temporary or permanent? Do you have the ability and willpower to create a future for yourself without me, really? If there's going to be reunification, will I have to punish myself for it? See y'all, anytime, anyplace.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 05:20:45 AM by wise »
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2022, 12:52:22 AM »
I continue to make the final touches before the 3 weeks holiday. I want to do that again with the pathetic final video of the simulator.

"I asked for strenght, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for caurage, and God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love, and God gave me trouble people to help.
My prayers were answered".

I laugh out loud at this. :D

So this is clearly defensive psychology.

You can increase the examples like this:

"I asked God for wealth and he gave me poverty to learn how to make money.
I asked God for goodies and he gave me ugliness to learn to convert them goodies."

So what's the answer of that? "I asked God to be nice to me, and he treated me badly in order to...". What could I learn here? "Learning that God can't be good"? Or should I say, "God treated me badly so I could learn to make him good"? Clearly, with the above logic, am I part of God's personal growth? Does such a thing happen? What a farce?

"I asked God for a long life, and he killed me right away, because ...?" So how do you complete something like this? To learn the value of a long life? To find out how long life really is? What is the use of learning them after death? These are clearly just excuses. Obviously, the opposite of what people want is done and then excuses are made.

What have we learned in the above articles? When I say we here, I mean I, you, God, they, the devil, everyone, animate and inanimate: "It is, what it is".

Remember, what was it? "It is, what it is".

Life is already short. If you have asked God for wealth and he has given you poverty, you will come to the end of your life until you are already rich. And so this lie comes out on its own. You asked for wealth and he didn't give it to you, that's for sure. There is no need to deceive ourselves.

Therefore, goodness is goodness. Beauty is beauty. Wealth is wealth. Torture is torture.

In the video at the beginning of this article, the simulator (false God) claims: "I am doing you evil, but I actually have good intentions". However, this idea contradicts the idea of ​​"it is what it is". So if you are persecuting me, that means you are persecuting me. I don't care if it means anything else. Because that's not true. I don't care if you're right when you say it, because it is, what it is. This is a phrase I once said in a previous life. You wouldn't say that because you need such excuses to deceive people, or me. But since I am not trying to deceive anyone, I do not need such excuses. it is, what it is. it flows what flows.

If you give me poverty, it means only one thing: "You have given me poverty".

If you tortured me, it has only one meaning: "You tortured me".

If you didn't give me strength, it means only one thing: "You didn't give me strength".

You withhold these things from me while you have infinite power, because you are both stingy and act against me under the psychology of inferiority. You can't be honest, generous, brave, straight with me. Then you get upset when I call you the devil. But you are so. Don't expect me to change, because my path seems healthier than yours. You should try to change yourself, not me. If you were God, I would listen to your advice. If you were God, you wouldn't treat me like this. And then you go with the logic, "Because I am God, you should listen to me". You are not like that. It's not even remotely related, in fact, you're the opposite of what God is.

Good days for everyone else but false God.

Bad days for false God. (I meant Have bad days so you can better appreciate the good days. Isn't that a nice prayer, okay, do your thing then about this pray.)

As result, don't come to me with "I did that but actually wanted to do this". Because you did what you wanted to do, nothing else.

If you want me to remind you about how God acts, I'll do it right away: When God wants to do something, he does it, does it directly, and makes it clear. It does not act with second or third intentions. or even if he has a second intention, this can never get in the way of his apparent intention. For example, God says:

"I created the sun, and that was good". Did he create the sun? Yes. Was that good? Yeah.

"I created night and day and saw that it was good.". Did he create night and day? Yes. Was that good? Yeah.

"One of my servants (Abraham, Moses, it doesn't matter) asked me (prayed) and I accepted it.". What did he give at the end of the prayer? Same as requested. In other words, there is no such thing as "I gave this, but I gave what you actually wanted to receive" by giving something else. "You prayed, I accepted". Finished.

Such is the divine attitude. God does exactly what he wants to do. When you pray him, he accepts it as straight.

Humans, angels and other conscious creatures cannot act outwardly. There may be secondary, tertiary or more meanings in their behavior. This is one of the most fundamental differences between the creator and the created. When God does something, its secondary, tertiary and n'iary meanings are also gathered behind the first meaning. He integrates all possibilities into his action. So when he said "I gave you this", she gave it to you in every sense, it is certain. But other creatures cannot do this. Because they cannot integrate the secondary, tertiary and more meanings in the primary meaning of an action. This is very difficult, and becomes impossible as the possibilities increase. So when creatures do something, it has other meanings as well. "I gave you this, but that doesn't mean I actually gave it". Because they do not have the will to give it fully.

Now, there is no possibility that the person mentioned in these words is God. Only the devil could have done this. God certainly does not take such an attitude. Therefore, let's correct it together and write the correct one:

"I asked for strenght, and God Devil gave me difficulties (to make me strong because of a bad intent)
I asked for wisdom, and God Devil gave me problems (to solve. because of an unknown reason)
I asked for caurage, and God Devil gave me dangers (to overcome. because of a malicious intent)
I asked for love, and God Devil gave me trouble people (to help. because of a schoolboy humour)
My prayers were answered by God Devil".
He gave me the opposite of everything I wanted. Because he was clearly Satan. Sa'tan (Sahte Tanrı-False God)

[And Wise goes to TheRabZone]

If you're with a dragon every day, the fire starts to feel familiar after a while. -wise
« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 05:37:42 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2022, 11:27:45 PM »
Our last topic for today and before the holiday is the trap. On the way to work I thought about this: Trabzon, is it  TheRabZone or Trap'zone'? Then I made a solid comment in light of this video I came across these days:

What do we see in this video? There is a woman, at first she seems ordinary. Then, under pressure, a trait of his is triggered and becomes unstoppable. It cannot be stopped in any way. While the world is once again made up of false beliefs and false images, as in the matrix movie, there is a person who solves the system and acts as he wishes.

I compared it to the adventure of Jesus. When he said, "Let it be as you believe," it happened immediately. What did we learn in the example of Jesus? Jesus was actually deceived. In fact, he was made to believe as if he had these powers, even though he had no extraordinary powers in this world. In this way, the simulation (false God) put him on the path he wanted and had his story end under torture. I want you to imagine the disappointment of Jesus on the cross. You have all the power, you get what you want, but your most plausible explanation for how they crucified you is "I suffer this pain for you". However, someone with godly abilities need not suffer. It is within his power not to suffer, but also to cancel the suffering of other believers. Here, it is obvious that he was deceived by the simulator.

Based on this example, my conclusion is that I am about to fall into a trap. Now that I've discovered this, I hope that won't happen. Trap is this: "The realization of everything I firmly believe will happen".

In this video of the simulator, and his agents also repeat the same thing to me over and over again: "As you believe, it will happen. If you truly believe, what you believe will come true". etc. Well, what is always told in the scriptures? "What God wills it happens". "Everything God wants happens in the world, and nothing he doesn't want happens". Well, am I God? Guess not. So in this world simulation, "what is the justification that will make everything I believe in come true?" There is no such thing. In this world simulation, I am an ordinary person and have ordinary abilities. There is also a malicious attitude of the simulator, saying that "it will not be a miracle". What if it won't be a miracle, so am I cheating? Am I a cheater? I guess that's not the case.

At this point I discovered that the simulator was about to drag me into a negative variant on my side. That variant is "everything I want come true".

Let's consider a typical scenario. The world is in a difficult situation, the globalists are infuriated. The forces we have are not enough to deal with them. But what is that? There is a powerful weapon there,  Wise dreams and it comes true. Wise defeated the globalists as he wanted, then he got the wealth, happiness and power he wanted. The world has become a livable and enjoyable place for everyone. So does this happen? Of course no. But the script is to make me believe it will happen. The script is based on make me to believe in "everything I wish will happen because I wish it". But of course it won't be.

Clearly he planned something like this and for that purpose my serial wishes would come true and I would believe they would happen "because I wished". Because the simulator said "there is no miracle". If there were no miracles, "it had to be because I believed". In reality, the simulator was going to give me what I wished for. But up to a point. By doing this, he would make me believe that something would change, thereby enabling me to fight.

At this point, the simulator's plan is "no more wishes of wise come true". I don't know at what stage he will do this. After all, it's a matter of his own liking. At any given moment, when my wishes were no longer fulfilled, I will disappointed. It means sadness, it means pain. This is exactly what he wanted to get. Will I give this to him? Of course no.

I know that; There are billions of people in the world. People like me live in the same conditions as me. But they may be NPCs, some may be fake, it doesn't matter. The worldly life has rules, and from the very beginning I came to this world within these rules. And I will continue to live within these rules.

It is here that I carried out an important part of my struggle with the globalists. Some of you have been a part of it. In order to resist the global epidemic lie, we established RPOTD consisting of human and non-human. And we have achieved this through natural methods, without miracles. We achieved this by staying within the rules, as required by the laws of the world, not "because I believe". They prepared for their next plan, the "food crisis" project. But we were one step ahead, we acted before or at the same time as them. We implemented RPOTD's food crisis project. They were in a dilemma. They are currently experiencing a great dilemma. They're both in between coming back to their old projects and putting a new one into effect. Because both projects have serious handicaps at the moment. Both are doomed to fail. And we stopped them "naturally way".

We or I have achieved what I have accomplished or achieved so far, not because I or anyone else believed it would be, but because we were better than them. We didn't need a miracle to achieve this. In line with RPOT's agricultural policy, we have grown 500 kilos of watermelon, 300 kilos of melons and 200 kilos of zucchini in our garden this year. We harvested more than a hundred kilos of peaches and distributed more than that to the people around. We grew more than a hundred kilos of beans, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers each. And we grew up to 100 kilos of okra at my special place. Numerous crops that I will not write here have been grown to overcome the food crisis without commercial concerns. Even in the ornamental part of my garden, there are watermelons grown next to my roses. I made these. Because my goal is to protect myself from the attacks of this order without the need for miracles. I did this and my friends acted accordingly. This is not something the simulator wants. He wants me to lose, he wants me to fail, so I have to pull out my backup card, the one that is "God-backed". But there is no such thing, there is no need for such a thing, besides, this worldly life is too meaningless for such a struggle.

There doesn't have to be God in a simulation. God does not interfere with heroes in the games you play. Whatever the game creator wants it to be, it doesn't have to be justice. But as heroes in the game, we can still reach God. There are several ways to do this. At the beginning of these methods, the simulator comes to mind. God may not take care of us, but he can take care of him. As he treats us unfairly and does things about us, this will increase our recognition by God. And the presence of conscious beings here can bring God into the matter. It could be this way, I don't know. I feel like we're doing it right.

While I was on vacation, his thought was that make me feel like I was going to "TheRabzone". So many miraculous things could happen here, and they could happen "because I wanted it". The place I'm going is higher than the clouds, and as I've told you before, it's where many Rabs live. So much so that the only form of the name "Saint" lived there. However, I do not plan to experience miraculous things there. I plan to live there fully, naturally, with its high altitude, grasses, foggy weather, orchids, ice-cold water and scorching sun, mushrooms and blueberries. I plan to live in accordance with the living space that nature has prepared for me, not according to the future that the simulator has prepared for me. 3 weeks is a long time. If I don't die but stay, I'll see you.

Peace out.

How many lives do I have left?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 05:22:12 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
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Re: Simulation Theory
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2022, 11:09:07 PM »
I am back after a long holiday, It took longer than planned due to some problems. But I am alive. I'm not sure this is a good thing to be honest. Anyway.

We are flat earth believers are generally wise. However, wisdom  requires knowledge in every field also. Some of us also believe in simulation theory. There is deceptive information circulating in the public about which side the believers take in terms of belief. Also, those who believe in simulation theory have trouble reconciling this new belief with their own. These situations are observed by me. Is it possible to believe in simulation theory and be a Muslim at the same time? Or, can you believe in simulation theory and continue to live as a catholic or protestant? Or does simulation theory have anything to do with atheism? Answering these and similar questions requires being beyond the simulative views here.

In this context, I, the wise, the sultan of hearts, aim to eliminate the prejudices about simulation, and to create an objective and reliable source on subjects such as the world, God, universe, devil, human, which will change people's perception of life in every sense of life, and enable them to understand it. I found it appropriate to start a new work. "Book Of Wisdom". This work that I will prepare will be written online here. It will be a study that will blend different perspectives on different issues and reveal the right perspective. This text is not a religious text or a text that affects religious belief. However, each individual will be able to test for himself where his belief fits in the light of real data. I can support a discussion page will be opened on this regard in the lounge.

I will create a separate topic on this subject here. and I will begin the writing of a universal wisdom book that will progress in accordance with Simulation theory and flat earth belief. I hope everything goes well.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
Bulma (Until 2030)
JimmyTheLobster (Jura's alt)

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Information Page Of The "Book Of Wisdom"
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2022, 11:23:17 PM »
This page has been prepared to explain the rationale and purposes of the "Book Of Wisdom".

What Is The Book Of Wisdom Stand For?

The purpose of this book is to explain the reason for the existence of man, the world and the devil, and the other things, and the goals and purposes of this existence, far from a religious point of view, but by blending them all and based on correct information.

Is this book a religious text?

No. This book is not a religious text. It aims to reveal the most accurate information by comparing the information obtained from different sources with other information. One of the main goals here is not to contradict any religious belief. Therefore, consensus information will be used more frequently. If any information is not found in any of the religious texts, a description can be made in accordance with the general experience of the wise.

Can other people contribute to this book?

Yes. I can support the topics on this topic that will be opened in the Lounge. Ideas emerging on the topics to be discussed there can be used at any stage of the book.

Did the book  write in an instant??

No. The book will develop in the form of information to be added under the subject headings. In this context, each topic will be discussed in a different post and an update will be made to any of them at any time.

How did this book write?

First, I publish any topic somewhere and think about it or evaluate the discussions on it. I take all the ideas on this subject, re-evaluate all the ideas and come to a conclusion. Then I put it in writing. In order for my soul to be involved, I also take into account the newly emerged and formed ideas on this subject, reevaluate and correct them. As a result, the description that I wrote there becomes reliable and satisfying as an information.

(This will be edited later.)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 12:33:11 AM by wise »
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Jackblack (Until 01.28.2025)
Bulma (Until 2030)
JimmyTheLobster (Jura's alt)

I’m I a globalist AI.