The Millenial Kingdom of Christ and The Age of Kali Yuga.

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  • Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (04.12.1984), Ukraine, Lutsk
The Millenial Kingdom of Christ and The Age of Kali Yuga.
« on: December 18, 2021, 12:41:59 AM »
The frequency of the emergence of world religions is 500 years, but from the last (Islam), allegedly 1,500 years have already passed ... alternative historians have quite convincing arguments in favor of the fact that 1000 years of official history are invented, formally attributed. 1000 years most likely did not exist - from 0 to 1000 AD in the world, roughly speaking, nothing real happened (more precisely, a thousand years were probably invented somewhere from 500 to 1500 AD).

Buddhism - 500 BC, Christianity - 0, Islam - 500 AD ... In short, it is now about 500 years after the rise of Islam - about 1021 AD. ... ... and the Sun is extinguishing: Factual confirmation of the biblical Armageddon (End of the World): (at the end of the post at this link)

"The Millennial Kingdom of Christ." ... it will not be sometime in the future, it is already ending. Из прошлого рвётся живая строка . . . (Диана Меркурьева).

1) What has a beginning - that will have an end. Every religion had a beginning.

2) Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) are patriarchal. Now is the patriarchal era, before it there was matriarchy. But the feminine and masculine are two equal opposites, with their own specifics (at least rational-intuitive, rational-emotional), but equivalent in general.

3) Eternal life, Hell, Paradise - not infinite in time. Eternal from "age" - a finite period of time. Everyone has eternal life by default. Why is it written “eternal” but mean “infinite”? In the English version, exactly the same thing: eternal - eternal, but not infinite - not infinite.

4) The Ten Commandments are not perfect and not without exception.

5) There are many things that are correct in the Bible, but too complicated and confusing. “The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. Lies are always complicated, pretentious and verbose. "(Leo Tolstoy) If one thing is right, it does not mean that everything is right. Conversely, if one thing is false, it does not mean that everything is false. To what extent is it correct? How much is this or that statement true? It is impossible to invent an absolute lie (0% truth). There is no absolute truth (0% lie). There are ideal concepts that are impossible in reality (unrealizable) - Buddhist Nirvana, biblical Hell and Paradise.

Image text translation: Different forms, same nature. Kali Yuga Age parasites.

An exceptional phenomenon is Buddhist Nirvana. The goal of a Buddhist is to get rid of suffering (that is, from all bad). But the equivalent opposite of suffering (sadness) is pleasure (joy), bad is good. Having got rid of everything bad - you get rid of everything good - you get absolute nothing - nonsense - this is impossible - an unattainable goal, one might even say a false truth. But this false truth helps Buddhists to avoid pleasures and endure (endure) suffering, thereby clearing karma for future good rebirth. Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism. Reincarnation of consciousness occurs instantly, into an embryo corresponding to the level of its development and karmic merits.

The main attribute of Kali Yuga is faith. With the help of faith, the cunning and vile manipulate the stupid and gullible (parasitize on them). Here, as it were, some others are standing, but as long as possible, that is, sooner or later everything comes to an end (the end of one thing is the beginning of something else). Personally, I don’t believe in anyone or anything. I don’t believe in principle. I either know something or I don’t know something. Moreover, I know / I don’t know to a certain extent (by some percentage, approximately - better or worse). Based on knowledge, I make assumptions with a certain degree of probability. Belief in one thing (they usually believe in something very important) excludes all other scenarios. A believer in one thing is not ready for other options, which are not excluded.

"Good-looking" ignorance (“avidya” (Hinduism) - ignorance, the root of evil) is common in all Abrahamic religions. There is it in the dharmic (Buddhism, Hinduism) - but there it is, roughly speaking, in permissible measures.

A worldview theory based on the assumption that posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism. Reincarnation of consciousness occurs instantly, into an embryo corresponding to the level of its development and karmic merits.

Biblical Paradise is a bee hive.
Biblical Hell is an anthill.
The ocean of consciousness of dharmic religions with higher and lower worlds - oceans with all the diversity of life in them.
Buddha - tardigrade - the most tenacious and unpretentious organism.
Of all these Heavens, Hells and other Nirvans, consciousnesses gradually reincarnate (“evolve”) into mammals, then into a man, and then (after death) man again falls either to Paradise, or to Hell, or to some other Nirvana. Full cycle.

A very interesting worldview in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Figurative, but in essence (in my opinion) quite accurately corresponds to reality. Heavenly and hellish Bardos (worlds, spaces) are not somewhere somewhere out there, no one knows where, but on Earth. Paradise Bardos: Iceland, Switzerland and similar European countries (order, prosperity, stability, security, a high level of law, culture and morality, a calm measured life, a calm death). Infernal Bardos: most African countries (severe lack of resources, predominance of primitive animal instincts, depravity, violence, superstition, dangerous unstable and unpredictable, and in most cases short life and painful death). Purgatory: Tibet (minimum resources, harsh environmental conditions, but at the same time the strictest norms of behavior, morality and honor, stable predictable, and in most cases long life and calm death).

What is most attractive about Christianity? One of the main doctrines is that Christ died for your sins. No one except you will take the rap and pay for your sins.

Jesus Christ made a lot of mistakes, he did it stubbornly and persistently. Consciously, or more likely unconsciously, he misled many of his followers. He went ahead against the then power, traditions and norms of that time. As far as I know, before the crucifixion he was given a chance to renounce, to change his mind ... something like that. Suffering purifies (goes to the asset of karma). Pleasures spoil (go to passive karma). The suffering of Jesus on the cross greatly cleansed his karma, and he probably received + - a good rebirth, but the level of consciousness of Jesus Christ was rather low.

Examples of serious mistakes of Jesus Christ on important issues:

1) No one has ever created the universe. The creators do not exist as such in principle. Nothing appears out of nowhere and does not disappear into anywhere, but only redistributes and / or transforms from one state to another. The Law of Conservation of Energy is one of the fundamental properties of the Universe. It is simply called a law, but in fact it is a property. Properties have the highest priority, they cannot be circumvented, surpassed, deceived, distorted, and the like. One can only "create" from something else (otherwise, that is, from nothing, it is impossible to create something), that is, not to create, but to transform one thing into something else. Creation, Preservation and Destruction are conditional varieties of transformation. Conservation is when there is a minimum of transformation.

2) Is it right to answer good for evil? If you respond with good to evil, how can you respond to good? Good must be answered with good, and evil must be answered with justice. (Confucius) Forgiving evil you encourage impunity.

3) The main attribute of Kali Yuga is faith. With the help of faith, the cunning and vile manipulate the stupid and gullible (parasitize on them). Here, as it were, some others stand, but as long as possible, that is, sooner or later everything comes to an end (the end of one thing is the beginning of something else). Personally, I don’t believe in anyone or anything. I don’t believe in principle. I either know something or I don’t know something. Moreover, I know / I don’t know to a certain extent (by some percentage, approximately - better or worse). Based on knowledge, I make assumptions with a certain degree of probability. Belief in one thing (they usually believe in something very important) excludes all other scenarios. A believer in one thing is not ready for other options, which are not excluded.

4) How did Christ "heal"? He put his hands on, and if a person pretended or exaggerated his illness, then he was "healed." And if the person was really sick and the "laying on of hands" did not help (because it could not help in principle), then Christ Iosifovich said something like: "Your faith is weak, therefore my laying on of hands did not heal you."

5) How they turned water into wine there, and fed thousands of people with a few slices of bread - this is truly the devil alone "God" knows. Here it is interesting and suspiciously different - why did this "miracle" happen only once? Why did Christ Iosifovich not feed the starving people in that way constantly? Why didn't he conjure food for himself in that way?

Alexander Nevzorov does a good job at exposing the dark aspects of Christianity, but exaggerates a lot, and does not provide an alternative - that is, he avoids fundamental worldview issues.

"Good-looking" ignorance ("avidya" (Hinduism) - ignorance, the root of evil) is common in all Abrahamic religions. There is it in the dharmic (Buddhism, Hinduism) - but there it is, roughly speaking, in permissible measures.

Why do I consider our Slavic (ukrainian, russian, christian) society disgusting? I was convinced of this from personal experience, and more than once. I will cite as proof one very illustrative example from personal experience.

Fall 2015 or 2016. I have severe depression. I left almost every day from lunch to night into a forest belt near the Styr River (Lutsk, Ukraine), 200 meters from my house (6 Architect Metelnitskogo str., Apt. 29). This went on for about six months: spring-winter 2015-2016 or 2016-2017. The place is overgrown with bushes and heavily contaminated with debris. In the cold season, there are very few people, literally a few passers-by per day. He burned garbage, uprooted and burned excess bushes, crooked and broken trees. Calmly, measuredly, attentively. Heating in the apartment is very poor, it was warmer and more comfortable there near the fire than at home, plus work, movement, fresh air. A half-wild cat often came to me to warm up by the fire. He lived in that forest belt, because he was terrified of the road, or rather cars (the forest belt was cut off from the city by an asphalt road). When it was already -5 -10 degrees below zero, I took that cat home for a few days so that he would not die of the cold there, barely carried him in his bosom across the road (I almost broke free and ran away). At home, that cat slept under the battery for two days in a row, and when he slept off and started running around the apartment, he took him back to the forest belt. Briefly speaking. Gradually, slowly, in about six months I made a clean park out of an overgrown garbage dump, in which it was pleasant to be. Spring 2016 or 2017. Three days off at Easter. The greatest Christian holiday of the resurrection of the "Savior (Redeemer) of the sins of mankind." The darkness to the people in that park, not less than a hundred "people", dozens of families with children, not only from my region, from all over the city of Lutsk; most are drunk, most are believers (they glorified their "Savior" mixed with obscenities). For three days, they dirtied that place almost the same as it was six months before. Half a year of work was ruined in three days. Do you know what a statistical sample is? This is it. A very reliable and visual description of Ukrainians, Christians and the entire Slavic people in general.

Why are the words "savior" "redeemer" in quotation marks? With a capital or small letter - this is an insignificant formality (in principle, like quotation marks). Because the Christian Millennial Kingdom of Christ is the most Hindu era of Kali Yuga - the worst of all ages. And it is already ending. The darkest time of the day is before dawn. The Millennial Kingdom of Christ and the Age of Kali Yuga.

Do you think thoughts, actions and the real essence of a person is seen only by what is called the one God? Christian egregor is a disgusting "entity", because most of its followers and fans are licensed, deceitful, vile ... extremely low-conscious "people" (entities in human bodies). The Christian worldview is at least half false, that is, at least half is false. Christianity consists of many denominations, branches and sects. It is divided and split up and down. Moreover, Christianity is just one of the Abrahamic religions. About half of humanity is followers of Dharmic religions.

About prayers and other numerous religious rituals, I will say this: this is not the worst way to spend your time. You can spend it usefully, you can harm it, or you can just waste it.
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (04.12.1984), Ukraine, Lutsk



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: The Millenial Kingdom of Christ and The Age of Kali Yuga.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2021, 01:24:15 PM »
I read some of that.



  • 82
  • Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (04.12.1984), Ukraine, Lutsk
Re: The Millenial Kingdom of Christ and The Age of Kali Yuga.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2021, 04:26:56 PM »
Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev - the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (04.12.1984), Ukraine, Lutsk