You seem to require conventional scientific evidence for everything. You don't believe in ancient advanced civilizations, you seem to be very grounded type of guy. Why did you come to Flat Earth Society? You obviously don't believe Earth is flat right? Why waste time on something you don't believe?
Thank you. I try to be grounded, and considered.
As to what brings me here, in a previous post I said that I'm interested in other people's beliefs and views, and why the hold them. There isn't much interest in beliefs that are the same as one's own, though examining them is always a good thing.
I have often heard FE believers say that people who refute them never spend the time finding out what they actually believe, and to some extent that is probably true. They less you know about something the easier it is to dismiss it with a wave of the hand.
Dismissing someone's beliefs as wrong, without exploring their reasons, denies one a chance to learn about not only their beliefs, but one's own as well.
Don't get me wrong, if something some believes is empirically wrong (such as Danang's phew/pi replacement), then that should be refuted.
There are other things that a wrong, but are interesting in their own right as an idea. An example of this would be Sceptimatic's hypothesis concerning what I could only describe as clap back farting magnets. Factually bollocks, but interesting in that it tries to explain a phenomena in a way Sceptimatic understands.
In answer to your question, I don't ever find learning about other people and their ideas a waste of time. I find it fascinating. I am a scientific person, but a philosophical one as well.