You guys especially you JJA is comparing apples to oranges. The vaccines of the past was a one time deal. When I was a kid I had my shots and no one complained or argued. Those were good vaccines that protected you from well known diseases. Covid vaccine is a god damn guess work, uknown to what the side effects will be in the future, people don't want Covid vaccine because their doctors are telling them its a guess work, just like my doctor told me. I'm well educated person and I would be the first in line to get this vaccine if it was proven to work and not kill me. But I'm not gonna put something in my body that is experimental, fuck that.
The vaccines 'of the past' still require boosters. Whooping cough, Tetanus, diphtheria etc. And especially seasonal influenza - and that is 'best guess' of what they expect to come your way for the year
The covid vaccines available has passed every clinical trial. There was no 'short cuts'. Trials were run concurrently to save time and technology gifted us the ability to map the virus very quickly. Pull your head out of your arse for once
I bet you have no problem putting shitty foods in your body. Trans fats, alcohol, artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners etc. I bet you give zero fucks about seafood contaminated with methyl-mercury and would eat along with millions of others too. How about all your air pollution from coal fired power plants or traffic you breathe in every day? I bet you also give zero fucks about industries polluting ground water with toxic dioxins and waste. Yet to see you start any threads bitching about those very real world problems
But HELL NO dont you dare put a vaccine in whose only job is to educate the immune system to a highly transmissible deadly virus! You're f%#ked.

But you're also a troll so no one gives a damn if you succumb to the virus crying like a baby on a death bed like so many of your stupid ilk who boasted 'covid wont get me!'. Only to die with us 'liberals' laughing at their idiocy and their demise.