I'm a COVID "Vax"refuser.
Will I be treated like a former African American slave, separate but equal?
Will I be treated like an olden day Jew, gassed to death because the mob doesn't like my view?
That is correct Max, that is what Liberals want. They want new Jim Crow in the form of mandatory vaccine. Australians, Europeans, Asians and most other non Americans embrace this because throughout history they were subjected to harsh governing, kings and dictators. Americans do not want this type of society, we love freedom and especially freedom of choice. Shifter does not understand this because he lives in former English prison colony.
Story about a lockdown you rile against
1 guy in my state was a bouncer at a nightclub. He had contracted covid. So far 3 dozen people who attended that nightclub have tested positive. The state went into lockdown and places like nightclubs are closed.
Now if 1 guy can pass it on to nearly 40 people in a matter of hours, can you imagine what would be the result if no one gave a damn and those 3 dozen people partied the next week? And at multiple venues? As well as every other place they would visit in the meantime?
We nipped this shit in the bud and as a result have pretty much contained this delta outbreak in 2 weeks. We are going to get back on track without having to have thousands of people end up sick and dozens of people dying needlessly. You are an advocate for sickness and death for short term convenience
There is nothing convenient or helpful to the economy to have thousands of people infected with a deadly virus. And this delta shit has capped off more than a few young people to an early grave in Australia already. Young people that appeared fit, healthy and no health problems before they caught covid. Now, they are buried 6ft under
Plenty of economists have done the modelling. 'letting her rip' (eg the New Earth dont give a fuck about controlling or mitigating the spread tactic) would cost the economy far more money. As well as killing many thousands of people who would otherwise live (remember that every death costs the economy in lost production, taxes and economy spending potential)
If a business wants to protect their staff, family and customers from a deadly virus and requires patrons to be vaccinated for said virus, then more power to 'em. Treat the antivaxxers like lepers. (it's for their own good anyway as there is no guarantee vaccination prevents any transmission. They cant rely on us getting vaccinated to protect them in herd immunity)
And you should be aware, the internal scarring left over by the disease can wipe decades off your life through early cancer, heart attack or stroke. And for the rest of your life your fitness level may never be the same. Fantastic

'Long covid' occurs in around 10-30% of people who contract it. How is that helpful to the economy as people cant work due to worsening quality of life?
https://theconversation.com/the-mystery-of-long-covid-up-to-1-in-3-people-who-catch-the-virus-suffer-for-months-heres-what-we-know-so-far-161174I get that you're a troll and just want to say the most stupidest shit you can think of. Whatever man. Every post you make is an own-goal on account of being so flucking stupid.