If the vaccin is save why are pharmaceuticals trying to make sure they can't get sued for deaths or injuries from the vaccin?
Normal indemnity you'd find almost everywhere
Lets recap
215,230,076 confirmed covid cases around the world
4,483,718 dead
Literally billions of doses of covid vaccine given around the world
The deaths probably not even in the triple digits
How many people fully vaccinated against covid have died of covid? Sweet fuck all.
Get vaccinated or dont. Unfortunately for anti vaxxers they cant 'rely' on everyone else getting vaccinated and thus protecting them from the disease because there is still a small window of transmission possibility. While they'll shake it off like a cold, you'll be crying for your mum in agony in the hospital wishing you got the vaccine like so many others have before they died. But then, maybe you wont have a mum because you killed her with your covid germs
Oh well. While you'll balk at the vaccine designed for you and proven safe for you, you'll buy some aquarium cleaner or animal dewormer juice because somehow that's more palatable and 'safe' in your mind