Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities

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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #120 on: August 29, 2021, 10:44:47 PM »
I don't know anyone who got heart problems after Covid but I do know someone who developed heart condition after vaccine. My girlfriend's father. He was just like you guys, a champion for vaccine, very liberal and very critical of those that are against vaccination, well he is in deep doo doo now.

and JJA I didn't cause myself any complications. Everything related to Covid and its effects are from China and the Democrats that played along.
JJA voted for Pedro



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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #121 on: August 29, 2021, 11:14:51 PM »
I toraly agree that karma gotm.
Just saying... not "good".
Mindless sheep egged on by q and tucker who think its a joke to stick it to the libs.
Many are just brainwashed zombie sheeple culters who got caught the mix.

"Good" would be tucker getting it.
Or abbot or desantis charliK Mwalsh etc.
The leaders.

Tucker won't say if he got one. Which probably means he did because why else be coy?

Sadly we probably won't see Cucker cry like a bitch regretting not getting a vaccine. He's more than happy to watch his faithful audience do that instead

I read an article a couple of weeks back about how News Corp has pretty much the same protocols as many American companies. E.g., required proof of vaccination or recent neg test, mask mandates, mandated regular testing if no proof of vax, social distancing, the whole 9 yards. So Cuck either is vaxxed or is subjected to, I think it was weekly, testing.

But Cuck keeping it a secret helps to prop up his narrative, entice his viewers, make more dough, etc.

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #122 on: August 30, 2021, 12:09:58 AM »
I don't know anyone who got heart problems after Covid but I do know someone who developed heart condition after vaccine. My girlfriend's father. He was just like you guys, a champion for vaccine, very liberal and very critical of those that are against vaccination, well he is in deep doo doo now.

and JJA I didn't cause myself any complications. Everything related to Covid and its effects are from China and the Democrats that played along.

Waht issue did he have?
Is his issue persistent?



  • 25833
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #123 on: August 30, 2021, 01:06:42 AM »
New Earth, if you're being serious have a read if this
How does COVID-19 cause heart damage?

The SARS-CoV-2 virus can damage the heart in several ways. For example, the virus may directly invade or inflame the heart muscle, and it may indirectly harm the heart by disrupting the balance between oxygen supply and demand. Heart injury, which may be measured by elevated levels of the enzyme troponin in the bloodstream, has been detected in about one-quarter of patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 illness. Of these patients, about one-third have pre-existing CVD.

Inflammation of the heart muscle

The majority of people with COVID-19 will have mild symptoms and recover fully. However, about 20% will develop pneumonia, and about 5% will develop severe disease. In the severe form of COVID-19, the body’s immune system overreacts to the infection, releasing inflammatory molecules called cytokines into the bloodstream. This so-called "cytokine storm" can damage multiple organs, including the heart.

Inflammation of the heart muscle, called myocarditis, typically occurs only in patients with advanced COVID-19 disease. Myocarditis can result from direct heart invasion by the virus itself, or more commonly by inflammation caused by cytokine storm. When this occurs, the heart may become enlarged and weakened, leading to low blood pressure and fluid in the lungs. While this severe form of myocarditis is rare, recent studies have suggested that a milder form of heart muscle inflammation may be much more common than previously recognized. A recent study showed that asymptomatic heart inflammation was seen on magnetic resonance imaging in up to three-quarters of patients who had recovered from severe COVID-19.

Increased oxygen demand and decreased oxygen supply lead to heart damage

Fever and infection cause the heart rate to speed up, increasing the work of the heart in COVID-19 patients who develop pneumonia. Blood pressure may drop or spike, causing further stress on the heart, and the resulting increase in oxygen demand can lead to heart damage, especially if the heart arteries or muscle were unhealthy to begin with.

Heart damage is most often caused by heart attacks, which result from the formation of a blood clot in a vulnerable heart artery, blocking delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle. COVID-19-related inflammation raises the risk of this type of heart attack by activating the body’s clotting system and disrupting the blood vessel lining. When inflamed, this lining loses its ability to resist clot formation. These blood clots in the large and small arteries of the heart cut off its supply of oxygen. The increased clotting tendency can also lead to blood clots in the lungs, which can cause a drop in blood oxygen levels. Severe pneumonia drops blood oxygen further. When the oxygen demand exceeds the supply, the heart muscle is damaged.

On balance, I'd say getting actual covid would have been far worse. And it's only a matter of time before as many people get covid as they do the Cold, ie everyone.

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  • 6869
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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #124 on: August 30, 2021, 12:53:40 PM »
I don't know anyone who got heart problems after Covid but I do know someone who developed heart condition after vaccine. My girlfriend's father. He was just like you guys, a champion for vaccine, very liberal and very critical of those that are against vaccination, well he is in deep doo doo now.

and JJA I didn't cause myself any complications. Everything related to Covid and its effects are from China and the Democrats that played along.

And I'm sure you have proof the vaccine caused his problem. And no, voices in your head saying it's true isn't proof.

Have fun catching it again. Maybe you will get 10 days in the hospital this time.

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #125 on: August 30, 2021, 01:44:10 PM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #126 on: August 30, 2021, 09:50:44 PM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

That is correct. Antibodies are as good as Vax. This is what I was trying to tell JJA forever here. May be he will listen to you. LOL
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 25833
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #127 on: August 30, 2021, 10:16:14 PM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.

In some cases, even survivors will have so much damage to their immune system their immune system won't have the memory

And being in such a sickly state for some leaves them susceptible to what would ordinarily be harmless germs

I'll take the vaccine. Natures cheat code

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

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  • 18585
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #128 on: August 30, 2021, 11:08:44 PM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

That is correct. Antibodies are as good as Vax. This is what I was trying to tell JJA forever here. May be he will listen to you. LOL

Well yeah.  Because its the same thing.
A vax creates antibodies in your system to fight the virus.  Just like the real virus.  Except without the whole full blown illness bit.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #129 on: August 31, 2021, 04:53:30 AM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

That is correct. Antibodies are as good as Vax. This is what I was trying to tell JJA forever here. May be he will listen to you. LOL

Key point
Natural method rwquires YOU HAVE TO SURVIVE COVID!

10% survivors are long haulers with blistered lungs or brain fog.

300/ 140,000,000 vax have the heart problem.
6 / 1M have the clott issue (whichs is why they recommendsd women under age 55 to not get it).

Odds are not in your favour with the covid method.



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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #130 on: August 31, 2021, 07:27:53 AM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

That is correct. Antibodies are as good as Vax. This is what I was trying to tell JJA forever here. May be he will listen to you. LOL

Well yeah.  Because its the same thing.
A vax creates antibodies in your system to fight the virus.  Just like the real virus.  Except without the whole full blown illness bit.

Except not.  A vaccine creates different antibodies that can react faster and with a stronger immune response.

They both create antibodies but those antibodies are NOT THE SAME.

And as Themightykabool mentioned, the vaccine doesn't give you a nasty disease with a lot of potential long term side effects.



  • 18585
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #131 on: August 31, 2021, 08:13:12 AM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

That is correct. Antibodies are as good as Vax. This is what I was trying to tell JJA forever here. May be he will listen to you. LOL

Well yeah.  Because its the same thing.
A vax creates antibodies in your system to fight the virus.  Just like the real virus.  Except without the whole full blown illness bit.

Except not.  A vaccine creates different antibodies that can react faster and with a stronger immune response.

They both create antibodies but those antibodies are NOT THE SAME.

And as Themightykabool mentioned, the vaccine doesn't give you a nasty disease with a lot of potential long term side effects.

Well yes, fair, not the exact same but they do the same job.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



  • 6869
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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #132 on: August 31, 2021, 02:27:05 PM »
Well now
Natural antibodies from infection are just as good as vax.
Your body has learnt to deal with it.

Yes you can get it again and would expect a speedy recovery.

If you havent had it already, you have to SURVIVE the real covid as well.

That is correct. Antibodies are as good as Vax. This is what I was trying to tell JJA forever here. May be he will listen to you. LOL

Well yeah.  Because its the same thing.
A vax creates antibodies in your system to fight the virus.  Just like the real virus.  Except without the whole full blown illness bit.

Except not.  A vaccine creates different antibodies that can react faster and with a stronger immune response.

They both create antibodies but those antibodies are NOT THE SAME.

And as Themightykabool mentioned, the vaccine doesn't give you a nasty disease with a lot of potential long term side effects.

Well yes, fair, not the exact same but they do the same job.

A tire and stale doughnut do the same job but one will perform better than the other. :)

"Vaccine data as of August 2021 shows that the odds of being reinfected with COVID-19 are 2.34 times greater for those who are unvaccinated than those who have received COVID-19 vaccination."

So the data shows that natural antibodies from infection are NOT just as good as vax. They are worse.

Getting the shot will give you better protection even if you already had COVID.

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #133 on: August 31, 2021, 04:46:50 PM »
Looks like I won this one JJA, even your buddies here agree that Antibodies are good enough. Once again guys I had Covid, I survived and my latest test which was less then a month ago shows over a hundred antibodies. Getting vaccine at this point is not required, unless of course Illinois will go all Nazi and force them.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 6869
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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #134 on: August 31, 2021, 05:17:18 PM »
Looks like I won this one JJA, even your buddies here agree that Antibodies are good enough. Once again guys I had Covid, I survived and my latest test which was less then a month ago shows over a hundred antibodies. Getting vaccine at this point is not required, unless of course Illinois will go all Nazi and force them.

You won by catching COVID and almost dying?  You really are something else.

I'm not sure why I'm repeating this since you have shown you are incapable of understanding basic concepts, but here it goes again.

"Vaccine data as of August 2021 shows that the odds of being reinfected with COVID-19 are 2.34 times greater for those who are unvaccinated than those who have received COVID-19 vaccination."

Have fun getting COVID again. Maybe you can get the experience of being on a ventilator for a full month this time.



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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #135 on: August 31, 2021, 10:55:18 PM »
Looks like I won this one JJA, even your buddies here agree that Antibodies are good enough. Once again guys I had Covid, I survived and my latest test which was less then a month ago shows over a hundred antibodies. Getting vaccine at this point is not required, unless of course Illinois will go all Nazi and force them.

Actually, you’re probably not in a very good place considering time since infection and no vaccine. This 100 antibodies you claim is way on the low side, from a while ago, and probably have waned even more.

“So doctors approximate, with measured levels ranging from less than a hundred to several thousand antibodies. "If I am in the upper third or in the upper half, I probably have good immune protection. But I can't give you the exact threshold values yet," Watzl says.”

From “How many antibodies does it take to be immune to the coronavirus?”

100 is low, low, low. You’re screwed. You are screwing yourself with ignorance. And screwing others as well. Why so narcissistic and blatantly selfish?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #136 on: August 31, 2021, 11:08:33 PM »
My issue isn't about vaccines and such but this set of so called vaccines seem to have been concocted in record time and virtually all together and yet each so called vaccine has different storage set ups.

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.



  • 25833
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #137 on: September 01, 2021, 12:16:13 AM »
My issue isn't about vaccines and such but this set of so called vaccines seem to have been concocted in record time and virtually all together and yet each so called vaccine has different storage set ups.

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.

No vaccine has had more attention or scrutiny than these covid ones

But keep in mind technology has gifted us decoding the viral genome in record time. Lots of time saved there

And the phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials were run concurrently. There has been no 'dodgy shortcuts'. All the usual box ticking and checks and balances have been done as normal.

Around 5.3 billion doses of vaccines have been given. Can you name 1 vaccine that had a long term disastrous impact a year after being given? If there was any problem you'd know within weeks. Not years

There is no conspiracy here. Not sure what the endgame of one would be? Wipe out all the wealthy nations leaving only impoverished developing countries that didn't have wide access to the vaccine?

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #138 on: September 01, 2021, 12:41:57 AM »

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.

Worth saying this again (and again) as it doesn't seem to be sinking in.

The vaccine doesn't stop you getting the covid, it does however give you the tools (antibodies) to ensure you don't get really ill.

I know several vaccinated people who have caught it and just felt a bit crook. On the other hand my partner is a senior infection control nurse for the local NHS trust and there has been a rise in people in intensive care with covid, ALL of them are un-vaccinated, that's ALL, including a pregnant mother who died last week with her child who had ironically refused the jab on the grounds it might harm the baby, both are now dead. 
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #139 on: September 01, 2021, 03:05:36 AM »

Worth saying this again (and again) as it doesn't seem to be sinking in.

The vaccine doesn't stop you getting the covid, it does however give you the tools (antibodies) to ensure you don't get really ill.

It does still, however, significantly reduce your chance of catching it.  But yeah, the important bit is that it is over 90% effective in stopping serious symptoms and keeping you out of hospital and equally effective at keeping you out of a coffin.  Why would you not want something that worked that well?
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a single photon can pass through two sluts

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if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #140 on: September 01, 2021, 04:14:29 AM »
If yoyre going to spout "we just dont know" talking points well... theres a lot of info out there to find out.
Very easily looked up answers to all your questions.

Mrna styles are encased in a fat bubble.
To keep the fat bubble from breaking down they nedd to freeze it.
The different compositon of the fat bubble is how moderna requires the less extreme cold.

Mrna methodlogy designed years ago.

60% effective doesnt mean you get 60% the anti bodies.
It means 4 out of 10 the vaccine didnt take for whatever reason.
And in top of that variances changed the spike, that very spike that the mrna was based on.
What you can see is that hospiralization rates are way down so the bodies are handling covid much better than the unvaxd.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 04:23:53 AM by Themightykabool »



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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #141 on: September 01, 2021, 08:06:20 AM »
My issue isn't about vaccines and such but this set of so called vaccines seem to have been concocted in record time and virtually all together and yet each so called vaccine has different storage set ups.

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.

You might have had a point at the beginning of the year but the dataset on these vaccines are massive.  The side effects, at least in the short term, are well understood.
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  • 25833
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #142 on: September 01, 2021, 08:42:41 AM »
My issue isn't about vaccines and such but this set of so called vaccines seem to have been concocted in record time and virtually all together and yet each so called vaccine has different storage set ups.

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.

You might have had a point at the beginning of the year but the dataset on these vaccines are massive.  The side effects, at least in the short term, are well understood.

The question is, is there any vaccines that have 'long term' side effects? I dont think there is (eg we dont have people vaccinated with smallpox keeling over from some exotic problem). Why would covid vaccine be any different

And if we waited 10 years before approving the covid vaccine, how many millions of people would end up dead? How many different mutations would this corone undergo? Emergency Use Authorisation exists for a reason and we used it here. There were no short cuts or dodgy tactics used here

We have the technology to map a viral genome in days. Running phase trails concurrently saves a hell of a lot of time too. People who say they 'want to wait to make sure it's safe' are just closet anti vaxxers. The data is in. It's safe

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • 18585
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #143 on: September 01, 2021, 09:38:14 AM »
My issue isn't about vaccines and such but this set of so called vaccines seem to have been concocted in record time and virtually all together and yet each so called vaccine has different storage set ups.

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.

You might have had a point at the beginning of the year but the dataset on these vaccines are massive.  The side effects, at least in the short term, are well understood.

The question is, is there any vaccines that have 'long term' side effects? I dont think there is (eg we dont have people vaccinated with smallpox keeling over from some exotic problem). Why would covid vaccine be any different

And if we waited 10 years before approving the covid vaccine, how many millions of people would end up dead? How many different mutations would this corone undergo? Emergency Use Authorisation exists for a reason and we used it here. There were no short cuts or dodgy tactics used here

We have the technology to map a viral genome in days. Running phase trails concurrently saves a hell of a lot of time too. People who say they 'want to wait to make sure it's safe' are just closet anti vaxxers. The data is in. It's safe

But people who don't want it think its engineered to kill in 5 years.  So... You know... Not yet.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.



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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #144 on: September 01, 2021, 09:44:33 AM »
My issue isn't about vaccines and such but this set of so called vaccines seem to have been concocted in record time and virtually all together and yet each so called vaccine has different storage set ups.

This is what bothers me and also the amount of people who get this covid who've had both jabs.

You might have had a point at the beginning of the year but the dataset on these vaccines are massive.  The side effects, at least in the short term, are well understood.

The question is, is there any vaccines that have 'long term' side effects? I dont think there is (eg we dont have people vaccinated with smallpox keeling over from some exotic problem). Why would covid vaccine be any different

And if we waited 10 years before approving the covid vaccine, how many millions of people would end up dead? How many different mutations would this corone undergo? Emergency Use Authorisation exists for a reason and we used it here. There were no short cuts or dodgy tactics used here

We have the technology to map a viral genome in days. Running phase trails concurrently saves a hell of a lot of time too. People who say they 'want to wait to make sure it's safe' are just closet anti vaxxers. The data is in. It's safe

There is actually.

I don't know how to assess the possibility of long term effects in a vaccine.  But there are long term effects to covid.  So I have to weigh the possibility of a long term side effect in this vaccine, which seems unlikely, vs covid which is much more likely.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #145 on: September 01, 2021, 10:13:09 AM »
doesn't say how much % or qty of people affected.
just says sample size was 870,000



  • Flat Earth Inspector General of High Fashion Crimes and Misdemeanors
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Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #146 on: September 01, 2021, 11:32:30 AM »
doesn't say how much % or qty of people affected.
just says sample size was 870,000

1 incident per 18,400 doses in children and adolescents.  Very low.  Still probably better taking your chances with that particular vaccine than swine flu.  But it is a thing that happened.

A vaccine is a drug.  All drugs have side effects.  Sometimes some side effects aren't obvious.  But we assess the risk of a vaccine vs the risk of the disease being vaccinated against.  It almost always tilts heavily in favor of the vaccine.

I know there's this whole public messaging situation where us pro vaccine people don't like to mention things like this because antivaxxers just pervert it into antivax propaganda but it would be dishonest to say that vaccines are always 100% safe and there are never any unknown side effects.
Intelligentia et magnanimitas vincvnt violentiam et desperationem.
The truth behind NASA's budget

Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #147 on: September 01, 2021, 07:23:49 PM »
You guys are making me laugh very hard. Posting stupid links about what Doctors admit is a guess work. I started with 60 antibodies right after Covid and I actually developed more antibodies as time goes on, so the theory that you lose antibodies is wrong, evidence shows that you gain them more later. JJA you may wish me vantilator or death but fuck you man, I bet all my money that you will die before me. This is a depopulation project. Die from Covid or from vaccine what difference does it make? You are all dead. I'm dead too.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 25833
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #148 on: September 01, 2021, 07:59:57 PM »
You guys are making me laugh very hard. Posting stupid links about what Doctors admit is a guess work. I started with 60 antibodies right after Covid and I actually developed more antibodies as time goes on, so the theory that you lose antibodies is wrong, evidence shows that you gain them more later. JJA you may wish me vantilator or death but fuck you man, I bet all my money that you will die before me. This is a depopulation project. Die from Covid or from vaccine what difference does it make? You are all dead. I'm dead too.

And another anti vax moron bites the dust. Looks like this guys next and he doesn't look old

Tell me New Earth. In hind sight, would these idiots have been better off taking the vaccine? Give us a non troll answer for a change

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • 18585
Re: Vaccine Mandates in Communist New York and other cities
« Reply #149 on: September 01, 2021, 10:58:02 PM »
You guys are making me laugh very hard. Posting stupid links about what Doctors admit is a guess work. I started with 60 antibodies right after Covid and I actually developed more antibodies as time goes on, so the theory that you lose antibodies is wrong, evidence shows that you gain them more later. JJA you may wish me vantilator or death but fuck you man, I bet all my money that you will die before me. This is a depopulation project. Die from Covid or from vaccine what difference does it make? You are all dead. I'm dead too.

Ok, I gotta ask.  Is that 60 per drop or 60 in your whole body?  Just trying to get an idea of measurement.
You have been ignored for common interest of mankind.

I am a terrible person and I am a typical Blowhard Liberal for being wrong about Bom.