It is small for a pleco, imo. It's a 70 gallon, but I think he needs at least 100. I don't know anyone with a massive aquarium, so I guess I am stuck with the pleco until the end of time. I don't have the money for a bigger tank, although sometimes it's easy to find one used that is pretty cheap. I also don't have room for two big aquariums, but I suppose I could just turn the whole house over to the fish. lol You have to understand that I did not set the tank up, it was my sister's. All the fish in it were hers. The only thing I've added is the sponge filter on the right end, that ship decoration (there's a golden algae eater in there, and the weirdo loves the ship), and the fake log. She bought all the fish at a pet store, and they hardly ever tell people just how big a pleco will get. It's very irresponsible of them to not explain this to people! They will even sell them to people who come in to buy a 20 gallon tank without telling them the fish will one day be too big to swim in it. I don't know why they don't suggest the smaller types of plecos to people with smaller tanks, but I guess they just want to sell them.
Anyway, I would love to make this a planted tank. I have been researching it. Someday I will try to get that going. My nephew is supposed to be giving me his 20 gallon tank, and I was thinking it would be perfect to start plants in. My sister tried growing plants and they all died. She thought the pleco was eating them, but idk.
Oh, yes. There are neon tetras, red nose tetras, and the stripey ones (whatever they're called).
(sorry about your goldfish, shifter)