No such thing as a vacuum and it depends on the solid materials and thickness.
You not liking a vacuum doesn't magically mean it doesn't exist.
It doesn't need to be a perfect vacuum.
Again, rather than just asserting it all magically works, try to actually address the issues.
We know that it works through atmosphere-tight containers. They are impermeable to the atmosphere. Yet magnetism works just fine through them.
That is something you cannot explain.
That alone quite clearly shows it isn't the atmosphere. Instead you need a magical non-material fluid which can penetrate all matter. But that raises the question of how it manages to push the object in the first place?
Likewise, we know how the polarity of magnets work, with like poles repelling and opposite poles attracting. You cannot explain how that works with your magic air.
Likewise, we know how some materials are ferromagnetic, some are paramagnetic and some are diamagnetic.
It makes no sense for there to be these different types of materials if it was just the air.
The real puzzle is in why you think the world is wrong.
We don't, you do.
You think the world is wrong on so many different things. Yet you cannot offer any viable alternative.
Instead you provide a bunch of nonsense which is trivial to refute, then flee.
Atmospheric vortex.
Try drawing a picture.
Show 2 N poles pointing towards each other, then 2 S poles, then a N pole pointing to a S pole, then 2 magnets sideways so N is up on both, then so N is up on one and S is up on the other.
5 simple diagrams showing the main possible types of interactions between 2 magnets.
Or, get back to your air and explain how the low pressure air pushes objects down into the high pressure air below.