You not liking a vacuum doesn't magically mean it doesn't exist.
No a very good answer so we'll leave it there.
No, we wont leave it there.
If you have no explanation, just admit that you have none and thus have no reason to claim that everything can be explained by a push, and then we can leave it there.
Otherwise, actually address the issues that are raised rather than continually ignoring them because they show you are wrong.
if only for that and not doing what JB does which is calling me a liar and BS and all the rest of it which goes nowhere.
You mean it is only for those willing to accept whatever BS you spout without thinking about it; because thinking about it leads to massive problems which you can't address as they show your model is wrong.
If you actually tried justifying your model by addressing the issues raised, I wouldn't have any need to dismiss it as BS or call you a liar.
But that is your defence tactic. As you can't defend your model, you just insult those who dare to question it.
Again, how does the low pressure air above push the object down into the higher pressure below? This defies all known physics.
Again, how do magnets have 2 poles, such that opposite poles attract and like poles repel? This is impossible with air vortexes as they would have an attractive and repulsive pole. 2 attractive poles would attract and 2 repulsive poles would repel.
These are simple issues that trivially show your model is wrong which you continually flee from.
You refuse to even attempt to engage with them as you know there is no way for you to actually address these massive issues.
That is why I call your model BS.
If you actually addressed those issues, and I mean actually address it, not just pretend to and go off on a tangent avoiding the actual issue, then I wouldn't be calling your model BS.