It doesn't mean it is right, either, which means you have no clue about you being right and have no legitimate argument to say I'm wrong
There is a fundamental difference between a slim possibility of being wrong, and having no clue.
There is also a difference between knowing you are wrong and knowing what the correct answer is.
I have plenty of arguments that show you are wrong, which you continually ignore.
One example is this chain link, which even now you refuse to explain.
I don't need to know exactly how it works to know there is a pull and that your claim that it is all push is nonsense.
You aren't pointing out any flaws. You're making up your own arguments just to be contrary, nothing more.
I am making up my own arguments, because I can actually think.
These arguments show massive flaws with your claims.
Dismissing them and claiming there aren't any flaws is just being wilfully ignorant.
That's no explanation at all and you know it.
I have provided more of an explanation before, and you just ignore it.
All that was doing was showing how a pull fits in, not providing a complete explanation of how this pulling works.
It is quite simple, if the force is coming from the right, and moving the object to the right, it is a pulling force.
You can't even offer anything for pull as you're familiar with.
I have, plenty of times, you just repeatedly dismiss it as all being push, while being completely incapable of explaining how.
Stop just saying crap like "push on push", clearly explain how the force from the right, moving things to the right is transferred to the left.
By pushing to the left. It has to work evenly in all directions. Up and down and right to left and left to right...etc. And all angles 360 degrees.
It is pushing to the right, so you fail right at the start.
If it has to work evenly in all directions, then it isn't a net force. It won't push anything.
Think of a balloon inside a balloon inside a balloon...etc....etc....etc.
Now imagine a room full of them in this fashion.
Now understand that the balloon in the centre of one balloon being compressed by the amount of other balloons it is inside.
Now imagine breaking down one balloon from that mass of balloons inside that balloon.
This peels off and creates a link to others around it and also a push from all angles.
It'll likely fly right over your head but I've explained so I don't really care.
No matter how much you claim you have explained, you haven't.
You have provided vague nonsense which still fails to address the issue.
You are not doing anything to explain how the right side of the solid object moving to the right results in the left side also moving to the right without involving any pull.
That is the key issue you need to address.
It is the key issue that shows there is a pull.
Instead of even attempting to explain it you just spout a bunch of vague nonsense, ending with an even vaguer "link"
Just how does it make a link and what does this link do?
Does the link mean if you move one balloon it will pull the others with it?
And no, this isn't flying over my head. It is you refusing to provide an explanation, as you know you can't. You know a pull is unavoidable in this situation, so you do whatever you can to pretend it isn't, and are quite to insult everyone who doesn't just accept your BS.