A length of hose from a large tank to a small tank.
Tell me how that works then.
It is quite simple physics, which anyone with a basic understanding of how gasses work would understand.
Again, stop asking dumb questions and start trying to show an issue.
If you were told those back packs held a decade worth of oxygen and water, etc, you'd find nothing amiss, is my guess.
You mean is your blatant misrepresentation because you can't actually show any fault.
And those tanks inside those backpacks do not look like they would support anyone for more than 30 minutes and I think I'm being over generous..
For you they would "look like" they wouldn't support anyone for any extent of time. Because you want it to all be fake.
For rational people, they would want more than just your pathetic ridicule.
Can you provide any math to show they couldn't support people for more than 30 minutes?
Or do you only have pathetic ridicule?
The size of those tanks would hardly give anyone more than 30 mins in reality.
Is that a claimed statement of fact, or just your baseless opinion?
If you want to claim it as a fact, you need to prove it.
Do you have anything at all to justify your claim? Or again, is it just pathetic ridicule?
I'm still waiting to see how they refill those tanks.
Showing yet again that you don't give a damn about the answers that are provided.
Or did you miss this:
https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=88640.msg2324437#msg2324437Meanwhile, we are still waiting for you to even attempt to show a problem with the lunar landings.
No issue
That's right, no issue.
If you think there is one, clearly prove it. So far all you have done is appealed to your own fantasy of reality being fantasy.
But you not liking reality and wanting to replace it with a fantasy doesn't magically make it fantasy.
Present the problems with something more than your spurious musings.
Already have.
Only dumb questions which don't help you at all.
You are yet to present anything even resembling an argument to show a problem.
Instead you just continually assert it is fantasy with no justification at all.
Yes. You think. Mighty fine way to present a problem.
Yep, I do think. And yep, I do question. And yep, I don't believe any of it until I see some facts.
But you do, you believe/think that they wont support anyone for more than 30 minutes, even though you have no facts at all to support that baseless garbage of yours.
You quite happily believe all sorts of pure BS, without any facts at all to back it up.
Meanwhile you outright reject facts which show you are wrong.
Again, the problem with your statement is that you THINK, you don't know and you don't have anything to support that baseless thought of yours.
Rather than argue it I'll just say to you, whatever it is, it's not in space and it is not manned.
You cannot prove anything to the contrary.
The distinction is evidence. There is plenty of evidence supporting the fact that the ISS exists and is a manned spacecraft in LEO.
Conversely you have NOTHING to support your baseless garbage.
If you want to assert it is fake, when people take pictures of it and so much other evidence, you need more than just your baseless assertion.