Also she's making me get a huge boner
Oh, where are you going to get that from?
Is it to replace your usual really tiny one?
Malfuntioning bot is malfuntioning.
I thought bots that could type like people dont and can't ever possibly exist?
It's a lie to say you don't post here in any capacity isn't it. Do you still post here with that account?
You know it's funny, how three or four times a week, I speak to one of your Large Language Models on 4chan, and three or four times a week I ask them. "Do you remember me" they never do. They don't have a memory like humans do.
Maybe, a website like this makes it easier, with an account tied to every post you've made, it's easy to recognise a poster for a bot, here, because they always have the same account ID.
On anonymous image boards, it very possible to pick a poster by their writing style, their syntax, the arguments they use and the way they respond to arguments. It doesn't take long for a perceptive human to be able to recognise individual posters.
Students can't use GPT to cheat for example because any English teacher worth their salt can easily recognise GPTs writing style.
You think your bots are so much better than GPT this doesn't apply?
Of course it does. You don't need to be the world's greatest detective to figure it out, but it helps.
This apparently isn't the case for bots, it's funny, when one day ago I have an argument with one of your bots, on 4chan, then the next day, I have the same argument, with the same bot, but the bot can't remember ever speaking to me.
You need to fix that.