Except that caveat that knowledge is a subset of belief.
That’s wrong.
So you believe. Fortunately I know better.
A belief is something you think/claim to be true, regardless of any justification or lack there of.
In order to know something is true you must believe it is true.
Thus knowledge is a subset of belief.
You not liking that fact will not change it.
unless you are playing pedantic semantical games with the word truth - in which case it is TECHNICALLY correct.
There is nothing technical about it.
It is a simple fact that knowledge is a subset of belief.
By you admitting I am "technically correct" you are basically saying you know I'm correct but don't like the idea of knowledge being a subset of belief so you are going to fight against that.
If you don't like those "semantical games" don't trying claiming knowledge is entirely distinct from belief.
So you do recognize the problem with conditioning by rote under the guise of education
It is not conditioning by rote.
It is learning by rote.
There is a big difference.
globe mythology
You not wanting to accept that you live on a globe doesn't make it mythology.
The reason the globe Earth reality continues to appear in lots of subsequent lessons is due to how it is relevant for so many things.
And did you validate that
And there you go with the paranoid rejection again.
If you tried to validate everything, you would die long before you finished.
I am yet to see any compelling reason to think these photos are fake, especially with all the evidence available from Earth to confirm Earth is round.
FEers just dismiss it as fake because they have no actual argument against it.
This is the process by which many flat earth researchers are born.
No it isn't.
They follow a completely different path. They don't understand the evidence which shows Earth is round. Instead they try to manipulate it into portending Earth is flat, or just finding an excuse to dismiss it.
Level is always horizontal and flat
In your belief, yes. In reality, no.
If you want to claim level magically means flat, prove it.
And no, baseless assertions will not help you.
there is only confirmation of this fact
There is plenty of refutation you chose to ignore, that you have been provided with several times.
The law of hydrostatics is that water adopts a level surface, not a flat one.
Again, you are trying to blatantly misrepresent the law and trying to justify your claim through circular reaosning.
You are claiming level means flat, to blatantly misrepresent the law, to pretend level means flat.
This is what is repeatedly observed, such as with water obscuring the base of a distant object, even though both the observer and the distant are above water.
That is an optical illusion chiefly caused by refraction
No it isn't.
Refraction would typically allow you to see more, not less.
Stop just dismissing refutations of your nonsense as an optical illusion.
Actually deal with the evidence that shows your claim is wrong.
Either prove that this is not curved water and instead is just an optical illusion, or admit that there is evidence contradicting your claim of magically flat water.
Surface tension is real, yes.
And refutes your claim that water is magically flat.
It shows that water doesn't have a magical flattening property which will render its surface flat rather than curving around Earth.
Or rather they COULD be consistent with an RE
There is no could be.
The measurement either is consistent or it is not.
And the simple fact is that these small scale measurements in a sink or bathtub ARE consistent with a RE.
That is because you cannot measure the surface accurately enough to show that it does not match the RE.
This means it DOES NOT REFUTE the RE.
Again, you are claiming level water refutes the RE.
But measurements consistent with the RE, does not refute the RE.
Even measurements being consistent with a hypothetical FE does not refute the RE.
In order to use water to refute the RE, you need to measure the surface of water accurately enough to show that there is no curve as expected for the RE.
Being incapable of measuring to that level of accuracy does not refute the RE.
You also have to discard the long distance (miles) observations and measurements of waters surface at rest
You mean the ones you dismiss as an optical illusion?
The ones where level water obscures the bottom of distant objects, even though both the observer and object are above the water?
Just why would I need to discard them?
They show you are wrong.
And what magical properties would that be which magically makes water flat even though it is observed to curve?
I endeavor to keep magic (and faith/belief) out of knowledge, especially scientific.
Then stop invoking it.
There is no magical property which will magically make things flat.
Instead, the surface of water is based upon obtaining equal energy, where if the surface is not of equal energy, water on the surface at a high energy point will move to obtain a lower energy.
This explains both why it curves around Earth and why it curves at the small scale due to surface tension.
So in fact, even though you want to pretend they are different, it is the same fundamental property.
There are many conceptions as to why which are all seemingly valid.
No, they aren't.
Instead they rely upon invalid circular reasoning where you assume Earth is flat to try to justify it being flat.
If you discard that baseless assumption (which is the very conclusion you are trying to support) it is not valid at all.
None of what you have claimed in any way indicates that the surface of water will magically be flat instead of curving around Earth.
It has ONLY ever been measured NOT to curve
You mean it has only ever been measured at an accuracy too small to detect the curvature due to Earth, and intentionally ignore the curvature due to other affects like surface tension, so you can dishonestly pretend it is flat.
However it has been observed to curve, like in the example you dismiss as an optical illusion.
barring the irrelevant non sequitur of minuscule surface tension artifacts
It is neither irrelevant nor a non-sequitur.
It clearly shows that water does not magically adopt a flat surface.
Instead it acts to minimise its energy, which for a RE, means curving around the Earth to lower its gravitational potential energy.
Practice what you preach!
I do. Perhaps you should try.
The magic that you believe in, where unmeasured things serve as proof and optical illusions serve as measurement is getting in your way of objectively evaluating what is being said.
You mean the reality I believe in, where measured things serve as proof and things which support Earth being round aren't just dismissed as fake or optical illusions.
The fact you instantly ask for validation of photos from space, rather than even entertaining the idea they could be real, and the fact you just dismiss long distance observations clearly showing the curvature of water's surface as an optical illusion, while in the same post later appealing to long distance observations as if they show Earth is flat, shows just how biased and unobjectively you are.
Anything that supports the RE, you just dismiss, without any serious justification.
But if you think you can use it to support the FE, you will, regardless of how illogical it is.