Your major issue is in continually spending time typing out the same stuff whilst telling me I never answered.
It isn't really that much time.
I did answer
No, you pretended you would provide answers by asking dumb questions back and providing non-answers, but stopped as soon as it got to a problem you couldn't deal with, and then you fled like you do so often.
If you actually had answers you would provide them.
Instead you waste your time lying by claiming to have already provided them.
Care to provide a link to one of these magical answers of yours?
Try not to twist and try not to ask so many questions at once and see if you get somewhere.
I'm not the one twisting anything here. As for asking so many questions, you have shown that your unwilling to even deal with 1. You pretend that you will until it gets to the point where you can't and then you run off to a completely unrelated issue and then go off at me for daring to try to keep you to the topic.
Your attitude at the minute will gain you little to nothing with me, whether you care or not.
While you continue with this path of wilful rejection of reality and blatant dishonesty, nothing will get anyone anything from you except more blatant lies.
You have had your chance with plenty of your games and you have failed every time.
Until you actually provide answers, or show that you are willing to engage in some honest way towards providing an answer, and while you continue to spout the same lies I will continue to call you out and continue to ask the same questions you still haven't answered after years:
Again, by what magic does your magical air magically maintain a magical pressure gradient?
By what magic does this magical air of yours magically make the pressure gradient proportional to weight of the fluid?
By what magic does this magical air magically stop the magical high pressure region from decompressing and pushing up the low pressure region above?
By what magic does the magical low pressure air above magically push down an object into a much greater force/resistance of the magical high pressure below?
By what magic does this magical air then magically decide to magically push up some objects instead of magically pushing them down?
By what magic does the air push things down and then resist that downwards motion so differently?
By what magic does your sun move up and down?