No, that is commonplace with natural law. Things are "idealized", it's not a big deal.
It is a big deal when you are trying to take a measurement on a fairly short distance and apply it to a massive one.
As it stands, we haven't invalidated/refuted this
Again, ingoring reality wont help you.
And again, it has never been a natural law.
The natural law is the water is level, not flat.
You can't merely "observe". You need to MEASURE THE WATER'S SURFACE
An observation is a measurement.
There are quantitative measurements and qualitative measurements.
We don't need to get an exact number.
All we need to refute your baseless claim that the surface of water is magically flat is a qualtitative measurement which shows it isn't.
And that has been done, countless times.
You not liking it because it shows you are wrong does not magically negate that.
No, not obviously.
It bloody well ought to be.
You wanting it to be obvious so you don't need to justify your baseless position does not make it so, nor does it mean it ought to be.
Again, it is YOUR bias that is the issue here, not ours.
Instead, it is obvious that you are wrong.
One reason is that the horizon is not a physical place
It certainly seems to be.
Yes, it is a different place for each location, but it is still a physical place, on Earth, located some distance away.
It is not an optical illusion like you falsely claim.
Another is that you can't measure the world, or it's shape without MEASURING THE WORLD! It really is obvious.
So your justification for why it isn't a measurement of the world is that it isn't a measurement of the world.
Doesn't that seem a bit circular to you?
Lets try this, it IS a measurement of the world. Therefore it IS a measurement of the world.
Happy now?
Again, it is a measurement of Earth, you are measuring the angle between 2 points on earth.
You seem to just want to dismiss all these measurements which show you are wrong. That isn't being scientific. That is being religious.
Right, which can be rationalized many ways
You need to rationalise the contradiction not just 1 part of it.
You need to explain how the aether is moving relative to you while being stationary relative to you.
Sound is effectively the same as true.
Not when used properly. Sound is short for "logically sound". Logically sound is fantastically different than true.
There you go not knowing what words mean.
Are you sure you aren't confusing it for logically valid?
Valid means the conclusion follows from the premises.
Sound means that it is valid, and the premises are true (and can be shown to be true).
And with logic, if you start with true premises and use logically vaild reasoning, you MUST end up with a true conclusion.
So if a conclusion is of a sound argument that means it is true.
It is impossible for something to be sound and false.
If it is false either the logic used to support it is invalid as you can reach a false conclusion from true premises; or the premises were not true.
Either way, it isn't sound.
Now do you understand why I say sound is effectively the same as true?
The distinction is that sound applies to the argument as a whole, while true and false applies to the conclusion and the premises separately.
Wild speculation, where you have no idea if the premise is true or not at best gets logically valid ideas or internally consistent ideas. It cannot get you sound ideas.
I generally agree, however there is no wrong way to come to a hypothesis
There is if you continue to ignore things which show it is wrong.
It was an attack on the idea that there is randomness inherent in reality.
That's exactly what I said! Somehow you seem to be misunderstanding me...
No, you said the exact opposite.
As clearly shown in the section I quoted, where you stated it is a criticisim of their religious ideologies/philosophies.
That is not saying it is an attack of the idea that there is randomness inherent in reality.
Especially considering you were saying that in contrast to something equivalent to what I said.
No, waves exist within matter (exclusively).
That is your baseless claim you are yet to support.
Observations of matter show it has wave nature.
Not merely waves propagating in the matter, but the matter itself acting as a wave.
This means it isn't a case of light being an exception.
Yes, very strong evidence in my view!
Strong enough to refute the classical balistic model of light, but not the quantum mechanical one.
A key take away of quantum mechanics is that ALL particles have wave nature.
Exactly, the quantumnists are wrong.
No, YOU are wrong.
Matter is observed to have wave like nature. This is not simply a case of wild speculation. It is observations from experiment.
This shows that you are wrong about your idea of what a wave is an what matter is, and your claim that light is magically an exception, rather than it being like all particles.
the phrase "God does not play dice with the universe" conveys it pretty well.
That certainly conveys your position:
"I hate this idea so I'm going to reject it, not for any rational, evidence based reason, but because I hate it."
But that is not scientific at all.
This presumes an aether at the outset.
Yes, and that is one of the problems with the experiment. But it works as part of a proof by contradiction, where you assume the aether exists, and reach a contradiction to show it can't.
That means it isn't circular.
I'm not using this to show aether exists. I am using it to show it doesn't.
Not if you define the world as stationary
There you go ignoring what was said.
It has no bearing on which you say is moving.
Under the aether model, one measured a speed of aether relative to Earth and the other measures no speed.
It doesn't matter if Earth is stationary, which would then require a both moving and stationary aether, or if the aether is stationary, which then requires both a moving and stationary Earth, or both move at some speed. There is a contradiction.
In order to not have a contradiction, you need to have the speed of the aether realative to Earth be the same for both.
Of course! Statistics can't establish causality.
And that means they didn't prove it, nor was what they did anything like science.
The trouble is it is done the same way, by circular logic.
Not in science. You can't use the same set of data you used to make your hypothesis to test it.
You need a different set of data.
So that is not science and is nothing like how science is actually done (the science you hate and reject).