ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist

  • 2289 Replies
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #690 on: February 26, 2021, 12:23:54 PM »

Quote from: Smoke Machine
Yeah, I do think earths magnetic field extends from earths magnetic core......and? believe it all because someone told you or you read it in a book and saw diagrams and CGI of it likely watched films and such.
Basically you have no clue as to what is at the centre of Earth...not a clue.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
So tell me two things. Which decade of the 20th century did you study physics, and what failing grade did you get for it?
What decade did Eratosthenes apparently study it?
What decade did Newton and such, study it?

No, sceptimatic. If you were to actually formally study physics, you do the practical experiments that go with it, like using real magnets and making electromagnetic fields. That's how one of us is clueless and the other one is not.

As to what's at the centre of the earth, if you lived through an earthquake,  tsunami, volcanic eruption, or worked as a miner underground, you would know something about the centre of the earth.

When are you going to face your demons and then live a little? Whatever happened to you must have been a doosy!



  • 23771
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #691 on: February 26, 2021, 12:32:59 PM »
Quote from: JackBlack
The fact that I have so clearly explained how magnets have a specific polarity, and how your "explanations" predicts fundamentally different results to reality, and you just continue to ignore or deflect, shows that I do grasp it.
Explain how they work with this polarity.
Do you mean what the polarity does? If so, I already have, a brief summary is that opposite poles repel and like poles attract.
If you mean explain how that works, NO! Stop deflecting.
You are the one claiming you can explain it all with the air and pushing, so the burden is on you to explain it.
Don't try to continually deflect from your inability to explain by demanding others explain, especially when you just ignore or dismiss explanations given to you.

Quote from: JackBlack
For example, how I clearly said that with your explanation the 2 poles requires one side drawing in air and the other side expelling it, and how that fails to explain how 2 like poles repel one another, due to one orientation being like 2 vacuum cleaners "sucking" towards each other, you completely deflecting by appealing to hair driers.
It's pressure differences.
It's like the plug hole scenario.
Picture you under the plug trying to push it and think of your twin on the other side trying to push it upen. Always a fight.
Now picture 2 plugs back to back, they would be pushed together, not repelled.
You are still refusing to address the massive problem with pretending it is air.

You need to be able to explain how 2 magnets interact, including both repulsion and attraction.

Can you actually explain it at all, or just offer vague statements which explain nothing?

First of all don't pretend you know what the sun is made up of.
No need to pretend. Just because you choose to be wilfully ignorant doesn't mean everyone does.

Quote from: Solarwind
What I do know is that you hold a deep-seated distrust of all those involved professionally and academically in science based on your inability to understand it.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely so. Anything associated with the RE you discard out of hand as nonsense.
You discard Earth being round, despite the abundant evidence to support it and continually dismiss it as nonsense.
Due to how rockets have been sent into space and satellites have taken photos of Earth, you discard the very basics of motion, continually ridiculing it with no rational refutation.
Due to how gravity so easily explains so many things for a RE and would indicate Earth is round, you reject it as well, and reject the very idea of a force which can pull. Again, with no rational basis at all.
And now, with magnets showing a "pulling" force, you reject that as well.

You reject all of science which is in any way connected to the RE, and have no justification for that rejection at all.

You may deny this but if you think about it honestly, you'll know it's true.
There you go projecting again.

It's based around what I think could be a potential for some truth. I never hand it out as factual.
You repeatedly hand out your claims as factual and ignore things which clearly show they are not.
The fact you continue to spout the same nonsense when it has clearly be shown to be false shows it has nothing to do with a potential for truth.
It is entirely about rejecting the RE.

Quote from: Solarwind
In the meantime you accuse everyone else of being 'indoctrinated' by what we have made an effort to learn throughout our lives.
I'm telling the truth.
No you are not.
You are lying and insulting those who object to your claims to dismiss valid refutations of your nonsense and explanations of things you don't like so you can pretend there is no explanation.

Now again, can you explain the polarity of magnets with your air?

If not, perhaps you would like to get back to the more familiar grounds of your pressure gradient? Have you figured out how to explain that without appealing to gravity yet?
Or have you figured out how to explain why the air pushes things down in direct defiance of this pressure gradient?
Or why displacing more air results in less "weight" and why being submersed in a denser fluid results in less "weight"?
Or how the air magically manages to push through objects to make a pressure gradient rather than applying all force at the top?

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #692 on: February 26, 2021, 12:52:06 PM »
I'd like you to tell me what your sun is made up of and how you know this.

I don't personally have a Sun.  What about you?  I have a pretty good idea of what powers the Sun though. How about you?   I'd like to know where your deep-seated distrust comes from. I mean..  at some points in our lives, well at most points in our lives actually we have to learn something or other.  Now how do most of us learn?  We go on courses.  We read books.  We use the internet.  Etc etc.  In other words we obtain new information from other people.  We have to place our trust in people to tell us stuff. 99.9% of people don't seem to have a hard time doing that. 

You on the other hand seem to have a massive belief that whenever people tell you something they are lying.  Why? What would they stand to gain by lying?  If I want to know why the sky is blue or why the Sun shines, why the stars are just points of light in the sky or why volcanoes erupt then I will go and read a book about it.  I can pick up up 100 different books written by 100 different people and they will all give me the same information.  Why?  Because people have researched the answer and provided that information.  Then Sceptimatic comes along and decides he doesn't accept any of that and that we are all being 'indoctrinated'? So he goes and invents his own answers.  What does 'indoctrinated' mean to you?  Basically it seems anyone who tells anyone anything other than what you believe seems to come under the heading of 'indoctrination' to you.  We don't live long enough to find out everything for ourselves from first principles so at times we have to rely on others to tell us don't we.

You ridicule the fundamental points of science such as gravity which has been very well documented over the centuries, shove it all aside and produce your weird stories about 'pressure' for which you can produce absolutely no evidence at all and then you go on about how you are 'in awe' of scientists.

Sorry mate... doesn't compute!   You can't be in awe of something with one hand and then dismiss it all as silly nonsense with the other.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 02:34:30 PM by Solarwind »

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #693 on: February 26, 2021, 12:54:27 PM »
Hold up.
Does sceppy not think compasses work?

Quote from: Themightykabool

Does he have a model that predicts how a compass will behave?


Quote from: Themightykabool

What do you think ships, boy scouts of america, and army are doing when looking at spinning needles?
Navigating towards the centre of the vortex at north on the needle pointer.

Can you draw a vortex?
Get a map of the world and draw this vortex over top.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #694 on: February 27, 2021, 12:16:03 AM »
No, sceptimatic. If you were to actually formally study physics, you do the practical experiments that go with it, like using real magnets and making electromagnetic fields. That's how one of us is clueless and the other one is not.
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
As to what's at the centre of the earth, if you lived through an earthquake,  tsunami, volcanic eruption, or worked as a miner underground, you would know something about the centre of the earth.
How do you know what's at the centre of your Earth.
Never mind mining or tsunami's or Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions...etc. Explain how you know about the centre of the Earth.




  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #695 on: February 27, 2021, 12:26:19 AM »
Quote from: JackBlack
The fact that I have so clearly explained how magnets have a specific polarity, and how your "explanations" predicts fundamentally different results to reality, and you just continue to ignore or deflect, shows that I do grasp it.
Explain how they work with this polarity.
Do you mean what the polarity does? If so, I already have, a brief summary is that opposite poles repel and like poles attract.

If you mean explain how that works, NO! Stop deflecting.
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do, yet you think you can argue it by not being able to explain your side.
Up your game.

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #696 on: February 27, 2021, 12:47:22 AM »
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

A moving charge.

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #697 on: February 27, 2021, 12:48:40 AM »
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do.

Try harder, no one understands your explanation.  Clear communication is a hallmark of well formed ideas. 



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #698 on: February 27, 2021, 01:31:50 AM »
I'd like you to tell me what your sun is made up of and how you know this.

I don't personally have a Sun.  What about you? I have a pretty good idea of what powers the Sun though.
Yeah, I asked you about it and haven't had your answer.

Quote from: Solarwind
How about you?
I have a (my own) theory about how it all works. It may not be fact but it's my thought process by my ability to see what's going on around us, like we all have but many choose to stop there.

Quote from: Solarwind
  I'd like to know where your deep-seated distrust comes from. I mean..  at some points in our lives, well at most points in our lives actually we have to learn something or other.  Now how do most of us learn?  We go on courses.  We read books.  We use the internet.  Etc etc.  In other words we obtain new information from other people.  We have to place our trust in people to tell us stuff. 99.9% of people don't seem to have a hard time doing that. 

When I was young I was taught to think but I didn't have tome to think of everything and certainly not the time to question the theoreticals of a lot of Earth stuff. I accepted them for that time being.
I've been taught many things. I've been taught to think of problem solving and it's where my ability to invent stuff was nurtured out of me.

Quote from: Solarwind
You on the other hand seem to have a massive belief that whenever people tell you something they are lying.
No. I do question a lot of stuff by people who do not come across as just garnering my trust for free.

Quote from: Solarwind
  Why? What would they stand to gain by lying?
That depends on what they're lying about.
What does a salesperson have to gain by lying to you about buying a product for a lot more than you can get it somewhere else?

Quote from: Solarwind
  If I want to know why the sky is blue or why the Sun shines, why the stars are just points of light in the sky or why volcanoes erupt then I will go and read a book about it.  I can pick up up 100 different books written by 100 different people and they will all give me the same information.
Why?  Because people have researched the answer and provided that information.
Yep, you can look in books.
When a story has been worked and reworked many times, you will have ... If it is popular, people will be clamouring for another just like it.
So, what are people researching?
Are they picking a book of fiction from the non fiction shelf or a book of non fiction from the fiction shelf. Or are they choosing a book that mixes both into one story and many stories like it by different authors?

How do you clarify a story without proof?

Quote from: Solarwind
Then Sceptimatic comes along and decides he doesn't accept any of that and that we are all being 'indoctrinated'?
I don't...or try not to.... accept anything that doesn't ring true. If it turns out to be true, then fair enough, I will accept it as that.
What I'm arguing against has no proof of facts. They are theoretical stories that refuse to show physical truth's.

Quote from: Solarwind
So he goes and invents his own answers.
Yep. It's called thinking outside of the box to try and solve a potential infinite puzzle by trying to find the simplest pieces that can create a foundation for a better picture to the potential truth whilst also taking out the pieces of that jigsaw that were pieced in to places that seemed to fit but on closer inspection were wholly inadequate for a continuous part of a picture.

Quote from: Solarwind
  What does 'indoctrinated' mean to you?
Being told to follow a curriculum and being examined on following that, unconditionally.
We were all coaxed/bullied into following that set of rules.
Those who didn't were pushed aside and punished or ridiculed, whether it was refusal to be indoctrinated or inability to understand what the curriculum portrayed to them.

You're taking it to heart because you don't like the word...but you know what I'm saying, is the truth.

Quote from: Solarwind
  Basically it seems anyone who tells anyone anything other than what you believe seems to come under the heading of 'indoctrination' to you.
Absolutely not. You are feeling a little bitter towards me because your mind is that you've been almost scorned by my thought process for which you believe I'm trying to get you to follow.
You are under no pressure to do anything you don't want to do, unless someone holds a gun or stick ot emotional distress upon you for which you feel compelled to follow under a fear of consequence.

Quote from: Solarwind
  We don't live long enough to find out everything for ourselves from first principles so at times we have to rely on others to tell us don't we.
I agree, absolutely.
You're simply tying everything in with me simply refusing to accept anything.
This is your issue, not mine.

Quote from: Solarwind
You ridicule the fundamental points of science such as gravity which has been very well documented over the centuries, shove it all aside and produce your weird stories about 'pressure' for which you can produce absolutely no evidence at all and then you go on about how you are 'in awe' of scientists.

Scientist(s) is the word that we all are, if we are capable of trying to understand what is around us and what we are part of.
Real scientists will deal with real things and try and make assumptions on them based on experience over time of what it is they deal with, to come to a conclusion.
Then you have the theoretical scientists that are dealing with potentials, which mean, they may be real but cannot be verified until physically put into practice.
And then we have pseudo science. I can be labelled into this category just as much as anyone.
I can also be labelled into the tin foil hat nut job, idiotic backward category by people who have set notions.
It depends who accepts stuff without physical proof. It also depends on who unconditionally believes stuff without physical proof.

Quote from: Solarwind
Sorry mate... doesn't compute!
I don't expect it to given the fact we think entirely differently on what it is we may be dealing with.

Quote from: Solarwind
   You can't be in awe of something with one hand and then dismiss it all as silly nonsense with the other.
I don't dismiss something I'm in awe of. I will accept it for what it is or portrays.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #699 on: February 27, 2021, 01:32:52 AM »
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

A moving charge.
A moving charge?
Explain it. Explain what's happening to create what we see and feel.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #700 on: February 27, 2021, 01:33:44 AM »
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do.

Try harder, no one understands your explanation.  Clear communication is a hallmark of well formed ideas.
You mean like you people are supposedly doing and doing nothing.
Moving charge, eh?

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #701 on: February 27, 2021, 02:14:52 AM »
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

A moving charge.
A moving charge?
Explain it. Explain what's happening to create what we see and feel.

Sure. Take a charged particle (for example, an electron).

move it.

A magnetic field is created while the charge is in motion. 

This is the basic observation that our conceptualization of electomagnetism is based on.

We use these conceptualizations to design electromagnetic systems and predict their behavior.  It is pervasive through all science and engineering.  If it is incorrect, it is nothing short of a miracle that our machines and devices work as they do. 

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #702 on: February 27, 2021, 02:16:41 AM »
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do.

Try harder, no one understands your explanation.  Clear communication is a hallmark of well formed ideas.
You mean like you people are supposedly doing and doing nothing.
Moving charge, eh?

Blaming your failures on the  perceived shortcomings of others?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #703 on: February 27, 2021, 02:30:22 AM »
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

A moving charge.
A moving charge?
Explain it. Explain what's happening to create what we see and feel.

Sure. Take a charged particle (for example, an electron).

move it.

A magnetic field is created while the charge is in motion. 

This is the basic observation that our conceptualization of electomagnetism is based on.

We use these conceptualizations to design electromagnetic systems and predict their behavior.  It is pervasive through all science and engineering.  If it is incorrect, it is nothing short of a miracle that our machines and devices work as they do.
Move it, how?



  • 23771
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #704 on: February 27, 2021, 02:41:21 AM »
Quote from: JackBlack
The fact that I have so clearly explained how magnets have a specific polarity, and how your "explanations" predicts fundamentally different results to reality, and you just continue to ignore or deflect, shows that I do grasp it.
Explain how they work with this polarity.
Do you mean what the polarity does? If so, I already have, a brief summary is that opposite poles repel and like poles attract.

If you mean explain how that works, NO! Stop deflecting.
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do
No you aren't.
You are doing whatever you can to avoid an explanation.

I gave you the example of a vacuum cleaner, clearly pointing out how in your system it should result in them attracting each other, while in reality, the 2 magnets repel, and you just deflected by appealing to hair dryers instead.

If anything, it seems clear that you have no idea how to explain magnets but want to pretend you do. So you claim you can explain it and have been doing so, while you do whatever you can to avoid having to explain it.

Stop trying to get anyone else to explain magnetism unless you can either explain it yourself or you can admit you can't.

And then once you finish with that we can get back to the fact that reality requires pulling or attractive forces.

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #705 on: February 27, 2021, 02:44:56 AM »
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

A moving charge.
A moving charge?
Explain it. Explain what's happening to create what we see and feel.

Sure. Take a charged particle (for example, an electron).

move it.

A magnetic field is created while the charge is in motion. 

This is the basic observation that our conceptualization of electomagnetism is based on.

We use these conceptualizations to design electromagnetic systems and predict their behavior.  It is pervasive through all science and engineering.  If it is incorrect, it is nothing short of a miracle that our machines and devices work as they do.
Move it, how?

Electrostatics is one way. 

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #706 on: February 27, 2021, 03:47:00 AM »
Yeah, I asked you about it and haven't had your answer.

The thing is with you Sceptimatic, I know you have your own way of seeing the world and how it works.  A way which is clearly very different to a lot of people. Now I could (believe me I could) provide you with a very detailed explanation about how solar energy is generated but it would be completely wasted on you because you wouldn't accept it for all the usual reasons that we get from you.  It's what I've been told, it's been indoctrinated into me blah blah blah. 

So no I don't answer every single demand from you for an explanation for everything because it would be a waste of time be typing it all out.  The same applies to everyone else who you ask to explain this and explain that. You are just looking for opportunities to say how wrong we are because we happen to have a different account for everything compared to you.

You don't have any trust or belief in astronomy and that's fine.  I'm not going to waste my time trying to change your views on anything that you don't want to believe and neither would I expect you to try and change mine.  Because I am as happy with my position as you are with yours.  Equally I won't ridicule your thoughts on everything and so equally I won't expect you to ridicule mine. 

You have your own personal view on how the Universe works and if that works for you then I have no qualms with that.  I am more interested to know why you think everyone in the world is lying to you.  Why would they want to do that?

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #707 on: February 27, 2021, 04:59:33 AM »
Hold up.
Does sceppy not think compasses work?

Quote from: Themightykabool

Does he have a model that predicts how a compass will behave?


Quote from: Themightykabool

What do you think ships, boy scouts of america, and army are doing when looking at spinning needles?
Navigating towards the centre of the vortex at north on the needle pointer.

Can you draw a vortex?
Get a map of the world and draw this vortex over top.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #708 on: February 27, 2021, 07:01:56 AM »
Quote from: JackBlack
The fact that I have so clearly explained how magnets have a specific polarity, and how your "explanations" predicts fundamentally different results to reality, and you just continue to ignore or deflect, shows that I do grasp it.
Explain how they work with this polarity.
Do you mean what the polarity does? If so, I already have, a brief summary is that opposite poles repel and like poles attract.

If you mean explain how that works, NO! Stop deflecting.
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do
No you aren't.
You are doing whatever you can to avoid an explanation.

I gave you the example of a vacuum cleaner, clearly pointing out how in your system it should result in them attracting each other, while in reality, the 2 magnets repel, and you just deflected by appealing to hair dryers instead.

If anything, it seems clear that you have no idea how to explain magnets but want to pretend you do. So you claim you can explain it and have been doing so, while you do whatever you can to avoid having to explain it.

Stop trying to get anyone else to explain magnetism unless you can either explain it yourself or you can admit you can't.

And then once you finish with that we can get back to the fact that reality requires pulling or attractive forces.
Put 2 hair dryers nozzle to nozzle and see what happens.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #709 on: February 27, 2021, 07:03:03 AM »

Electrostatics is one way.
Explain what's happening.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #710 on: February 27, 2021, 07:12:30 AM »
Yeah, I asked you about it and haven't had your answer.

The thing is with you Sceptimatic, I know you have your own way of seeing the world and how it works.  A way which is clearly very different to a lot of people. Now I could (believe me I could) provide you with a very detailed explanation about how solar energy is generated but it would be completely wasted on you because you wouldn't accept it for all the usual reasons that we get from you.  It's what I've been told, it's been indoctrinated into me blah blah blah. 

So no I don't answer every single demand from you for an explanation for everything because it would be a waste of time be typing it all out.  The same applies to everyone else who you ask to explain this and explain that. You are just looking for opportunities to say how wrong we are because we happen to have a different account for everything compared to you.
I'm not demanding. If you can't answer it simply, then don't bother.
Clearly you can't seem to simplify it.
I know I's just too complicated for ordinary people to understand and can't be simplified......right?
It seems to be the case with much of these global theoreticals.

Quote from: Solarwind

You don't have any trust or belief in astronomy and that's fine.
Not in the way we've been told, no. As in, outer space in a so called vacuum and such.

Quote from: Solarwind
  I'm not going to waste my time trying to change your views on anything that you don't want to believe and neither would I expect you to try and change mine.
What you decide to do with your thoughts is entirely up to you. I won't try and change your mind. I'll simply give my thoughts and answer to those who are interested. No more than that.

Quote from: Solarwind

  Because I am as happy with my position as you are with yours.  Equally I won't ridicule your thoughts on everything and so equally I won't expect you to ridicule mine.
It depends on what you think ridicule is. You've done your bit and you can carry on. As for me, I actually think I'm fairly mild in my retorts.

Quote from: Solarwind

You have your own personal view on how the Universe works and if that works for you then I have no qualms with that.  I am more interested to know why you think everyone in the world is lying to you.  Why would they want to do that?
I don't think everyone in the world is lying to me, so why even bother saying it?

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #711 on: February 27, 2021, 07:48:25 AM »

Electrostatics is one way.
Explain what's happening.

Like charges repel, opposites attract. 



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #712 on: February 27, 2021, 08:38:19 AM »

Electrostatics is one way.
Explain what's happening.

Like charges repel, opposites attract.
You're not explaining anything.

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #713 on: February 27, 2021, 09:23:46 AM »

Electrostatics is one way.
Explain what's happening.

Like charges repel, opposites attract.
You're not explaining anything.

What specifically would you like explained?



  • 6869
  • Math is math!
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #714 on: February 27, 2021, 09:25:00 AM »

Electrostatics is one way.
Explain what's happening.

Like charges repel, opposites attract.
You're not explaining anything.

I understood it.  I think you're blaming the wrong person for your not being able to understand.

You asked him to simplify it, he did.  Quit asking for people to tell you things if you won't make an effort to understand them.

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #715 on: February 27, 2021, 10:42:17 AM »
No, sceptimatic. If you were to actually formally study physics, you do the practical experiments that go with it, like using real magnets and making electromagnetic fields. That's how one of us is clueless and the other one is not.
How about you explain how you make an electromagnetic field. Nice and brief, just explain what's required.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
As to what's at the centre of the earth, if you lived through an earthquake,  tsunami, volcanic eruption, or worked as a miner underground, you would know something about the centre of the earth.
How do you know what's at the centre of your Earth.
Never mind mining or tsunami's or Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions...etc. Explain how you know about the centre of the Earth.

You can make an electromagnetic field by wrapping copper wire around and iron nail and attaching one end of the wire to the positive terminal of a battery and the other to the negative terminal.

So, you just want me to conveniently ignore that molten lava comes out of erupting volcanoes, and earthquakes happen along well known tectonic plate fault lines? You also want me to ignore when I've been down mine shafts and it gets hotter the deeper you you get closer to earth's molten core.....

The big question, sceptimatic, is how do you know what's at the centre of your earth? Given your propensity for science fiction, I assume you believe what Jules Verne wrote about the centre of the earth in his novel.

I don't operate on anything less than proof. You know I don't. Isn't it about time you faced whatever painful reality you're running away from?

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #716 on: February 27, 2021, 11:05:27 AM »
I'm not demanding. If you can't answer it simply, then don't bother.

You demand people explain everything they say.  Then you dismiss it because they can't provide you with 'proof' to your satisfaction.  But then you can't prove anything you claim either so pointless exercise there.  I can explain anything you care to mention to the best of my knowledge.  But that won't match up with what you believe so again pointless exercise there as well.

Give me your version of what the energy source is of the Sun and then I will give you mine.  Just out of interest how long do you think the Sun has existed in its current form?  Whether star or reflected holographic image or whatever you think it is.  Either way it exists so how long has it existed for do you think?

I know I's just too complicated for ordinary people to understand

What is too complicated and who are these ordinary people you are talking about?

Not in the way we've been told, no. As in, outer space in a so called vacuum and such.

What is so hard to accept about space being a vacuum?  Go to the top of Everest and the air is much, much thinner than at ground level.  Continue going higher and the trend continues until air density becomes negligible and hey presto you have your vacuum.

What you decide to do with your thoughts is entirely up to you. I won't try and change your mind. I'll simply give my thoughts and answer to those who are interested. No more than that.

What are your thoughts based on?

I don't think everyone in the world is lying to me, so why even bother saying it?

So why do you live in a constant state of denial?

« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 11:22:37 AM by Solarwind »

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #717 on: February 27, 2021, 11:41:17 AM »

Electrostatics is one way.
Explain what's happening.

Like charges repel, opposites attract.
You're not explaining anything.

Neither are you.
Draw your vortex on a map.



  • 23771
Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #718 on: February 27, 2021, 12:52:41 PM »
Quote from: JackBlack
The fact that I have so clearly explained how magnets have a specific polarity, and how your "explanations" predicts fundamentally different results to reality, and you just continue to ignore or deflect, shows that I do grasp it.
Explain how they work with this polarity.
Do you mean what the polarity does? If so, I already have, a brief summary is that opposite poles repel and like poles attract.

If you mean explain how that works, NO! Stop deflecting.
The thing is, you're wanting me to explain from my side which I'm trying to do
No you aren't.
You are doing whatever you can to avoid an explanation.

I gave you the example of a vacuum cleaner, clearly pointing out how in your system it should result in them attracting each other, while in reality, the 2 magnets repel, and you just deflected by appealing to hair dryers instead.

If anything, it seems clear that you have no idea how to explain magnets but want to pretend you do. So you claim you can explain it and have been doing so, while you do whatever you can to avoid having to explain it.

Stop trying to get anyone else to explain magnetism unless you can either explain it yourself or you can admit you can't.

And then once you finish with that we can get back to the fact that reality requires pulling or attractive forces.
Put 2 hair dryers nozzle to nozzle and see what happens.
And there you go ignoring the point of how polarity works and deflecting rather than trying any attempt at an explanation.
I fully understand how the 2 outward flowing streams of air would interact to cause a repulsive force. The problem for you is that if you were to turn both magnets around 180 degrees, they still repel, but under your model it would be like putting the nozzles of 2 vacuum cleaners together.
At that point they don't repel, they attract and stick together.

That is what you need to explain and what you keep on dodging.

So can you explain the polarity of magnets with your vortex of air, without just ignoring the orientation which causes the problem?

I know I's just too complicated for ordinary people to understand and can't be simplified......right?
No, it is simple enough for most ordinary people to understand. You just aren't an ordinary person. You reject anything you don't like as nonsense without being able to provide any fault with it.

It depends on what you think ridicule is. You've done your bit and you can carry on. As for me, I actually think I'm fairly mild in my retorts.
You're not.
You continually dismiss the RE model as nonsense with no justification at all and pretend anyone who tries to defend it is indoctrinated. That is not being fairly mild. That isn't being mild at all.

Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« Reply #719 on: February 27, 2021, 02:05:14 PM »
To Sceptimatic I would ask simply this.  If your belief that the Moon is simply a holographic reflection and therefore not a solid physical object then why is it that we see stars disappear behind that part of the Moon which is not illuminated. For example the waxing crescent Moon?  How is it that we often see the unilluminated part of the Moons surface faintly illuminated so we can see the outline of the full Moons disk?