Your stance is based solely on adherence to idols
I totally disagree. I actually enjoy looking at different theories and models which explain how everything in the Universe works. That's why I started making some investigations about how flat Earth theory/belief came about. For example for those who lived during a certain era in the past I think it would have been perfectly reasonable - or logical to use your word - to think that the Earth was stationary and flat. Some people were happy and content to accept that as the right and only solution and I'm sure that you would find their reasons 'logical'
Coming to a flat Earth forum to argue for your globe among like minded people and spend it regurgitating everything set out for you on a platter does you no favours.
It may make you feel smart and it may make you feel it puts you on a higher pedestal among the few alternate Earth theorists already on here but your brain is not even tested.
You choose the simple path when taxing your brain would be far better.
No one is asking you to believe.
Push aside your platter and try and understand alternatives. Don't fight it. Embrace it, even if you do it as your very own experiment.
Just play devils advocate and see where it gets you.
You'll have a far better chance of understanding stuff if you go down the simple route to understand from my point of view, as one such thought process.
And then there's the others.
Or you can just carry on saying the globe is your correct model and that's that.
If that was me, I'd be gone from here instead of spending all my time telling people it's a globe because I have all the ammunition at my fingertips.
You just might enjoy it and all you have to do is to conquer your fear of internet forum peer pressure name calling you for thinking outside of the box, which you know you'd get.
Are you afraid to have a go?
Others meanwhile continued to observe and scrutinise and gradually came to realise that some observations could not be fully explained satisfactorily if the Earth was a flat plane. Was the Earth surface finite or infinite in terms of area? If it is finite then why has no one been able to find the 'edge'?
There is no edge on my Earth model.
If it is infinite then why is it that some people had managed to circumnavigate the Earth? Setting off from point A and then returning to point A.
I don't know about infinite in terms of Earth itself..
As equipment and technology advanced so more and more evidence started to accumulate which supported the theory that the Earth is a globe.
Such as?
While flat Earth belief survived the number of people who continued to support it dwindled. So flat Earth theory became more of a conspiracy theory and less of a serious scientific theory.
The many can always beat the few down with a stick. It definitely does not mean anything that pushes towards a mass opinion being the true opinion.
If 500 people who believe in an invisible god then meet up with 10 people who talk to their own invisible god...which one's will be cast out as nutters?
I am quite willing to consider any theory which I find logically correct. And by logical I mean able to support everything that I have seen in the sky during my life.
No you're not.
Your mind is set in concrete in your globe because that's where your indoctrination is saturated. Your comfort is right there. Your safety net is in that following.
To dare to point a toe out of that and you know it will be stamped upon to set you right back into that circle.
So far flat Earth theory is consistent only in its inconsistencies since different flat Earthers seem to believe different models.
It's called alternate thinking. Alternate models. Alternate mindset.
Some say the Sun and Moon are just a few miles across and 3000 miles above the earth.
Many think it's 93 million miles away and they think 3000 miles is nuts.
That actually makes me smirk.
You on the other hand insist the Sun and Moon are not even real but some sort of holographic projection instead.
Absolutely because it makes perfect sense to me.
Flat Earth theory is therefore far more confusing than it is simplifying.
It depends on how you look at it.
What are people new to flat Earth theory supposed to think?
Just think outside the box and try and reason everything but never do so with a global adherence. You must place that aside, even if it's just temporary.
Is that what 'logical' is all about? I think not.
One person's logic is another persons conundrum.
The modern heliocentric model meanwhile explains everything very clearly and consistently and is therefore logical.
Of course it does.
Time travel theories can explain everything but it doesn't make them a reality.
It has nothing to do with indoctrination because I have a brain of my own which is capable of making its own intepretations.
Prove it, because I don't see any of that.
If you can explain to me why your theory is more logically correct universally compared to anything else then please do.
It's down to you what you want explaining and what you are willing to take from it.
I don't know enough about your model though to make that decision. No one seems to apart from you.
Of course you don't and likely won't ever know anything if your stance is to ridicule or simply brush anything aside whilst arguing for your globe.