It has everything to do with what we're talking about because it shows gravity to be the nonsense that is is.
You mean it shows just how dishonest and desperate you are? How you are willing to use whatever dishonest nonsense you can to attack gravity because you cannot show any actual problem with it.
And when your easily break it down it does show there's no pull.
Is that why you still can't explain what causes the left side of the chain to move to the right?
When you actually break it down, honestly and rationally, it is extremely obvious that a pull is needed.
Again, with a pull the chain would simply fall apart. And no, I don't just mean the overall chain, I mean each individual link.
No pull means no gravity.
You are trying to play a game of semantics where so many things that people accept as "pull" are actually "push". Why shouldn't the same apply for gravity?
It baffles me how people accept gravity after they've had the opportunity to look at it all.
Perhaps if you stopped just dismissing it as nonsense you would see why, because unlike your garbage it actually makes sense, can be used to explain significant parts of reality, and has evidence to back it up.
What should baffle you is why you accept your delusional BS which cannot explain anything and has nothing backing it up.
Air is there. You know this so why deny it.
Air is there, your magic is not.
We not what air does.
As it has a pressure gradient, where the pressure is greater the lower down you are, it pushes objects up.
You reject this air from reality and instead appeal to and cling to magical air which magically and inexplicably push things down.
Gravity is not
It sure seems to be real, and you are yet to provide any problem with it.
You have yet to explain what inertia is.
I have explained what it is.
I say it is a very specific type of resistance.
I don't give damn if you want to pretend that it is all just "resistance" and that you choose not to distinguish between different types so you can dishonestly pretend to explain it by trying to use something fundamentally different.
That is entirely your problem.
Your inability to actually explain inertia with air, doesn't mean you get to pretend it is something fundamentally different to pretend that you have explained it by explaining something fundamentally different.
Now again, why did you lie and claim that you had explained it? Why did you repeatedly lie by claiming it is the air, rather than the object itself resisting motion?
Especially when you have now admitted you cannot explain it at all.
Again, my simple diagram shows that is BS, but just for you, here is your diagram:

Notice all that pulling?
You need a pull to explain why the chain holds itself together.
Without that pull, that chain just falls apart.
And this is even more important in a string/rope where if you tried to push the ends, it would just collapse, so we know it isn't the air magically pushing the other end.
There's no pulling. It's all friction grip and push. It is impossible to pull.
Notice that I clearly indicated the individual links.
They are under tension.
You can even see one where it wasn't able to pull hard enough, which resulted in the link breaking and falling open.
That is what happens if there is no pull, it would all fall apart.
Again, here is the simpler diagram for you:

A single link of a chain,
You "push" the right side of the chain to the right.
What causes the left side to move to the right?
Bring up a wagon and I'll place pointers where it's all push. How's that?
You mean like you did with the chain where you simply ignored all the locations where it is a pull?
As long as you understand you are arguing stuff that has been handed to you on a plate and is also not a truth
And there you go with more pathetic lies and assumptions.
You have nothing at all to show it is not a truth.
You continually ignore the mountains of evidence that show you are wrong.
And just because you don't want to do any experiments to get evidence for yourself doesn't mean none of us have.
Now again, have you figured out how to explain what magic causes the pressure gradient in the atmosphere?
Or how it magically pushes things down?