i never eaten dog before because i think cooking dogs alive is not good
How do you feel about cooking dogs dead?
Im totally up for that.
the reason they cook dogs alive is because it's supposed to taste better with blood inside
Piss off with your lies. Koreans dont dump alive dogs into boiling water or roast them while they are alive. Any chef worth their salt would know that a painful or stressful death usually results in poorer quality meat.
So full of shit
Also The West are hypocrites. So Koreans dine on the odd dog. We dine on pigs. Pigs are intelligent animals with intelligence similar to that of a 3 year old human. Capable of remembering faces they met years ago and capacity for empathy. And we cram them in metal cages never seeing the sun and then gas or electrocute them and slit their throats when we are done fattening them up and want to eat them. Our elitism is our racism.