Gotten what wrong?
According to you and others on this forum, nearly everything. The shape of the world dictates a number of directives regarding navigation, communication, and civil engineering (to name a few). Assuming that the world is not round, we would have problems popping up constantly if that were the case.
They navigate using what's available. They have no need to navigate using a spinning globe mindset with a north or south pole.
Incorrect. Aircraft navigation is one of many activities that assume a round Earth. It's been mentioned countless times here and still has not been responded to with any rational answer; Santiago to Sydney. That flight makes no sense if we assume the Earth is flat.
Also incorrect that basic land navigation using only a map and compass isn't based on a spinning round Earth: quote from page 7:
Two problems complicate your easy use of a map and compass:
First, the surface of the earth is curved, while the surface of your map is flat. This creates
problems between what your map shows as north (grid north) and what really is north
(true north).
Second, the earth’s magnetic pole is not the same as the earth’s axis. This creates a
difference between what your compass shows as north (magnetic north) and what really
is north (true north).
These are fundamental concepts required to successfully use navigational tools at a basic level. It's totally understandable that a person, like yourself, never having been placed in a situation where this knowledge becomes critical to your survival earns anything more than a passing glance. However, there are thousands of people that apply this information daily
because their life depends on it.A compass points in one direction. Everything else requires setting up to cater for opposites to that direction.
That direction is called north and is set at that with a N pointer. A magnetic flow to the centre.
In your mind it goes to a north or south pole.
Care to provide a source for this?
The reality is, people follow compasses to land mass from directions set around a circle. Around a circle..Around a circle.
Land masses around a circle.
Again, care to provide a source or reference this? Perhaps one that explains it a bit better?
I have no issue with genuine navigation. Understand that.
Genuine navigation is predicated on the shape of the world being an oblong spheroid.
Military is just a school with guns and loud voices for people who feel the need to do whatever those in power want them to do.
Did you serve? If you didn't, what would you know about it? We've butted heads over this in the past and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Best to stay on point.
Don't get mixed up with all of real science and real scientists being lumped in with pseudoscientists.
I don't think you are qualified to make this statement with any real assertion of truth.
I have no issue with reality. My issue is being told something is reality and zero genuine proof being provided to show it and being fed CGI and storylines hidden behind secrecy as supposed truth.
This is naked paranoia coming out of you. You've been provided
ample proof and have made the deliberate effort to ignore it. The notion that there is some elaborate cabal trying to suppress the truth about the shape of the world, which would necessarily change how nearly everything in reality actually works, isn't just ridiculous, it's insane. This has been discussed in countless times here; a conspiracy lasting centuries, involving an unknown but significant number of people, all working to hide the truth about what shape the planet it for
reasons. When asked to articulate even the purpose behind why this group would do something like this the responses are equally deranged; devil-worship, money (but never explaning how that works), power, control, the end of days, etc.
sceptimatic, this idea that outerspace is all CGI'd, the Apollo missions were faked, and that this is all because some grand conspiracy wants to fool us is classic psychosis.
There's being taught reality and there's being indoctrinated.
And you'd know the difference?
Being taught reality can be found to be that when critically analysed. Indoctrination is being expected to just believe what you're told, uncritically.
Then go take an astronomy class and learn how to do the math and recreate the experiments used to validate it for yourself. In all of the discussions you've been involved with here, I've never once seen you respond with your own experiments. If you claim that your conclusions are arrived at through critical analysis, then you'd agree that the best way to test any theory is to try and disprove it. Instead all I see you do is come up with weird shit that collapses under the weight of its own absurdity. Case in point, the Gleason map is false and can be proven false because of the Southern Cross. That's a wrap and there's nothing that can be done to explain that away. Sure, you can play word games and claim to not understand the problem, put you're being an ostrich at that point ignoring the issue rather than doing anything approximating critical analysis.
If you assert that believing the Earth is round is a form of indoctrination, then what is FE in comparison? I actually agree that RE, at the start, is a form of indoctrination the same as believing the sun will rise tomorrow. It's commonly accepted as being true, without critical analysis, because it's reliable in its capacity to deliver results based on that assumption. Yes, I agree that perhaps more effort should be done at the primary and secondary levels of education to teach kids to not blindly accept something as obvious as what shape the planet is. Recreating Eratosthenes' experiment would be a good starting point for kids and probably for you too.
A world hasn't got anything wrong.
The people in it that sell pseudoscience as science, are the problem...not real scientists.
For reasons I've previously explained, and you've brought up, the majority of people on Earth are wrong, according to you. Pilots, astronomers, philosophers, doctors, nurses, ship captains and navigators, physicists, chemists, assayers, engineers, nearly everyone in the military, mathematicians, philosophers, and anyone that believes the Earth is round "are the problem." Not only are they wrong, but those disciplines have been wrong for centuries. Countless experiments, voyages, and trials are all, according to you, based on bad foundations.
That depends on what the truth is and it also depends on who wants to argue and criticise if it costs them their job, social standing and even fates a bit worse than that....maybe.
So fear is what keeps this all in check? This is what keeps the global conspiracy moving forward, for centuries, with it never once being challenged? And this doesn't sound the least bit paranoid to you?