What would change your mind?

  • 5620 Replies


  • Flat Earth Scientist
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Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5340 on: May 24, 2021, 07:20:00 AM »
Even easier.
Sceppy go google your own address and see if yoy recognize your own backyard.

Abstractly it can be conspiratorally argued these qere airplabe photos.
So bad argument path.

Stick to circles.
You cant refute geometry.
Did you not pay attention like stash did not?

Read what I said, again and absorb it, then come back to me.

You clearyl have been paying attention and know your absurb deflections to draw the circle show you have no argument to stand on.
Kepp dodging.
Draw the cirlce
Can I ask you to take your time, please?



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5341 on: May 24, 2021, 07:23:50 AM »
You lot are scraping the barrel for excuses.
OK I tell you what.  How about I write to GCHQ in the UK and the CIA in the states and ask them politely to give me a link to some live, real-time military grade satellite imagery?  When asked why I want it I will say to show some proof obsessed geezer on a flat earth website who is demanding it as evidence that the Earth is a globe and satellites really exist.

What do you think the replies will say?  Just a warning though that I may not be able to provide it because I will probably have been arrested.
Do you have to ask the CIA if you want to put your co-ordinates into your GPS that gives you continuous live feed from your so called space satellites, 23,000 miles in supposed orbit?

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5342 on: May 24, 2021, 07:28:43 AM »
Even easier.
Sceppy go google your own address and see if yoy recognize your own backyard.

Abstractly it can be conspiratorally argued these qere airplabe photos.
So bad argument path.

Stick to circles.
You cant refute geometry.
Did you not pay attention like stash did not?

Read what I said, again and absorb it, then come back to me.

You clearyl have been paying attention and know your absurb deflections to draw the circle show you have no argument to stand on.
Kepp dodging.
Draw the cirlce
Can I ask you to take your time, please?

You want us to wait while you figure out how to-circle?
Only been maybe 80pg of thread.
Keep dodging soeme more.
We all wait in unanticipation for your big reveal.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5343 on: May 24, 2021, 07:44:25 AM »
So, you won't compromise on the International Space Station?
On something that does not exist? Nahhhhhh.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
The only difference between it and other satellites orbiting the earth, is it contains people, as I have been led to believe [yawn],
So you've been led to believe.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
and it is significantly closer to earth than many of the other satellites in lower earth orbit.

So you've been led to believe.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
The geostatic satellites, which are fixed, are significantly further away from earth, as I have been led to believe,
Saves me saying it.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
so, attempting to get what you want from one of them, I dont think is possible.
Strange eh, yet they can supposedly home right in on your vehicle and navigate it in real time, as we're told....as we're led to believe (yawn).

Quote from: Smoke Machine
There is a very very very very very very big difference between 400 kilometers and 36,000 kilometers, isn't there?
Yep, there is a very big difference....but for what?

Quote from: Smoke Machine
But, the ISS live feed shows Earth curvature and straight down, depending on which camera is transmitting the live images.
You mean like this from the supposed cupola of your ISS belief which shows you a full on globe.
What a joke.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
The advantage of the ISS, is you can download a photo, as I have been led to believe, of the ISS in great detail on the ground.
You mean like this?

Quote from: Smoke Machine
Then using a telescope with 250 x magnification, and a bit of patience and skill, view the ISS from your own house, during one of it's fly bys and count the solar panels on the outside of it if you so wish.
And you've done this, right?
I mean you know it is what you're told....right?
Let's see if you can give me an honest answer.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
But alas, you want me to pull a rabbit out of my hat, and somehow hack onto and access a military satellite.
I think you're trying to decide what I'm thinking and simply being wrong...but there's no harm in you trying all avenues to get your indoctrination plastered onto me.
Practice potentially makes perfect for the right person. Keep at it.

Quote from: Smoke Machine
The problem with most the general satellites up there is there purpose is not to photograph match boxes and discarded cigarette butts on the sidewalk from space.
Ohhhhh right. So what is their purpose?

Quote from: Smoke Machine
I'm still on night shift, but I'll see what I can come up with in the next couple of days. Maybe Russia has a satellite
Sputnik was supposedly one. Are there more?
That was the ball with old fashioned car aerials sticking out of it, wasn't it?

« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 07:49:10 AM by sceptimatic »



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5344 on: May 24, 2021, 07:47:11 AM »

Maps map out terrain.

Is the mercator map a valid map?
I don't think any map is a valid map of the entire Earth.
I do believe we have maps that can map a lot of terrain sufficient enough for navigation.

I do not believe any of them are of a legitimate globe but plenty of them are of a model globe.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5345 on: May 24, 2021, 07:48:07 AM »

You want us to wait while you figure out how to-circle?
Only been maybe 80pg of thread.
Keep dodging soeme more.
We all wait in unanticipation for your big reveal.
No...I want  you to stop going into a frenzy and typing too fast, making it a nonsense to read.

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5346 on: May 24, 2021, 08:04:52 AM »
Do you have to ask the CIA if you want to put your co-ordinates into your GPS that gives you continuous live feed from your so called space satellites, 23,000 miles in supposed orbit?
What ARE you talking about? You want real-time live images from a satellite right?  How does a GPS feed give you those?  Coordinates yes, images?  No.

Make your mind up!!

Still waiting on your explanations re my post #5319 by the way.  Or have we conveniently side stepped that (presumably because you can't provide any) in favour of asking for images from satellites which you know are not available to the public?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 08:08:26 AM by Solarwind »



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5347 on: May 24, 2021, 08:13:59 AM »
Do you have to ask the CIA if you want to put your co-ordinates into your GPS that gives you continuous live feed from your so called space satellites, 23,000 miles in supposed orbit?
What ARE you talking about? You want real-time live images from a satellite right?  How does a GPS feed give you those?  Coordinates yes, images?  No.

Make your mind up!!

Still waiting on your explanations re my post #5319 by the way.  Or have we conveniently side stepped that (presumably because you can't provide any) in favour of asking for images from satellites which you know are not available to the public?
Aren't your supposed satellites dealing with real time navigation all over the world?
Aren't they supposed to get you almost anywhere habitable/roadworthy in the blink of an eye?

So tell me...aren't they supposed to beam in satellite TV?
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?



  • 6869
  • Math is math!
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5348 on: May 24, 2021, 08:24:28 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?

If you want to watch pictures beamed in real time from orbit in space, just go here.  It's not out of technological reach at all.




  • 25833
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5349 on: May 24, 2021, 08:35:31 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?

If you want to watch pictures beamed in real time from orbit in space, just go here.  It's not out of technological reach at all.

I see a static picture of a lens flare and some bozo mentioning some air filter is clean. How is this proof?

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5350 on: May 24, 2021, 08:40:31 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
Sooooooooooooooooo..... GPS is a real-time navigation system. Hence what it stands for.  Global Positioning System. Not a real-time imaging system.  Real-time images from GPS satellite may be available to military sources.  Who knows?  But they are definitely not available to the public.

My car SatNav gives me real-time positional data on where my car is. It doesn't show me a photo or video stream of my car on the road.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5351 on: May 24, 2021, 09:37:20 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?

If you want to watch pictures beamed in real time from orbit in space, just go here.  It's not out of technological reach at all.

Another one who simply will not, read.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5352 on: May 24, 2021, 09:41:16 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
Sooooooooooooooooo..... GPS is a real-time navigation system. Hence what it stands for.  Global Positioning System.
Ground positioning stations/systems.

Quote from: Solarwind

 Not a real-time imaging system.  Real-time images from GPS satellite may be available to military sources.
 Who knows?  But they are definitely not available to the public.
How absolutely convenient....like everything.

Quote from: Solarwind

My car SatNav gives me real-time positional data on where my car is. It doesn't show me a photo or video stream of my car on the road.
No and nor does any satellite from space because it's absolute nonsense.

A sci-fi writer apparently thought up your satellites. Imagine that.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43160
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5353 on: May 24, 2021, 09:45:34 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
Sooooooooooooooooo..... GPS is a real-time navigation system.
No, it isn't.

Hence what it stands for.  Global Positioning System.
Positioning is not the same as navigation.

Not a real-time imaging system.  Real-time images from GPS satellite may be available to military sources.  Who knows?  But they are definitely not available to the public.
GPS satellites don't do any imaging at all.  I'm not sure where anyone got the idea that they could.

My car SatNav gives me real-time positional data on where my car is. It doesn't show me a photo or video stream of my car on the road.
Well, at least you got this part sorta correct.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5354 on: May 24, 2021, 09:56:10 AM »
Positioning is not the same as navigation.
Splitting hairs a bit here aren't you?  What the does Nav part of SatNav mean and what do they use for navigation

GPS satellites don't do any imaging at all.  I'm not sure where anyone got the idea that they could.
Maybe you'd better ask Scepti that.  He's the one harking on about getting live images from satellites.

Well, at least you got this part sorta correct
O thank you.  I'm so pleased I'm not totally clueless.  I will refer my posts to you first before I publish them in future to make sure I am getting my facts right (according to you).



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43160
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5355 on: May 24, 2021, 09:59:46 AM »
Aren't your supposed satellites dealing with real time navigation all over the world?
GPS satellites provide raw position information to navigation systems.

Aren't they supposed to get you almost anywhere habitable/roadworthy in the blink of an eye?
No.  Navigation systems will help you get where you want to go based on the accuracy and completeness of its map database.

So tell me...aren't they supposed to beam in satellite TV?
No, they aren't.  Why should they?  TV/communications satellites are in a different orbit than GPS satellites.

Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
Earth observation satellites are different from GPS and communications satellites.  If you want real time satellite observations, there are a number of sources available.  Here are a few:
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5356 on: May 24, 2021, 10:10:03 AM »

Maps map out terrain.

Is the mercator map a valid map?
I don't think any map is a valid map of the entire Earth.
I do believe we have maps that can map a lot of terrain sufficient enough for navigation.

I do not believe any of them are of a legitimate globe but plenty of them are of a model globe.

What a fanatstically worded answer to say nothing.
Lets be a little more specific.
Any specific issue with general locations and distances for south america and austarlia?
Lets be specific here.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43160
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5357 on: May 24, 2021, 10:11:06 AM »
Positioning is not the same as navigation.
Splitting hairs a bit here aren't you?  What the does Nav part of SatNav mean and what do they use for navigation
Not really.  Positioning and navigation are very different functions and each can work either together or independently of the other. 

GPS satellites let you GPS receiver/satnav system figure out where you are and if you're still on course.  The navigation system uses its own map database to plot a route from where you are to where you want to go.  I'm guessing that you're too young to remember having to navigate with paper road maps.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5358 on: May 24, 2021, 10:13:25 AM »

You want us to wait while you figure out how to-circle?
Only been maybe 80pg of thread.
Keep dodging soeme more.
We all wait in unanticipation for your big reveal.
No...I want  you to stop going into a frenzy and typing too fast, making it a nonsense to read.

You mistake frenzy with typig in between red lights while driving or typeming with fat thumbs.

My use of typos doesnt affdct the ability to undrstand the words i use.
You on thebother hand, delite in misreoresenting common words and confusing everyone.

Draw the circle.
We re all still waiting.
And while you continue to refuse to provide you rirrefutable evidence, the jackB and co have already provided ample circles and triangles.
So, do we go with the many of proofs?
Or just take your word for it... because... "reasons"?

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5359 on: May 24, 2021, 10:16:57 AM »
Soka and marko
Your satelite proofs rely on you beleiving in the source of information - which he does not.
You cant go down thisbroute.

His disbelief rhat circles dont circ and triangles dont tri is amazing.

Draw the circle.



  • 6869
  • Math is math!
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5360 on: May 24, 2021, 11:17:25 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?

If you want to watch pictures beamed in real time from orbit in space, just go here.  It's not out of technological reach at all.

I see a static picture of a lens flare and some bozo mentioning some air filter is clean. How is this proof?

I've been told I shouldn't feed the trolls. I can't decide if this response is feeding or not.



  • 25833
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5361 on: May 24, 2021, 11:37:29 AM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?

If you want to watch pictures beamed in real time from orbit in space, just go here.  It's not out of technological reach at all.

I see a static picture of a lens flare and some bozo mentioning some air filter is clean. How is this proof?

I've been told I shouldn't feed the trolls. I can't decide if this response is feeding or not.

You posted the link like it was some mind blowing proof but seriously that's what I saw and heard. I'm not saying it isn't real - just that it in no way is going to convince any flat earth believer that the Earth is a globe thanks to that

At least they got the colour of the sun right :) So sick of movies depicting it like its orange/yellow. If the sun really was yellow, then all the snow on Earth would look like someone pissed on it

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5362 on: May 24, 2021, 01:29:39 PM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?

If you want to watch pictures beamed in real time from orbit in space, just go here.  It's not out of technological reach at all.

I see a static picture of a lens flare and some bozo mentioning some air filter is clean. How is this proof?

You are clearly as blind as your new female avatar. Click on the link in blue on that page in the link which says, ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment (HDEV) on US Stream.

If the ISS were passing over sceptimatic's house we'd be able to see it in the live feed.



  • Ethical Stash
  • 13398
  • I am car!
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5363 on: May 24, 2021, 02:15:53 PM »
Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
Sooooooooooooooooo..... GPS is a real-time navigation system. Hence what it stands for.  Global Positioning System.
Ground positioning stations/systems.

Where are these Ground positioning stations/systems in the middle of the ocean?



  • Ethical Stash
  • 13398
  • I am car!
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5364 on: May 24, 2021, 02:20:18 PM »

Maps map out terrain.

Is the mercator map a valid map?
I don't think any map is a valid map of the entire Earth.

Well all of the world's transport of goods and humans by ground, sea, and air prove you wrong right there.

I do believe we have maps that can map a lot of terrain sufficient enough for navigation.

I do not believe any of them are of a legitimate globe but plenty of them are of a model globe.

At least you finally get it that maps and charts used by all of the world's transport of goods and humans by ground, sea, and air are globe based. And amazingly accurate. Go figure.



  • Ethical Stash
  • 13398
  • I am car!
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5365 on: May 24, 2021, 02:35:07 PM »

I'll try and be clear with you. You've already been provided plenty of evidence regarding satellite imagery, maps/charts and how they are globe based regardless of whether that sits well with you or not, or fits into your delusions of grandeur.
No, I haven't. I've been presented with CG and stories of a globe and people like you backing them up as your reality and you expecting me to accept that as my reality.
Not on your Nelly.

What's your evidence that they are CGI? Just because you said so?

Quote from: Stash
Any rational person who may stumble upon the evidence already presented would say, "give me a hit of whatever that sceptimatic is smokin', because it must be some righteous herb..."

All you ever do is claim conspiracy, CGI, it's fake because I said so...on and on, never any evidence, just you stomping away.
I gave enough evidence but people like you reject it because it doesn't fit the mass peer pressured norm.

What's the specific evidence you provided that satellite images are CGI/Fake?

Quote from: Stash
Why you need "real-time" satellite imagery is beyond me.
Here's why. You see, if satellites can supposedly steer your vehicles in the right direction via voices then they should also be able to show a picture of where you are, at that time, also.
Soooo, to nail the globe as being real, this would do it because no plane or airborne vehicle will be able to  pinpoint something I set up, in minutes.

You're so daft. The GPS software/hardware does this, not the satellites themselves. Does your router convert what you type on your end make it into understandable words, sentences, paragraphs on my end?

Quote from: Stash
I gave you week old (not months) satellite imagery of the iceberg event that actually occurred, showing it occurring. I gave you satellite imagery showing a massive engineering marvel of a man-made island chain that didn't exist a couple of years prior.
And you obviously didn't read what I said, or you did and pretend you didn't.

I gave you an experiment you could do if you're willing to pay some cash.

Quote from: Stash
The closest you can probably get is 24 hours and it will cost you. These guys can handle your satellite imagery desires for you. You just need to pick something that is going to change from one day to the next - Maybe go to a park near you and lay down a massive "HELP" sign, request two satellite images of the area over the span of the 24 hour change from no sign to the sign being there and pay them for it:

Check out the FAQs for why you can't get "real-time" and how much it'll cost you for your near real-time 24 hour experiment.

Read what it says.
[b]Can you provide real time satellite imagery?
Unfortunately, there is actually no 'real-time' satellite imagery available to non-military customers. There is however near real-time which is delayed between 24 and 72 hours depending on the orbitology. For example, if you were ordering a one off image, maximum scene size of 12 km x 12 km it would take about 48 to 72 hours. But if it was constant monitoring of a location, it can be imaged and delivered every 24 hrs into your Soar.Earth account. Many satellite companies offer daily coverage but this is a marketing gimmick as the actual turn around time to your access can vary up to a week. Moreover, you would have to pay a minimum collect fee of about $5,000. With SkyMap50 the pricing of $10kmē is standard and capped.[/b]

Can I order an image for a specific date and time of day?
No. SkyMap50 constellation includes four satellites providing once daily global coverage. Images are usually captured between 10AM to noon local time every day.[/b]

What a crock of tish.

That's why I told you to read the FAQ, numbnuts. If you could think for yourself you could still figure out how to do the experiment. You contact them, ask for the most recent satellite image of the park/field you want. They will provide one from the last 24 hours. Then you go lay out your massive "HELP" sign in the field. A day or two later, you ask them for the most recent satellite image of that same space. They will give you one from the last 24 hours. In that one, you will see your "HELP" sign. Simple as that. Put your thinking cap on.

Quote from: Stash
These guys too:


It'll cost you though.
Another rock of tish.

You are near rock bottom in my estimation.

Same experiment with these guys. Or check out the links Markjo posted. Super cool stuff.



  • 23747
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5366 on: May 24, 2021, 03:10:32 PM »
The maps which work are based on mapping out terrain.
On a Round Earth.
With the final model being that of a round Eath.
It simply doesn't work to produce an accurate map if you try to force Earth to be flat.

Then there's no reason for them to know where anyone is who are driving
Good job showing you ignored what I said.
Here it is again for you:
They transmit a signal and your GPS unit knows where they were when they transmitted that signal. It then uses that information to determine where on the globe you are.

Their purpose is to provide that signal, not to take photos of you, and not to provide a live zoomable view of you.
And that signal isn't just sent down directly to you. It is sent to a large area of the globe.

You "argument" is pure nonsense, so far divorced from reality and reason it isn't funny.

If you wish to disagree, why don't you explain just why the ability to be used for position requires the satellites to give YOU control over a live feed to allow you to zoom in on your position.

And while you are at it, answer the trivial question you keep on ignoring which destroy your garbage:
How far below the tube can an object at 1 mile distance be, in order to still be visible through the tube?
Can you see the base of a tree at 1 mile distance, if the base of the tree is 6 ft below the level of the tube?
Again, what magic prevents us from seeing the RE through a level tube?
Again, what should the tilt be (provide a number with units and math justifying it) for an object 30 km away?
How much of such an object should be hidden at a 30 km distance, if you are standing 2 m above the RE?
What is the level of uncertainty in your measurements of allegedly flat water in your sink, in terms of both angle and change in height?

But weirdly it cannot be done. I wonder why.
Only because you keep on ignoring the explanations of what is required.
Like I said, if you want it, go get yourself a constellation of satellites.

Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
But that isn't what you are asking for.
You are not simply asking for them to transmit images in real time.
You are asking for control over those satellites to be able to point them where you want and zoom in however much you want.
You wanting that shouldn't mean they can.

If you want a live feed from space, you have been provided it.
If you want to control a satellite, go buy your own satellite constellation.

Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5367 on: May 24, 2021, 09:08:47 PM »

I'll try and be clear with you. You've already been provided plenty of evidence regarding satellite imagery, maps/charts and how they are globe based regardless of whether that sits well with you or not, or fits into your delusions of grandeur.
No, I haven't. I've been presented with CG and stories of a globe and people like you backing them up as your reality and you expecting me to accept that as my reality.
Not on your Nelly.

What's your evidence that they are CGI? Just because you said so?

Quote from: Stash
Any rational person who may stumble upon the evidence already presented would say, "give me a hit of whatever that sceptimatic is smokin', because it must be some righteous herb..."

All you ever do is claim conspiracy, CGI, it's fake because I said so...on and on, never any evidence, just you stomping away.
I gave enough evidence but people like you reject it because it doesn't fit the mass peer pressured norm.

What's the specific evidence you provided that satellite images are CGI/Fake?

Quote from: Stash
Why you need "real-time" satellite imagery is beyond me.
Here's why. You see, if satellites can supposedly steer your vehicles in the right direction via voices then they should also be able to show a picture of where you are, at that time, also.
Soooo, to nail the globe as being real, this would do it because no plane or airborne vehicle will be able to  pinpoint something I set up, in minutes.

You're so daft. The GPS software/hardware does this, not the satellites themselves. Does your router convert what you type on your end make it into understandable words, sentences, paragraphs on my end?

Quote from: Stash
I gave you week old (not months) satellite imagery of the iceberg event that actually occurred, showing it occurring. I gave you satellite imagery showing a massive engineering marvel of a man-made island chain that didn't exist a couple of years prior.
And you obviously didn't read what I said, or you did and pretend you didn't.

I gave you an experiment you could do if you're willing to pay some cash.

Quote from: Stash
The closest you can probably get is 24 hours and it will cost you. These guys can handle your satellite imagery desires for you. You just need to pick something that is going to change from one day to the next - Maybe go to a park near you and lay down a massive "HELP" sign, request two satellite images of the area over the span of the 24 hour change from no sign to the sign being there and pay them for it:

Check out the FAQs for why you can't get "real-time" and how much it'll cost you for your near real-time 24 hour experiment.

Read what it says.
[b]Can you provide real time satellite imagery?
Unfortunately, there is actually no 'real-time' satellite imagery available to non-military customers. There is however near real-time which is delayed between 24 and 72 hours depending on the orbitology. For example, if you were ordering a one off image, maximum scene size of 12 km x 12 km it would take about 48 to 72 hours. But if it was constant monitoring of a location, it can be imaged and delivered every 24 hrs into your Soar.Earth account. Many satellite companies offer daily coverage but this is a marketing gimmick as the actual turn around time to your access can vary up to a week. Moreover, you would have to pay a minimum collect fee of about $5,000. With SkyMap50 the pricing of $10kmē is standard and capped.[/b]

Can I order an image for a specific date and time of day?
No. SkyMap50 constellation includes four satellites providing once daily global coverage. Images are usually captured between 10AM to noon local time every day.[/b]

What a crock of tish.

That's why I told you to read the FAQ, numbnuts. If you could think for yourself you could still figure out how to do the experiment. You contact them, ask for the most recent satellite image of the park/field you want. They will provide one from the last 24 hours. Then you go lay out your massive "HELP" sign in the field. A day or two later, you ask them for the most recent satellite image of that same space. They will give you one from the last 24 hours. In that one, you will see your "HELP" sign. Simple as that. Put your thinking cap on.

Quote from: Stash
These guys too:


It'll cost you though.
Another rock of tish.

You are near rock bottom in my estimation.

Same experiment with these guys. Or check out the links Markjo posted. Super cool stuff.

Well done!!

Over to you, Sceptimatic! What's the cost of proving to yourself satellites are real, and in turn the Earth is a globe?

I believe in empowerment, and it would be better for you to prove it to yourself, than have one of us prove it to you.

You'll have a LOT more free time on your hands afterwards, if you follow what Stash says.

As to my ISS suggestion, It'll cost you also in the price of a decent telescope with video function, if you'd like to try and film the International Space Station on it's next fly over near your house.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5368 on: May 24, 2021, 09:25:10 PM »

Sooooo, shouldn't they be able to beam in pictures in real time or is that just out of technological reach?
Earth observation satellites are different from GPS and communications satellites.  If you want real time satellite observations, there are a number of sources available.  Here are a few:
I've looked at all of them and none show real time imagery.
If I'm looking wrong then maybe you can show me what to go on to get real time imagery.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: What would change your mind?
« Reply #5369 on: May 24, 2021, 09:27:57 PM »

No...I want  you to stop going into a frenzy and typing too fast, making it a nonsense to read.

You mistake frenzy with typig in between red lights while driving or typeming with fat thumbs.

I'm going to stop responding to you unless I know you are not driving.
Until you prove to me you are not driving I will absolutely ignore anything you say from this point on.
Save any digs for when you clock off.