Ahahaha! Map is wrong
Not wrong, of limited resolution.
There is a very big, fundamental difference between wrong and of limited resolution.
It isn't a problem, it is a limitation due to storage size.
However, it can not explain why the map still wrong. It could be perfect accourding to globularist claim.
And there you go with more lies.
I explained why quite clearly.
You have low resolution, likely because you were using an offline map, which was only downloaded to a specific resolution.
It does not get all the high resolution detail.
No, it could never be perfect, it will always be limited to some resolution.
The only question is what resolution.
If you want, you can store the map data to the nearest m, but that would require a lot more storage space.
For example, you would be looking at roughly 8 bytes per point, i.e. 2 double length integers to store the latitude and longitude to the required accuracy.
Then, just long that 263 trip between Istanbul and Bolu, you would need roughly 263 000 points, or 2 MB, just for that one trip.
If you want all 426.9 thousand km of roads in Turkey, you are looking at 3.4 TB, or ~3400 GB.
Does your phone have that storage capacity?
If you instead only want it to the km, you only 3.4 GB.
If you want the nearest 100 m then it would be 34 GB.
If you want all the roads in the European Union (Yes, I know Turkey is not a part yet, but it is a simple analog for Europe as a whole, with a much lower total length of roads) with its ~6.25 Million km of total length, then you are looking at 50 TB for the nearest m, or 50 GB to get it to the nearest km.
Yes, with a relatively simply algorithm you can take that data and simplify it by removing co-linear points, but I'm not going to see just how much data that would save, not when you have long winding roads.
But this doesn't include the overhead of what the road is called, or how wide it is, or what the speed limit it, or other similar extra information, nor any terrain data which would grow.
An alternative way of looking at it is by making a grid and using 2 bytes to store some information about it, such as its elevation and if it is a road (possibly what type), land (possibly subdivided into buildings, forest, etc) or sea, and various other information.
If we were to do that with the entire area of Turkey, again to the nearest m, so now m^2, you are looking at 1.5 TB. If instead you go for the nearest square km, you are looking at 1.5 GB.
If you want it for the worlds landmass, then you are looking at roughly 1 PB, or 1000 TB.
But why stop at 1 m?
For perfection you would need to go even smaller.
So it is quite clear why a map will not be perfect. The sheer amount of data that it requires would not fit on a simple phone. The time required to obtain all the data is also quite large.
The problem is entirely with you and you trying to use a low resolution data to obtain information that simply isn't stored at a high enough resolution.
I even provided an image from the same mapping provided with higher resolution data.
I have wrote the verified and certificated the truth about GPS syetem both on my signaure, to youtube, to believers forum
You mean you have written that it works correctly, and you have been unable to show a problem with it nor refute it working, and instead have presented 2 completely failed arguments in this thread?
I don't see that in your signature, and I assume your video still contains the same false information, where you falsely claim that it uses satellites to determine direction, instead of the magnetometer to determine direction.
So it seems you are still clinging to wilful rejection of reality.
Case closed
Yes, case closed.
You lose, again.