I come home finally and looking at him you'd think nothing happened. Looked near death last night. Bubbly and happy this morning. Kids sure bounce back.
The ambo didn't take him to hospital - I guess he sees a lot of this to know how it plays out.
Modern ambos are very well trained paramedics but 40 or 50 years ago they were little more than transport drivers with a knowledge of "first aid" - plus a lot of experience.
Our ambulance service used to be called the "Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade" (QATB or Quick At Tying Bandages

) but now it's just the "Queensland Ambulance" and crewed by highly qualified paramedics - as I suppose all Australian ones are.
Every so often he likes to scare us by looking deathly ill. Comes with being a parent I suppose
That's great and that's kids but you'll be left wondering why and that's what parents do.
Our youngest pulled a Sunbeam iron on his head point first - blood poured everywhere

- understandable panic ensued so my wife called the ambulance.
The ambo was one we knew well and when he got there and removed the padding the bleeding had stopped and Tim was fine.
So Kevin, the ambo, checked him out, gave the usual warnings about any symptoms of more serious problems from head injuries etc and left.
Scalp injuries do bleed a lot.