Coronovirus Roll call

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #210 on: April 24, 2020, 04:08:31 PM »
I come home finally and looking at him you'd think nothing happened. Looked near death last night. Bubbly and happy this morning. Kids sure bounce back.

The ambo didn't take him to hospital - I guess he sees a lot of this to know how it plays out.

Every so often he likes to scare us by looking deathly ill. Comes with being a parent I suppose

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #211 on: April 24, 2020, 06:15:14 PM »
I come home finally and looking at him you'd think nothing happened. Looked near death last night. Bubbly and happy this morning. Kids sure bounce back.

The ambo didn't take him to hospital - I guess he sees a lot of this to know how it plays out.
Modern ambos are very well trained paramedics but 40 or 50 years ago they were little more than transport drivers with a knowledge of "first aid" - plus a lot of experience.

Our ambulance service used to be called the "Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade" (QATB or Quick At Tying Bandages ;D) but now it's just the "Queensland Ambulance" and crewed by highly qualified paramedics - as I suppose all Australian ones are.

Quote from: Shifter
Every so often he likes to scare us by looking deathly ill. Comes with being a parent I suppose
That's great and that's kids but you'll be left wondering why and that's what parents do.

Our youngest pulled a Sunbeam iron on his head point first - blood poured everywhere :o - understandable panic ensued so my wife called the ambulance.

The ambo was one we knew well and when he got there and removed the padding the bleeding had stopped and Tim was fine.
So Kevin, the ambo, checked him out, gave the usual warnings about any symptoms of more serious problems from head injuries etc and left.
Scalp injuries do bleed a lot.



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #212 on: April 24, 2020, 11:42:01 PM »
I am now watching The Stand.

It's just the thing to take my mind off the pandemic.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #213 on: April 25, 2020, 04:11:13 AM »
Video chat the wife while I'm at work

6 year old was freaking out. 3 year old came home sick from childcare with a high fever. He had uncontrollable shakes for a while which caused his older brother to cry. Vomited. Had purple lips. Temperature over 39 degrees. Saw him on the video chat. Looked like he had no energy and remnants of vomit over his cheeks. Tell the wife to ring a frigging ambulance (she was content with panadol). He was born with respiratory distress syndrome and persistent pulmonary hypertension that required nearly 2 weeks in hospital with lots of tubes and breathing equipment to keep him alive. He's always had a harder time getting sick.

She's not the kind of lady that likes to make a fuss. Well screw that and fuss that hospital!

Wish I could to hell with the job. But I'm the only one here with no one to cover me. Calling a replacement could take hours to get on site.

He'll probably get a corona virus test. Who knows even for the fact Canberra hasn't reported a case for over a week and no evidence of community transmission.... As much as we might take precautions, we cant be assured those we work with do the same.
Sad to hear. I hope he will be fine. Children generally easy defeat it.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #214 on: May 14, 2020, 12:17:21 AM »
The Glorious Leader has gone back to school today. Its worrying. Also its far too quiet at home without her.
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If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #215 on: May 14, 2020, 03:12:07 AM »
That must be nice.  Hope your dad is doing better.

Incidentally my daughter has declared herself the "Queen of the Humans".  I asked her by what right does she assume supreme executive power and she answered "because I have a paper crown".  She then also declared herself the "Gecko Princess" and went on to lecture me about all the abilities geckos have.

I may be raising girl hitler.
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Jura-Glenlivet II

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #216 on: May 14, 2020, 06:57:13 AM »

It's about time we had a female dictator, I think they could bring a fresh perspective to the roll.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #217 on: May 14, 2020, 12:03:33 PM »
My dad is doing well, on a normal covid ward now, though in a side room by himself because the ward is too noisy for him, and well enough to complain about things.

The Glorious Leader and the Queen of the Humans need to either team up or fight it out
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #218 on: May 14, 2020, 03:36:23 PM »
I'm glad your dad is feeling better!
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #219 on: May 19, 2020, 01:05:46 AM »
Another addition to the home gym, the heavy bag is up.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #220 on: May 20, 2020, 11:29:22 AM »
Nice. I've been mostly walking outside or jogging on my treadmill, but a heavy bag would be cool to have.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #221 on: May 23, 2020, 12:24:20 PM »
My friend's grandparents are alright now. They're out of the ICU. At least my grandma died before the pandemic! Well, idk if that's a good thing exactly but I at least have less anxiety...
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #222 on: May 25, 2020, 03:21:38 AM »
Glad they're ok!

My dad is doing well, starting to walk without a frame and eating and drinking and my mum can visit him now (though still 2 metres apart)

I tried starting couch to 5k. The running was fine but afterwards my knees hurt so bad I can't do it any more. I need new knees.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #223 on: May 25, 2020, 09:03:59 AM »
My dad ... eating and drinking
Glad to hear he has already reached trump's fitness/lifestyle level!

I tried starting couch to 5k. The running was fine but afterwards my knees hurt so bad I can't do it any more. I need new knees.
Running sucks. Don't run. Go swimming, biking, hiking but avoid running.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #224 on: May 25, 2020, 12:17:17 PM »
I agree, running does suck. I'm gonna stick to walking. Waiting for the lake to heat up before I can go swimming, far too cold still.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #225 on: May 25, 2020, 03:05:42 PM »
Glad they're ok!

My dad is doing well, starting to walk without a frame and eating and drinking and my mum can visit him now (though still 2 metres apart)

I tried starting couch to 5k. The running was fine but afterwards my knees hurt so bad I can't do it any more. I need new knees.

That doesn't sound quite normal.  You may want to consider seeing a doctor.

Swimming is fun.  I have a hard time trying to keep my heart rate up doing it though.  For me there's just something about running.  When I'm in the zone I'm sort of calm and spaced out even though my heart is going at about 150bpm.

Glad to hear about your dad. 
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Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #226 on: May 25, 2020, 11:39:28 PM »
Glad they're ok!

My dad is doing well, starting to walk without a frame and eating and drinking and my mum can visit him now (though still 2 metres apart)

I tried starting couch to 5k. The running was fine but afterwards my knees hurt so bad I can't do it any more. I need new knees.

That doesn't sound quite normal.  You may want to consider seeing a doctor.

Swimming is fun.  I have a hard time trying to keep my heart rate up doing it though.  For me there's just something about running.  When I'm in the zone I'm sort of calm and spaced out even though my heart is going at about 150bpm.

Glad to hear about your dad.

Well I have only recently, in the last year, recovered from two years of barely being able to walk due to pain so I guess my knees just still haven't recovered enough yet. I should give the physio a call really, doctors are useless for this kind of thing.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


faded mike

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #227 on: June 01, 2020, 10:51:51 PM »
The corona virus... I think its got me...I think I'm turning into a smurf AggHHH
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #228 on: June 02, 2020, 11:09:03 AM »
Well I have only recently, in the last year, recovered from two years of barely being able to walk due to pain so I guess my knees just still haven't recovered enough yet. I should give the physio a call really, doctors are useless for this kind of thing.
You should probably look for a doctor that specializes in orthopedics and/or sports medicine.  Just be careful if they recommend surgery.  I have a friend who tore up his knee a few years ago and things didn't go well for him.  They did the initial surgery to correct the problem, but he developed some pretty bad scar tissue that got worse and worse every time they went in to clean it out.  After about 3-4 surgeries to remove scar tissue, they decided that the joint was completely shot and they wound up fusing the leg.  As if the pain from the surgeries wasn't bad enough, he also developed systemic rheumatoid arthritis.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #229 on: June 03, 2020, 03:41:44 AM »
The corona virus... I think its got me...I think I'm turning into a smurf AggHHH

You didn't drink colloidal silver did you?

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

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Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #230 on: June 03, 2020, 04:43:11 AM »
Well I have only recently, in the last year, recovered from two years of barely being able to walk due to pain so I guess my knees just still haven't recovered enough yet. I should give the physio a call really, doctors are useless for this kind of thing.
You should probably look for a doctor that specializes in orthopedics and/or sports medicine.  Just be careful if they recommend surgery.  I have a friend who tore up his knee a few years ago and things didn't go well for him.  They did the initial surgery to correct the problem, but he developed some pretty bad scar tissue that got worse and worse every time they went in to clean it out.  After about 3-4 surgeries to remove scar tissue, they decided that the joint was completely shot and they wound up fusing the leg.  As if the pain from the surgeries wasn't bad enough, he also developed systemic rheumatoid arthritis.


I think its mostly that my muscles in my legs and back just need strengthening, had a lot of improvement after 6 months of physio.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


faded mike

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #231 on: June 04, 2020, 01:27:39 PM »
The corona virus... I think its got me...I think I'm turning into a smurf AggHHH

You didn't drink colloidal silver did you?
That sounds good,  but i'm looking at tang and colloidal clay.  just kidding, mostly faith and multivits.

Sorry if anyone was put off, i didn't realize what you guys were talking about - about your difficulties with this - best wishes to everyone. Keep the faith!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 01:42:36 PM by faded mike »
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

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faded mike

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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #232 on: June 04, 2020, 05:47:11 PM »
The corona virus... I think its got me...I think I'm turning into a smurf AggHHH

You didn't drink colloidal silver did you?
I wanna try that stuff.

Sorry if  i offended anyone while jokng about the pandem, i didn't realize what you guys were talking about - about your difficulties with this - best wishes to everyone. Keep the faith!
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

kids: say no to drugs



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #233 on: August 28, 2020, 02:04:21 PM »
I now know someone who has caught covid.  My wife's uncle.  He's around 70 or so.  Apparently he just tested positive for it so it's too early to tell how hard he's going to be hit.  But here's the best part though.  He is refusing anyone's help to status quarantined.  We've offered to just buy whatever he needs and leave it on his doorstep.  Nope.  He says he'll be careful.  Maybe he intends to hold his breath the entire time he's out.

It's so disappointing.  My impression of him used to be that he wasn't a total moron.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #234 on: September 06, 2020, 04:10:55 AM »
Oh that's not good. Is quarantine mandatory where you are? Could he get into legal trouble if he goes out?
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #235 on: September 06, 2020, 07:23:16 AM »
In Utah I don't think it's mandatory. There's laws against intentionally infecting people. But I don't think there's laws about just being an idiot about it.
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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #236 on: September 06, 2020, 09:43:23 PM »
Hopefully he dies before he infects too many people. 



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #237 on: September 08, 2020, 07:51:02 AM »
That's a bummer, any way you look at it. The thing about old people is that they are very often stubborn. And if he's been watching Fox or OAN, I'm sure he's been hearing non-stop that it's just a cold and he'll be fine.



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Re: Coronovirus Roll call
« Reply #238 on: September 08, 2020, 12:57:08 PM »
That's a bummer, any way you look at it. The thing about old people is that they are very often stubborn. And if he's been watching Fox or OAN, I'm sure he's been hearing non-stop that it's just a cold and he'll be fine.
Yes, there is nothing to worry about.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
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