again bro you are thinking like a Communist. Even if I'm sick, let's agree that I'm, sick and yet show no symptoms, OK? I'm a free individual and I'm not obligated to compromise my comfort just so that others are safe. No way, this is all comes down to social Darwinism man, survival of the fittest. IF your immune system sucks, its not my responsibility to fix it. But because you guys are commies you force this mask on people, just so that other are safe. Let each person be responsible for his or her health, don't force me to care for you
Yes, New Born, you are free to break laws and endanger lives. You are also free to be arrested if you do break laws.
In Australia with your demented attitude, (under our current laws) you would just be arrested and you could have fun explaining your irresponsible and selfish actions with a magistrate.
I'd love to see how your survival of the fittest mantra works out for you in a prison cell.
New Born? I'm almost 50 you dumb ass. You want me to get arrested? Why don't you arrest rioters and looters first who destroyed American cities? I don't see them being arrested. Arrest the so called protesters who vandalized stores and caused millions of dollars in damage to private property, I pray they arrest me you mother fucker, it will be very good for my already ongoing civil rights lawsuit against the mask enforcement LOL
And if they arrest people in Australia for it, then Australia has indeed lost its freedom. Australia might as well be China now.
America is out of my jurisdiction, New Born. Forgive me, I naturally assumed you were newly born around about 2005.
You wanna get arrested? Just fly to Australia, then. All international arrivals are quarantined in hotels for 14 days. Police guard the hotels. I'll look up at you and laugh.
It would be perfect for you to experience a house arrest situation and likely police brutality, when you arrogantly try to defy the law. Then, we'll deport your stupid ass back to America, and bill you for your hotel stay.
Btw, American police are arresting all those protest criminals, as they manage to identify them, and identify what they did.