Im very interested in FE. I would really love that someone can convice me that Earth is Flat. So i tried to undestand: If the earth is flat, then gravity is useless, because to proof gravity you have to proof that the earth is a spheare. So I wont try to understand the shape of earth with traditional physics laws or astronomy. IŽll use tridimensional Geometry and simple observation that anyone without any fancy instrument can confirm. This is the first phenomenon: In Chile the nights in summer are shorter, at the same time, the Winter nights in Canada are longer (same meridian). Second phenomenon: The solar path is diagonal relative to the horizon, unless you are near the Ecuator, there the solar path is perpendicular to the horizon.
I tried to imagine a flat model that explain this two phenomenons at the same time, but i couldn't. I canŽt imagine any kind of visual distortion that can do that either.
So i tried to understand the model explained in this page. So the Chilean sumer its explained by a bigger sun path. So then it would produce hotter days but longer nigts at summer. Because the sun should go faster, cause the path is longer, and the sun would pass over your head faster, meaning less daytime hours.
So the sunset its explained by a visual distortion, i can acept that. In that case you should always see the sun path diagonal relative to the horizon.
(sorry, not a native english speaker)