People started to panic when the fire started to infest all around.
SCG: If we put the peanut trees out in time , we can put out the fires easily.
Jura: I want to warn my friends about the threatening of miners. They are among us and sabotaging our work. Coping with the bad among us is equally important as well as dealing with fires.
shifter turns the radio on and make others listed the speech of his prime ministers:
PM Scott Morrison: my dear people. It is true that my country is trying to deal with very number of fires. however, we have more important problems than that. such as global warming, chemtrails, xenophobia and faster defecation of rubenucleid acids.
Shifter: You are listening him. He is definitely not giving a f*ck to dying our country. To hell with that! He and his pig supporters among us!
Mundin: I don't like anybody else try to lead me. I am only here because listening the wise, our great leader. And he teached us do not trust anybody. So, sorry, you, or boydster, or anybody else, I don't trust anybody here, other than me myself, wise, and God.
Jura: I am not trying to lead you, just warning about missleading.
Mundin tells "mind your own beeswax" listlessly.
“I don't see it right for people to be identified as guilty or innocent before they go through a judicial process,” said boydster.
Shifter: Ok guys, there is an everytime evil among us, NSS. He always challenges wise our leader and the most honest man among us and constantly accuses him. what else can this person be but just complete evil?
NSS: Did you say that to me? wise is a crook, couldn't lie straight in bed!
shifter hits NSS's head with a shovel in his hand.
boydster intervenes this fight: This is the man I saw was igniting the bushes around!
boydster holds his arms and immobilizes him.
crouton: I think you have caught the guilty here.
crouton starts to punch NSS on both sides of his face.
SCG comes: Eat these peanuts you think not deserved to save! You left them to die and they left you to die now! Now you get up with peanut trees!
SCG repeats NSS' talk about trees: "Let it all burn." and told "Lets burn him likewise he did it our trees!"
Stash comes: I was there too and NSS was not the man who has ignited the bushes, but boydster! Release him, now!
Manaeswolf has came and started to talk something with Shifter. They are talking whether or not NSS guilty.
Anyways. 5 votes have been used so far;
NSS: 4
Manaeswolf's vote is null. Votes has to include a name. Whether or not if he still has the right of voting is all rights reserved by narrator.