Werenasa XX - Bushfires in Australia: Miners versus Firefighters Game Thread!

  • 432 Replies


  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Rules, Role Definitions and Gameplay Instructions

Rules and Instructions

There are 2 teams in the game, miners and firefighters.
The game ends in one team completely destroying the other.
Australian forests burn completely if miners win. But if firefighters win, heavy rains start and all fires go out.
Firefighters and miners can eliminate a player by voting during the day. voting method is [I vote to lynch ... (somebody)]. in this case, the player with the most votes will be eliminated.

Three different events can take place in the night.

1) miners are entitled to eliminate one player in total each night . they usually do this by burning the bungalow or chalet where that player is residenting.
2) expert saboteur tries to make a player interrogate every night. for this he kidnaps that person and tortures until he makes him speak. The aim is to find the TIS agent. Because only a TIS agent can decipher everyone's identity.
3) TIS agent sends a questioning to TIA (Intelligence agency) to query any firefighter. Agency tells him whether that firefighter is a trust firefighter, an expert saboteur, another TIS agent (if exist) or a miner. In this regard, TIS agent has an advantage to find miners, because the number of his targets are more. But his disadvantage his number is less (as an estimation).


Miners: There are at least 2 and atmost 4 miners including expert saboteur. They can kill one member at night. the sorting between them will be told them on the first day. but if one of them is not suitable that night, another can exercise its right. Inother say, every night almost definitely anybody will die. They use their right by PM to narrator in the format [I burn ...((somebody)]

Only miners can kill at night till all of them dead. Then the killing right turns to expert saboteurs and they start to use that right. Expert saboteurs can not kill till all the miners dead and can not murdered at nights. If miners pick them to kill, miners learn the identify of this expert saboteur. Inother say, miners either kill somebody or learn an identify of somebody mistakenly.

Expert Saboteur: This is a special role among miners. It may be one or two. In all ways they (he) can ask only one question per night. Queries the role of somebody to narrator and gets identify of it. this process is described as his torturing somebody in the game. If there are Expert Saboteurs more than one then they use their rights simultaneusly for  following nights.

Firefighters: if you have not been notified before the game, it means that you are a firefighter. the only powers they have are their vote. They also try to stop the miners by forming secret councils among trust firefighters.

TIS agent: Queries the role of somebody to narrator and gets full identify of it. It may be one or two. In all ways they (he) can ask only one question per night. Unlike Expert Saboteur, he does it by querying it to intelligence service in the game. If there are agents more than one then they use their rights simultaneusly for  following nights.

You can contribute the scenario with the type of game format. It is wellcomed if the format will be dialogue just like used in the game and fits with general scenario.

Game period continues as night-day-night... and all those periods continue per about 24 hours.

Full List Of Firefighters

Crouton firefighter. is died in the brawl that broke out during a small fight among firefighters because of heart attack.
Jura Glenlivet II firefighter. Tortured and killed by miners.
boydster Expert Saboteur. Executed by angry crowd.
bullwinkle TIS AGENT. He was martyred by getting shoot by a gun at his head from close range.
NotSoSkeptical firefighter. burned till charred by his friends.
Space Cowgirl
jdaniel0319 firefighter. burned with gasoline by firefighters.
Colonel Gaydafi firefighter. executed with gun with silencer
Bom Tishop
Stash TIS AGENT. caught and axed by miners.

Events happened:
- Game will delayed 6 hours. Game time is updated. Because new game time is more suitable for everybody can be online.
- All roles shared with its owners. If you did not get anything, it means you are a honored, real firefighter!  ^-^
- Miners are knowing each other if more than one, but they do not know the expert saboteurs. Neither expert saboteurs know each other and other miners, nor TIS agents know each other if they are more than one.
- Only miners can kill at night till all of them dead. Then the killing right turns to expert saboteurs and they start to use that right. Expert saboteurs can not kill till all the miners dead and can not murdered at nights. If miners pick them to kill, miners learn the identify of this expert saboteur. Inother say, miners either kill somebody or learn an identify of somebody mistakenly.

Day 1 Diary

Shifter votes to lynch NSS
boydster votes to lynch NSS
Crouton votes to lynch NSS
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch NSS
Stash votes to lynch boydster
manaeswolf' votes NULL
Jura-Glenlivet II votes to lynch boydster
Colonel Gaydafi votes to lynch boydster
manaeswolf' votes to lynch Bom Tishop

NSS the firefighter is burned till charred.

Night 1 Diary

Stash, one of the TIS agents has been axed by miners.

Day 2 Diary
Jura votes to lynch Boydster
Crouton votes to lynch Boydster
Bullwinkle votes to lynch Boydster
Boydster votes to lynch Jura
Colonel Gaydafi votes to lynch boydster
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch boydster
Bom Tishop votes to lynch boydster
Shifter votes to lynch Jura
Mundin  votes to lynch boydster
jdaniel  votes to lynch boydster
Sunset votes NULL

Expert saboteur boydster is executed.

Night 2 Diary

firefighter Jura Glenlivet II is tortured and killed by miners.

Day 3 Diary

bullwinkle votes to lynch jdaniel
Shifter votes to lynch jdaniel
Crouton votes to lynch jdaniel
Bom Tishop votes to lynch jdaniel
Mundin votes to lynch jdaniel
ManaEsWolf  votes to lynch jdaniel

Firefighter jdaniel is lyched by a group of provoked firefighters.

Night 3 Diary

Colonel Gaydafi is executed in miner's home by a miner with gun with silencer on her head.

Day 4 Diary

Bom Tishop votes to lynch sunset
shifter votes to lynch crouton
bullwinkle votes to lynch crouton

Firefighter crouton is died in the brawl that broke out during a small fight among firefighters because of heart attack.

Night 4 Diary

TIS agent bullwinkle was martyred by getting shoot by a gun at his head from close range during press conference.

Day 5 Diary

Mundin votes to lynch Bom Tishop
Space Cowgirl votes to lynch Bom Tishop
Shifter votes to lynch Bom Tishop
Sunset votes to lynch Shifter
Manaeswolf votes to lynch Shifter
Bom Tishop votes to lynch Shifter

Nobody dead.

remained firefighters.

Bom Tishop: miner
Space cowgirl: miner
sunset: Expert saboteur
shifter: firefighter
Manaeswolf: firefighter
mundin: firefighter

miners win.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 12:19:33 AM by wise »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Foreword: The names in this scenario are real, but the scenario may be wholly or partially fictitious.

WerenasaXX- bushfires conspiracy

Another day in the flat earth society

rabinoz: This damn wise is making me crazy everywhere. how can he respond so fast?
jackblack: Sir, he uses IBM's fastest computers. According to rumors, the computer it uses is not yet commercially manufactured and that at 100mhz speed.
rabinoz: what? I want a compter in 200mhz speed at least.
jackblack: Sir, we use apple computers at most 50mhz.
rabinoz: call them and want produce it as soon as possible.
jackblack: yes sir.

<Jack calls the Apple Australia Office>

jackblack: your computers are very slow and this is hurting our work.
salesman: What can I do? These are our best computers we sent you.
jackblack: They are not enough. Our boss wants it 200mhz speed.
salesman: Heavy go, man! This is not produced in entire world yet.
jackblack: So produce it.
salesman: I can not do that, I am just a salesman.
jackblack: Then connect me to your boss.
salesman: Okay I will make you call to Ceo of Apple.
jackblack: Well do.

-- The waiting ring tone---

Tim Cook, Apple Ceo: This is Tim, how may I help you?
jackblack: Hello Tim, this is Jackblack, from NASA office in Brisbane. how are you?
Tim Cook: Fine, thanks, and you?
jackblack: Fine, dealing with f*cking flat earthers. They are constantly using fastest computers that we don't have.
Tim Cook: What can I do about it Jack? We are lack in low about gold hence unable to produce better computers.
jackblack: But IBM is doing it.
Tim Cook: Yes, but they are using secret uranium technology that we have not reached yet.
jackblack: Stop to excuses! Just do it!
Tim Cook: But how about gold?
jackblack: It is your problem how you find gold. Go and find it, produce it and send us in a month. Otherwise I am calling NASA and they will send you our some jihadist or fetö friends.
(Tim has gulped down)
Tim Cook: Yes sir, immediately!
jackblack: Well do!

<Tim calls his secretary.>

Katherine! Katherine! Come here, now!

Katherine is running in: "Yes Tim, whats happen?"
Tim: Katherine! Find me ceos of Newmont gold, BArrick and Anglogold, now!
Katherine: Tim, what's going on?
Tim: Ah, secrets of the company.
Katherine: I am the vice president, you can share it me.
Tim: Okay, we need faster computers but gold pruduction is low. I am getting telephone from all over the world want me to produce better computers. Call them and want them increase the gold production.
Katherine: Okay, relax, I do it.

- Katherine video conference with ceos of Newmont gold, Barrick, Anglogold and Rex gold-

Katherine: We need more gold. You our partners should give it us.
Gary Goldberg (newmont gold ceo): we use all our production mines in the world. we will start mining in brazil forests soon. however, this job takes a little longer.
Mark Bristow (barrick gold ceo) : Our production facilities are currently operating at full capacity and we give almost all of our production to you.
Kelvin dushnisky (anglogold ceo): we used all methods to increase our production and this year we increased our production capacity by 10%. that's all we can.
Ryan Brown (Rex Gold Ceo, Austalia): our possibilities are already limited and we sell our entire production to you.
Katherine: excuses, excuses and more excuses. I don't want to listen your excuses, gentlemen! I want to listen your solutions!
Gary: Other than to the mining we started in the Brazilian forests after bushfires in Amazones, there is nothing we can do for now.
Katherine: then open new mines. Australia is the country with the most gold. why don't you run more mines there?
Ryan Brown (Rex Gold): ma'am all the gold is under the national forests.
Katherine: why don't we make them like amazons?

<An icy air blew in the room. People are looking each other>

Katherine: Yes, why don't you burn them and make them convenient for mining?
Kelvin dushnisky: Sure this can be done.
Gary Goldberg: We did this in Brazil, but there were public reaction been a problem for us.
Katherine: Who cares about the public reaction? Agree with the Australian government. they can convince the public.

<At the end of the meeting, Gary called the Australian government and made an agreement to make the forests suitable for mining.>

<Another day in the flat earth society>

Shifter: Hello wise, my friend. our country is a little hot these days.
wise: Ah, it is normal. this is the season of summer months there I guess. enjoy it, girls, beach.
Shifter: I mean we am burning!
wise: Have you ever thought of getting married?
Shifter: I mean our forests are burning.
wise: forest fires also occur frequently in our country. but we have very successful firefighters, they extinguish in one day at a time.
shifter: this time the situation is a little different. 100 fires started in 20 different mountains at the same time.
wise: What? This can't be chance. I will do my best to help you. Hold tight!
shifter: Thanks.

--wise calls president Erdoghan--

Secretary of Erdogan: this is the presidential office. how can I help you?
wise: Find me the president now.
Secretary: Where do you call to? This is presidency, not like a three-ring circus.
wise: and I'm the chief of secret operations bureau. Do you want to continue your business life in Antarctica?
Secretary: Sorry sir, I am transmiting you to president.

Erdogan: I hope you have a good excuse, as it disturbs me between my many works, mister wise!
wise: Yes sir! Australia is burning!
Erdogan: Who cares? It is too far. Keep far to Australia then.
wise: But sir, they are our allies, we have to help them.
Erdogan: are we charity?
wise: Sir, If you remember, in the past years, we have conducted a study to capture ... (cencored because of fetö threatening)
Erdogan: Sure, we should help our allies.

<--President Erdogan calls Mevlut Cavusoğlu, the Foreign Minister-->

Erdoğan: Mevlüt, How are our firefighting teams?
Mevlüt: Sir, we have the best quality teams in this region. Last year, we extinguished around 500 fires in our country, 50 in Greece, 100 in Italy, 75 in Russia, 250 in Syria, 25 in Libya and 700 in other countries.
Erdoğan: Enough. How soon can we extinguish bushfires in Australia?
Mevlüt: In a week or less.
Erdoğan: OK. Now make a press release and say that we want to help the Australian people, our allies, our friends.
Mevlüt: Right away sir!

<-- Turkish press, Ankara: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/turkey/turkey-stands-with-australia-with-bushfires-raging/1695387 >

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu expressed Turkey’s support to Australia for the deadly bushfires that have ravished the country.

“My dear friend @MarisePayne, together w/Turkish people deeply saddened by #bushfires in your beautiful country. Sharing wholeheartedly your pain. Stand ready to provide all required assistance to deal with this devastating disaster,” Cavusoglu said on Twitter.

--Marise Payne, Australian Foreign Minister calls Scott Morrison, PM--

Marise: Scot, Turks are coming.
Scott: Wellcome them.
Marise: Sir, I mean they are coming to extinguishing the bushfires.
Scott: What? Hold them!
Marise: But they are our allies. How will we explain this to our public?
Scott: Hide it as much as possible.
Marise: Ah yes, that playbook. You're pretty good at hiding... How was Hawaii by the way?
Scott: It was brilliant. The air was so clean! I trust you all stayed safe while the plebs had to keep working through the thick of it?
Marise: You know if there is one thing us politicians dont do, it's actual work!
Scott: Haha! Bloody oath! I'm still copping a lot of heat over the scandal - just as planned. No one will watch our miners while they focus their attack on me. Regarding those Turks, just tell them we wont be requiring their assistance. If they come, they will most certainly extinguish the fires. We cant let that happen.
Marise: No problem

<--Marise Payne, Australian FM, twitter>

@MarisePayne: Special thanks to Cavusoğlu, my friend, Turkish FM. Australia is strong enough to deal with all kinds of problems on its own.

<Mevlüt Çavoşoğlu, Turkish FM calls Erdoğan Turkish President>

Mevlüt Çavoşoğlu:: sir, Australians rejected our offer of aid.
Erdoğan: Are they idiot?
Mevlüt Çavoşoğlu: I don't know why, but something is going wrong.
Erdoğan: Okay, At least we have offered.

--Erdoğan calls his secretary-- transmit to wise--

wise: yes sir. I am ready to hear your good news.
Erdoğan: Unfortunately, they have rejected our help. there may be another problem behind this.
wise: Yes sir, I suspect mining companies.
Erdoğan: don't share such issues with me. If there is anything I can still do about this, I can help.
wise: no sir thank you

<--wise calls flat earthers all around the world-->

wise youtube broadcast, with flat earthers
wise: dear friends. They are a conspiracy in Australia. Somebody is burning the forests.
crouton: Fcking conspirators!
wise: Let's all volunteer, go there and put out those fires
Jura: With pleasure!
Space Cowgirls: I am ready with my marhsmellows!
Wise: I meant something better. Anyways.
Others. Yeahh! Firefighting! Owww too hot!
shifter: Thank you all, my friends. I'll be there to waiting you.

-- flat earthers from all over the globe came to sydney airport by plane of turkish airlines. here the shifter also joined them. On Monday they will move to the forest with a small airplane belonging to rex regional airlines.--
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 05:38:05 AM by wise »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.


Colonel Gaydafi

  • Spam Moderator
  • Planar Moderator
  • 65294
  • Queen of the gays!
I'm not sure what the fuck I just read but this is promising to be an entertaining game
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
my head hurts



  • 25833
G'day you guys. Welcome to Australia! We used to call this place a sun burnt country. But as you can see and probably feel, this place has been touched by hell itself. But take a look around our once great city. If you have good enough eyesight, you can see the famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House

This country is also the home of rabinoz but it looks like he is not here with us. I am sure he is busy actively working to undermine the southern states image. There is a big rivalry between the states of QLD and NSW. Despite the millions of hectares razed to the ground and more than a billion animals having burnt to death here, you still made the right choice to come here to NSW and not that hole they call QLD  8)

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Messaging via MSN with Shifter

wise: Hello my friend.
Shifter: hi wise, how ya doin?
wise: Fine, thanks. Actually I am not very busy if we do not count our global operations, fight against global conspiracies, fighting against fetö, pkk and al qaida, preventing  conspiracies of United States, syrian war, intervention in libya, and secret operations in russia. And you?
Shifter: If it's you not busy, I don't want to know how it's busy.
wise: Ahaha, this is always the case. did our friends arrive?
Shifter: Yes, 13 flat earthers and me. We are total 14 firefighters now. I am introducing them the best places of Australia.
wise: Wait a minute. Did you say 13?
Shifter: Yes, 13 likewise 12 followers and Judas. ahaha.  ;D
wise: But I have counted atmost 11. This is the number the creators of the world selected. Hence, I have chosed 11 firefighters, including you. It may be 10 or 12. But I am sure it can't be 14.
Shifter: Whatda you mean? Wadda fakk?
wise: It means there are some miners among you.
Shifter: Miners? What the fu*t this son of b*tches doing here?
wise: Sabotaging. I think they followed me after me talking to the president. They must have leaked our youtube broadcast.
Shifter: Shit, bullshit. how can we find them?
wise: you cannot find them easily. because they are flat earther and firefighter just like you.
Shifter: So?
wise: So, I have placed an intelligence officer, TIS (Turkish intelligency service) inside the team.
Shifter: Who is he? Do you give his name to me to meet and help each other.
wise: Sorry, I can not do that. Otherwise his identity may appear and this will endanger him. but now I can share the information he gave me with you. says there is at least one expert saboteur amongst miners.
Shifter: Are not all of them saboteurs?
wise: Yes, but this one also an intelligence expert.
Shifter: So, as far as I get you, there is one TIS and one expert saboteur among team, right?
wise: I'm not sure the numbers. I just know they are at least one saboteur and one TIS agent. other intelligence agents may be on duty without my knowledge. it could also be an expert saboteur that the intelligence officer has yet to identify. I am not sure.
Shifter: Tell me something you sure.
wise: raining.
Shifter: Waduy meanin?
wise: Ahaha. This is wise, knows every kinda war. Ahaha. In the previous years, I found the company making chemtrails that was contracted to save our country from drought. I threatened them. heavy rains will start in your country soon and there will be no traces of fires. Ahahaha! Ahahaha! Hahahaha!
Shifter: Okay, you are hahaha but it is still burning here.
wise: keep up appearance till heavy rainfalls start. Then I'll...
Shifter: What did you say?
wise: keep up appearance till...
Shifter: the damn cell phone is out of charge. oh, f*cking b*tch Apple.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
NSS has heard conversations between shifter and wise.

NSS: What is your problem with Apple?
Shifter: Oh, wise thinks them being behind all these conspiracies.
NSS: But they are funding the firefighters.
Shifter: I did not gain anything of them. Is there anybody here Apple fund him?
Jura: I don't heard it.
Mundin: Me too.
Shifter: How can we be sure if they fund firefighters or saboteurs among us?
NSS: Logical, but we can not trust wise. Because maggy does not trust him and thinks him being a fake character.
Shifter: So who did call all of you here? Why did you come here?
NSS: I did not want to come but SCG has forced me. She always force me for something and takes it.
Shifter: Whadd you mean?
SCG: Don't get me involved in this matter of you men!
Shifter: This is a general issue not about just men.
SCG: But he is talking about me.
NSS: I just told why I am here. I am here not because wise called, but you are here.
Colonel: Aww, what a love!
SCG: But an unrequited love. Ahaha.
jdaniel: She loves only her candy corns.

Scg throws her candy corns to jdaniel's face. "Take this! Now you will love it too, haha".

crouton: Guys, lets continue this chat later. We should move on. Our airplane has arrived.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
I'm getting on the plane!



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
boydster moves first: I am getting on the plane!

crouton, Bom Tishop, Stash, Sunset, MaNaeSWolf and Shifter follows him.

others still are talking something:

SCG: you do the same thing every time. You act as if I have something to do with you among people.
NSS: Do not you have?
SCG: No, what can it be?
NSS: For example, you are an admin and I am a member of a society, how about this relationship.
SCG: Yes, a relationship, very official.
NSS: Ah, at least I am right.

bullwinkle: I am boring of your chat. Please follow boydster and continue on the plane whatever you want to talk about!
Jura: He is right. Fu*k it what you talk about and get the fu*king continue it in fu*king airplane.
Colonel Gaydafi: Please calm down guys. It is still one hour remained to take off.

Anyways, I'm getting on the plane too, told jdaniel. Wait me I am coming too, Mundin yelled.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Plane. Yup, plane sounds good. I will bring my copy of Stephen King's The Stand with me for some lighter reading.
Tear down the wall!


Space Cowgirl

  • MOM
  • The Elder Ones
  • 50933
  • Official FE Recruiter
I hope we get some peanuts on this plane.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
all the passengers got on the plane.

scg: when will the service start? I want peanuts.
stewardess: 10 minutes later. Yes, we have peanuts in our service time.
pilot: Dear passengers, our plane is about to depart. please fasten your seat belts and stay in your armchairs for 10 minutes. Our airplane will land to Pilliga airport about in one hour. Rex Regional Express wish you have a good journey!

<10 minutes later>
scg: I want peanuts please.
jdaniel: I don't want anything but just Stephen King's The Stand with me, I guess you do not have it.
stewardess: unfortunately, we do not. If you want, I can give you a travel guide of Pilliga.
jdaniel: no, thanks.
mundin: Hey daniel, look what is here?
jdaniel: Your mom?
mundin: No, a book you can interest.
jdaniel: Oww! Stephen King's The Stand with me! How a good friend you are! How?
mundin: I heard you talk about it. There was a D&R store in Sydney Airport. I bought it. You deserve it my friend.
jdaniel: Thank you very much. You are a real friend!
mundin: Nothing to write home about!
NSS: Guys! Look what I found! this plane must have remained from the world war II. look, there are a few barrels on the back that wrote "burning substance" on it.
boydster: burning substance? How can it be stay there for such a long time?
Jura Glenlivet II: maybe they use it for commercial purposes. In addition to the material value of such a barrel, it can also create a mystery that awakens people's curiosity when the mystery caused by the substances in it is combined.
NSS: Whut?
Jura Glenlivet II: they may be selling it.
NSS: Oh, okay.
Shifter: or they may be really burning somewhere with it.
Sunset: How dare they do it. Everywhere is already burning.
MaNaeSWolf: Shifter may be right. Maybe this is already the thing causing everywhere to burn.
Stash: I am drawing the burning places to compare them to the routes of airplanes. If it was really so, we can easily catch them.
Bom Tishop: Can you guys just shut up? I want to sleep a bit.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
I think my window is just a video screen. 



  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
I have to pee. Is the fasten seatbelt light still on?



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
Where's the sommelier?



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
boydster: Look, what I found in toilet.
NSS: Shit?
boydster: no. with love from apple computer to rex gold aid material in a box.
Crouton: Do not touch anything. Do you want they throw out us?
boydster: Haha, they can not do this, we are fourthy thousand feets above.
Crouton: Hah, think if they do it even so.
bullwinkle: I don't see any stars out of my window. How do you know we are on a real plane?
Jura Glenlivet II: He is right. If we were really inside a fake plane, we wouldn't have understood that.

jdaniel talked rising his head: It is simple we get it. If we land Pilliga so the aircraft is real. If we land in Sydney again, so it is fake.
bullwinkle: I mean just literally this, what if we not land anywhere?
Shifter: Wait, wise is following us. If they do such a thing then Rex Regional appears guilty. Then wise gets through with them.
NSS: But, what if wise fake?
Jura Glenlivet II: He is more real than you. What is your problem with him?
NSS: I have no problem with him but he has problem with my friend rabtardinoz.
Jura Glenlivet II: Is rabidiotinoz your friend?
bullwinkle: Not only his friend.
Colonel Gaydafi: Oh, well now everything is understanded.

Pilot: please fasten your belts. We land at the airport in 5 minutes. Thank you for choosing us.

Airplane lands to Pillage airport. After visiting the city, the firefighters will settle in bungalow houses near the forest to spend the night.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 25833
I've not been this far out in a rural area. This should be interesting. I wonder what the locals are like? Judging by the TV, they hate our PM. I like them already

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place


Colonel Gaydafi

  • Spam Moderator
  • Planar Moderator
  • 65294
  • Queen of the gays!
I'm claiming the nicest bungalow. I don't care if they are all exactly the same so long as everyone agrees that the one I am in is the nicest.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Early noon, People have residented bungalows. Colonel chosed the best one, a gaudy home.

"Since I am the most beautiful here, the most beautiful house must be mine" told gaydafi.
"I wonder what the locals are doing," said Shifter.
"why don't you ask them?" told boydster.
"Sure I can but I am not sure whether or not I can talk." said Shifter.
"worth trying" boydster added.
"I intercept to your conversation but wise said that here was the city. there is no one here but us and a few locals" told Jura.
"this is considered a city for the locals" replied Shifter.
SCG talked: "see, there is a native there. let's talk to him. we can also ask him if there are peanuts here."
Shifter: "Palya!"
Jedda Warrin: "Yaama".
Shifter: "Æedlánet’e-a?"
Jedda Warrin:"mársi cho. nuwets’ê Æedlánet’e-a?"
Shifter: "mársi. æerehtå’ís køç æeghálana, denídhéth æi bebár húle, æerehtå’ís kuê k’áldhÿr k’éni theda?"
Jedda Warrin: "æç. harelyø dzî æaxãts’î k’étå’á ts’‡n æalyø æahåa k’ájÿn Newmont án Anglogold"
Shifter: "tháyú ?"
Jedda Warrin: "betthe æedu æane"
Shifter: "dlíeni?"
Jedda Warrin: "ñle"
Shifter: "æedlãghe?"
Jedda Warrin: "Jedda Warrin"
Shifter: "Sets’î Shifter. mársi yenithÿn"

SCG: "What did you talk, do they have peanuts?"
Shifter: "Ah, they do not have peanuts but I have learned something about miners residented here before us".
Colonel Gaydafi: "what did you learn?"
Shifter: "He told that a group of miners came here before the fires started. they rented bungalows here. Miners from Anglogold and Newmont"
Colonel Gaydafi: "aren't they already suspected?"
Shifter: "Yes they are, according to wise".

NSS jumped the conversation: "Wait a minute. What if those miners are working for wise and told lie to native, or what if this native has been hired of wise to misslead us?"
Shifter: "Is not this conspiracy a lot?"
NSS: "No, wise teached us that we have to not trust anybody and every time it can be a conspiracy".
bullwinkle: "He is right. We should find and debrief those miners".
crouton: "Guys we came here to extinguish the bushfires, not to play Sherlok Holmes".

People looked each other. After a bit more talks about it, All firefighters let themselves into their bungalow rooms.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 8547
  • Flat like a droplet of water.

Living in someone's head is great.  Are the stewardess' on this flight dressed like this?

Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.

I hope we get some peanuts on this plane.

Pretzels please. I have an allergy to the plastic wrapper that they put the peanuts in. Weirdest thing ever.
Tear down the wall!


Space Cowgirl

  • MOM
  • The Elder Ones
  • 50933
  • Official FE Recruiter
We should all spend some time checking our firefighter gear and throwing peanut wrappers at jdaniel.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.


Jura-Glenlivet II

  • Flat Earth Inquisitor
  • 6536
  • Will I still be perfect tomorrow?

Jura practices throwing fire axes, they are more unwieldy than tomahawks but their damage rating is higher.
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
people gathered in the cafe at midnight.

boydster: Hah, what a cafe, a wooden table and 14 chairs. there is not even a service, but self service.
Mundin: you get what you want from the farmer and produce it yourself.
sunset: advanced self service system. ahahaha.
Stash: At least, it is natural, organic.
SCG: I still want my peanuts!
jdaniel: I saw peanut trees in the back side garden. we can get it from there. we can go together if you want.
SCG: Sure, why not. It is hard to find a gentleman like you nowadays.
NSS still thinks about stewardess': I think these girls came from wise's harem. I still think that all this is his game.
bullwinkle: wake up my friend, we are in a village! It is over, over and over it's over!
NSS: Damn wise, I can never forget him. He and his made evilness to the my friend rabfireinoz.
bullwinkle: Forget it. I am telling you, there are nobody here other than we and a few natives.
Jura does something in the back of beyond.
Colonel Gaydafi: What da fak you do here?
Jura:  fire axe! this is more unwieldy than tomahawks but their damage rating is higher.
Colonel Gaydafi: I do not think this work to fire extinguishing.
Jura:  This is not for it, this is for miners! but it can also be used to cut trees to form a line. Ahaha! Hahaha!Troll!  >:D
Colonel Gaydafi:  :-[

Bullwinkle: I still think we should query those miners.
crouton: I told you, it's not our job. we will have problems with the cops, then all our work is interrupted.
Bullwinkle: At least we should keep them in sight.
crouton: Agreed. If we see that they are talking to some of us, they may be related to them.
Bullwinkle: A good plan. crouton versus Anglogold and Newmont. Haha.
crouton: Why not. I worth a world. Ahahaha Hahahaha! Hahahaha!
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 21053
  • Standard Idiot
I'm bored.
Think I'll go light a fire.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
bullwinkle: It is very cold. Let's light a fire and warm up!
Jura: If you cause a fire, I will hit this axe to your head!
bullwinkle gulped down, and gave up to light a fire.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Day starts a few hours later

People are still sleeping. Pillage forests are burning and illuminating the night. 8)

All roles have been shared with its owners. If you do not get anything so you are a firefighter. Miners are knowing each other if more than one, but they do not know the expert saboteurs. Neither expert saboteurs know each other and other miners, nor TIS agents know each other if they are more than one!

Miners can start to create strategy from now on. Good luck and have fun everybody.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 2623
  • Show me the evidence
Ohh, fire, I have marshmallows.
If you move fast enough, everything appears flat



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26232
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
With the early lights of the day, MaNaeSWolf woke up first.

MaNaeSWolf: "early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!" and yelled "wake up you lazy firefighters! everywhere is on fire!"
colonel: Who did wake me up from my beauty sleep?
MaNaeSWolf: me! How comfortable are you while everywhere burning?
colonel: No, I am not. I am ready. I'm always ready. I'm always ready for anything. I'm the colonel!
MaNaeSWolf: Okay, get ready, we're going out.
colonel: Is it now?
MaNaeSWolf: No, next year. Of course! now!
colonel: Won't you call others?
MaNaeSWolf: Sure, I already did it. Look out, everybody is waiting you.

people are waiting outside with buckets, shovel, fire hose, axes and clothes. and the jura has a fire axe in her hand.

crouton speaks to people: fires are very close here. First of all, our aim is to make a gap to prevent the fires from advancing further. For this we will cut down the trees and create a life gap between the fire and the rest of the forest. Also, animals escaping from fire can survive by standing in this space. then we can intervene in the fire.

bullwinkle: Good plan. I agree.

"where do we start", Bom Tishop asked.

crouton: "we will move southwards. I mean, true south. Throw out Google's fake map and take out your compasses".

On the first day, firefighters began to cut and move trees to create a line and a life gap in the forest.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.


Jura-Glenlivet II

  • Flat Earth Inquisitor
  • 6536
  • Will I still be perfect tomorrow?

I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay....

There's this guy here called Mundin, I have trust issues with him, and a fire axe, just saying.
There's a guy here called Boydster......
Life is meaningless and everything dies.

Every man makes a god of his own desire