jsut stop admitting them for covid - only regular hospital issues and vaccinated covid care and vax adverse covid care.
the everyday regular antivasker freedom fighter can stay at home.
How do antivaxxers both think COVID is a lie but also get upset about being banned from the hospital if they catch it?
How do lefties
Because they are not actually of the left. They just self-identify as such.
That's what I'm seeing here unfortunately 
Are you normally this binary?
You think everything can boil down to a single issue?
So someone who believes in science vaccines, climate change, women's rights to have abortions, gay rights, isn't a religious zealot, loathes guns is some far right wing nut job because he would triage some selfish anti vaxxer moron to the bottom of the queue in a highly burdeoned and stressed hospital environment
Nice trolling 
Just let anyone take a hospital bed then because they're scared they tested positive and feel like crap. Execellent use of facilities there. Who gives a shit for triage. First come, first serve
Look who's trolling. That's not at all what I said. I literally said YOU FUCKING TRIAGE PATIENTS, as opposed to locking your doors to The Stupids™ like you guys keep suggesting. If there's not enough beds, and someone needs one that has a better prognosis than a person that's already in a bed, guess what? The person with the worse prognosis loses that ICU bed and gets moved to palliative care or wherever makes more sense.
History won't look kindly on anyone championing closing hospitals off to sick and dying people just because the masses think they have some moral high ground. You lost that high ground when you decided you wanted to actually entertain banning sick people from getting healthcare.
Yes, I read your word play, and I have said many times anti vaxxers who run afoul of their own selfishness that they can end up on the bottom of triage. So what? In an overlly burdened hospital system that may mean more than a few are sent home and will probably die. Given their calamity is entirely preventable and they have been told thousands of times to get vaccinated and they have the same access to good information as everyone else, their situation and crisis is no one's fault but their own. Your attempts to pin it on people who do the right thing doesn't fly.
America is no stranger to turning people away without insurance. You yanks hardly have a moral highground when it comes to health care.
Antivaxxers are 'sovereign' citizens. They have no concept of civil freedoms or running by the social contract we all entered on birth. If they wish to leave or do things their own way, that, and the consequences, are on them.
If our hospitals were running peachy, no problems, help the sick and needy, no matter how many screws loose they have. But if we are closing elective surgeries, shitting down 'non essential' screening and testing, have a quarter of the work force off sick or forced to isolate, running low on ventilators and beds, having vulnerable people forced to be exposed to the corona virus because of the level of contamination and unable to isolate covid patients from the rest of the wards, then yes. Triage them
Not feeling much compassion for anti vaxxers in a deadly pandemic doesn't make people far right nut jobs.
In my eyes, they are indiscriminate manslaughterers. They are selfish and dangerous and I don't give a fuck if they fall victim to themselves
If a serial killer got himself killed by falling on his own knife - would you think 'that poor bloke' or 'deserved'
Maybe the difference between you and I is the culpability we apply to anti vaxxers for the level of death, illness and economic damage we see today. I absolutely place a large part of the continued problem square on those who snub and/or spread misinformation encouraging others to avoid sound health advice.
One of my friends from years ago fell down the rabbit hole of bullshit and is full on antivaxxer now. He's made his choice. He's happy to take every benefit and assistance from society but when asked to give back to ensure the safety of the collective he refuses. He's pissed to be told if he needs to go to hospital, unless it's a life/death emergency, he won't be allowed in due to refusing the vaccine without any good reason. I have zero sympathy
Give and take. We can't all be selfish sovereign dickheads looking out only for number 1