jsut stop admitting them for covid - only regular hospital issues and vaccinated covid care and vax adverse covid care.
the everyday regular antivasker freedom fighter can stay at home.
How do antivaxxers both think COVID is a lie but also get upset about being banned from the hospital if they catch it?
How do lefties both think we need to pass Universal Healthcare but also get upset about people they think made a stupid decision wanting access to healthcare?
I see no conflict between wanting Universal Healthcare and also having opinions on how to triage patients when there is a lack of resources.
If 10 people are sick and you can only treat 5 of them, you have to decide who goes the beds.
Yep. That's triage. That's not telling people the hospital is closed to anyone unvaccinated. Those are different things.
the current triage is the hospitals telling cancer patients and hip patients that the surgeries are being put off because they are full of covid patients.
so, then next bed that is available goes to surgery patient.
it's not rocket science here!
the regular ills are being put out behind those of the stupid ills.
they've had their time.
time to move over for the next in line.
and it's not kicking people out in expectation of a hypothetical future regular ills, tehre is a huge back log of these regular ills.
canada has ~500,000 backlog!