nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)

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Definitely Not Swedish

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4290 on: November 27, 2021, 01:48:37 PM »
There's a new strain out from Africa called the 'nu' strain (I see what they did there). America has had at least 50 million infections and no mutant strain ever evolved from that?

Maybe Americans are just such easy targets there's no pressure for the virus to evolve in them  :o

Many mutant strains emerged in 'murica. Its just that they all sucked and thus died out. Its kind of a nice metaphor for 'murica in general!
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4291 on: November 27, 2021, 04:03:53 PM »
I wonder if animals has a factor.

If its changing out in rhe wild and coming back.

The uk and canada were worried about minks
Saw in news the deer have it.

Some lion in a zoo got a vax back eailer



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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4292 on: November 28, 2021, 08:43:54 PM »

While it sounds cold, this is what an idiot looks like. He refused the vaccine because 'it's not vegan'

Among his last words were 'I wish I had the vaccine'

Leaves behind a wife and he was just shy of enjoying retirement

Get vaccinated or roll the dice

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4293 on: December 04, 2021, 02:42:34 PM »

Some people think the omicron variant suggests that covid is on the way out in the same way the Spanish flu evolved to become less deadly

If this new variant after more research proves to be far less deadly and less damaging then perhaps the world should embrace it rather than cost the economy many billions of dollars, put many thousands out of work just to prevent people from getting the sniffles

Treat it like an airborne vaccine for places where vaccines aren't readily available eg Africa

A pity airborne vaccines don't exist. Basically engineer a super infectious 'cold' virus but with the shell of the one you want to vaccinate against and release it into the wild to out compete and inoculate the population. A bit of a bastard if something went wrong and it mutated to something super deadly though

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4294 on: December 04, 2021, 03:11:00 PM »
Maybe.  We really don't know yet.

I sometimes wonder if this omicron variant is just a regular cold virus they've found and mistakenly called it covid.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4295 on: December 04, 2021, 07:30:48 PM »
Maybe.  We really don't know yet.

I sometimes wonder if this omicron variant is just a regular cold virus they've found and mistakenly called it covid.

Maybe it's a mutant of both cold and covid. Enough to show up as covid on tests but only does the damage of a regular cold.

But the media wants to play this up big. Like it's a really scary thing. Maybe it will be, but looks probably like it won't. Won't stop the media scaring the public before real data exists

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4296 on: December 05, 2021, 12:44:41 AM »
Okay guys you need to stop sharing the low value content and bullshit. Here's what we know about omicron:

- reinfection with Omicron is high—3 times higher than Delta
- Because hospital trends lag case trends by 3-4 weeks, we still don’t know if, and how, Omicron impacts severe disease and death
- younger people are going to the hospital at a higher rate during this Omicron wave compared to the Delta wave. The exact reason is not known but it may have nothing to do with omicron being more dangerous for kids than delta.
- Omicron R value is about 3x that of delta

Cave: most of the above is preliminary data and may change if more research is published.


Also I got my booster yesterday. If you havent, then you should asap. If you are younger (<30yrs) get pfizer, it has the lower risk of myocarditis and generally less side effects.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2021, 12:51:29 AM by Definitely Not Swedish »
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4297 on: December 05, 2021, 12:59:17 AM »
I perused it.  Maybe I've missed something.  That R value is scary but there's not alot in there about vaccine effectiveness and exactly how deadly it is.  I believe my pants shall remain unshat for now.

Also I've got my booster but since you recommended it so unpleasantly I'm going to reverse that vaccination.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4298 on: December 05, 2021, 08:39:50 AM »
Without reading that borax article, I'm going to assume you have to administer it in the butt.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.

Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4299 on: December 05, 2021, 09:34:52 AM »
Thats the best way to drunk wine



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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4300 on: December 05, 2021, 02:12:28 PM »
In the butt is always the most effective point of administration for any medicine. Demand nothing less from your doctors.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4301 on: December 05, 2021, 02:21:08 PM »
Fun fact: I had to give my dad diazapam that way when he had a bad epileptic fit.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4302 on: December 05, 2021, 03:26:38 PM »
Party time!
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4303 on: December 05, 2021, 10:25:08 PM »
Fun fact: I had to give my dad diazapam that way when he had a bad epileptic fit.
Yeah sure.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4304 on: December 06, 2021, 02:04:08 AM »
It's true.  It is used to stop a fit that is carrying on too long.  It's kept in the fridge until needed. Pop the seal off, insert into rectum, and squeeze.

Rectal Diazepam
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4305 on: December 06, 2021, 02:18:06 AM »
So I guees inserting stuff into one's ass is the american way of doing things.

Where I am from, we have nasal spray or sublingual tablets for this occasion.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4306 on: December 06, 2021, 03:20:14 AM »
The primary school my kids go to has had some bastard with covid attend on the 1st and 3rd. Possibly the omicron variant - didn't say specifically for his school but another school close by it did with 180 close contacts

Although not in the same year group as my kid, the schools classrooms are that 'open plan' style shit. So the same building and sharing the same air. Nasty

Even though he's still supposed to turn up, I'm pulling him out. The school seems too relaxed about it. Only 2 weeks of the school year left and it's just tokenism and baby sitting at this point anyway. Risk vs reward just doesn't stack up.

Even if you're careful, the corone will find a way eventually I guess. But from next month, over 5's can get the vaccine too so at least there is that.

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4307 on: December 06, 2021, 06:18:08 AM »
The butt absorbs water direct.


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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4308 on: December 06, 2021, 06:21:33 AM »
The butt absorbs water direct.

I doubt absorbing water helps with epilepsy.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4309 on: December 06, 2021, 06:23:38 AM »
If youre shaking you need that dose asap.
No time for stops at the stomach and small intestine.


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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4310 on: December 06, 2021, 06:34:53 AM »
Yes but the water ain't gonna help stopping it.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4311 on: December 06, 2021, 06:35:38 AM »
The primary school my kids go to has had some bastard with covid attend on the 1st and 3rd. Possibly the omicron variant - didn't say specifically for his school but another school close by it did with 180 close contacts

Although not in the same year group as my kid, the schools classrooms are that 'open plan' style shit. So the same building and sharing the same air. Nasty

Even though he's still supposed to turn up, I'm pulling him out. The school seems too relaxed about it. Only 2 weeks of the school year left and it's just tokenism and baby sitting at this point anyway. Risk vs reward just doesn't stack up.

Even if you're careful, the corone will find a way eventually I guess. But from next month, over 5's can get the vaccine too so at least there is that.

Uff, that sucks!

I hope you got boostered already? With all your prexisting conditions, I'm afraid you'd have a hard time handling the omikron without proper vaccination.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4312 on: December 06, 2021, 06:42:52 AM »
Yes but the water ain't gonna help stopping it.


Ok the long format for you then -

The butt absorbs liquids so your poop comes out dryish.
He injected meds into his dads butt
With the liquids goes the meds direct into tue body.
No liver
No stomach.
No intestines.
Just right into the blood stream.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 06:47:12 AM by Themightykabool »


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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4313 on: December 06, 2021, 06:59:29 AM »
Yes but the water ain't gonna help stopping it.


Ok the long format for you then -

The butt absorbs liquids so your poop comes out dryish.
He injected meds into his dads butt
With the liquids goes the meds direct into tue body.
No liver
No stomach.
No intestines.
Just right into the blood stream.
Yeah I know, but you wrote 'water' not 'meds'. Water ain't gonna stop the epilepsy.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4314 on: December 06, 2021, 08:13:16 AM »
The butt absorbs water direct.

I doubt absorbing water helps with epilepsy.

We used rectal because during a fit sublingual is impossible, and due to erratic breathing nasal sprays can be unreliable.
S'ils te font de la peine, je les tuerai sans gêne.

Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4315 on: December 06, 2021, 09:23:52 AM »
though this sucks in geenral

i think funny that if you would think about it, all the clenched muscles would make it a little tough to get it in there.



  • 25833
Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4316 on: December 06, 2021, 11:48:16 AM »
The primary school my kids go to has had some bastard with covid attend on the 1st and 3rd. Possibly the omicron variant - didn't say specifically for his school but another school close by it did with 180 close contacts

Although not in the same year group as my kid, the schools classrooms are that 'open plan' style shit. So the same building and sharing the same air. Nasty

Even though he's still supposed to turn up, I'm pulling him out. The school seems too relaxed about it. Only 2 weeks of the school year left and it's just tokenism and baby sitting at this point anyway. Risk vs reward just doesn't stack up.

Even if you're careful, the corone will find a way eventually I guess. But from next month, over 5's can get the vaccine too so at least there is that.

Uff, that sucks!

I hope you got boostered already? With all your prexisting conditions, I'm afraid you'd have a hard time handling the omikron without proper vaccination.

Name one of my so called 'pre existing conditions'

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4317 on: December 06, 2021, 12:53:14 PM »
I just kinda assumed you had trisomy 21. Sorry if my assumption is wrong.
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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4318 on: December 06, 2021, 01:07:17 PM »
I just kinda assumed you had trisomy 21. Sorry if my assumption is wrong.

You're assumptions are always wrong. We're kind of used to your trolling so it's all good. ::)

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what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

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Re: nCoV public service announcement. (IMPORTANT)
« Reply #4319 on: December 06, 2021, 01:28:11 PM »
The new covid strain is in America and it's all thanks to that dumbfuck president Biden.